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Let us examine the Scriptures every day 2024.
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
May my prayer be before you as prepared incense (Ps. 141:2).
We may sometimes be asked to pray in public. For example, a sister leading a Bible study may ask the sister accompanying her to say a prayer. The chaperone may not know the student well, and she may prefer to say the last sentence. This way she could adapt it to the student's needs. What if a brother is asked to pray at a field service meeting or congregation meeting? The brothers who have this responsibility must keep in mind what the objective of the meeting is. The prayers are not to advise the congregation or to make announcements. For most meetings a total of five minutes is allotted for song and prayer. So the brother who prays does not have to “use many words,” especially at the beginning of the meeting (Matt. 6:7). w22.07 24 paras. 17, 18.
Why do our brothers need us to pray for them?
Our brothers need us to pray for them because they face many difficult situations. We can ask Jehovah to help us endure hardships such as illness, natural disasters, war, or persecution. We can also pray for the brothers who sacrifice so much to help in relief efforts. You may know someone who is in one of these situations. Why don't you mention him by name in your personal prayers? By asking Jehovah to help our brothers and sisters move forward, we show that we truly love them.
Why should we pray for the brothers who lead us?
The brothers who lead the congregation are very grateful that we pray for them, and those prayers help them. This is how the apostle Paul felt. He wrote, “Pray also for me that when I open my mouth, words may be given to me so that I may boldly make known the sacred secret of good news” (Eph. 6:19). Today we also have very hard-working brothers who lead us. By asking Jehovah to bless everything they do, we show that we love them.
What will help us be ready for Jehovah's day of judgment?
As Jehovah's day of judgment approaches, we need to give even more importance to prayer. Speaking on this topic, Jesus said: “Keep awake and pray all the time that you may escape all these things that must happen” (Luke 21:36). If we pray constantly, we will stay awake spiritually and be ready when the day of Jehovah arrives.
What can we do so that our prayers are like pleasant-smelling incense?
What have we analyzed in this article? We greatly value the honor of praying to Jehovah. The most important matters to include in our prayers are those that have a direct relationship with Jehovah's purpose. We also give thanks for the Son of God and his Kingdom, and we pray for our brothers. And, of course, we can ask Jehovah to provide for our physical and spiritual needs. By thinking carefully about what we say in our prayers, we show that we value this extraordinary honor. To Jehovah, our words will be like pleasant-smelling incense, they will be “a pleasure to him” (Prov. 15:8).
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