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Let us examine the Scriptures every day 2024.
Monday June 24, 2024
Our God will forgive generously (Isa. 55:7).
The Scriptures assure us that God will not abandon us when we make a mistake. The Israelites sinned against Jehovah again and again, but whenever they truly repented, he forgave them. First-century Christians also knew how much Jehovah loved them. For example, he inspired the apostle Paul to encourage his fellow Christians to forgive and comfort a man who had repented after falling into an immoral life (1 Cor. 5:1-5; 2 Cor. 2:6 , 7). We are very impressed to know that Jehovah did not turn his back on his servants for making mistakes. On the contrary, with great affection, he helped them, corrected them and invited them to return to his arms. And he promises to do the same for anyone who sins and repents today (James 4:8-10). The Bible teaches us that God is just, he is wise and he loves us very much. Furthermore, this book shows that Jehovah wants us to know him and be his friends. w23.02 7 paras. 16, 17.
How has Daniel 12:4 been fulfilled in these last days?
Jehovah promised through the prophet Daniel that at the end time “true knowledge” would become “abundant,” that is, many people would understand what the Bible says. (Read Daniel 12:4.) Something that has made this possible is that many copies of the Scriptures and biblical publications have been translated, edited and distributed. In fact, the Bible is the most translated and distributed book in history. Many of the translations that are for sale are very expensive. However, Jehovah's people have already translated the Bible, in whole or in part, into more than 240 languages, and everyone can obtain a copy free of charge. What was the result? Millions of people from all nations are accepting “the good news of the Kingdom” before the end comes (Matt. 24:14). Jehovah is a just God and he wants as many people as possible to have the opportunity to know him by reading his Word. What motivates you? The great love he has for us.
Why do we say that the Bible reflects the love of God? (John 21:25).
The Bible also reflects the most important quality of its author: love (1 John 4:8). For example, let's think about what things God included in the Bible and what he didn't. He told us exactly what we need to know to be his friend, to have a happy life, and to live forever. But because Jehovah loves us so much, he has not burdened us with a lot of details that we do not need. (Read John 21:25.)
How else does the Bible reflect God's love?
Jehovah also shows us his love by treating us with dignity when communicating with us. He does not give us in the Bible an endless list of rules to control even the smallest detail of our lives. Rather, he uses real-life stories, exciting prophecies, and practical advice to help us make good decisions. This is how the Bible motivates us to love God and obey him from the heart.
Why is it good for us to meditate on how Jehovah treated his servants in the past? (See paragraph 15).
The Bible shows that Jehovah cares deeply about us. We know this because his Word is full of stories that express human emotions. We can identify with biblical characters because they had “the same feelings as we do” (James 5:17). And, more importantly, as we look at the way he treated people like us, we better understand that “the Lord is very loving and merciful” (James 5:11).
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