Watchtower Study, Do not let disappointments keep you from Jehovah, Week 20 to May 26, 2024, Comments and Responses.

Watchtower Study, Don't Let Disappointments Keep You From Jehovah, May 20-26, 2024, Comments and Responses.

“You have persevered for my name's sake” (Rev. 2:3).

1. What are some of the blessings of being part of Jehovah's organization?

We have a united spiritual family, we receive God's guidance that helps us improve family life and the wisdom that helps us have mental stability, it goes without saying that this will help us only if we practice it, it is not enough by hearing it in meetings.


Well, the blessings of belonging to the organization are many, some of them, for example, teach us to obey the word of God to have a strong spiritual life, to be humble, to be patient, and to keep God's people united, as Psalm 133:1 says. Look how good it is and what a pleasure it is that the brothers live together in unity.

Yes, the help it gives us to families is also very important, for example in Ephesians 5:33 and 6:1 it tells each of us, both the husband, the wife and the children, how we should behave as a family and that will help us. give a lot of happiness.

Also being part of Jehovah's organization gives us reason to be happy since today there is a lot of negative news and there is a bad atmosphere in the world, but those negative feelings to fight with being part of the family of Jehovah.

2. What do we have to do, and why?

Not giving up in our service and this requires great efforts, sometimes we will find brothers who will do and say things that can hurt us, offend us and disappoint us.


Well, there is no doubt that we have to make great efforts not to give up and this is because there are things that can offend us, such as things that others do or say to offend us, or we can also become discouraged when we make mistakes and even when these are committed once. and again.

Because sometimes, as we are seeing, perhaps we are so sensitive that sometimes, without meaning to, of course, because we love our brother very much, we get offended and we ourselves can offend other brothers, so we need a lot of effort to move forward and not let these things paralyze us. .

When a brother offends us when our husband our wife does not disappoint us and when we feel disappointed with ourselves.

This article will help us continue serving Jehovah in these situations: 1) when a brother offends us, 2) when our husband or wife disappoints us, and 3) when we feel disappointed in ourselves. In each case we will see what we can learn from a biblical character.


3. What problem do Jehovah's servants face?

Sometimes in our meetings or in the service, we can find brothers who treat us in a disrespectful and disrespectful way, since they could say words that can disappoint us or hurt us, and when this happens many can wonder if the organization of God. And seeing that Jehovah asks us to forgive and love our brothers and see the matter in a positive way, they choose to distance themselves from the congregation.


Well, as we live together in Jehovah's people, there are times when, due to our imperfection, we commit things that annoy our brothers, here it is even said that they can get on our nerves, they can also treat us inconsiderately or we can treat them inconsiderately and those who lead the congregation Well, they are also imperfect and also because some elder may act in a way that is not appropriate.

And perhaps these decisions that you make are not the most correct truth, as they say in Zephaniah 3:9, we must continue to serve Jehovah man shoulder to shoulder, perhaps because of the imperfection, this decision that I made to stop speaking to the brother who has offended him or even Stopping going to meetings will be the best option for us and now we will talk a little about this.

And truly this is a problem because it can cause some to doubt that this is God's organization and turn away.

The problem we face is that we live surrounded by imperfect people as much or just as we are, which can mean that on some occasions there are attitudes that exasperate us, well everything could be a problem. .

Because sometimes it can give the feeling that the elderly don't make mistakes, and when they make a mistake or when they make a mistake then that is already something superhuman, something that it is impossible for that to happen and it is not like that, the elderly are people like any other. another is just that they have a responsibility within the congregation but they also make mistakes and make mistakes.

4. What problems did the apostle Paul face?

Some distrusted him. Some spoke ill of him behind his back. He saw a brother of the ruling body act in a racist and discriminatory manner in front of others and also had an outburst of anger towards Barnabas because of young Mark.


We have studied how when he began to attend the congregation in Jerusalem, many there distrusted him and were afraid of him and we see it in Acts 9:26 which says that he strove to join the disciples but everyone was afraid of him because they did not believe that was a disciple.

Yes, he says others spoke badly, as Second Corinthians 10:10 says, his letters are weighty, it seems that no one can deny wisdom, but his presence is weak, it seems that he did not have a good appearance and his speech was not a good orator, negligible, but all this Well, without a doubt, it would affect him.

And then also in Galatians 2:11 and 12 Paul saw none other than his companion Peter behave in an inappropriate way by not eating with people of the nations, but he may have adopted a negative view about those who lead the congregation or about That companion became bitter and distanced herself from Jehovah, but it was nothing of the sort; she did not let those disappointments distance her from Jehovah.

We also see the case when he and Barnabas argued and the point is that there was a sharp outburst of anger and the point is that he could have been very angry with him, but nevertheless we are going to see that he was not and the point is that seeing that disappointment that he had when arguing with him because it could have also caused him to stumble, not only him but those who had seen him as well.

The truth is that we do see all these stories that we have commented about what a lot of negative things happened to Paul from the beginning when he began to associate with the congregation, that perhaps could have caused him not to have a good attitude but nevertheless, as shown in the paragraph until the end he continued to serve and tried to that attitude that was positive is an example as well.

Yes, apparently he had reasons to stop getting along or interacting with all those brothers who had offended him. In fact, let us remember that he had previously been a persecutor of Christians. He could have thought that I am in the truth and with everything that is happening to me, without However, he did not allow all these things to distance him from Jehovah, but he always had a positive attitude and remained faithful to Jehovah.

5. What helped Paul not to distance himself from his brothers? (Colossians 3:13, 14; see also drawing.)

Forgiveness, the love of Christ that forced him so to speak and said: If Christ did it, this forces me not to give up, and we see that over time Mark matured, he changed his attitude and Paul respected him for having matured, he did not give for losing his brothers.


Well, what helped him was the love he felt for them, he loved them so much that he focused more on their qualities rather than seeing their mistakes, so he was patient, he didn't get offended and he didn't give it importance, and that good attitude made him able to fix the problems. things.

Furthermore, as we have seen in Colossians, he was also aware of the generosity that Jehovah had in forgiving because he himself had been the object of that forgiveness and that also prompted him to act in the same way towards his brothers.

Yes, as an example of that love that he felt, over time he came to fix things with Marcos, he took him as an assistant on other trips and he became, the story says, a source of great comfort for him when he was, for example, in prison.

In fact, the zeal he had for God also had to help him and since he was very zealous and in Judaism he had even become a persecutor of Christians, it surely had to help him become much more tolerant of the defects of his brothers and sisters. that his had been even more serious.

When in Colossians Paul said continue to bear with each other and forgive each other generously, he was inviting us to be patient and tolerate what bothers us about others and above all, what this attitude is going to do is make us not give importance to many things that Possibly we think that they can ruin the friendship with our brothers and that doesn't mean there are things that are not important and we don't have to give it to them, so if we do it we will not only have the favor of others but ourselves. We will have inner peace.

And then in verse 14 he points out the most important quality that must reign in every Christian, which is the one that helped him, agape love, sincere love for his brothers and it is as seen in the photograph even though there have been problems between brothers. and perhaps strong problems, that love, the gesture they make on the right side of the image, that gesture of forgiveness that says nothing's wrong, that I'm your brother, I love you, that's what in the end makes them solve the problems and continue to see unity.


Series of images: 1. Paul calls Mark as he walks away from him. 2. Some time later, Pablo speaks with Marcos with affection. When Paul had a disagreement with Barnabas and Mark, he did not resent them, but later gladly collaborated with Mark. (See paragraph 5).

6, 7. What will help us continue to show love to our brothers despite their imperfections? (1 John 4:7).

One thing we can do is give him the benefit of the doubt and think that perhaps he did it without bad intentions, since Jehovah does not turn his back on us when we make mistakes, and as the paragraph mentions, he does not even resent us. However, this applies if we repent and ask for forgiveness.

Jehovah does not forgive everyone, if he sees that someone sins and does not ask for forgiveness, he does not repent, obviously he will not receive forgiveness from Jehovah. So if we see that someone's personality is already that way and that he did it voluntarily, if not he did it on purpose. For Mental Health and to take care of even our physical integrity, it is best to have a certain distance from that person brother, the paragraph does not say that, but Jesus Christ said it. He said that if you after talking to his brother and he is still just as bad and does not want to change and you already spoke and he followed that procedure, you can consider him as one of the nations.

Well, it is interesting that the second part of John's text says that he who is born of God and knows God is because he loves, so when we love our brothers we have to always give them the benefit of the doubt, perhaps at one moment they will treat us badly but We have to think that perhaps he is going through some problem or some difficult situation and he really didn't want to treat us like that, so if we think like that, we will surely show love.

Jehovah's example also helps us because even though we are very imperfect, Jehovah loves us very much and when we make mistakes he forgives us. Psalm 103:9 says that Jehovah does not remain resentful towards us nor is he continually pointing out our faults, so if we want to imitate To Jehovah we must forgive others.

The experience of this elderly brother from Spain shows us perhaps what we are going to have to face in the future. He says that being in prison for maintaining neutrality, of course, there is not much privacy, many people live together in the same cell, so what? It was very easy to get irritated but something that helped them stay united is precisely that of forgiving each other generously and he experienced it firsthand because he says that he hurt his arm and had it immobilized and a brother washed his clothes and helped him. in a practical way, like showing the love that was shown in those cases, if we are angry with some brothers in those cases we are going to feel encouraged to wash them or do things to them, so it is better that we treat each other well and love each other.

If the paragraph reminds us of something very important that we must not forget that we are living the end of this system and we have to stay united with our brothers, since when persecution and difficult things come is when we really have to be more united and support each other and help each other.

In Ephesians 4:32-5:1 | According to what this text is telling us, we must treat each other with compassion as Jehovah shows compassion towards us and also think that he has generously forgiven us and given us what he wanted most, which was his own son, so we must imitate him. 


8. What problems do marriages face?

Some realize that not everything is rosy, and that they have very different personalities, tastes and ways of being, the person or spouse brings to light their true personality, their true essence and way of being, defects that went unnoticed during the courtship and those are problems that rob many marriages of happiness.


Mention the paragraph because of the imperfection, problems will arise, perhaps due to a different personality or taste or because they have different cultures, very different backgrounds, and surely also in courtship certain things will have been hidden that are not nice for your partner to know, but then once they are married they come out.

And something that the paragraph teaches us is that we all make mistakes, so work as a team and solving problems would be the best thing for marriage.

It is saying that those who get married will have difficulties in life, so no matter how well a marriage goes or may seem to go very well, they will always have difficulties, but with the help of the Bible they can all be overcome.

In truth, in this world there may come a point where many think about separating or divorcing, but it is clear that the Bible does not recommend separation at all. It is true that, as the note says, there are some Christians who have decided to separate due to three very specific details. serious a refusal to support the family very serious physical abuse and the very serious risk of losing friendship with Jehovah those three points may turn out to be that your conscience allows you to separate but at no time does the Bible as it does not recommend it in any case .

Recognize that it is not always the other's fault that once one will have it and another time it will be the other's, so instead of blaming it is to work as a unit so that the thing is solved.

9. What situation did AbigaĆ­l face?

She was married to a bad, foolish, stubborn man, who did not obey the law of God, he did know the law of God, but he did not obey it, an ungrateful, stubborn man. Nabal, who was certainly an intelligent person, was a man who did know what was right to do, but chose the opposite.

Abigail's marital situation was not easy at all. However, after being on the verge of escaping that unhappy marriage, Nabal, due to his arrogant attitude, had problems with David and was about to lose his life, but Abigail wisely interceded on behalf of her husband and saved everyone's lives. 

We see how Abigail was married to Naval in first Samuel 2:5 to 3 describes him as a harsh person who did bad things, so it was surely very difficult for her to live with him and one day she had the opportunity to escape easily. of his marriage but we see how he didn't do it.

Well, as recorded in the first book of Samuel 23 to 27, there she mentions very interesting details, although later we will see in the next paragraph what motivated her to take that action in favor of her naval husband, but what is clear in This story is that at no time did Abigail tell David that she loved her husband, that she appreciated him, that he should please not hurt her, but that she did not have that strong relationship with her husband because of the qualities that Naval had, then we will see how We have mentioned what precisely motivated him to take that action.

10. What could motivate Abigail not to give up despite having many difficulties in her marriage?

Without a doubt, love for Jehovah was the most important thing for her and what Jehovah thought is also very clear.


Well, she had in mind God's point of view on marriage, she respected her marriage, she respected the creator and as long as there was no really valid basis, she was not going to choose the easy path and was even willing to apologize and show her face. for an offense she did not commit.

Surely she already knew what Jehovah thought about marriage and that this union was sacred and that is why in a situation like this, as we have seen in the previous paragraph, she was even willing to blame her and take responsibility for everything. .

And the desire to please Jehovah, as the paragraph says, was what encouraged her to do all those things, that is, not because her husband deserved it and not because she was unhappy in that marriage, perhaps, but simply because Jehovah saw the marriage. In that sacred way she acted like that.

If Abigail was very clear that in the eyes of God marriage is a sacred union, her desire was to please God and it motivated her to save his wife and everyone in his house. Abigail loved Jehovah very much and surely Jehovah loved Jehovah. a lot to this brave woman otherwise we wouldn't be talking about her today.

And she knew that marriage was a sacred union created by Jehovah, and her desire was to please God. This motivated her to save her husband and everyone in her house. In this way, she acted quickly and was willing to apologize for an offense that she had committed. she had not committed.

Not only did she care about what Jehovah cared about marriage, this woman was also very grateful for the fact that she saw all the effort that David and his men had been making and yet obviously nothing was worth anything, much less she was thanking him for nothing or anything. She wanted to give him food, so of course that was the fact that David wanted to kill him but she avoided all that and not only created honor in her marriage but in the eyes of Jehovah.

11. a) What does Jehovah want those who are married to do? (Ephesians 5:33). b) What do you learn from Carmen's example? (See also images).

Jehovah wants those of us who are married to respect our marriage even if our husband has a very difficult character.

Jehovah wants you to respect marriage, even if your wife or husband has a difficult personality, to make an effort to solve their problems and to treat each other with love and respect. And the example is given of a sister who was baptized by her, but her husband did not make it difficult for her, he insulted her and threatened to leave home. Over time she learned to treat him with love, with respect and to understand the best and speak to him with affection.

And the thing is that in these paragraphs that we are seeing at no time is the issue of marriage problems treated as something that may or may not happen, but rather it is taken for granted that difficulties are going to come to a marriage and then the paragraph says that God, who feels very happy when he sees that these couples make every effort to solve the problems because for Jehovah marriage is something truly sacred and something of great importance and as has also been mentioned in the text of Ephesians 5:33 we are told that each one must love his wife as he loves himself, so just as we love ourselves, if we want the best for ourselves we do not want to do any harm to ourselves, the same must be true of marriage and even more so when it is something sacred and that Jehovah values ​​so much. 

11. b) What do you learn from Carmen's example? (See also images).

Carmen's example teaches us that for Jehovah marriage is sacred, and that each one individually must make the maximum effort to solve the problems and treat each other with great love and respect, since if difficulties arise we can be completely sure that Jehovah will support us. and will help us continue to persevere.


Jehovah wants those who are married to respect marriage. Even if your husband or wife has a difficult personality, even Jehovah will be very happy when he sees that we do our best to solve problems and treat each other with love and respect.

Yes, it is about the Freisinger couple, they argued a lot, they were having a hard time and they made the decision to separate and they realized that it was not a good decision. They comment on how they had a very bad time because they felt alone, a lot of work for their children. They even got into trouble. Ultimately, the problem was that both of them realized that Jehovah was not blessing them for having made that separation without any solid basis and then what they did was that in the end they decided to return and then they noticed how Jehovah blessed them again.

So we can see how the lesson is clear if there is a mutual effort on the part of both parties to apply Ephesians 5:33 Jehovah is going to bless those efforts and is going to make that little bit of love that may be in that relationship resurface and why can we have this security because this is Jehovah's will and it is a contract that we have made before him and Jehovah will undoubtedly bless even the worst situations and there are many examples that support that this is so.

Well, no matter how difficult the situation is, we must not give up but continue treating the person next to us with love, respect, affection, learn to understand this person's situation and think that for Jehovah, marriage is sacred and of course he will help us. in the effort we make to preserve it.

And possibly the situation will not improve, in the photograph we do not see a before and after but rather a situation that lasts over time but possibly Jehovah is giving the sister the necessary help to persevere even if the situation does not get better.

If the interesting thing about this video was that they were two servants of Jehovah whose marriage separated because they had problems, the problem was also that they did not seek help from Jehovah or the elders and that later when they separated, apart from the fact that they also suffered the separation Their children also had a very bad time, they felt that Jehovah did not answer their prayers or bless them because they acted badly by separating, so they returned again and this time they did put Jehovah first and not their own thoughts and thanks to that today day they are a happy family.


Series of images: 1. Abigail brings a blanket to Nabal, who is asleep in a chair. 2. A sister and her non-Witness husband are sitting on a couch. She speaks to him affectionately; He has a newspaper in one hand and an alcoholic drink in the other. Abigail did everything he could to save those of his house. What do you learn from her? (See paragraph 11).


12. How might we feel if we commit a serious sin?

We could feel in two ways: very guilty, hopeless, as if the world had fallen on us and we began to cry and pray to Jehovah. Or we could not feel anything, there are people who commit serious sins and no longer have a conscience and do not feel the slightest remorse.


Like a hopeless case is the expression that the Watchtower uses. Never again will Jehovah not listen to us.

If he uses the expression broken and crushed heart, if we think of an object in that state because it no longer works well, then someone who has such a heart can make his heart believe that Jehovah does not listen to him, has abandoned him and therefore he is no longer worth the trouble. worth continuing to serve.

We make a mistake by thinking that because of our mistake Jehovah would never forgive us because that is Satan's way of thinking that because of a mistake we have made we can no longer serve Jehovah. Following this thought, many brothers believe that by not have a solution, they decide to walk away but that is what they should not do but pray to Jehovah and ask for help.

13. What serious sin did Peter commit, and what mistakes led him to that point?

The sin of failing Jesus Christ, of abandoning him, of denying him three times. He even stated that he would never do it, even though they did everything and this is because of overconfidence.


When we read those biblical records about Peter perhaps we could think this man has no solution, he was an impetuous man, he often made mistakes that he could even have discarded as a disciple of Christ or an apostle of his, but as we will learn, good choice later this man still Despite all those situations that saddened him because the Bible mentions that he cried bitterly when he remembered those words of Jesus that he would deny him three times when a rooster crowed, well, we can feel in his skin, perhaps we can think that the system has no solution or we have no solution at all. of us when we make a gross mistake, but what good lessons we learned and how Jehovah also heals our emotional wounds because he knows what we are made of, that we are dust.

The serious sin that he committed was that he had previously told Jesus that he was not going to deny him at any time that he was going to always be by his side and would always tell the truth, but the opposite happened, he denied it and if that were not enough They were three times.

The serious sin that he committed was that he had previously told Jesus that he was not going to deny him at any time that he was going to always be by his side and would always tell the truth, but the opposite happened, he denied it and if that were not enough They were three times.

One of the first mistakes that he made and that we should take into account is overconfidence. He thought that others might abandon Jesus, but he told Jesus that he would never abandon him. Even if he had to die, he would die with him and that is what we should not do to be overconfident.

Yes, they were so tired from the day they had spent that on three occasions Jesus had to tell them at a time like this they are sleeping and he told them that they were praying so that they would not fall into temptation but they were so exhausted that well instead of being alert with this What Jesus told him because they gave in to imperfection in sleep.

14. What helped Peter not to stray from Jehovah? (See the drawing).

The company of the brothers who would comfort him in those moments and the encouragement he received from Jesus when he resurrected and appeared to him to encourage him, reaffirmed his affection, telling him that he would receive greater responsibilities, so he knew that Jesus had not given him up for lost.


Pedro did not isolate himself, he sought the company of his brothers. The resurrected Jesus Christ gave him his hand to lift him up, he helped him, Jesus told him I already knew that this was going to happen, I knew that you were going to abandon me, and but I prayed to the father for you so that your soul would not fail and here I am trying to encourage you then. Jesus did not say we are going to make a judicial committee for Peter. Let's scrub his mistakes to finish sinking him. Jesus gave him a helping hand to lift him up, but he made sure that Peter wanted to do it. In fact, he asked him three times if he loved him more than fish. because he had denied it three times.

Peter persevered, he did not isolate himself but sought the company of his brothers who consoled him and once Jesus was resurrected he appeared to Peter to encourage him and instead of blaming him for what Peter had done Jesus told him that he would receive greater responsibilities.

Above all, Peter reflected and it helped him a lot to remember what he had spoken with Jesus, that many times he had asked him do you love me and he answered yes, because this thinking led him to remember that he tells him if you know it, I love you. But Jesus told him, feed my little sheep, it was a command that he gave him to continue feeding his little sheep.

And on the cover we see Jesus saying, "You have betrayed me three times." He gives him responsibilities so we see that we have to learn a lot from Jesus.

How important it is to feel that Jehovah that Jesus did not give up on Peter at that moment, we see it in the image that we have how Jesus now counts on him for more responsibilities so that taking care of his little sheep also has his brothers close to him and feeling this at that moment that Jesus had not given up on him that he still loved him is something that surely did that to Peter, not turning away from Jehovah as we are seeing in this question and we are going to see this as it is also It is important for us to feel that Jehovah never abandons us despite our mistakes when we deeply repent as happened to Peter.

I really like the story in John 21 when, after having gone through this, Jesus gives Peter the opportunity three times again, this time telling him that he loved him and then also giving him a job to do, demonstrating in this way that despite After what had happened, I still trusted him.

Yes, Peter knew that he had committed a serious sin but he did not throw in the towel and that is what we have to do when we make a mistake and commit a sin, not stay stranded but move forward.

And something important is that he isolated us and sometimes when you have your feelings, you least want to see your siblings, you feel ashamed, maybe you talk to the elderly, how complicated it is, but he didn't do it, he isolated us, he was with us. His brothers were even with Jesus, we still learn that when we make a serious mistake, not isolating ourselves is the time to be closer to the congregation of our brothers and the elders.


Jesus talking to Peter next to some embers on which some fish are cooking. Other apostles listen to the conversation with interest. John 21:​15-17 shows that Jesus did not give up on Peter, and that gave him the strength to move forward. (See paragraph 14).

15. What certainty does Jehovah want us to have? (Psalm 86:5; Romans 8:38, 39; see also image.)

He wants us to be convinced that he loves us, and that he is willing to forgive us, for that purpose the elders should learn the example of Jesus and give a helping hand to lift up the fallen person. Of course this will depend on the person, because as already mentioned in the previous paragraph, this will depend on the person, since there may be people who do not regret it and those who do regret it, which is why it is a real challenge to distinguish who is really sorry. But if the person is repentant, the elders are not going to put their foot on him, but on the contrary, they will give him a hand to lift him up.


He wants us to be certain that he is a willing God and is prepared to forgive, so as long as we are heartily repentant and ask him to do so when he is willing, he will do it immediately, but we are the ones who have to be clear that Jehovah does it. will do.

We have seen in Romans that there is nothing in the universe that can prevent Jehovah from loving us so that he can forgive us.

Yes, another thing we should do is when we have committed a sin not to feel so guilty that we think that Jehovah can no longer forgive us that it is impossible for him to forgive us and what is said next is that what we should do against that It is immediately not to expect to seek help, which, as has been mentioned, could be from the elderly or in other ways, but we should immediately get to work.

When Romans 8:38 39 says that nothing can separate us from the love of Jehovah we can think of the same rebellion of Adam and Eve that everything turned upside down and seemed impossible but still was willing to give what was most valuable to him as It was his son's life.

He realized that if he did not ask for help he would not be able to resist the temptation again and would commit the same sin again, so he spoke to the elders, sought their help and saw how Jehovah gave it to him through these men who treated him so kindly. love and they gave him just what he needed.

Just like the apostle Peter, all the mistakes he made due to his overconfidence also happened to this brother, his overconfidence led him to commit sin.


Two elders pay a shepherding visit to a brother. How do we feel when we see that the elderly try so hard to help us? (See paragraph 15).

16. Why do you want to continue serving Jehovah without giving up?

Because where else will we go, only he has sayings of eternal life just like our Lord Jesus Christ, without Jehovah we are nothing. The world does not offer us something better, if we see outside how everything really is, only Jehovah gives us future peace and hope.


Jehovah values ​​what his servants do to serve him, despite the problems we may have with our brothers, because we can overcome that situation if we treat each other with love and if we forgive each other generously as Jehovah does.

And we can also always count on him when we feel troubled or sad or have any difficulty in prayer. He can comfort us, above all, knowing who loves us and who promises to take care of us.

We want to show Jehovah that we want to please him by doing things well with our family, brothers and sisters, in the face of problems and always serving with love.


When a brother offends us.

Do not focus on the defects and be forgiving and patient and Jehovah will be very happy with us.


Well, we have to give him the benefit of the doubt, let's think that he did it without bad intentions and that he is making an effort to do the right thing, and we also have to think that Jehovah forgives us because we offend him and that doesn't mean he abandons us.

I really liked when we talked about this topic, Psalm 103:9 where it says that Jehovah does not remain resentful forever, Jehovah does not freeze us to a situation or what we have done to him, so we should not freeze our brothers either, but rather give them that opportunity to that demonstrate those good qualities.

I really liked when we talked about this topic, Psalm 103:9 where it says that Jehovah does not remain resentful forever, Jehovah does not freeze us to a situation or what we have done to him, so we should not freeze our brothers either, but rather give them that opportunity to that demonstrate those good qualities. 

When our husband or wife disappoints us.

Let us remember how sacred marriage is and recognize that this is a Union of different personalities and different tastes, therefore we must work as a team to solve problems.


Among other things, remember that marriage is made up of an imperfect husband and an imperfect wife and also sometimes with different tastes and backgrounds, which causes a lot of attention at times and to think that Jehovah, even in those situations, wants us to be faithful and loyal. and that we strive to improve the situation that can help us move forward.

And seeing marriage as Jehovah sees it as a sacred union, he would not like it at all if we put an end to that marriage for any reason, even if the situations are complicated.

We know that in every marriage there will always be problems but the important thing is to have a lot of love in the couple, a lot of mutual respect and above all a lot of communication to express the problems that may arise that are negative to the marriage, looking for a solution in this way we show that we respect the word of God. 

When we feel disappointed with ourselves.

What will help us is to see Jehovah that he values ​​everything we do to serve him in these difficult days Jehovah wants us to be convinced that he loves us and that he is willing to forgive us and that it is good that we can Highlight the texts in paragraph 15 where there is Psalm 86 5 and Romans 8:38 and 39.


Well, to think that Jehovah continues to love us despite our mistakes and will forgive us and never consider ourselves a hopeless case.

Yes, something also something that will help us a lot will be to deeply repent, pray to Jehovah and express our repentance and not isolate ourselves but seek the help of our brothers who will help us with their love. 
