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Let us examine the Scriptures every day 2024.
Thursday June 27, 2024
Whoever loves me, my Father will love (John 14:21).
We love that Jesus is our King because he is the ideal ruler. Jehovah himself qualified him and appointed him King (Isa. 50:4, 5). Also, think about the selfless love Jesus showed us (John 13:1). Since Jesus is our King, he deserves all our love. He himself explained that people who truly love him—those he considers his friends—show their love by obeying his commandments (John 14:15; 15:14, 15). Tremendous honor to be friends of the Son of Jehovah! You know that Jesus is humble and that he perfectly imitates the personality of his Father. You have learned that he fed the hungry, comforted the discouraged, and even healed the sick (Matt. 14:14-21). You yourself have seen that he leads today's Christian congregation (Matt. 23:10). And he knows that as King of the Kingdom of God he will do wonderful things for us in the future. How can you show him your love? Following his example. Therefore, one of the steps he must take is to dedicate himself to Jehovah and be baptized. w23.03 4 paras. 8, 10.
What is the main reason for being baptized, and why?
What is the main reason for being baptized? We find it in what Jesus said about God's most important commandment. He said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30). Do these words describe the love you have for God?
Why do you love Jehovah? (See also images).
There are many reasons to love Jehovah. For example, you have learned that he is “the source of life” and that he gives us “every good gift and every perfect gift” (Ps. 36:9; James 1:17). All the good things you have come from Jehovah, who is generous and loves us very much.
Why is rescue such a special gift?
The ransom is a special gift from Jehovah. Why can we say that? Let's think about how much Jehovah and his Son love each other. Jesus said, “The Father loves me” and “I love the Father” (John 10:17; 14:31). That relationship grew stronger and stronger over billions of years (Prov. 8:22, 23, 30). Now think about how heartbreaking it must have been for Jehovah to allow his Son to suffer and die. But Jehovah loves humanity, including you, so much that he gave his beloved Son as a sacrifice so that you and others could live forever. (John 3:16; Gal. 2:20) Can there be a greater reason than this to love God?
What is the best decision you can make in life?
Your love for Jehovah has grown stronger as you have learned more about him. You surely want your friendship with Jehovah to continue growing now and for eternity, and that is possible. With your words and your actions you can gladden his heart. In fact, Jehovah lovingly encourages you to do so. (Prov. 23:15, 16) What you decide to do with your life will demonstrate whether you truly love Jehovah (1 John 5:3). Living a life that pleases Jehovah is the best decision you can make.
In what ways can you demonstrate your love for Jehovah?
How can you demonstrate your love for Jehovah? First, she must make a special prayer to him to tell him that she is dedicated to him, the only true God (Ps. 40:8). Afterwards, he must be baptized to make public that dedication that he has made in private. As we mentioned earlier in the article, his baptism is a very happy moment, which marks a before and after in his life. From that day on he no longer lives for you, but for Jehovah (Rom. 14:8; 1 Pet. 4:1, 2). That may seem like a big step, and it certainly is, but it gives you the opportunity to enjoy the best life possible. Let's see why.
As Psalm 41:12 indicates, what reward will Jehovah give to those who use their lives to serve him?
Jehovah is the most generous person there is. No matter what you give him, he will always give you much more (Mark 10:29, 30). Even now in this world as he approaches the end of it, he will give him the most fascinating, rewarding and happy life he could ever have. And this is just the beginning. The path that begins with his baptism does not have to end; can serve the dear Father of him forever. The love between you and Jehovah will continue to grow, and you, like Jehovah, will live forever, for all eternity. (Read Psalm 41:12.)
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