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Let us examine the Scriptures every day 2024.
Friday June 21, 2024
The day you eat of it without fail you will die (Gen. 2:17).
Of all the living beings that Jehovah created on Earth, humans would be the only ones that would not die over time. He gave them the special hope of having eternal life. Jehovah has also created us with an intense desire to continue living. As the Bible says, God “has put eternity in the hearts” of human beings (Eccl. 3:11). That is one reason why death is an enemy to us (1 Cor. 15:26). Let's think about this. If we become seriously ill, do we resign ourselves and sit idly by? No. Usually, we go to the doctor and take medicine to fight the disease. In fact, we do everything we reasonably can to avoid death. And, when someone we love dies, whether young or old, a deep pain invades us that does not go away overnight (John 11:32, 33). Of course, we know that our Creator loves us and that he would not give us the desire and ability to continue living unless that was his purpose for human beings. w22.12 3 para. 5; 4 para. 7.
What does Isaiah 55:11 guarantee us about Jehovah's purpose?
Although Adam and Eve sinned and all their descendants inherited death because of them, Jehovah did not abandon his purpose.—Read Isaiah 55:11. He still wants faithful people to live forever. How do we know? For all the things that Jehovah has said and done to fulfill his purpose.
What promise has God made? (Daniel 12:2, 13).
Jehovah has promised to resurrect people who have died and give them the opportunity to obtain eternal life.—Acts 24:15; Titus 1:1, 2. Faithful Job was certain that Jehovah longs to resurrect those who have died.—Job 14:14, 15. The prophet Daniel knew that humans would be resurrected and have the opportunity to live forever (Ps. 37:29; read Daniel 12:2, 13). The Jews of Jesus’ day also knew that Jehovah could give his faithful servants “eternal life” (Luke 10:25; 18:18). Jesus spoke of this promise on many occasions and was himself resurrected by his Father (Matt. 19:29; 22:31, 32; Luke 18:30; John 11:25).
What do the resurrections of the past demonstrate? (See the drawing).
Jehovah is the one who gives us life and who has the ability to return it to those who have died. He empowered the prophet Elijah to resurrect the son of the widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17:21-23). Some time later, with God's help, the prophet Elisha resurrected the son of a woman from Shunem (2 Kings 4:18-20, 34-37). These and other resurrections demonstrate that Jehovah has the power to restore life to those who have died. And, while Jesus was on Earth, he made it clear that his Father had given him that same power (John 11:23-25, 43, 44). Now Jesus is in heaven and has received “all authority in heaven and on earth.” So he can fulfill the promise that “all who are in the graves” will return to life in the hope of continuing to live forever (Matt. 28:18; John 5:25-29).
How does the rescue make it possible for us to live forever?
Why did Jehovah allow his beloved Son to suffer such a painful death? Jesus gave the answer when he said, “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son so that no one who has faith in him would be destroyed but have eternal life” (John 3:16). By giving his Son as a ransom so that we may have forgiveness of our sins, God gives us the opportunity to obtain eternal life (Matt. 20:28). The apostle Paul explained this important part of God's purpose with these words: “As death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead also comes through a man. For, as in Adam all are dying, so in Christ all will receive life” (1 Cor. 15:21, 22).
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