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“You have persevered for my name's sake” (Rev. 2:3).
1. What are some of the blessings of being part of Jehovah's organization?
WHAT a wonderful thing to be part of Jehovah's organization! Although life has gone from bad to worse in these last days, thanks to Jehovah we have a united spiritual family . (Ps. 133:1) The guidance God gives us helps us have happy families (Eph. 5:33-6:1). And he also gives us the wisdom we need to fight negative feelings and be happy.
2. What do we have to do, and why?
2 Even so, in order not to give up in our service to Jehovah, we sometimes have to make great efforts. Because? Because the things others do and say can offend us. We might also become discouraged when we make mistakes, especially if we make the same ones over and over again. This article will help us continue serving Jehovah in these situations: 1) when a brother offends us, 2) when our husband or wife disappoints us, and 3) when we feel disappointed in ourselves. In each case we will see what we can learn from a biblical character.
3. What problem do Jehovah's servants face?
3 The problem. Realistically, there are brothers who will do things that drive us crazy. Others may disappoint us or treat us inconsiderately. Sometimes old people make mistakes too. All of this may cause some to doubt that this is God's organization. Instead of continuing to serve Jehovah “shoulder to shoulder” alongside his brothers, they may decide to stop speaking to those who offended them or even stop going to meetings.—Zeph. 3:9. Is that a good decision? Let's see what we can learn from a biblical character who went through similar situations.
4. What problems did the apostle Paul face?
4 The biblical character. The apostle Paul was aware that his brothers were imperfect. For example, when he began attending the Jerusalem congregation , many there distrusted him and were afraid of him (Acts 9:26). Later, some spoke ill of him behind his back (2 Cor. 10:10). Paul then saw a mature brother make a bad decision that could have caused other Christians to stumble (Gal. 2:11, 12). He was also greatly disappointed in Mark, one of his chief companions (Acts 15:37, 38). Paul may have thought that he had every reason to stop associating with the brothers who offended him. But instead of letting all of this distance him from Jehovah, he maintained a positive attitude toward them and continued to serve him faithfully. What helped him?
5. What helped Paul not to distance himself from his brothers? (Colossians 3:13, 14; see also drawing.)
5 Paul loved his brothers so much that he did not focus on their imperfections, but on their beautiful qualities. Love also helped him forgive, as he recommended in Colossians 3:13, 14 (read it). For example, did he fix things with Marcos? Well yes. Although Mark abandoned him during his first missionary journey, Paul did not remain angry with him. Later, he wrote a loving letter to the Colossae congregation in which he said that Mark was very valuable and “a source of great comfort” (Col. 4:10, 11). Furthermore, while imprisoned in Rome, he asked Mark to come and help him (2 Tim. 4:11). It is clear that Paul did not give up on his brothers. What does his example teach us?
Series of images: 1. Paul calls Mark as he walks away from him. 2. Some time later, Pablo speaks with Marcos with affection. When Paul had a disagreement with Barnabas and Mark, he did not resent them, but later gladly collaborated with Mark. (See paragraph 5).
6, 7. What will help us continue to show love to our brothers despite their imperfections? (1 John 4:7).
6 The lesson. Jehovah wants us to continue showing love to our brothers and sisters . (Read 1 John 4:7.) If someone in the congregation treated us in an unchristian way, we can give them the benefit of the doubt. Let us think that he did it without bad intentions and that he is striving to do what is right (Prov. 12:18). Despite our imperfections, Jehovah loves us very much. He does not turn his back on us when we make mistakes nor does he remain resentful (Ps. 103:9). It is very important that we imitate our Father and forgive others (Eph. 4:32-5:1).
7 Furthermore, we must not forget that, since the end is so near, we must remain very close to our brothers. Hopefully we will face more persecution, and may even end up in jail. In those times, we will need our brothers more than ever (Prov. 17:17). Something like this happened to an old man from Spain named Josep. a Due to his neutrality, they put him in prison along with other brothers. He says: “Because we had no privacy, it was very easy to get irritated with the brothers. So we had to bear with each other and forgive each other generously. This helped us stay united and protect each other from prisoners who were not Witnesses. I remember one time when I hurt my arm and it was bandaged and immobilized. Since I couldn't take care of myself, a brother washed my clothes and helped me in other practical ways. “I saw what true love was when I needed it most.” How important it is that we resolve any problem with our brothers now!
8. What problems do marriages face?
8 The problem. All marriages “will have difficulties in life,” as the Bible frankly indicates (1 Cor. 7:28). Because? Because both husband and wife are imperfect . Plus, they have different personalities and tastes. They may come from other cultures or have very different backgrounds . And, over time, certain flaws that went unnoticed during courtship may come to light. All of this can cause the relationship to become strained. Instead of acknowledging that both of you are wrong and working as a team to solve the problems, you may blame each other or even think that the solution is to separate or divorce. But will that be the best? b Let's look at a biblical character who did not give up despite having many difficulties in his marriage.
9. What situation did AbigaĆl face?
9 The biblical character. Abigail was married to Nabal, a man who, according to the Bible, was harsh and did bad things (1 Sam. 25:3). She sure found it difficult to live with someone like that. One day, Abigail was presented with the opportunity to easily escape from her marriage. It turns out that David, the future king of Israel, wanted to kill Nabal for insulting him and his men (1 Sam. 25:9-13). Abigail could have run away and let David carry out her plan. But instead she convinced David to spare Nabal's life (1 Sam. 25:23-27). What motivated her?
10. What could motivate Abigail not to give up despite having many difficulties in her marriage?
10 Abigail loved Jehovah, and what he thought about marriage was very important to her. He surely knew what Jehovah said when he united Adam and Eve in marriage (Gen. 2:24). Abigail was very clear that in the eyes of God marriage is a sacred union. Without a doubt, her desire to please God motivated her to save her husband and everyone in her household. To prevent David from killing Nabal, she acted quickly and was willing to apologize for an offense she had not committed. Surely Jehovah loved this brave and self-sacrificing woman very much. What can both wives and husbands learn from Abigail? Let's see.
11. a) What does Jehovah want those who are married to do? (Ephesians 5:33). b) What do you learn from Carmen's example? (See also images).
The lesson. a). Jehovah wants those who are married to respect marriage, even if their husband or wife has a difficult personality. God surely feels very happy when he sees that couples do their best to solve problems and treat each other with a lot of love and respect (read Ephesians 5:33). Let's look at the example of Carmen. She had been married for about six years when she began studying the Bible with the Witnesses and was baptized. She says: “My husband didn't like my decision at all. He became jealous of Jehovah, insulted me and threatened to leave the house.” Even so, Carmen did not give up. For 50 years she did everything she could to treat her husband with love and respect. She adds: “Over the years I learned to understand my husband better and speak to him lovingly. He knew that marriage is sacred to Jehovah. So I did everything I could to save him. “My love for Jehovah helped me never give up.” b). If difficulties arise in your marriage, you can be sure that Jehovah will support you and help you persevere.
Series of images: 1. Abigail brings a blanket to Nabal, who is asleep in a chair. 2. A sister and her non-Witness husband are sitting on a couch. She speaks to him affectionately; He has a newspaper in one hand and an alcoholic drink in the other. Abigail did everything he could to save those of his house. What do you learn from her? (See paragraph 11).
12. How might we feel if we commit a serious sin?
12 The problem. We may see ourselves as a lost cause if we commit a serious sin. The Bible recognizes that our sins can leave us with “a broken and crushed heart” (Ps. 51:17). That's what happened to Robert, a brother who had worked for years to become a ministerial servant. He committed a grave sin and knew that he had betrayed Jehovah. He says: “I felt terribly guilty, like a million bricks had fallen on me. Then my stomach turned, I started crying, and I prayed to Jehovah. I remember thinking that God would never listen to me again. At the end of the day, he had let him down.” If we commit a serious sin, our broken hearts may lead us to believe that Jehovah has abandoned us and that it is no longer worth serving him. —Ps. 38:4. Have you ever felt like this? In that case, you will be helped by the example of a faithful servant of Jehovah who did not turn away from him despite committing a serious sin.
13. What serious sin did Peter commit, and what mistakes led him to that point?
13 The biblical character. The night before Jesus was executed, the apostle Peter made a series of mistakes that led to the darkest moment of his life. First, he overconfidently claimed that he would remain faithful even if the other apostles abandoned Jesus (Mark 14:27-29). Later, in the garden of Gethsemane, he fell asleep again and again (Mark 14:32, 37-41). Then, when Jesus was arrested, he abandoned him (Mark 14:50). Finally, Peter denied knowing him three times, even with an oath (Mark 14:66-71). How did he react when he realized that he had committed a serious sin? Crushed by guilt, he broke down and cried (Mark 14:72). Can you imagine how he felt when a few hours later he saw his friend Jesus on the stake? I'm sure he felt like he was the worst of the worst.
14. What helped Peter not to stray from Jehovah? (See the drawing).
14 Peter persevered and did not turn away from Jehovah. What helped you? He did not isolate himself, but sought the company of his brothers, who surely consoled him (Luke 24:33). Furthermore, once Jesus was resurrected, he appeared to Peter, probably to encourage him (Luke 24:34; 1 Cor. 15:5). Then, instead of blaming Peter for what he had done, Jesus told his friend that he would receive greater responsibilities (John 21:15-17). Peter knew that he had committed a serious sin, but he did not throw in the towel. Because? Because he was convinced that Jesus had not given him up for lost, and he had the support of his brothers. Let's see what we learn from his example.
Jesus talking to Peter next to some embers on which some fish are cooking. Other apostles listen to the conversation with interest. John 21:15-17 shows that Jesus did not give up on Peter, and that gave him the strength to continue forward. (See paragraph 14).
15. What certainty does Jehovah want us to have? (Psalm 86:5; Romans 8:38, 39; see also image.)
15 The lesson. Jehovah wants us to be convinced that he loves us and that he is willing to forgive us. (Read Psalm 86:5; Romans 8:38, 39.) Sure, it's normal and okay to feel guilty when we sin. But we must never think that Jehovah has stopped loving us and that he will never forgive us. Rather, we should seek help right away. Robert, who we talked about in paragraph 12, explains: “What led me to sin was believing that he would be able to resist temptation without anyone's help . ” He saw that he needed to talk to the elders . Robert says: “When I took that step, they helped me see that Jehovah still loved me. The elders did not give up on me. On the contrary, they showed me that Jehovah had not abandoned me.” Like Robert, we can be sure that Jehovah loves us very much and that he forgives us if we repent of our sins, seek help, and strive not to make the same mistake . (1 John 1:8, 9) Thinking that Jehovah still loves us will help us not give up if we stumble or fall.
Two elders pay a shepherding visit to a brother. How do we feel when we see that the elderly try so hard to help us? (See paragraph 15).
16. Why do you want to continue serving Jehovah without giving up?
16 Jehovah values everything we do to serve him in these last difficult days. It will help us not to give up and not to distance ourselves from him despite the disappointments. We can cultivate love for our brothers and forgive them when they offend us. We can show Jehovah that we love him very much and that we respect marriage by doing our best to solve any problems that arise with our husband or wife. And, if we commit a serious sin, we can seek help from Jehovah, accept his love and forgiveness, and continue serving him. “So let us not stop doing what is right,” because we know that Jehovah will bless us greatly (Gal. 6:9).
When a brother offends us.
When a brother offends us, what will help us weigh the problem is love and trying not to get angry or resist because we are all imperfect.
When our husband or wife disappoints us.
We have to try to resolve the matter and not try to find blame and settle the matter with a lot of love and respect, in this way the biblical principles will be put into practice and we will see marriage as something sacred.
When we feel disappointed with ourselves.
We must be aware that Jehovah wants us to be convinced that he loves us, and that he is willing to forgive us. So we should feel free to ask Jehovah for his help and direction and not try to fall into the same mistake.
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