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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
Ps 40:5-10. In this prayer, David demonstrated that he recognized and respected Jehovah's sovereignty. What lessons can we draw? (it-2 46).
An important aspect is to understand that the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty is God's main purpose, reflected throughout the entire Biblical story. This teaches us that true sanctification of Jehovah's name involves not only cleansing his name from reproach, but also that all intelligent creatures voluntarily recognize and respect his sovereignty.
The lesson is that we must always have the desire to serve our creator Jehovah, respecting and recognizing his sovereignty, since the love we profess for him will always motivate us to do his will. Yes David said that in his heart he does not hide his righteousness, the righteousness of Jehovah. So when he came to the room, what is my motivation? Did I come up and say hello to my brothers, did he talk to them? Did he care about them in the service? Do I support the preaching? Since all this is part of the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty? If we are doing this we are showing that we want to strive to demonstrate qualities that praise Jehovah's name.
Also in Psalm 48, he said your law is in the depths of my being, that is, in all his decisions he took into account what Jehovah thought. Which is the direction that we also demonstrate that we respect Jehovah's sovereignty, when we support our decisions to Jehovah's way of thinking.
Yes, this same verse 8, also there the psalmist says that in your will O God it is a pleasure to me. How good Because when one is doing what is good in the eyes of God, one enjoys and is always thinking about Jehovah and doing the things he tells us. Then one is happy, content and radiant, because he knows that Jehovah is pleased and Jehovah is good, because he also gives us a wonderful future and hope.
On behalf of us who are intelligent creatures, we have to honor this name as if it were something sacred, and recognize. Also respect that Jehovah's sovereignty will only apply to those who wish to do his will with love and profess it daily in their lives.
Another lesson we can take away is that we must be determined to be confident in the promises of Jehovah, because something that the prayer in verse 9 predicted here, is that Jesus was going to preach the good news and not only Jesus, but also following his example of the entire Christian Congregation.
And something that pleases me here because David says, I don't put brakes on my lips. Then he incites us to never stop preaching, not only when we are from house to house, but at any time, because David at that time did not preach from house to house, but he restrained his lips.
Yes, another point that caught my attention is what Psalm 40:8 says, which says that David delighted in doing the will of the Lord, and what is the will of the Lord? In 2 Peter 3:9, it says that God's will is for people to be saved, and we achieve this when we do the work of preaching.
Well, we see that this matter is the most important that we find in the scriptures, the sanctification of the name of God, and what does it require? Not only to cleanse it of all reproach, but that all intelligent creatures of the heavens and the earth recognize this name as sacred, let us willingly respect it, and be willing to serve him as was the case with David, delighting in doing his will out of the love we have for him.
David brings his own experience, what he is suffering and how he asked Jehovah to help him, even to humiliate those who were humiliating him, but at no time did he forget that the end was the vindication of Jehovah's name, because He continually brings it up, even at the end of the Psalm, he says that all this that he asked for please be done so that the name of Jehovah may be great.
The lesson we draw is that we must never forget that the most important thing is always the vindication of Jehovah's name in any circumstance. Well, for example, the entire biblical story revolves around the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty, and it says that it manifests the main purpose, which is, for example, the sanctification of his name and this sanctification makes it necessary to cleanse God's name from all disgrace.
And the insight work also says that, for this to be done now, it requires that all intelligent creatures of the heavens and the earth can honor his name. Which means that they voluntarily honor sovereignty, so it makes me think: Do I voluntarily respect sovereignty or do I do it reluctantly?
There are many lessons that we can draw, because now we, like David, are expected to know and respect that sovereignty of Jehovah, but it is not enough to know it, we demonstrate that we respect that sovereignty, as we support it, that we make every effort possible. By fulfilling our Christian commissions and spreading the good news of the kingdom to the people of our territory, we contribute to the sanctity of its sovereignty and its name.
Psalm 40 verse 8 says, doing your will O my God is a pleasure for me and your laws are in the depths of my being. We achieve it when we read the Bible, meditate and put into practice everything it tells us.
Well, the information also said that the name of Jehovah will be sanctified and indicated in a complete way, when this system of things, which is causing reproach, is put to an end, when it says when all creatures delight in worshiping him it will be in the heavens or on earth.
The lesson is that we must recognize and respect Jehovah's sovereignty in all of our lives, and this means honoring his name as sacred and being willing to serve him with love and sincere will. David showed that he recognized them and respected the sovereignty of Jehovah, when he says to do your will. Oh my God, it is a pleasure for me and your law is in the depths of my being.
Here it is shown that for him doing Jehovah's will was the most important thing in his life, it was within his being and that was the secret of the joy he felt when serving Jehovah. So it was not a burden, but a delight, because he did it from the heart, the same should be for us. David also tells us that I put a stop to my lips, as you well know, what that means, that we are also obligated in some way not to put an end to our lips by sanctifying precisely in the name of Jehovah.
We too can support Jehovah's sovereignty by respectfully or voluntarily submitting to Jehovah's sovereignty, delighting ourselves, doing his will, and demonstrating love, in this way we too are sanctifying Jehovah's name. When we share information with other people, we are very happy to share that name of Jehovah, that they know it, that they know what it is like all those things that people sometimes do not know, sharing them without being of satisfaction of pleasure that we can exalt the name of Jehovah anywhere and anytime.
What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?
Psalm 40:1. Often our requests may not be answered immediately, but the psalmist shows a willingness to wait on Jehovah. This teaches us the importance of patience and perseverance in our relationship with Jehovah.
Psalm 40:4. It helps me to meditate that when I am going through difficult times, always fully trust in my father God Jehovah the almighty, who is the only one who knows my heart and my most intimate thoughts, take refuge in him with a sincere heart, since he always helps me. It will help and give me strength to move forward.
Psalm 40:5. The psalmist declares that the works of God are wonderful, this reminds us that Jehovah is sovereign and powerful, capable of performing all works beyond our understanding. Recognizing his greatness helps us trust him in the midst of difficulties.
Psalm 40:16. This text reminds us that we must always lean on Jehovah within his organization, since here we will be radiant and very happy, and we will be walking with Jehovah's chariot. It is very important to always obey Jehovah through his organization since only here will we be happy.
Psalm 40:12. We see that David felt discouraged by so many mistakes he had made, and today it is not surprising that many people are overwhelmed by sadness, guilt or lack of self-esteem, these negative feelings can cause us a lot of damage, but fortunately in this battle We all have a great help that is Jehovah, that despite being imperfect and sinful we can all cultivate a true friendship with Jehovah.
Psalm 40:1. It teaches me that if I pray with a sincere and humble heart, and put my hope in Jehovah, he will hear my cry for help and help me.
Psalm 40:4. It makes me notice the trust that David had in Jehovah, and that is true. Because we have no reason to doubt what Jehovah can do for us, since his power and wisdom are absolute. In these times, Jehovah continues to help his faithful children, so I will continue to strive and give my best to be happy to Jehovah and thus enjoy his wonderful blessings.
Psalm 40:9. David recognizes that he could not remain silent when talking about everything he had seen and learned from Jehovah. He says my lips have no brakes. We also do not put a brake on our lips in the sense that we never tire of talking about the good news that Jehovah promises, we are always eager to preach and we take advantage of any opportunity, and in this way we also participate in the fulfillment of the prophecy. that the entire inhabited Earth had to know who Jehovah is.
Psalm 40:4. The happy expression says the man who trusts in Jehovah. The lesson I draw is that to make good decisions in my life, I have to trust in Jehovah with all my heart, since wisdom and love come from him, and when I face difficulties I must strive to remain honest with Jehovah, because That way I will be happy, because God is a happy God.
Psalm 41:1. This text encourages me to be more generous with my siblings, with my time and energy and attention. This way I will be able to get closer to them and enjoy better relationships with my siblings.
Psalm 40:4. It teaches me that trusting in Jehovah means doing things his way. Even though our feelings and emotions direct us in another direction, the results are unmemorable. I must always remember that the way Jehovah does things is always the best, and that makes us very happy. Let us never doubt the absolute power and infinite wisdom of our creator Jehovah.
Psalm 41:3. It may happen that a Christian becomes seriously ill; physical illness often has an undesirable effect on one's spiritual health. During illness it is very difficult to maintain a good balance, for this reason God deeply sympathizes with the sick, and what is more, he provides help as this Psalm says, God promises in all cases, his servant will regain quality health, but he assured him to the Christian who is at his side and will make his illness bearable.
Psalm 40:1. David says that Jehovah inclined his ear toward him and heard his cries for help, but first David firmly placed his hope in Jehovah, in other words he sought no one but Jehovah. For this reason we are also going to go through difficult situations and we have to trust him.
Psalm 40:8. I really liked the last part when it says your law is in the depths of my being and these words were being prophesied for Jesus, and not only Jesus, but also David and many other servants of ancient times felt the same and that helped them maintain excellent conduct and remaining loyal to Jehovah despite their imperfections. This makes me think that we also have to make sure that Jehovah's law is not superficial, but is in the depths of our being, and we achieve that only by personally studying the Bible, but by doing so with a lot of research, meditation, perseverance and not to do it quickly, the idea is to be able to have a knowledge of the real truth and love for Jehovah and his standards.
Psalm 40:10. It makes us see how, as we learn from Jehovah, we learn to love ourselves too and when we love him, we can declare that fidelity, that salvation through preaching, which is what we do, but it does not stop there, that love that we express to him. to Jehovah, but also in the congregation through our comments declaring loyal love and truth in Jehovah and encouraging our brothers.
Psalm 40:4. Happy says the man who trusts in Jehovah. This text makes me think and meditate that despite the difficulties we go through every day, whether at work, in the family, or health problems. If we concentrate more on spiritual things and above all fully trust in Jehovah we will be able to be totally happy.
Psalm 40:1,2,12. It shows that sometimes we can feel discouragement as deep as David felt, But how comforting to know that if we lean on Jehovah and put our hope in him, he will hear us, lift us up and put us in safety.
Psalm 41:3. In this text, Jehovah guarantees us that he will support us when we are sick in bed, and the truth is that no one likes to be sick, much less when we have a serious illness, but the reality is that Jehovah gives us peace of mind, strength, and endurance. and wisdom so that we can make good decisions in this situation. So it is good for us to accept this help from Jehovah when we are facing an illness.
Psalm 40:16. It reminds me of the happiness and joy that comes from drawing closer to Jehovah and how grateful I should feel for his saving acts.
Psalm 40:1. In this verse we see that Jehovah leans down to listen to David and this action of Jehovah makes me see how much he cares and how willing he is to help me when I am going through difficult times, since this text gives me the assurance that he will lean in to listen to me and help me move forward.
Psalm 40:2. The psalmist says that Jehovah pulled him out of a roaring pit of sticky mud and set his feet on a Rock and planted him on solid ground. This teaches me that Jehovah always guides us along the best path, especially in these days where getting lost in this world and its things is very easy.
Psalm 40:11. David prayed that Jehovah's loving-kindness and faithfulness would safeguard him. Jehovah's fidelity and his love for justice demand that he expose his standards clearly and those of us who submit to them are greatly freed from the anxieties, fears and difficulties suffered by those who do not, such as alcoholism, drug addiction, sexual promiscuity and violence.
Psalm 41:5,6. Since we are part of God's people, many people will try to speak bad things about us. That is why it is essential for a Christian to always maintain good behavior.
Psalm 41:1. It teaches me that we can show consideration for our brothers, by sharing what we have, and not only that, but by investing time to see each circumstance that each one goes through, so we will be happier, because we will be imitating Jehovah's generosity.
Psalm 40:4. Happy is the man who trusts in Jehovah and does not go to the foolish or the false. In a Watchtower from 2006, several experiences of brothers who were going through different circumstances and put their faith fully in Jehovah are shown. In the end, the Brothers were able to find some way to solve some of their problems. This teaches me that if I fully trust in Jehovah he will act on my behalf.
Psalm 40:17. David is shown to have said that Jehovah was watching over him, even though he knew that Jehovah was aware of everything that happened, down to his deepest feelings. This text teaches me that we must be aware of our brothers, since we do not know the complete picture of their situation, and the good thing is that we cannot do this with small gestures and thus demonstrate this sincere interest.
Psalm 41:12. It teaches me that we can be upright in the eyes of Jehovah, regardless of our circumstances in life. Because David went through many difficult situations, but he himself knew that he had been upright and Jehovah considered him that way too.
Psalm 40:8. We see that although David faced many difficulties and betrayals, he always focused on doing Jehovah's will. In our service to Jehovah the same thing may happen or at times our service may diminish as we may feel fatigued or discouraged. This text teaches us that when that happens, I must erase those feelings by studying the word of God more deeply, and striving to keep the law of Jehovah in the depths of my being, as David did.
Psalm 40:8. Also in this same text we see that David tried to ensure that the law of God reached the depths of his being, and he demonstrated this by studying the law and meditating deeply on it, as he trusted in the wisdom of Jehovah's commands, he not only obeyed the not only the Mosaic Law, but also acted in harmony with its spirit, and when studying the Bible it is convenient for us to meditate on what we read and keep it in our hearts. This way we can determine what pleases Jehovah in any situation that arises.
Psalm 40:5. It says how many things you have done, O Jehovah my God, your wonderful works are many. This text teaches us to be able to meditate on everything that Jehovah has done in creation or everything he does for us, if we meditate on all these things, we will be more grateful to Jehovah, and the gratitude will be that we really want to to do his will.
Psalm 40:1,6-9. This text makes me think about how Jehovah is molding us to become better brothers and friends, because it talks about how he said that his enemies gathered bad things and went out to say it. And putting myself in David's place, I would not like to have a brother, or a friend like that, but I would not like to be that friend either, so I could ask Jehovah in prayer to help me change certain attitudes that one has because imperfect. is and to be able to be better in these qualities.
Psalm 40:5. I like the idea that the psalmist conveys here, where he talks about being grateful to Jehovah and using prayer. When we talk directly to Jehovah, and not only asking Jehovah, but we must always take into account the many things that he gives us, and that thanks to many of the things that he gives us, we can enjoy many blessings. So the thought is that every time we talk about Jehovah we can be grateful and keep these things in mind.
Psalm 40:8: In this text David reveals a fundamental truth which is that we can serve Jehovah, or enjoy serving Jehovah, Even if we are going through difficult circumstances Or even if doing Jehovah's will brings us problems. It didn't help to meditate on everything that Jehovah had done for him on a personal level, and how it had helped him, and that is why he was sure that Jehovah was going to continue helping him. In our case we can also see how Jehovah helped us on a personal level to overcome trials, and also see how Jehovah loves us to continue helping now and in the future, meanwhile we can enjoy doing his will.
Psalm 40:12. It makes me think that like David, many brothers struggle with negative feelings, even after being forgiven. However, they have Jehovah's help and Jehovah uses us with his tools to provide encouragement, pray with them, make us their friends, teach me how to make a useful piece for them, work for Jehovah shoulder to shoulder and motivate each other.
Psalm 40:2. He shows that Jehovah has taken us out of this system and placed us on solid ground within its organization. While this system is reeling from all its problems and heading towards destruction, we are on solid ground and thanks to the fact that Jehovah gives us his help every day and the hope we have for the future, that is why we should never stray away. of his organization, but we must care for and value the home that Jehovah has given us in it.
Psalm 40:11. He says oh Jehovah, do not deny me your mercy, may your loyal love and your truth always protect me. So it is good to know that Jehovah is with us to protect us, the relationship we have with him, because many difficulties are going to happen to us, we are going to go through many problems like our brothers are also going to go through, for example persecution, but without a doubt Jehovah has the desire to protect us and for us to preserve his relationship with him and for this he has given us means such as his organization, his spirit and his word.
Psalm 40:9. There he encourages us to be able to comment in the meetings, because he says David proclaimed the good news of justice in the congregation. So no matter how many years we have been here in the congregation, if we give our comments, we will be able to help and encourage our dear brothers a lot, since David did not stop his lips, let us not stop commenting in our meetings either.
Psalm 40:8. It was prophesied that Jesus would have the law of Jehovah within him, which turned out to be true because it helped him carry out the will of his father, and without a doubt we do too, because if we can have excellent conduct and fully fulfill the Ministry . And how can we ensure that the law of Jehovah is written in our mind and on the tablet of our heart, through personal study of the word of God, he helps us grasp the meaning of truth and this includes research and meditation .
Psalm 40:17. David said he felt helpless. However, he trusted that Jehovah was watching over him, that he was going to help him, that he was going to rescue him. In a similar way we notice from experience that Jehovah has always rescued his people, mainly in those countries that have been persecuted, in those difficult times Jehovah has provided the necessary help.
Psalm 40:8. In The Watchtower of March 1, 1994, he said about this passage that the best example that the Christian has to delight in doing the will of God, is Jesus Christ, since Jesus' life revolved around teaching others the will of God. , and also be able to obtain the divine blessing and that he did and enjoyed a lot of joy, which encourages me to be more willing to achieve the joy that Jesus enjoyed throughout his life, teaching others and also strive to have the favor of Jehovah, which also in my analysis made me wonder if I am giving my best effort to Jehovah or if I have something to improve.
Psalm 40:12. It shows us how David faced difficulties, however he did not feel overwhelmed by them, but on the contrary, he focused on how Jehovah blessed him. So today, too, if we feel overwhelmed or despondent, perhaps because of personal problems or negative feelings, we do well to stop at moments to reflect on how Jehovah's blessings are affecting us just as David did, and surely just as he motivated us with gratitude. Just to dedicate ourselves to Jehovah, meditating on matters will also revive lost joy and will help us serve Jehovah motivated precisely by a grateful heart.
Psalm 41:9. David felt betrayed by a close friend whom he not only enjoyed his trust, but also his hostility, but David Instead of focusing on that, he asked Jehovah to help him heal, so that we can imitate his example when a friend it doesn't hurt, the fact that we get closer and see Jehovah more will help us heal those wounds like David did.
Psalm 40:5. David mentions the wonderful works of Jehovah that are infinite, impossible to count them all. This makes me think that every day we can thank him and praise him for his wonderful works, and also ask in our prayers for his brothers around the world, for example those who are imprisoned for their faith or those who carry the lead.
Psalm 40:8. We see how David tried to make the law of Jehovah reach the depths of his being, when he says that it was within his bowels. And he achieved this by studying the divine law and meditating deeply, which made him fully trust in the wisdom of Jehovah. so he not only obeyed, but he did it willingly and always acted in harmony with her. Therefore, in order to achieve the same as David, we have to study the Bible and meditate deeply on it and keep what we have learned in our hearts.
Psalm 40:1. The psalmist says that he put his trust in him, inclined his ear to him. Which teaches us that often our prayers may not be answered at some point, but we have to be patient. It teaches us the importance of patience and perseverance in our relationship with Jehovah. We can wait patiently that Jehovah will answer us in due time.
Psalm 41:6. We see that it contrasts the falsehood of those who do not betray with their own integrity and what we can learn from this text is that it reminds us of the importance of being honest with our brothers and family, and we have to maintain confidentiality when others trust us.
Psalm 40:17. There David by his own flesh he said that I am defenseless and I am poor, that Jehovah be watching over me, you are the one who helps me and who rescues me. How many brothers have perhaps felt identified with these words, because David did see the hand of Jehovah that helped him and I gave him everything he needed, however many of our brothers also felt that way, in the face of natural catastrophes, war, persecution, proscriptions, and those who have gone through material needs, as Jehovah says, a poor person or anyone who has gone hungry has always had what they need for each day. so we can see that these words are true not only in the case of David, but also in our case and in the case of many of our brothers who have gone through it.
Psalm 40:2 When it talks about the sticky mud and that he put his feet on a rock, this verse teaches me that when we believe that there is no escape, Jehovah can always rescue us, if we have ever walked on the mud, walking becomes very difficult, then it is almost impossible task to move forward because Jehovah metaphorically takes us out of that mud and puts us on firm ground.
Psalm 40:1 David says there that he put his hope in Jehovah and he leaned his ear towards me and heard my cries for help, the asterisk instead of leaning his ear says he leaned down to listen to me, that is what it shows us is that Jehovah although It is true wisdom that shows its humility by being willing to put itself on the level of a simple human being as a caring and loving father would do with his son when his son wants to tell him about a concern.
Psalm 41:2. He is showing us that since Jehovah will judge us according to our behavior, it is vital that we be honest, only then will we have hope for the future, this is how David understood it. He hoped to have Jehovah's favor for all eternity, so like David we Christians today, if we are loyal to Jehovah, can also count on his support, guidance and blessing.
Psalm 41:9. Well, it fulfills fulfills prophecy with John 13:18 when it was said that Jesus Christ would also be betrayed, so there it is clear that when Jesus Christ selects the 12 none of the twelve was showing this attitude regarding betrayal, which is why what we You teach that at any moment that poisonous root can sprout in us or in any other person and obviously what we have to do is not give way to it so that the devil can benefit from it, that is why we have to be very attentive and be Prepared therefore not to let anything infiltrate us that could spoil our relationship with Jehovah and also not to trust too much in people from the world around us so that they do not also later become those who can betray us.
Also something that can be extracted from Psalm 40:8 that when it says that the law of Jehovah was in the deepest part of his being, David says it is because he studied the law and meditated on it, that is why he could see things as Jehovah saw them. , then we also have to study, not only study but meditate on what we read to be able to see what Jehovah likes in each situation of our lives.
Psalm 40:4. We talk about the composers of the book of psalms, they were convinced that happiness is the product of a good relationship with Jehovah, as the psalmist said, happy is the man who fears Jehovah and we see that no human relationship or material goods or personal achievements They can give the happiness that comes from belonging to the people whose God is Jehovah.
Psalm 40:4. We are told something that goes very contrary to what that world tells us, we see that the world only seeks help in self-help books, it is different people who know a lot, the partners are experts in the scientific world, but here the psalm says it clearly, happy It is the man who trusts in Jehovah, that is, if we go to Jehovah for help, that will be when we will be truly happy and we will not trust in this world.
Psalm 40:14 15. We see that David faced the ridicule of insolent and false people who rejoiced in his misfortune and even wished him death, how he did it because he expresses his absolute confidence that Jehovah himself would make his enemies retreat humiliated and They will be disgraced and horrified by their shame, the lesson it leaves us is to place all our trust in divine justice and never take revenge by our own hands.
Psalm 40:17. It gives us a very important reason to trust in Jehovah and that is that he is aware of each one of us, this gives us confidence and above all helps us face situations without fear.
Psalm 40:5,2. These texts teach me to trust that very soon there will be no calamity or personal weakness capable of crushing us since no matter how many there are, Jehovah guarantees us abundant peace and not losing sight of the fact that our blessings were many more than what I I can imagine, so I trust in Jehovah the best I can do and I can also encourage others to do the same.
Psalms 41:3. There we are encouraged to know that Jehovah knows what we are suffering and does not forget about us, he gives us courage and wisdom to face an illness and has also made it possible for our body to recover on its own from some illnesses.
Psalm 40:8. I see how David tried to ensure that the law of God reached the depths of his being. He studied the divine law and meditated deeply on it. He not only obeyed it but also acted in harmony with his Spirit so that we can read and meditate on the Bible. keep it in our hearts and so we know how to act in any situation that may arise.
Psalm 40:5. We can see how Jehovah is because he is a very wonderful God that we can say that we are in the right place because we have many reasons to be able to say that we cannot look anywhere and we will not find a God like Jehovah.
Psalms 41:12. There David said that Jehovah supported him because he was upright and he says you will have me in your presence forever, well since Jehovah is going to judge us according to our conduct, it is vital that we be upright only then will we have hope for the future, just like the others. true Christians today David also hoped to live forever serving Jehovah and getting closer to him, he knew that if he remained upright his expectations would be met and if we are also loyal to Jehovah we can also count on his support, guidance and blessing. .
Psalms 40:9. It made me think about the ways I am praising Jehovah and makes me wonder if I am really doing everything my circumstances can to wash him away, in the meetings I can comment encouraging my brothers to participate in all facets of preaching and just as he said the psalmist I will not restrain my lips from praising Jehovah.
Psalms 40:4. He says that happy is the man who trusts in Jehovah. Trust is very important for human beings, in fact it is a basic need, wanting to trust someone to be able to share things that we will not tell anyone else, but then there is always that fear of Let them disappoint that trust and who better for this position than Jehovah, since he is pure alien to all evil and totally trustworthy, full of wisdom and experience, then we do well to put all our trust in him.
Psalms 41:1-3. I understood that for me to be protected by Jehovah and cared for, Jehovah says that the condition is that I treat the disadvantaged with consideration, I mean for Jehovah it is extremely important when we as Christians care about others and not only mentally or saying I want to do this, but showing it with actions giving practical help to see what they need and what is within our reach to do and now Jehovah's reward is to give me what I need to take care of myself and protect myself when I too find myself in a bad situation.
Psalm 40:4. The happiness that comes from trusting in Jehovah is deeper and more lasting than happiness based on external circumstances or the approval of others. This happiness is not subject to changes in people's living conditions or attitudes.
Psalm 40:5. This verse is important because it invites us, like King David, to take a moment to reflect on the blessings and especially on Jehovah's creation. By doing so we cultivate an attitude of gratitude and this allows us to give glory to Jehovah.
Psalm 40:5. The psalmist declares that God's works are wonderful. This reminds us that Jehovah is sovereign and powerful, capable of accomplishing things beyond our understanding. Recognizing his greatness helps us trust him in the midst of difficulties.
Psalm 40:8. Jehovah's law should not be something extreme or imposed, but something that is deeply rooted in our being. This implies that the relationship with God and his law should not be superficial, but should influence all aspects of our lives, guiding our actions and decisions.
Psalm 40:9. The fact of not curbing one's lips indicates a courage to speak the truth and proclaim what is considered right and good. This text teaches us the importance of expressing ourselves without fear when it comes to sharing the good news of the Kingdom.
Psalm 40:17. Despite his vulnerable situation, the psalmist trusts that Jehovah will care for him. This trust in Jehovah teaches us to place our concerns and needs in him, knowing that he will take care of us.
Psalm 40:17. Although the psalmist cries out to Jehovah not to delay, he also recognizes that the response may not be immediate. This attitude teaches us the importance of patience and perseverance in waiting for Jehovah's timing, trusting that he will act at the right time.
Psalm 41:3. Illness can be a difficult and challenging time in a person's life. This verse reminds us that even in the midst of illness, Jehovah is with us, Sustaining us and comforting us. For he assures us that we are not alone in our struggles and that we can find comfort in his presence.
Psalm 41:6. The psalmist contrasts the falsehood of those who betray him with his own integrity. This text reminds us of the importance of being honest with our brothers and family and of maintaining confidentiality when others trust us.
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