Monday, June 10, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week 10 to June 16, 2024, Video Analysis: What Jesus Did, Lesson 6, Points 1-2 and “See also”, Analysis.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: June 10-16, 2024, Video Analysis: What Jesus Did, Lesson 6, Points 1-2 and “See also”, Analysis.

Value: What Jesus Did (7 mins.) Analysis with the audience. Play the VIDEO and then analyze the brochure A labor of love lesson 6 points 1, 2.

Why might some people avoid association with Zacchaeus?

Some people avoided association with plunder, because he was a tax collector, and like many other tax collectors he probably used dubious practices to obtain some of his considerable wealth, since the text mentions that he was rich.

Additionally, Zacchaeus was known for his wealth, which could have generated envy or resentment among those who saw him as a symbol of social injustice. 

What motivated Jesus to preach to him anyway?

Although tax collectors were called bad people, what motivated Jesus to preach was their attitude. He observed that the man had done everything possible to see him, and that is why he knew that Zacchaeus was willing to listen to him. It was a good time to talk to him about how God says about the way people live.


Jesus said he came to seek and save what was lost. Zacchaeus, being a chief tax collector and considered a sinner by Jewish society, fit into this category. Jesus wanted to show that his message of salvation was for everyone, regardless of his past or social opposition.

Another thing that motivated Jesus to preach to Zacchaeus is the power of God's message. For example, the story of Zacchaeus in the gospel of Luke, chapter 9 and verses 1 to 10, shows a significant transformation. Zacchaeus, after meeting Jesus, promises to give half of his property to the poor and to return four times what he had stolen. Jesus wanted to emphasize that his message had the power to radically change lives.

Furthermore, something that could motivate Jesus is mercy. For example, by choosing someone as unpopular as Zacchaeus, Jesus illustrated God's grace and mercy. He showed that no one is beyond the reach of God's love and that repentance and faith can bring new life.

When Jesus preached to Zacchaeus he was breaking social barriers, Jesus frequently interacted with people who were marginalized and rejected by the society of his time. By partnering with Zacchaeus, he challenges social and religious norms, demonstrating that God's love transcends human barriers.

What do we learn from Jesus' example?

We learn that it is important to speak to all types of people, whether poor or rich, since what matters to Jehovah is the good attitude that people have towards the message we transmit, since this message is from Jehovah, and he He himself is the one who speaks. So to do this we must have courage to be able to have good results in our service.


Jesus' attitude toward tax collectors should be a source of encouragement to all who believe that their conduct in life has been despicable in the eyes of Jehovah God. For they can be assured that by repenting and conforming their lives to the divine requirements expressed in the Bible, they will achieve God's forgiveness and a clear conscience. The fact that men like the wealthy tax collector Zacchaeus changed their ways illustrates that those who wish to undertake such a course can do so.

We learn that we need courage to speak the truth to everyone. For this reason, Jesus demonstrated courage when interacting with people like Zacchaeus, who were frowned upon by society. This teaches us to have the courage to approach everyone, without prejudice, and share the truth of the message.

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