DAILY TEXT Today Wednesday, June 19, 2024, God's will is that all kinds of people be saved and come to have an accurate knowledge of the truth (1 Tim. 2:4).

DAILY TEXT, Today Wednesday June 19, 2024, God's will is that all kinds of people be saved and come to have an accurate knowledge of the truth (1 Tim. 2:4).

Let us examine the Scriptures every day 2024.

Wednesday June 19, 2024

God's will is that all kinds of people be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of the truth (1 Tim. 2:4).

We cannot see what is in the hearts of others; only “Jehovah examines motives” (Prov. 16:2). He loves all kinds of people, no matter where they come from or their culture. And he gives us this command: “Open your hearts wide” (2 Cor. 6:13). Our goal is to love all members of our spiritual family, not judge them. Nor do we judge those who are not part of the congregation. For example, we do not judge our relatives who are not in the truth nor do we think that they will never become Witnesses. If we did, we would be arrogant and we would believe ourselves to be more righteous than others. Jehovah is still giving “everyone everywhere” the opportunity to repent (Acts 17:30). Let us never forget that Jehovah considers unjust those who believe themselves to be more righteous than others. If we love Jehovah's justice, we will be happy and a good example to those around us. And that will make them love us and our God more. w22.08 31 paras. 20-22.

How do we put on the breastplate of justice?

How do we put on the breastplate of justice? Taking into account God's standards in our daily decisions. Before choosing the topics we will talk about, the music we will listen to, the entertainment we will watch or the books we will read, let us ask ourselves: “What will enter my heart? Is it something that pleases Jehovah? Or does he encourage things he considers unjust, such as sexual immorality, violence, greed and selfishness?” (Philipp. 4:8). If our decisions are in accordance with Jehovah's will, his righteous standards will protect our hearts from evil influences.

How does Isaiah 48:18 assure us that it is possible to obey Jehovah's standards forever?

What if we are worried about not being able to continue living by Jehovah's righteous standards day after day, year after year? Let's think about a comparison that Jehovah uses and that we find in Isaiah 48:18 (read it). Jehovah promises that our righteousness can be “like the waves of the sea.” Let's imagine that we are on the seashore calmly observing how the waves come non-stop, one after another. Didn't we think at that moment that perhaps one day the waves would stop coming? Of course not. We know that the waves have been reaching that beach for thousands of years, and they will surely continue to do so.

So what should we do so that our righteousness is like the waves of the sea? When we have to make a decision, let us first think about what Jehovah wants us to do, and then do it. No matter how difficult a decision may be, our loving Father will always be there to help us be constant and continue to obey his righteous rules day after day (Is. 40: 29-31).

Why shouldn't we judge others by our own standards?

Third: Let Jehovah judge. Although we strive to live by Jehovah's righteous standards, we should not judge others or think that we are more righteous than them. We do not look at others with an air of superiority, as if we had the right to judge them according to our own standards. Rather, we keep in mind that Jehovah is “the Judge of all the earth” (Gen. 18:25). He has not appointed us judges. In fact, Jesus gave this command: “Stop judging, so that you will not be judged” (Matt. 7:1).b

How did Joseph demonstrate his trust in Jehovah's justice?

Let's go back to the example of Joseph, who was a righteous man. He did not judge others, even when they treated him badly. His own brothers mistreated him, sold him into slavery and made his father believe that he had died. Years later, José met them again. Now that he was a powerful ruler, he could have judged them harshly and taken revenge. That's just what his brothers feared he would do, even though they were very sorry for what they had done. But Joseph assured them: “Do not be afraid. Am I in God's place? (Gen. 37:18-20, 27, 28, 31-35; 50:15-21). Joseph was humble and thought that only Jehovah had the right to judge his brothers.

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