Wednesday, April 3, 2024

DAILY TEXT, Today Thursday, May 2, 2024, Jehovah is the one who gives wisdom (Prov. 2:6).

DAILY TEXT, Today Thursday, May 2, 2024,  Jehovah is the one who gives wisdom (Prov. 2:6).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2024

Thursday May 2, 2024

Jehovah is the one who gives wisdom (Prov. 2:6).

Have you had to make any important decisions? If so, he surely asked Jehovah to give him wisdom, for he knew he needed it (James 1:5). King Solomon wrote, “Wisdom is the most important thing” (Prov. 4:7). Of course, he was not talking about just any kind of wisdom, but that which comes from Jehovah. But can God's wisdom help us deal with today's problems? Of course. One way to become truly wise is by studying and applying the teachings of two men known for their wisdom. One of them is Solomon. The Bible says that “God gave Solomon great wisdom and insight” (1 Kings 4:29). And the second is Jesus, the wisest man who ever walked the Earth (Matt. 12:42). Speaking of him, a prophecy said: “The spirit of the Lord will settle upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding” (Isa. 11:2). w22.05 20 paras. 1, 2.


How was Solomon's financial situation different from that of Jesus?

Solomon was very rich and lived in luxury (1 Kings 10:7, 14, 15). On the other hand, Jesus had few belongings and did not even have his own house (Matt. 8:20). Even so, both Solomon and Jesus saw material things with balance because the wisdom of both came from Jehovah.

What balanced view of money did Solomon have?

Solomon recognized that money “is a protection” (Eccl. 7:12). Money helps us obtain what we need to live and perhaps indulge ourselves. But, despite all his wealth, Solomon understood that there are things more important than money. For example, he wrote: “A good reputation [or “a good name”] is preferable to great riches” (Prov. 22:1; note). He also realized that people who love money are rarely content with what they have (Eccl. 5:10, 12). And he warned of the danger of putting all our trust in money, because today it is here and tomorrow it can disappear (Prov. 23: 4, 5).

What balanced view did Jesus have of material things? (Matthew 6:31-33).

Jesus had a balanced view of material things. He enjoyed food and drink (Luke 19:2, 6, 7). On one occasion, he turned water into wine of the highest quality, and that was his first miracle (John 2:10, 11). Furthermore, on the day of his death he wore an expensive robe (John 19:23, 24). But material things were not the most important thing in his life. He said to his disciples: “No one can be a slave to two masters […]. They cannot be slaves of God and at the same time of Riches” (Matt. 6:24). Jesus taught that if we seek the Kingdom first, Jehovah will see that we have what we need. (Read Matthew 6:31-33.)

What blessings has a brother enjoyed by having a balanced view of money?

Many brothers and sisters have benefited from following Jehovah’s wise counsel regarding money. Let's look at the example of a single brother named Daniel. He says: “When I was a teenager, I decided that serving Jehovah would be the most important thing in my life.” As Daniel has strived to live a simple life, he has been able to use his time and skills to assist in relief efforts and serve at Bethel. He adds: “The truth is that I have never regretted the decision I made. Sure, I could have made a lot of money if I had focused on that, but then I wouldn't have all the good friends I have now. Furthermore, putting the Kingdom first gives me a happiness that I would never have if I dedicated myself to making money. There is no money in the world that can compare with all the blessings that Jehovah has given me.” It is clear that if we focus on spiritual things and not money, we win.

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