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Let us examine the Scriptures every day 2024.
Thursday June 20, 2024
Without fail they will know that there was a prophet among them (Ezek. 2:5).
We are not surprised that some people oppose our preaching, and it is very likely that this opposition will intensify in the future (Dan. 11:44; 2 Tim. 3:12; Rev. 16:21). But we are convinced that Jehovah will help us. Why do we say it? Because he has always helped his servants accomplish the work he has assigned them, no matter how difficult it was. Let's look at the prophet Ezekiel, who preached to the Jews exiled in Babylon. What were the people to whom Ezekiel would have to preach? Jehovah said that those Jews were “rebellious,” “defiant,” and “stubborn in heart.” They were as bad as thorns and as dangerous as scorpions. No wonder Jehovah told Ezekiel several times: “Do not be afraid” (Ezek. 2:3-6). Ezekiel was able to fulfill his mission because 1) it was Jehovah who sent him, 2) the holy spirit gave him strength and 3) he was nourished by the words of God. w22.11 2 paras. 1, 2.
What words must have encouraged Ezekiel, and how did Jehovah confirm his support?
Jehovah said to Ezekiel: “I am sending you” (Ezek. 2:3, 4). That must have encouraged him a lot. He surely remembered that Jehovah had used similar words when he chose Moses and Isaiah to be his prophets (Ex. 3:10; Is. 6:8). Ezekiel also knew that Jehovah had helped these prophets accomplish very difficult tasks. So, when God said to him twice, “I am sending you,” he knew he could count on His support. Furthermore, in the book of Ezekiel we find this statement many times: “I received the words of the Lord” (Ezek. 14:2). And again and again the phrase appears: “I received again the words of the Lord” (Ezek. 6:1). So the prophet had no doubt that it was Jehovah who had sent him. Furthermore, since his father was a priest, he was sure that he had taught her that Jehovah always confirmed to his prophets that he would give them his full support. In fact, Jehovah had said to Isaac, Jacob, and Jeremiah: “I am with you” (Gen. 26:24; 28:15; Jer. 1:8).
What comforting words must have encouraged Ezekiel?
How would most Israelites respond to the message? Jehovah told Ezekiel: “The house of Israel will refuse to listen to you because they will not listen to me” (Ezek. 3:7). By rejecting this prophet, they were rejecting Jehovah. These words must have reassured Ezekiel because the people's rejection did not mean that he was a bad prophet. Furthermore, Jehovah confirmed to him that, when his messages of condemnation were fulfilled, those Jews would know “that there was a prophet among them” (Ezek. 2:5; 33:33). Surely these comforting words gave Ezekiel the encouragement he needed to fulfill his ministry.
Why does Isaiah 44:8 encourage us?
We are also encouraged to know that it is Jehovah who sends us. He gives us the immense honor of being his witnesses (Is. 43:10). Just as Jehovah told Ezekiel: “Do not be afraid,” he says to us: “Do not be afraid.” Why should we not fear our opponents? Because, just as in the case of Ezekiel, it is Jehovah who sends us and gives us all his support (read Isaiah 44:8).
How does Jehovah confirm his support for us? And what comforts and encourages us?
Jehovah confirms his support for us. For example, just before saying, “You are my witnesses,” he declared, “When you cross the waters, I will be with you, and when you cross the rivers, they will not cover you. When you pass through the fire, you will not be burned and the flames will not singe you” (Isa. 43:2). Sometimes when we preach, we encounter obstacles that are like rivers and face trials that are like fire. But, with Jehovah's help, we continue to preach (Isa. 41:13). The same thing happens to us as it did to Ezekiel: most people reject the message. We keep in mind that this rejection does not mean that we are bad witnesses of God. We are comforted and encouraged to know that Jehovah is pleased if we continue to declare the message faithfully. The apostle Paul said, “Each person will receive his reward according to his work” (1 Cor. 3:8; 4:1, 2). A sister who has been a pioneer for many years says: “I am glad to know that Jehovah rewards our efforts.”
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