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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
Psa 44:19. What can the expression “where the jackals live” refer to? (it-1 470).
The expression: Where do the Jackals live? In Psalm 44:19, it may refer to a battlefield after a humiliating defeat. In ancient times, Jackals were known to congregate in places where there were corpses, as they fed on them. Therefore, by mentioning "The Place of Jackals," the psalmist could be describing a scenario where God's people have been defeated and jackals gather to feed on the bodies of the fallen.
For it seems that concerning the defeat or a humiliating defeat of the people of God, then the Psalmist lamented and said the words quoted, He has crushed us in the place of jackals, then probably perhaps referring to the battlefield where the jackals congregated to feed on corpses.
When talking about jackals, apparently a negative connotation is given by the reference here to when Job was at his worst he said that he felt like the brother of the jackals.
Surely it is used as an illustration since jackals live in desolate places in a situation, just as I mentioned where there is desolation because they precisely live in those places, they feed on carrion, there the information showed that corpses are in places where there are no people in general, so that's probably exactly what you're referring to.
This helps us understand, other passages in the Bible such as Job when he says that he was with his brother like the jackals which indicates the dire condition that Job was going through, and then in the year 607 before our common era When Jeremiah spoke about what would happen to Jerusalem, he also talks about how they would be in such a pitiful condition like the jackals that he says that even the mother herself would treat her children badly, so when we hear this expression it is the dire condition in which you can find each other.
Also, since it seems that in this context he was referring to a defeat that had arisen, the people of Jehovah and the jackals usually go to eat the corpses left from the battles, it could also be referring to the battlefield at that time.
Yes, he also talks about when Babylon was besieged in the year 607, in the state that they were starving and he says that even the mothers treated their children with great cruelty. And in lamentations he mentions that even among the jackals or mothers feed their children showing how low the population had fallen.
Yes, obviously we have to recognize that jackals are one of the animals that people least appreciate, precisely because of how violent and untamable they are, the fact that this type of issue has been compared to that animal is concerning a humiliating defeat of the people of God, and that Psalmist precisely expresses it as the jackals or in the place of the jackals, perhaps referring to the battlefield where the jackals who gathered to feed on the corpses of humans or horses, as a consequence of the siege of Babylon, also the fact that Babylon has been besieged. For so long to the point that the same people among whom there were those who cooked their children behaved like jackals for that reason is completely humiliating for the people of Israel.
When Job wrote to you about the situation he was going through, which was a very difficult, very hard situation, he exclaimed that he had become a brother to the jackals and since the jackals looked for dead animals or corpses, he felt like a prey where the jackals They were going to consume it so at a time of anguish we might almost feel this way but Jehovah undoubtedly demonstrates his goodness.
What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?
Psalm 42:6. We can see in this text how the Psalmist does not hide his despair. This fact teaches us that it is important to recognize our own emotions, since it is the first step in seeking comfort and help. It also teaches us that it is okay to be honest with Jehovah about our struggles and feelings.
Psalms 44:17. It teaches us true faith, it teaches us that true faith remains firm, for this reason we must not forget our promises to Jehovah nor deviate from his path, no matter how difficult the circumstances are.
Psalm 44:21. He says: Will not God find out, he knows the secrets of the heart? This text makes us think how Jehovah is well aware of everything we do, if we do good things to exalt his name or if we do bad things to dirty his name, then we must be very careful because Jehovah says that he knows the secrets of our hearts.
Psalm 43:1. We see that the psalmist expresses how Jehovah always defended his cases loyally and that indicates how much confidence the psalmist had in Jehovah that he would always take care of him, he would protect him. In our case, perhaps at work or young people at school, we can face situations of pressure so much that perhaps these people can provoke us in order to fail Jehovah, but this text reminds us how Jehovah will always defend us loyally. , if we remain intact with him.
Psalm 42:6. We can see in this text how the psalmist does not hide his despair. This fact teaches us that it is important to recognize our own emotions, since it is the first step to seek comfort and help from Jehovah.
Psalm 42:6. We can see in this text how the Psalmist does not hide his despair, this fact teaches us that it is important to recognize our own emotions, since it is the first step to seek comfort and help from Jehovah.
Psalm 43:4. In his word, Jehovah has also preserved the truth and we are happy to follow the path that God has illuminated with biblical truth, although humanity walks in the dark in a labyrinth of false doctrines, we have the spiritual light.
Psalm 43:1. It teaches us that it is good to ask Jehovah God to protect us from false and unjust people. However, we ourselves must be careful not to offend others through gossip.
Psalm 42:4,3. These verses end with the question why am I desperate? This teaches me that I should not be surprised that at certain times, as if Jehovah's people feel desperate. However, as is the line of this meeting, we must take advantage of the teaching from Jehovah to benefit them in those moments of difficulty.
Psalm 44:21. It reminds us of the importance of being sincere with Jehovah and this implies that we must be honest in our prayers and confessions knowing that Jehovah already knows our true intentions and motivations.
Psalm 42:11. It can be seen how the Psalmist, despite going through many difficulties, did not allow his faith to be shaken. In the same way I can continue to turn to Jehovah for help, no matter what may befall me or any difficulty I face, have great appreciation for all our spirituality that is now disputed with other people or with other brothers, that It is what will keep us strong in this system ruled by Satan. So regardless of the circumstances we are going through, we must never allow our faith to waver.
Psalm 44:7. He says because it was you who saved us from our adversaries, it was you who humiliated those who hate us, well despite everything I have to hope in him not to continue trying as he tells me, I know that salvation comes from him and even though sometimes One wants to do what one thinks is right but no, if Jehovah says no, not this.
Psalm 43:1. It shows that the psalmist was going through difficulties, perhaps he suffered some kind of injustice with people who did not worship Jehovah, and in verse 2 it shows that this saddened him, even in verse 4 it shows that he was worshiping at his altar and he focused so much on their worship and their relationship with Jehovah, that everything was left behind. So the lesson is that well now it may be that trials or unfavorable circumstances or some kind of injustice is affecting us, to the point that at some point it can make us sad too, but well, if you focus on Your relationship with Jehovah, or in the worship that we give to him, which is what truly matters to us, is going to be that others observe and see that true happiness, the true purpose, comes from loyally serving Jehovah.
Psalm 43:3. It shows that the light and truth that comes from Jehovah directs us, Jehovah offers us his light by declaring his purpose, by allowing his servants not to understand, and by fulfilling what he has declared. So, when we pray to God we do not do it with a simple formality or to appear holy, but we sincerely desire the light that comes from Jehovah, so we have to accept the responsibilities that come along with the light that he offers us.
Psalm 44:3. I like this verse a lot, because it says it was not with their own sword that they occupied the Earth, nor was it their own arm that gave them victory, rather it was thanks to your right hand, your arm and the light. of your face, because you took pleasure in them. This psalm makes me think that, just as in ancient times, Jehovah chose the people of Israel and gave them everything they needed, giving it to them in the promised land, and in our time he also gives us what we need, because we are a people. chosen and gives us For our spiritual needs of his word the Bible and his organization and everything that is within our reach, and also gives us the opportunity to know his name, that wonderful privilege so that his mercy may also be poured out in the future to all obedient humanity.
Psalm 42:11. He asks us some questions that we could reflect on, especially when we find ourselves with a little anxiety, a little depression and perhaps we can ask these questions: Because I am desperate, because I feel agitated. But the important thing is how the psalm concludes, I will wait on Jehovah, I will praise him as Savior and my God. That attitude is what we should have.
Psalm 44:7. There is an aspect that our father Jehovah reminds us of, that he is the one who will rescue us, in verse 6 it is mentioned that we do not pay attention to the Bow or the arrows, which means that sometimes we can think that material goods are going to be a protection, we see that there are difficulties and sometimes we can think or worry and prioritize understanding material things because we think that they will serve us in our daily lives, that is a mistake. Jehovah is going to give us what we need as long as we are faithful to him. Therefore, if we put our service to Jehovah first, we will never lack what we need.
And in the heading corresponding to this Chapter 44, we find who wrote these Psalms, they are the sons of Korah. It is interesting, because Korah was a rebellious person, but God did not consider his children responsible, on the contrary he rewarded the loyalty and fidelity they had, since over time they demonstrated that attachment to Jehovah and blessed them with great privileges.
Psalm 43:3. We see that it says that Jehovah is an abundant God in truth, very different from human leaders who make promises, but yet are not faithful to what they say, very different from Jehovah, since his servants we can have confidence in everything he says. He tells us and his inspired word is abundant in truth and always fulfills what it promises.
Psalm 43:3. There he says: Send your light and your truth, let them direct me, guide me to your holy mountain and your great tabernacle. Jehovah continues to answer that prayer of his loyal servants, he sends the light by declaring his purpose allowing his servants to understand it and fulfilling what he has declared, no matter what he does in general, Genuine Christians turn to Jehovah as the true source of light.
Psalm 42:7. The psalmist speaks of a waterspout, it is possible that the phenomenon represented what he felt or his feelings of despair, since he says that his soul was desperate and troubled, but Jehovah God comforted him, and it is possible that we also went through difficulties similar to waterspouts, but, if we wait on Jehovah, he will prove or be our magnificent salvation.
Psalm 44:6,7. Here David said, It's good that he didn't trust his sword or his bow, although they are weapons that can help us defend and even win in a war, he didn't put his trust in his weapons, but rather he put trust first. in Jehovah, this applied in our times, helps us so that we do not have to put our trust in our things such as material possessions, but also our trust in Jehovah.
Psalm 42:5. It tells us about a great advantage that we have in waiting on Jehovah, it is mentioned: because I feel agitation within me, perhaps Due to problems or situations and the answer, I will wait for God, in Psalm 37:7, that expression is also used and what it tells us is that be silent before Jehovah and wait for him with longing and above all do not get irritated because of the man who successfully plots evil plans, that is, on many occasions When we are Victims of injustice we want the solution now, but sometimes We must wait with patience and silence in Jehovah. Therefore, when we are victims of some uncomfortable situation or some issue of injustice, let us remember that Jehovah will put things in his place in due time.
Psalm 42:1. Here he tells us that Jehovah knows the secrets of our hearts, so we do not have to bear any resentment with anyone, since here he urges us to be honest, not only with our brothers, because they are brothers, but also with our relatives and all people. , because in this way we will gain the trust of everyone and above all that of Jehovah.
Psalm 42:8. We see that Jehovah's loyalty is something certain, something that is always present in our lives and his joy accompanies us every day of our existence.
Psalm 43:3, Mention send your light and your truth, may they direct me and guide me to your holy mountain. Jehovah continues to answer this prayer from his royal servants, but as he does, sending light by declaring his purpose, allowing his children to understand it, and then fulfilling what he has declared.
It is interesting that Psalm 44 is a prayer for help, and if we look at what the Psalmist did when he needed help, he reflected on the power of Jehovah, on the acts of salvation that he had had with his people in the past and how he had shown them favor. So in our case when we have to seek Jehovah's help and ask for it, how good it would be if we meditated on how he has helped his people, even us on other occasions, how he has given us his strength, his help, his guidance, his wisdom, without a doubt reflecting on it will make us feel better and give us the necessary strength to move forward despite the problems.
Psalm 43:2. In this text we see how the Psalmist feels that Jehovah is his strength or protection, but at the same time he asks him why you have rejected me. From this we learn that sometimes we must be patient, especially in a distressing situation, as happened to the writer of this Psalm.
Psalm 42:11. Perhaps on some occasion we have felt like the psalmist who wrote this verse felt, perhaps desperate or with some turmoil within us, but what can we do if we feel this way, as the verse continues, waiting on Jehovah and what could it entail or what? It means waiting on Jehovah, and we do this when we pray and trust in him, as he will give us the right way out and the strength to endure, and it could also be by strengthening our faith in future promises, if we do this, we will not be too distressed, because we are convinced that the trials are temporary and that the suffering will soon end and we will be able to live in peace and complete happiness.
Psalm 42:3. Going a little deeper into this verse, we see that the Levite longed to get closer to Jehovah, and he says that he was so sad because he could not worship Jehovah from his Sanctuary, that his tears became his food day and night, which means that he lost appetite, because he could not worship Jehovah. This helps me reflect a little that truly cultivating a deep appreciation for worshiping Jehovah is extremely important, and one way to do it is by being here with the brothers, attending the meetings, since only in this way will we strengthen our ties with them, and of course we give it the duration due to Jehovah.
Psalm 42:1,3. We see that we should cultivate an appreciation for worshiping Jehovah together with our brothers.
Psalm 44:21. He says Will God not reveal me, he knows the secrets of the heart. Here we see that we cannot hide anything from Jehovah, He knows everything about us, what we think and do. This teaches me that when we do something wrong we should not hide it or lie, because Jehovah knows it and he will make it come to light, that is why we must be honest and say it, even if sometimes it is difficult or costs us, but surely it will. If we do this, Jehovah will be very happy with us.
Psalm 43:3. There you teach me about Jehovah, who is a God of love, because he teaches us the truth about him and tells us how we should worship him and also teaches us what is the best way to live.
Psalm 43:4. He says, then I will go to the altar of God, my ultimate joy. When we fulfill our Christian responsibilities, one of them is singing, we demonstrate our joy by being United and praising Jehovah with songs.
Psalm 44:26. He tells us about the kind of love that motivates Jehovah to help us, since he says that his love is loyal. And the Bible glossary defines it as a love motivated by commitment, integrity, loyalty and deep attachment, that is, Jehovah has promised us that he will always protect us, that is, he is complete and will do so, and he is also loyal to us. and He loves us very much, so that is why we can trust that He will always help us because of His loyal Love and it is not that He has a little, but Exodus 34 is said to be full of that loyal love.
Psalm chapter 42. The psalmist expresses that despair over the situation he is experiencing or that he is facing and in verse 11, at the end he asks two questions, in which he analyzes himself and expresses how he feels and finally he resigns himself to continue. waiting, serving Jehovah loyally and continuing to praise him.
Psalm 44:6,7. We see that in these two verses the importance of recognizing that the true source of help and salvation is not in our own abilities, resources or tools, but is in Jehovah. This teaches us not to fall into the error of trusting excessively in our own strength and abilities, on the contrary what we must do is trust in the power of Jehovah and go to him at any time, because he will be our best advisor in any situation. in which we find ourselves.
Psalm 44:21. In this text we can see that the psalmist asks a reflective question that if at any time we do something that is wrong in the eyes of Jehovah or does not agree with divine teachings, will God not discover it, he knows the secrets of the heart. This teaches me that no thanks our worship of Jehovah is essential.
Psalm 42:6. We see that the Psalmist does not hide his desperation. And this teaches me how important it is to be able to recognize that we may have problems with our emotions and feelings and that is a very important step to be able to receive help from others. Hence the importance of recognizing our dependence on Jehovah since if we do so we will have great relief and help.
Psalm 43:3. There he says: "Send your light and your truth, these same ones guide me." We might wonder how he currently sends his light and truth, well Jehovah sends his light by declaring his purpose and allowing his servants to understand it and fulfill what he has declared.
In the Chapters assigned this week, we see that in the context in which these songs are written. They were descendants of the sons of Korah who were in exile renaming and remembering what freedom they enjoyed, and now they no longer had that freedom. That is why in Psalm 44:20 , it says that they had forgotten the name of God, if it is The truth is that the Northern kingdom had forgotten the law of Jehovah for 100 years. So even this text teaches us not to victimize ourselves when we are going through bad times, but sometimes perhaps to search and have a little self-criticism, that helps us to go ahead.
Psalm 42:9. In verse 9 the Levite expressed to God my Rock, This reminds me that when I face difficult situations I can take refuge in Jehovah and seeing Jehovah as a Rock makes me feel safe and protected.
Psalm 44 8. Tells us about praising and thanking Jehovah. This teaches me to be attentive to the opportunities that arise to Praise Jehovah and his Kingdom, and not neglect to thank him every day for his teachings and for allowing me to continue remaining within his organization.
Psalm 44:6. Here the psalmist says: For I do not trust in my bow, nor can my sword save. This teaches me that the only sure salvation that man can trust is in Jehovah, and this has also been reflected in the biblical stories.
Psalm 42 6. This verse teaches me to have a close relationship with Jehovah, by praying constantly and having a spiritual routine to draw closer to him. Also remember that I can always pray to him not only when I am going through problems, but also Thanking him for the small and big things that he gives us.
Psalm 43:2. This text makes us reflect that even though we go through difficult times and persecution as God's people, we continue to trust that Jehovah is our strength. That is why with full confidence in him we continue to preach and we know that no matter what the opponents do, Jehovah will continue to lovingly guide us along the path that leads to salvation.
Psalm 43 1. We see that the Psalmist asks Jehovah to rescue him from the unjust man. This teaches us that many times as Christians we can be victims of slander or defamation for professing our faith. For this reason, this psalm helps us trust in Jehovah when we are victims of false associations.
Psalm 42:2. In this text we see that the Levite expresses that she longed to worship Jehovah in his Sanctuary, for this reason she wrote: "My soul thirsts for God, the living God." This expression teaches us that we must also value and be grateful for the camaraderie we enjoy in meetings with our dear brothers.
Psalm 42:7. We see that the psalmist's worries overwhelmed him so much that he felt that the rough waves of a sea had sunk him and sometimes, that can happen to us, we can feel because of so many worries, but we must not forget that Jehovah will never abandon us. Therefore we must look for him to give us strength and make us see the way out.
Psalm 44:18. Here the psalmist says that his heart has not turned aside and his path does not depart from his path. This text teaches me to have full confidence that Jehovah approaches without effort to be his friend, and I do not deviate from his path, and I can achieve that if I remain active within his organization.
Psalm 42:5,6,11 and 43:5. In this text we see that the psalmist says that he is desperate, that is to say that he had lost all hope, he was overwhelmed, anguished and afflicted, But there was something that helped him, he says two times I will wait for God, meaning he had full confidence that God would act in his favor and help him. In the same way, we also have to wait on Jehovah who will give us the strength to endure.
Psalm 42:11. This verse reflects a deep trust in God, even when circumstances are adverse. It teaches me that, despite problems and anguish, we must maintain our faith and wait on God, trusting that he will act at the right time.
Psalm 42:11. In this same text we can find another valuable Pearl, since the Psalmist when saying I will praise him again, implies that praising Jehovah does not depend on our present circumstances. Even in times of sadness or despair, we are encouraged to praise God, recognizing his greatness and goodness, anticipating that we will again experience his salvation and help.
Psalm 42:11. Part B of this same verse mentions: "I will wait for God" indicating an attitude of patience and perseverance. Faith does not always bring immediate results, and this verse encourages us to be persistent and maintain our hope and trust in Jehovah, not only in the short term, but also in the long term.
Psalm 43:1. The text begins with a direct appeal to Jehovah to act as judge. The petition “Judge me, O God” reflects confidence that Jehovah will become a just and equitable judge for us. We can learn the importance of seeking divine justice when faced with situations of injustice, recognizing that God is the supreme arbiter who can discern with truth and fairness.
Psalm 43:1. In this same verse we can see that the psalmist asks Jehovah to plead his case against a disloyal nation. This shows confidence that God is the defender of the oppressed and those who are treated unfairly. We can learn a valuable lesson: We must trust in Jehovah as our defender in times of need, especially when we face injustice or mistreatment.
Psalm 44:6-7. This verse highlights the importance of recognizing that the true source of help and salvation lies not in our abilities, resources, or tools, but in Jehovah. It teaches us not to rely excessively on our own strength and abilities, but on the power of Jehovah.
Psalm 44:16,17. Despite the difficulties, the psalmist affirms that he has not forgotten Jehovah, nor has he broken his covenant. This shows faithfulness to Jehovah and perseverance in faith despite adverse circumstances. We can learn that remaining faithful in times of trial is a demonstration of the depth of faith and trust in Jehovah.
Psalm 44:17. True faith stands firm even in the midst of adversity. For this reason we must not forget our promises to Jehovah or stray from his path, no matter how difficult the circumstances are.
Psalm 44:21. He reminds us of the importance of being transparent and sincere with Jehovah. This implies that we must be honest in our prayers and confessions, knowing that Jehovah already knows our true intentions and motivations.
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