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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
Psalm 55:12, 13. Did Jehovah predestine Judas to betray Jesus? (it-2 707, 708).
We can say that Jehovah did not predestinate anyone and that had to do with Judas, although Judas was one of the apostles of Jesus and had chosen him in a knowing way, he had no indication of doing evil, but the prophecies had already reported that one of Jesus' Chosen would betray him, but they had not said who he was. So we can say that Jehovah does not predestine anyone to be bad or good.
It is important to remember that Judas was responsible for his own actions and recognized his error by stating what is recorded in Matthew 27:4 I have sinned by giving up innocent blood. And another important point is that Divine presence does not imply predestination in this case, but rather advance knowledge of human decisions. So, if Judas fulfilled a prophecy, Jehovah did not determine that it would be fulfilled in him.
According to this text from Psalm 55 12 13, and other biblical texts, they prophesied that one of Jesus' close associates would betray him, but they did not specify who it would be. This demonstrates the presence of Jehovah and his son, but does not imply that Judas Iscariot was predestined to betray Jesus. According to biblical principles, it cannot be said that God determined Judas' behavior.
The apostle Paul mentioned the importance of wisely selecting those who take the lead and before choosing his Apostles he spent a night praying to his father to make a wise decision, if Judas had been predestined to betray Jesus, this would have made the decision inconsequential. Divine guidance. Judas was selected as an apostle with no hint of betrayal in his heart. However he himself allowed his heart to become corrupted and he accepted the influence of the devil, which led to his betrayal.
Jesus' prediction of Judas' betrayal was a reading of the corrupt state of Judas' heart at the time, underscoring that Judas was responsible for his own actions and not for Divine predestination.
He allowed a poisonous root to sprout and defile him and he went astray and accepted the guidance of the devil instead of God which led to theft and betrayal, so when his deviation reached a certain point is when Jesus saw what was in his heart is when he said that one of them was going to betray him, that is, at first he was good but then he let himself be carried away by greed and did what he did.
In James 1 14 and 15 it confirms precisely everything that has just been mentioned because the text directly says that each one is seduced by his own desire, so if he did not change his attitude he did not fight not to be corrupted because his attitude led him to death already. betray Jesus.
Yes, the publication also reminds us of the principle found in first Timothy 5:22 where it says never be quick to lay hands on any man nor be an accomplice in the sins of others, so following this principle as Jesus asked for Jehovah's guidance if If so, it would be predestined because it would be like saying that Jehovah was complicit in what had happened and this could not be in any way.
We see how what Judas did was let that root sprout and Jesus then, after the appointment, realized through different facts that he was, so to speak, the one who could have this tendency if he did not control it, that is why the last supper Well, they realized precisely that he was the person who had manipulated everything in order to betray Jesus, he was a person who became a traitor, he was not predestined as a traitor.
And that teaches us about Jehovah that when he has the power to predetermine things but when he uses that ability it is in a selective and directed way to his purpose, taking into consideration free will and all its qualities such as love and justice, such as For example, we have access to the Internet and there is a lot of information there, but it does not mean that we are going to consume all the information that is there, but when we need it, we search, we do a search for the direction of our need and we have that knowledge, in the same way when Jehovah uses is his power to predetermine things in a directed manner and always in accordance with his perfect personality.
While it is true that Jehovah has the beautiful quality of predicting the future or knowing many things about the future, but this did not determine what Judas was predestined for. Why, Because there is a principle behind it as mentioned, never hastily impose the hand of a man or be a participant in sins, remain chaste, so if Jehovah knew about Judas and this has already been allowed that Jesus had chosen him, then Jehovah became a participant in Judas' sins, so there is no doubt that he would not It was predestined although it is true if there is a complete vision of the future but not of the behavior of each person.
Yes, it is very important to take care of our motivations to serve Jehovah. Judas, as already said, had a very good heart, which is why Jesus chose him as one of his disciples, his Apostles. However, as time passed, his ambitions made him reach If so, it can also happen to us if we do not cultivate a solid faith or a deep love for Jehovah, the motivations would no longer be correct and the service we do would no longer have any value.
Yes, it is also mentioned that the same human being, due to his own betrayal of what he does, his heart allows himself to be diverted from good things. What drives him to do his desire is his desire to do bad things, so that is where Satan imposes himself, Satan will never want people to do good things, he will always be in the wrong, so when this becomes reality it causes death, so we do not want to go through those bad times and serve Jehovah with gratitude and with all confidence.
Yes, the information mentions and the Bible also mentions that no one can read a person's heart, only Jehovah has that ability, however Judas' deviation reached such a certain point that Jesus was able to perceive what the intentions of his heart were, this teaches us Satan cannot read our thoughts nor does he know them, however he can see and observe us what the intentions of our heart are, so we must be very careful what thoughts arise in our heart. If we have analyzed and found that there is some bad thought, we must try to discard it completely.
And this passage also teaches me that our future then is not predestined, we do not depend on destiny, our future depends on our decisions, attitudes and actions that we have now.
What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?
Psalm 54:2. In this text the Psalmist not only prays, but specifically asks Jehovah to pay attention to the words that come out of his mouth. This indicates that we must have an awareness that our words can be meaningful to Jehovah and that he is interested in what we express, we also learn that we must cultivate a firm trust and that Jehovah hears our prayers, this means not only asking God for that we need, but also to trust that he has the power and the will to respond in the way that is best for us.
Psalm 54:7. This text makes us see that with Jehovah's help, we can overcome any situation that occurs to us. Although we would like our problems to be solved immediately, we trust that Jehovah will know precisely when and how to help us.
Psalm 54:6. In this text we can see that we have a God so good and wonderful that he deserves that we make sacrifices to him, since if we want to cultivate and maintain a close relationship with Jehovah, it is important to support the Kingdom of God and do so wholeheartedly.
Psalm 54:4. David expressed how he felt during the many challenges he had in his life. However, in those difficult times, he never stopped trusting in Jehovah, this is an excellent example for us.
Psalm 54:2. This text shows us that we can pray to Jehovah and ask him to listen to us, Jehovah is so loving that he wants us to pray to him and talk to him sincerely.
Psalm 54:1. This text makes us see that the servants of Jehovah, although we are happy people, have problems, we suffer persecution from the rest of the people. And sometimes we suffer for doing what is right. To face problems, we need faith and courage.
Psalm 54:6,7. These verses teach me to express gratitude and praise to Jehovah. One way to apply this in my daily life would be to spend time praising and thanking Jehovah for his goodness and faithfulness, whether through prayer, singing, voluntary contributions, or Service.
Psalm 54:5. This verse teaches me that I must trust in Jehovah's justice. One way to apply this in my daily life would be, for example, avoiding taking revenge on my own when I am hurt or treated unfairly. Letting Jehovah do justice in his time, and in the way he considers best.
Psalm 54:4. This verse teaches me that I must recognize Jehovah's help. One way I can apply this in my daily life is by being attentive to the ways in which Jehovah acts and how he helps me, whether through circumstances, people, or with his Holy Spirit.
Psalm 54:1-3. These verses teach me that I must trust in Jehovah always. But Especially when he went through hard times. One way I apply this in my life is by going to Jehovah in prayer, to ask for his help and protection when I have problems or am in danger.
Psalm 54:4. This text teaches me that I must cultivate a mentality of gratitude towards Jehovah, since it is he who sustains us and gives us strength.
Psalm 54:1. When David wrote this text, he was not referring to the fact that the name of God has mystical powers and that just by repeating his name we could avoid something bad, as many people do in this world. But he did know that Jehovah, with his power, has the ability to save his people from bad things.
Psalm 54:1. David said that Jehovah would defend him with his power for his Name. He had confidence that the name of Jehovah would defend him. This was fulfilled, for example, when Saul was about to find him, an invasion by the Philistines stopped the situation. We too must have confidence in Jehovah when we go through difficult times, especially during the great tribulation.
Psalm 54:6. He tells us that I will gladly make sacrifices and praise your name, O Jehovah. We see that when our love is so great for Jehovah, it is easier to make any sacrifice, because love moves us to do it with pleasure for our God.
In chapter 54. We see that the Psalmist speaks of Jehovah using several verbs, he says that he hears, pays attention, helps defends, destroys his enemies and saves him, or in other words that he was aware of how Jehovah acts, that is, he did not We only have to be aware of what we ask of Jehovah, but also of how he acts, which sometimes may be in the least expected way.
Psalm 54 6. It says like David was a sincere man and offered sacrifices willingly to Jehovah. We too have good reasons to make sacrifices for Jehovah, since he sees beyond what we give or what we give up when making those sacrifices, to the motives that accompany a sacrifice and Jehovah is good and will always reward those we give to him. sacrifices or we do it with joy.
Psalm 54:1. This passage is showing that the Divine name does not have mystical powers, but it does represent God Himself. So through this supplication David recognized that Jehovah has the power to save his people and this happened on the occasion when Saul tried to kill him, Jehovah used the Philistines in his favor, this is one of the many passages that strengthens our faith and confidence in Jehovah.
Psalm 54:4. He says that David's heart was troubled and that he was overcome by the terrors of death, which had caused David so much pain. On the one hand, his son Absalom had plotted to usurp the throne and this was quite painful, but the situation worsened when David Aitofel's most trusted advisor participated in this conspiracy. This text teaches us that those closest to us may possibly do things to us or say things about us that may hurt us to the depths of our being, and this may cause us to fall, but we must not allow whatever the test, it affects us paying it with Jehovah and much less leaving Jehovah's organization.
Psalm 54:3. This verse reflects David's trust in God as his protector and defender in the midst of the threats and persecutions he faces. This is an expression of faith that Jehovah will intercede and deliver him from his enemies who act in contempt of Divine principles.
Psalm 54:6. This text motivates us to gladly and joyfully offer a sacrifice of praise to Jehovah, telling others about how good he is and what his name means through preaching and also through our comments.
Psalm 54:7. This text shows us that when we face situations that discourage us, scare us, or cause anxiety, we can turn to our loving God and we can be sure that he will listen to us.
Psalm 54:4. This text teaches us the importance of trusting God in times of difficulty or need, God is not only present, but also acts on behalf of those who trust him.
Psalm 54:4. This text says: Look! God is the one who helps me; Jehovah is with those who support me. In this text we see that David had gone through many difficult times due to the hatred of people who were not with Jehovah, but he also saw how Jehovah helped him many times through his faithful followers. For example, this passage takes us to Chronicles 12:18, where it speaks of Amasai, leader of a group of Warriors from the tribe of Benjamin in Judah and we see that he gave David when he said we are yours or David and we are with you oh son of Jesse when David was being chased by Saul. So we see that we should never think that we are alone because in reality we are not, Jehovah often helps us on behalf of our brothers.
Psalm 54:4. We see how David expressed how he felt during the challenges he had in his life and although those moments were difficult, we see that he never stopped trusting in Jehovah and this is an excellent example for us and even more so in the times in which we live, since We do not know what will happen in the future, that is why since we do not know what will happen, we must remain active from now on, since with the help of Jehovah we will be able to overcome all the tests as David did very well.
Psalm 54:4. It reminds me that, in any situation, God is the one who helps me, AND also that Jehovah is with those who support me. This means that Jehovah is going to use his servants to help us, so we must consider the help that our brothers in faith give us, seeing it as if it were Jehovah himself who helps us.
Psalm 54:7. This verse expresses firm confidence that Jehovah will provide protection against all forms of distress. This teaches us to place our trust in Jehovah in difficult times, knowing that he is able to save us from any adverse situation.
Psalm 54:4. Here we see that David was asking Jehovah for help, since Saul was pursuing him. This taught me that when I am going through a difficult time, I can pray to Jehovah for help and he will help me like he did with David.
Psalm 54:7. Another lesson we bring from this text is the promise to look triumphant at enemies, this shows a vision of the future based on hope and trust and final victory over negative circumstances. This teaches us to maintain a positive outlook and not to become discouraged in the face of adversity, trusting that Jehovah will give us the strength to overcome any obstacle.
Psalm 55:2. Distress is an intense emotion that can arise when we face overwhelming situations. This verse shows us that it is legitimate to express our feelings to God and seek comfort and direction from him.
Psalm 55:16-17. In this text the Psalmist declares his confidence that Jehovah will save him when he calls him. This trust teaches us to place our concerns and needs in Jehovah, trusting in his faithfulness and willingness to listen to our prayers and also the importance of turning to Jehovah in times of distress and trusting in his power to save us.
Psalm 55:3-5. The Psalmist David often felt tormented. For several years, King Saul pursued him to kill him. Although David survived, there were times when he felt like his problems were drowning him. Like David, they asked God for help to cope with his suffering and pain, we too can do it and receive help.
Psalm 55:1-3. This text encourages us to cast our burdens on Jehovah, because today, many people feel overwhelmed by his burdens. Financial hardship, distressing family problems, illness, pain and suffering caused by oppression and tyranny, and a host of other ailments constitute a heavy burden that is difficult for them to bear. Aside from these external pressures, some people are also overwhelmed by the sense of worthlessness and failure they experience because of their own imperfections. That is why it is important to ask Jehovah to give us endurance.
Psalm 55:22. The phrase cast your burden on Jehovah suggests a complete and unreserved surrender of our worries, fears, and anxiety to Jehovah. This means letting go of the human tendency to want to figure everything out on our own and instead trust in God's wisdom and care.
Psalm 55:14. We see that behind gossip and gossip there is almost always a bad intention hidden, such as when a lie is told to ruin someone's reputation. But even if they do not have that bad intention, if they come from a friend, it causes pain, as we can see in the text.
Psalm 55:12-14. In the text we can see how David felt after suffering betrayal, in the same way we can feel when a brother, a friend or a family member betrays us, but we must trust in Jehovah, since he knows how we feel. The lesson of this is that we must reject something as deplorable as betrayal.
Psalm 55:21. He teaches us that the pleasant, soft, flattering words of a traitor are softer than butter, and are like drawn swords that conceal war in his heart.
Psalm 55:22. Another lesson from this verse is that the verse goes on to say that God will never allow the righteous to fall. This indicates that God is our protector and defender, although we may face difficulties and adversities, God ensures that those who trust in him will not be brought down permanently.
Psalm 55:22. The text says: Cast your burden on Jehovah and he will sustain you. This beautiful text teaches me that we must trust in Jehovah and that he will act in our favor, because he guides our steps and if we are loyal to him, he will hold us by his powerful hand.
In chapter 55, we can also see that David was under great emotional stress, this same stress was caused by his son, and a Watchtower also mentions that something that also hurt him quite a bit, was the betrayal of his own son along with the situation of David's most trusted advisor, participating in this Conspiracy. From this text we learn that many times persecution or opposition comes within our own family, but this should not discourage us, since Jehovah is aware of this and if we achieve intensely he will see a way to help us.
Psalm 55:22. Here we can see the confidence that the Psalmist had, because he knew that if he cast his burden or worry on Jehovah he would not help. This teaches us that we must cast away all our worries, fears or anxieties, whether we have challenges in life or tendencies that we have to carry for a long time, we must remember that we are not completely alone, and that we must rely on our brothers for His own advice. faithful and prudent slave he offers us, and in this way we will demonstrate that we trust in the wisdom and care that Jehovah gives us through his organization.
Psalm 55:4. David says that his heart was troubled within him and he was overcome with fears of death, in other words, David was depressed. Could we say then that David was not a spiritual man? Of course David was a spiritual man, the thing is that this feeling can invade any of us and it can also be an illness. Today many brothers in Jehovah's organization have this disease. So it helps me see these brothers who are going through this situation, as Jehovah himself saw David and helped him understand the situation and encouraged him. We must do the same, when we learn of the suffering of a brother, let us not become judges of our brother, rather let us call him and understand and show him the same affection that Jehovah has for us when we make a mistake.
Psalm 55:22. We are again encouraged to cast our burdens on Jehovah. How can we do it? Well we can do it in three ways, telling him in prayer what is troubling us, turning to his word and his organization for guidance and support, and doing everything reasonably possible to resolve the situation. Thus we will see how Jehovah really supports us and carries our burdens.
Psalm 55:16. This text is very beautiful, because if we go through illness or any problem, we must call on Jehovah in prayer with the full assurance that he will save us, just as he did with David.
Psalm 55:22. It teaches us that we should cast our burden on Jehovah, for example by praying and expressing our concerns, and then we should turn to his word and his organization to find guidance from him.
Psalm 55:18. The psalmist said, “He will give me peace, rescuing me from those who fight against me.” And that made me think of Who Speaks, for example in report 4, of the brothers who are going through the difficult situation of being imprisoned for defending their faith, and the majority in common Comments that they feel the help of Jehovah, the peace of Jehovah. And it also made me meditate a lot, although we are, so to speak, in relative peace, and it can also teach us to prepare ourselves mentally for that and even if we do not go beyond that position, we also face other difficult situations. For this reason we must fully trust in Jehovah, since only he can give us the peace we need to face the opposition of those who are against us.
Psalm 54:6. We see that the psalmist tells Jehovah that he will make a sacrifice of praise to his name, because he is good. This text teaches me that we must give thanks to Jehovah with sacrifices of lips and praise of his holy name, but we must do it with joy and enthusiasm and with a grateful heart and above all, willingly for so many blessings that we receive from him. .
Psalm chapter 55. It shows how David felt anxious due to the pressure of his enemies, but despite all his anguish and grief he said in verse 22, Cast your burden on the Lord. We can see how David sought help and support not from just anyone, but from Jehovah, the only person who could give him true peace. Therefore, this teaches me that when I am afraid I must get closer to Jehovah, pass on all my concerns to him and be sure that he will help me, because Jehovah promises that he will never allow the righteous to falter.
Psalm 55:22. He encourages us to cast our burdens or concerns on Jehovah in prayer, since he explained it well in Galatians 6:5. On the other hand, he says that each one bears his own responsibility and there he is talking about responsibilities such as meeting and preaching since they are very important responsibilities that every loyal servant of Jehovah has.
Psalm 55:22. This text is very beautiful, since Jehovah encourages us to cast our burdens on him. Obviously isolating oneself would go against our prayers, because if we ask for the spirit of Jehovah he gives us through the congregation and evidently there are brothers and sisters here capable of also understanding us without being implicit or directly involved with what can affect us emotionally.
Psalm 55:6-8. We see how David felt after being betrayed, he wanted to run away, fly like a dove. We may feel that way at times, but in verse 16 he confidently says that whoever calls on Jehovah will save him. No matter how bad a situation is, we must trust that Jehovah will always be watching over us.
Psalm 56:8. It shows us that Jehovah cares about us very much. He not only sees the trials we face, but he understands very well how they affect us emotionally. Therefore, moved by his compassion, he keeps our tears in a symbolic wineskin. How tender Jehovah is, our heavenly father, and this beautiful verse makes me feel loved and valuable to Jehovah.
Psalm 56:8. We see that when David says to Jehovah. You are aware of my wandering life, you collect my tears in a wineskin, we see two characteristics of Jehovah, first that he knows our situation as it was in the case of David and second that he knows the emotional effect that this situation produces on us.
Psalm 56:3. This text teaches me that, although this world is full of things that scare us, we must be like David and not let fear paralyze us.
Psalm 56:1-4. In the verses read we observe that David took refuge in Jehovah when he was going through a difficult situation, just as he when we went through distressing situations we left everything in Jehovah's hands so that he could take care of them.
In chapter 55. There we can see how David felt about the conspiracy of Absalom and then also that of his faithful advisor Aitofel. He was disappointed and distressed, and that caused him pain, but he did not allow him to distrust Jehovah, but everything On the contrary, her trust in him grew stronger. This story also teaches us that when we have feelings of pain and anguish similar to that of the Psalmist, we should never stop trusting in Jehovah, but rather take good note of David's example.
Psalm 55:4. From this same text we can extract another very valuable Pearl, since in this verse David speaks from the depths of his feelings about what was happening to him at that moment, and when he was betrayed by his son Absalom and also by his chief advisor. He felt that fear, he even said he was afraid of even death. This makes me think that we can also be in difficult situations. For example, there are people who have illnesses or difficult circumstances, but we must remember that the most important thing is that we have confidence in Jehovah that he listens to us and for that we have prayer, which is the most important thing. Then we can turn to him and he will give us courage, strength and endurance that we need to overcome any difficult situation.
Psalm 55:22. It speaks of casting or casting our burdens on Jehovah and Jehovah is the one who cares about us, and that is why he wants us to come to him for help. And Jesus is a clear example. Since in the Lord's Prayer he included personal requests, we can also do the same, saying in prayer what concerns us, turning to his word and organization, as we studied there, that his advice is based on The Bible, and doing what we can reasonably do to resolve the situation.
Psalm 55:4. This verse shows how David felt after being betrayed by his own son, Absalom. He had many reasons to feel pain, not only for the betrayal of his son, but also for the conspiracy against him. This shows us that we may feel distressed inside, but let us remember that Jehovah will not allow us to suffer beyond what we should and he will always be with us when we feel this way.
Psalm 55:23. This verse teaches me to trust in Jehovah's justice. Therefore, instead of taking revenge on my own, I must let Jehovah judge and punish those who have wronged me. Likewise, when I suffer injustice, I must avoid the desire for Revenge, trusting that Jehovah will do what is right in his own time.
Psalm 55:4. David refers to betrayal and the betrayal of a child or family member must be a strong pain. Without a doubt, tradition is a terrible mark of the times in which we are living and hence we should not allow the pain and heartbreak. weaken our trust in Jehovah, that is why I must continue to strive to diligently study the Bible, meditate on it and pray, thus I will get closer to Jehovah and learn to trust him completely.
Psalm 55:9-15. These verses also teach me that I must be attentive to signs of double-sidedness or deception, and pay attention to discernment to protect myself from those who, by showing false friendship, are actually trying to harm me.
Psalm 54:4. This text teaches us the importance of trusting God in times of difficulty or need. God is not only present, but also acts on behalf of those who trust in him.
Psalm 55:16,17. These verses teach me that when we feel overwhelmed by problems or anxiety, we should take time to pray sincerely, asking Jehovah to give us the peace and strength we need.
Psalm 55:1-8. These verses teach me to trust in Jehovah in times of trouble. For example, when we face stressful or painful situations, we should turn to Jehovah in prayer, expressing our concerns and trusting that he will listen to us and help us.
Psalm 55:9-15. These verses teach me that I must discern the evil of those who hurt me. One way to do this is to be careful and have them identified, since sometimes they can be people close to us who appear to be friendly.
Psalm 56:12. This verse teaches me that even though we are in difficult circumstances, we must always remember the vows we make to Jehovah and fulfill our promises with love for him, offering gratitude to Jehovah not only with words, but with actions despite our circumstances.
Psalm 56:12. He talks about David wanting to express his gratitude, surely he will have meditated on all the times he trusted in Jehovah and he gave him a way out. It made me think of all the times that, since we met Jehovah, we placed our concerns and trials in him. Even in trials that we thought we would not be able to endure, He will always give us a way out. Thinking about this makes us want to be grateful and one of the ways to be grateful is to give the best of ourselves and remember that we made a vow, and we have to fulfill that vow with the correct attitude of thanking Jehovah for everything he did for us. and what it will do in the future as well.
Psalm 56:2. I liked this text especially the part where David begged Jehovah to pay attention to his words. This made me think, why David was going through a very difficult time and his life was at risk. This makes me think about the importance of having that humble attitude that David had, since he did not trust in himself, but when he was going through a difficult situation he was sincere to Jehovah and opened his heart to him and told him what was happening to him. letting Jehovah act by also doing his part. Which is a great example for each of us.
Psalm 56:13. Here we see that King David was already in another difficult situation, his son Absalom and his advisor had conspired against him, but who helped David in this situation? This text gives us the answer to this question since it says: Because You have saved me from death and you have kept my feet from stumbling, that is, David was focused on all the good things that Jehovah had done for him and that helped him to move forward to trust in him, we too do the same, If we focus on all the things that Jehovah has done and how he has answered all our prayers, that will also help us overcome trials.
Psalm 56:12,13. These verses teach me to praise Jehovah for his faithfulness. One way to do this is to be grateful and willing to fulfill our vows of dedication and worship.
Psalm 56:8,9. These verses teach me that Jehovah is aware of our struggles, tears, and difficulties, and he has a record of them. Therefore, when we feel alone or misunderstood, we must be assured that Jehovah can provide us with comfort and hope.
Psalm 56:10,11. These verses teach me that in difficult situations, I must remember that Jehovah is our strength and our protection. And keeping this in mind strengthens my faith and my trust in him.
Psalm 56:3,4. These verses teach me to trust in Jehovah during adversity. For example, when we feel overwhelmed by fear or anxiety, we should place our trust in Jehovah and his word, knowing that he is on our side.
Psalm 56:11. This text teaches us that no matter what obstacles arise, nothing can prevent us from spreading the good news, because Jehovah is on our side.
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