Monday, June 10, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week 10 to June 16, 2024, Analysis with the audience based on the pamphlet A Labor of Love, lesson 6, Points 3-5 and “See also”. Analysis.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: June 10-16, 2024, Lesson 6, Points 3-5 and “See also”, Analysis.

Value: Imitate Jesus (8 mins.) Analysis with the audience based on the booklet A Labor of Love lesson 6 points 3-5 and “See also”.

Imitate Jesus

As Jehovah's Witnesses we have many reasons to show courage and be frank in preaching the message of the Kingdom. First of all, because we represent Jehovah. Christians want to imitate Jesus, our great Teacher, in all facets of our lives. Therefore, our goal is not only to teach the Bible, but also to reflect Jehovah's qualities, especially his love.

Whether we have a lot of knowledge or little, or whether we have a great ability to teach or not, it is love that will allow us to reach people's hearts. So to be truly effective teachers, we must imitate Jesus and teach with love. For this, it is important to have knowledge and know how to teach.

What can help us have the courage to carry out this work and do it in the best way, is to trust in Jehovah and ask Jehovah for his Holy Spirit, just as he gave strength and courage to his son to preach, in the same way. you can do it with us.

That's right, it is important to trust in Jehovah and ask him for courage to speak to people who may intimidate us. Jesus truly loved people. And his greatest example of love was to give his perfect human life to save humanity. We can also show love to people, and we do it when we are willing to sacrifice our time and energy so that people know the good news of the Kingdom. .

What we must avoid to demonstrate the great love we feel is to put aside prejudices. Since sometimes it is difficult for us to approach some people because of their physical appearance, their economic or social level, their lifestyle or their religious beliefs. We must remember that Jehovah and Jesus can read hearts, we cannot. No one is beyond the reach of Jehovah's mercy. 

Every day, we form some opinion about other people. But, since we are imperfect, we are not able to judge perfectly, as Jesus does. Jesus had no prejudices and strove to reach all types of people, whether rich or poor. We can learn to see others without prejudice, as Jehovah sees them. To do this we must strive all the time and follow the reminders of the word of God. If we do, we will be obeying Jesus' command to stop judging by appearances. 

According to the text of Matthew 10:16, we must be prudent, respectful and it is important not to argue. If we see that the person is not willing to listen or if at any time they do not feel safe, we should end the conversation politely.

As we see in Proverbs 17:14, it is important to show kindness even when we are offended, our response should be "With grace", that is, a calm and kind response. Instead of getting into an argument, let's focus on what we have in common. Let us tactfully try to discover why our listener disagrees. However, sometimes it will be better to end the conversation to prevent the person from becoming more angry.

We must remember that our success in witnessing does not depend only on people's response. It is true that preaching contributes greatly to the salvation of right-hearted people, but it also serves other important purposes, giving us the opportunity to demonstrate that we love Jehovah. Furthermore, it prevents us from becoming guilty of bloodshed. And it serves to warn the wicked that the hour of divine judgment has arrived. But, above all, it allows God's name to be glorified throughout the Earth. Therefore, whether people listen to us or not, we must continue to proclaim the message of the Kingdom. Let us not forget that Jehovah greatly values ​​our efforts to spread the good news.

And something interesting that we can take away from all this information is that when we look at someone, we want to invite that person and the best person we can invite is Jesus. He imitates Jehovah's personality perfectly. When we strive to fulfill the preaching mission assigned to us, we please our great God Jehovah, the most important being in the universe, which is a great honor for us.


Acts 4:31.  We see that Jehovah is on our side, so we can overcome our fears and preach with courage. Whatever the response of the people in our territory, we will enjoy doing our part, but if we sincerely desire to declare the good news without ceasing and make every effort to do so daily, Jehovah will help us. 

Ephesians 6:19,20.  He encourages us to pray for ourselves and others so that we may be given the ability to speak and to boldly share the sacred secret of the Good News. Therefore, we must not allow apathy, fear of man, or opposition to cause us to be timid or hesitant in presenting the truths of the Kingdom. Love for Jehovah and our fellow man, as well as the conviction that we are doing God's will and that we have the support of the Holy Spirit, should move us to seize opportunities to share the good news courageously. 

2 Timothy 1:7.  He can help all of us who wish to serve God to be brave, since with these words God assures us that he will give us everything we need regardless of the challenges we face. The inspired words of the apostle Paul to Timothy strengthen us. For this reason, instead of being ashamed of the good news, we must courageously defend our faith, even if that means suffering evil.

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