Monday, June 17, 2024

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: Week June 17 to 23, 2024, What can I do if I make a mistake?, Video: When you are a teenager: I am doing something wrong... How do I fix it?, Analysis and Answers.

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: June 17-23, 2024, What can I do if I make a mistake?, Video: When you are a teenager: I am doing something wrong... How do I fix it?, Analysis and Answers.

What can I do if I make a mistake? (15 mins.) Analysis with the audience.

Read Psalm 51:1, 2, 17. Then ask:

Why do these words of David motivate us to ask Jehovah for help if we have committed a serious sin?

David's words in Psalm 51 motivate us to ask Jehovah for help when we have committed a serious sin, because they reflect the depth of repentance and the certainty that God is merciful and compassionate. David recognizes his transgressions and seeks Divine purification, trusting in Jehovah's loyal love and his ability to completely erase offenses. This focus on God's immense mercy and the possibility of being washed and cleansed from all guilt teaches us that we are not alone in our struggle against sin.

Furthermore, the statement that Jehovah does not reject a broken and crushed heart assures us that our sincerity and genuine repentance are valuable to him. This understanding inspires us to approach Jehovah with confidence knowing that his love and mercy are always available to those who seek his forgiveness with a sincere heart. 

Play the VIDEO When you're a teenager: I'm doing something wrong... How do I fix it? Then ask:

What led Thalila and José to do something bad?

Thalila began to stray when she became involved in a group of friends who did not share her values. The excitement of making new friends and learning to skate led her to spend more and more time with them. Despite noticing that they did bad things, such as taking drugs and using bad words, she thought that as long as she did not participate directly, there would be no problem. However, the influence of that group increased and to feel accepted, she began dating a boy without her parents knowing, lying to him about her activities and company.

In the case of José, he fell on the wrong path, due to the bad influences of his social environment. At the age of 17 he began dating people who introduced him to alcohol consumption. At first it seemed harmless, but little by little drinking became an integral part of his life. José began to make excuses for his actions, minimizing his seriousness and convincing himself that he was not doing anything wrong. This attitude led him to miss meetings and leave aside practices that were important to him, such as reading the Bible every day. 

What did they do to fix things?

In José's case he was trapped in a vicious cycle of bad company and destructive habits. Although he tried to justify his actions, he knew deep down that he was not living according to Jehovah's principles. 


One day, when faced with a potentially dangerous situation, Jose decided to pray to Jehovah, asking for strength to get away from that life. After that prayer, he was determined to leave those bad companies. He reflected on his actions and understood that he needed to change, although it was difficult for him. shyness, spoke as an elder who showed him Philippians 4:6 and 7, helping him understand that if he really changed he could once again feel the peace that Jehovah offers, he distanced himself from his former friends and began striving to become more spiritual, over time He had the privilege of being invited to work on a construction project, but what was most valuable to him was regaining his friendship with Jehovah and finding true friends. 

And in Thalila's case, she decided to change her life after realizing that her friends and their behavior were negatively affecting her relationship with Jehovah. She felt overwhelmed with guilt and disappointment especially when her friends including her boyfriend let her down. One day in a time of deep sadness, she sincerely prayed to Jehovah for help and forgiveness. This prayer marked the beginning of her change. She spoke about her to the elders of her congregation and told him.

How did acting like this benefit them?

Thalila acting in this way provided both emotional and spiritual benefits. As she opened her heart to the elders and shared their burden, she experienced a deep sense of relief, freeing herself from the weight she carried. This action allowed him to better understand Jehovah's infinite love and forgiveness, as demonstrated by Psalm 86:5.


This new understanding gave Thalila the certainty that Jehovah would forgive her and provide her with peace and security. The elders also encouraged her to talk to her parents, which at first was challenging, turned out to be a crucial step in her emotional and spiritual healing. This honesty and openness strengthened her family relationships and helped her face her situation with greater courage. As a result, she became more seriously committed to Bible study, which culminated in her baptism and dedication of her as a regular pioneer of her. Eventually her dedication and faith led her to serve at Bethel, a privilege that allowed her to see how Jehovah never abandoned her, thus reinforcing her confidence and sense of purpose in her life. 

On the other hand, in José's experience the benefits of his change in attitude were significant. Reading Philippians 4:6,7 helped him understand that by sincerely changing his behavior, he could reconnect with Jehovah and enjoy the peace he provides. 

Leaving his old friends and dedicating himself to becoming more spiritual, Joseph received the privilege of being invited to work on a construction project. However, the most valuable thing was the deep friendship he developed with Jehovah, and the fact that he found true friends. who shared the same beliefs.



I started making a lot of friends at school, and on top of that I started learning how to skate. So every time I went out to practice I met a lot of new people.


I made some mistakes, because I hung out with people I shouldn't have, I started going out at night with them, and at first we only drank a little. But then we drank more and more, almost without realizing it had become my life and I was only 17 years old.


They became my best friends, they were everything to me and I trusted them a lot, it is true that they did some bad things. For example, they used drugs or used bad words, but I thought, I'm only with them as long as I don't do what they are doing, well there is no problem.


I started making excuses saying that it really wasn't that big of a deal and that what I was doing wasn't bad at all.


My only spiritual routine was going to meetings, nothing more. 


I started missing some meetings.


I never prayed nor did I even know how to do my personal study.


He also didn't read the Bible every day. 


In that group of friends there was a boy who liked me and asked me to go out with him, since all my friends were dating someone I thought, why not, so we started dating, without my parents knowing, I lied to them about where I was going to go, who I was going to go with, and what I was going to do. The truth is that it was as if I were two people, I was one person with my family and a different person with my friends. 


I tried to pray to Jehovah but I couldn't, I was ashamed, deep down I knew that Jehovah didn't like what I was doing. 


I felt bad, my conscience bothered me a lot, my boyfriend and some of my friends disappointed me a lot, I saw that they were not real friends at that moment I felt like I had no one else in my life. 


One time we were out there drinking and a girl started telling everyone to continue the party at her house. Then I started to think about what could happen if I went, I knew there would be alcohol, drugs and that something immoral could even happen.


So after a long time without praying, I closed my eyes and told Jehovah, please help me, I am alone, I have no one at that moment, I felt like everyone had abandoned me. 


And right there I said a prayer to Jehovah telling him that if he helped me say no from that day on I would leave those bad companies and serve him with all my strength.


I asked Jehovah for forgiveness many times and told him, Jehovah, I only have you, help me, and that's what he did. 


After saying that prayer to Jehovah, I had the strength to leave. I began to think about all the things I had done and how I was putting my life and also my relationship with Jehovah at risk. 


And I thought I'm going to talk to the elders.


As I am a very shy person, it seemed very difficult for me to have to confess my mistakes. 


I talked to them and told them everything I had to tell and I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I realized that I was not alone. I still remember a text that they showed me Psalm 86:5. I understood that the forgiveness of Jehovah has no limits, if one is truly sorry, then I thought, Jehovah is going to forgive me. The elders also told me that I had to talk to my parents, and that was going to be very difficult, but I remember thinking I'm going to have to do it and that's what I did, I told my parents everything that had happened. 


So in the end I decided to talk to an elder and he read me Philippians chapter 4 verse 7 which says that the peace of God that is beyond what any human being can understand will protect our hearts so I understood that if it really changed it could come back. to pray to Jehovah again and feel that peace that he gives us.


And I started studying the Bible but really.


I stopped hanging out with those friends and started striving to be a more spiritual person. 


I had the privilege of being baptized and becoming a regular pioneer and am now serving at Bethel. 


I had the nice privilege of being invited to work on construction projects, but there is something that is much more valuable to me, it is having this strong friendship with Jehovah and also having found real friends. 


I have seen that Jehovah has always been by my side, even when I did not want to be by his side, he never abandoned me. 

If you are doing something wrong, how can you fix it?

Stop doing it and tell what happened.

Proverbs 28:13

Avoid bad company.

1 Corinthians 15:33

Come close to Jehovah.

James 4:8

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