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1, 2. a) When, where and why did Paul write the Letter to the Ephesians?
Paul had spent almost 10 years in Ephesus, preaching and teaching the good news of the Kingdom.
This time allowed him to develop a deep love for his brothers in that city. He had a fervent desire to help them remain faithful to Jehovah.
Therefore, while he was imprisoned in a house in Rome, the apostle could not visit his brothers personally, so he wrote them several letters to strengthen their spirit, one of those letters was sent to the Christians of Ephesus Around the year 60 or 61.
1, 2. b) What questions are we going to answer?
We will answer why Paul wrote to them specifically about light and darkness in his letters?
We will also answer: What can all Christians learn from the advice that Paul gave them? Paul's purpose in writing these letters was to strengthen and encourage the Christians of Ephesus, reminding them of the need to live in the light and avoid darkness, a message that remains vital for all of us today.
3. What examples did Paul use in Ephesians chapter 5?
In Ephesians chapter 5 verse 8, we see how Paul used light and darkness as examples to illustrate the profound change in the lives of the Ephesians after accepting the message of Christ.
These examples emphasize the contrast between his old life and his new life in faith. Before they lived in the darkness of sin and spiritual ignorance, but now thanks to their faith in Christ, they live in the light of truth and justice.
4. Why can it be said that the Ephesians were in religious darkness?
The city of Ephesus was an important commercial center, the Ephesians were famous for their magical books and practices, which were common and socially accepted. These magical practices represented a departure from divine truth and a dependence on the occult and superstitious.
Therefore they were mired in religious darkness due to their many false beliefs and superstitions.
Ephesus was known for housing the famous temple of the goddess Artemis, considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. This temple was not only a center of worship for many idols, but also a place where superstition and idolatry proliferated, for all these reasons it can be said that the Ephesians were in religious darkness before knowing the truth.
They lived in an environment dominated by idolatry, Superstition and magic, which kept them away from the light of God's truth.
5. Why can it be said that the Ephesians were in moral darkness?
In Ephesus, plays and religious celebrations frequently revolved around sex, reflecting a deeply immoral culture, the lack of shame and unrestrained moral conduct were evident.
In Ephesians chapter 4 verses 17 to 19, we read that the people had lost all moral sense, this literally means that they had stopped feeling pain for their actions, this implies that they had no remorse nor did they feel that they should be accountable to Jehovah for their actions.
Therefore, the combination of their unrestrained conduct, the loss of any sense of shame or remorse, and their inability to extinguish good from evil, justify the saying that the Ephesians were in deep moral darkness before they knew Christian truth. .
6. Why did Paul tell the Ephesians “now you are light”?
In Ephesians chapter 5 verse 8, we see how Paul told the Ephesians: "Now you are light." Some of them had left behind their lives of darkness and sin, to live according to the word of Jehovah.
These Christians had abandoned the false religious practices and immorality that prevailed in Ephesus. In Psalm chapter 119 verse 105, we see that the word of God is compared to a light.
Therefore, these Ephesians sought to imitate God in their conduct and worship. The change in the lives of these Ephesians was significant. Before, they lived in religious and moral darkness, participating in immoral idolatrous practices. However, by accepting the Christian truth and following the teachings of Jesus, they began to live in a way that pleased Jehovah.
7. How is our situation similar to that of the Christians of Ephesus?
Our situation is similar to that of the Christians of Ephesus, in that before learning the truth we also lived in religious and moral darkness.
Many of us may have participated in false religious festivals or led an immoral life. However, by knowing Jehovah, we transform our way of life and begin to follow his standards of what is right and what is wrong.
This change has brought us many benefits, as mentioned in Isaiah chapter 48 verse 17 where Jehovah says that he teaches us what benefits us and guides us along the path we should walk.
Series of images: 1. The apostle Paul writing a letter while chained to a Roman soldier. 2. Photo of a very old copy of the letter that the apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesians. The loving advice that Paul wrote to the Ephesians is very useful for us today. (See paragraph 7). b
8. According to Ephesians 5:3-5, what did the Ephesians have to avoid?
According to what we just read in Ephesians chapter 5 verses 3 to 5, the Ephesian Christians were to stay away from moral darkness and were to avoid practices that displease Jehovah, such as sexual immorality and obscene words.
Paul reminded them that they must reject these behaviors to inherit the Kingdom of God, in other words they must distance themselves from any immoral or vulgar behavior to meet divine expectations and continue walking avoiding darkness.
9. Why should we avoid any contact with immoral things?
As we see in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 11, we must avoid any contact with immoral things, so as not to participate in the unfruitful works that are of darkness.
Experience shows that exposing oneself to immoral material or talking about dirty topics increases the probability of committing a sin. An example of this occurred in a country where many witnesses formed a group on a social network. Initially the conversations were spiritual, but gradually they became spiritual. veered into sexual topics, as a result several members admitted that these conversations led them to fall into sexual immorality.
This experience underscores the importance of staying away from anything that could distance us from Jehovah's moral principles.
10. What is Satan trying to achieve? (Ephesians 5:6).
Satan tries to confuse people, so that they cannot distinguish between good and evil as we see in second Corinthians chapter 4 verse 4, his goal is to make the world believe that the things that Jehovah considers dirty and immoral are not harmful, That is why many movies, television programs and websites promote ideas contrary to Jehovah's righteous standards. He wants us to think that the immoral practices and lifestyles that are fashionable in the world are acceptable, fun and harmless.
In Ephesians chapter 5 verse 6 he warns us not to be deceived by these false beliefs and traps of Satan.
11. As we see in Angela's experience, why is it so important to follow the counsel of Ephesians 5:7? (See also images).
Ephesians chapter 5 verse 7 says: "Therefore do not be his accomplices" with this text Paul advised the Ephesians to avoid being accomplices of those who practice evil things. Satan tries to get us to associate with people who lead us away from Jehovah's standards.
Therefore we must be very careful, since we not only interact in person, but we also do so through social networks, the experience of Angela, a sister from Asia, highlights the importance of following this advice.
Angela recounts how social media clouded her mind and she began to think that living a life that displeased Jehovah was not so bad. Fortunately, the elders lovingly helped her make the necessary changes, and now Angela fills her mind with spiritual things instead of social media.
Series of images: 1. A young sister looking at messages from a social network on her phone. 2. The same young woman is preaching with a sister, both are smiling and talking. Not all friendships help us obey Jehovah. Which ones will we choose? (See paragraph 11).
12. What should we do if we want to obey Jehovah's standards?
To obey Jehovah's standards it is essential that we not be deceived by the world that promotes immoral behavior as acceptable. We must evaluate our relationships and ask ourselves: Are we avoiding all unnecessary contact with schoolmates, co-workers, or anyone else who does not respect Jehovah's standards?
It is important to be brave and defend biblical principles, even though people may call us intolerant.
Furthermore, as indicated in Second Timothy chapter 2 verses 20 to 22, we must be careful when choosing our friends within the congregation, since maintaining relationships that strengthen our spirituality is key to living according to biblical principles and avoiding negative influences.
13. What does it mean to continue “walking as children of light”? (Ephesians 5:7-9).
According to the text we have just read, continuing to walk as children of the light implies behaving at all times like a true Christian, which requires constant and conscious effort.
Paul advises the Ephesian Christians to continue to avoid darkness and live as people who reflect the light of Christ. This means that we must ensure that our actions and decisions are aligned with Biblical principles, to achieve this it is essential to read and study the Bible and publications regularly.
Let us pay special attention to the example and teachings of Jesus Christ, who describes himself in John chapter 8 verse 12 as the light of the world.
14. How can the holy spirit help us?
In Ephesians chapter 5 verse 9, it is highlighted that the Holy Spirit can assist us to act with kindness, justice and truth, fundamental qualities in the Christian life.
Furthermore, the Holy Spirit enables us to resist worldly ideas and philosophies that contradict God's point of view, as mentioned in first Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 3 to 5 and verse 7.
Furthermore, the Holy Spirit strengthens us to face temptations and keep us pure, in an environment full of impurities. This divine assistance is essential to remain firm in our faith and commitment to God amid the pressures and challenges of the modern world.
15. What can we do to receive holy spirit? (Ephesians 5:19, 20).
According to the text we have just read, one way to receive the Holy Spirit is through praise and worship of Jehovah in meetings together with our brothers.
By actively participating we express our gratitude and devotion to God, we open our hearts to receive the influence of the Holy Spirit, this practice strengthens our spiritual connection with Jehovah and enables us to live in accordance with his commandments and principles.
Furthermore, as Luke chapter 11 verse 13 indicates, we can ask Jehovah in prayer to grant us his holy spirit.
16. What will help us make good decisions? (Ephesians 5:10, 17).
According to these texts, what will help us make good decisions is to seek and understand what Jehovah's will is in each situation. If we base our decisions on the principles and values revealed in the scriptures, we can be sure that we are aligning our will with that of Jehovah, this enables us to make informed and morally correct decisions that reflect our desire to obey and honor God in all we do.
17. How can we make good use of our time? (Ephesians 5:15, 16; see also image.)
According to Ephesians chapter 5 verse 15 and 16 we can make good use of our time, focusing on what really matters and preventing worldly concerns from distracting us from serving God.
Paul warns the Ephesian Christians about the trap of devoting excessive time and energy to temporal things, such as money, education, or work, detrimental to our service to Jehovah.
Making good use of time involves prioritizing our activities and ensuring that our efforts are aligned with Divine purposes. This means dedicating regular time to Bible study, prayer, worship and service to God and others.
First century Christians preaching on a crowded Ephesus street. The Christians of Ephesus received advice to make good use of their time. (See paragraph 17).
18. What steps did Donald take to make good use of his time?
Donald took concrete steps to make better use of his time and increase his service to Jehovah, first evaluating circumstances and recognizing the need to do more in the ministry, then taking this concern to Jehovah in prayer for help in finding a job that would allow him to dedicate more time to preach.
Once he obtained this job Donald and his wife made the decision to dedicate themselves to full-time service, which allowed them to dedicate even more time to preaching and ministry. This total dedication to God's service reflects his commitment to God's values and his desire to prioritize his relationship with Jehovah over worldly concerns.
19. What should we do to continue “walking as children of light”?
We must follow the advice given by Paul in his letter to the Ephesians, first we must be selective in our entertainment and in the friendships we cultivate, avoiding those influences that distance us from the ways of Jehovah.
It is also essential to dedicate regular time to studying the Bible, allowing the light of truth to illuminate our path and guide our decisions. We cannot underestimate the importance of the Holy Spirit in our spiritual life.
We must actively seek His guidance and let Him help us develop good qualities and resist the temptations of the world.
What do the “light” and “darkness” mentioned in Ephesians 5:8 represent?
Light represents living in harmony with God's teachings and following the path of truth, while darkness symbolizes spiritual ignorance and the practice of evil.
What should we do to avoid “darkness”?
We must reject immoral practices and distance ourselves from everything that displeases Jehovah by standing firm in our principles and avoiding the negative influence of the world.
What should we do to continue “walking as children of light”?
To continue walking as children of light, we must seek guidance from God's Holy Spirit, regularly study the Bible and participate in meetings, and seek opportunities to serve Jehovah and do his will for our lives.
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