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Let us examine the Scriptures every day 2024.
Thursday May 23, 2024
You will hear of wars and news of wars. Be careful, do not be alarmed, because these things must happen, but the end is not yet (Matt. 24:6).
Jesus predicted that in the last days there would be epidemics “in one place after another” (Luke 21:11). Knowing this gives us peace. Because? Because we already knew it was going to happen, it doesn't take us by surprise. We see events unfolding just as Jesus said. That is why we follow the advice he left for those who lived in the time of the end. He said, “Be careful, don't be alarmed.” Without a doubt, an epidemic outbreak causes many disruptions in our routine. But let's not let it affect our personal study or attendance at meetings. In our publications and videos we find experiences that remind us that our brothers are going through similar problems and remain loyal to Jehovah. w22.12 17 paras. 4, 6.
How can we imitate the apostle John?
Let us do everything possible to stay in touch with our brothers. An epidemic or pandemic can force us to limit physical contact with others, even when we are with our siblings. In these situations we could feel like the apostle John, who wanted to see his friend Gaius face to face (3 John 13, 14). But he admitted that for a while he would not be able to see Gaius. So he did what he could: he sent her a letter. If we couldn't meet our siblings in person, a good idea would be to make a call or video call, or send them a text message. By staying in touch with our brothers, we fight loneliness and feel calmer. What if we see that we are very distressed? Let's talk to the elders and accept the encouragement they so lovingly give us (Is. 32:1, 2).
How can an emergency situation steal your peace?
If you have been a victim of a flood, earthquake, or fire, you may have been anxious for a long time. And, if you have lost a loved one or material things, you may have feelings of grief, sadness, or even anger. Of course, this does not mean that you love material things or that you lack faith. You went through a very difficult situation, and some may not be surprised that you reacted negatively (Job 1:11). But no matter how difficult our situation is, we can feel peace. Let's see how.
How do Jesus' words help us be prepared for any emergency situation?
In this world, some people think that they will never experience an emergency situation. But we keep in mind what Jesus said. We know that disasters will increase and that some may affect us. Jesus told his disciples that before the end there would be “great earthquakes” and other catastrophes (Luke 21:11). He also prophesied that evil would increase, and we see that evil reflected in crime, violence, and terrorist attacks (Matt. 24:12). Jesus never said that these situations would only affect those who are far from Jehovah. In fact, many faithful servants of God have suffered because of disasters (Is. 57:1; 2 Cor. 11:25). Jehovah may not miraculously protect us from every emergency situation, but he will give us what we need to be calm and at peace.
Why do we say that preparing for an emergency situation shows that we have faith? (Proverbs 22:3).
In an emergency situation, it will be easier for us to remain calm if we are prepared. But wouldn't that indicate that we lack confidence in Jehovah? On the contrary. If we prepare well for an emergency, we actually show that we do have faith that he will take care of us. Why do we say that? Because the Bible advises us to take precautionary measures against dangers (read Proverbs 22:3). And through magazine articles, congregation meetings, and advertisements, Jehovah's organization has been strongly telling us to prepare for any disaster.c What will we do if we trust in Jehovah? We will follow that advice now, before an emergency situation occurs.
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