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Let us examine the Scriptures every day 2024.
Monday May 20, 2024
Jehovah will shine upon you (Isa. 60:2).
Has the prophecy about the restoration of pure worship been fulfilled in our day? Of course. Since 1919, millions of people have freed themselves from Babylon the Great, the collection of false religions of this world. All of them have been taken to a place much better than the Promised Land: a spiritual paradise (Is. 51:3; 66:8). Since 1919, the anointed have enjoyed spiritual paradise. As time has passed, Christians who hope to live on Earth, the “other sheep,” have also entered this spiritual land and have received many blessings from Jehovah (John 10:16; Is. 25: 6; 65:13). This paradise in which they live extends throughout the world. So, no matter where we live on the planet, we can be part of spiritual paradise as long as we wholeheartedly support true worship. w22.11 11, 12 paras. 12-15.
What should we do to continue seeing the beauty of spiritual paradise?
One of the things we have to do to remain in spiritual paradise is to continue valuing the global Christian congregation. How do we do that? Focusing on the beautiful things of those who live in it and not on their imperfections (John 17:20, 21). Why is it so important that we do it? Let's think about this comparison. In a beautiful forest there are many different trees. Similarly, in the spiritual paradise we enjoy in congregations there are a great variety of people who are like trees (Isa. 44:4; 61:3). Let us not let the defects of the “trees” that are closest to us prevent us from seeing the beauty of the “forest.” That is, let us not allow our imperfections or those of the brothers in the congregation to prevent us from seeing the beauty and unity of the global Christian congregation.
What can each of us do to strengthen the unity of the congregation?
What can each of us do to strengthen this unity? Strive to foster peace (Matt. 5:9; Rom. 12:18). Every time we take the initiative to get along with the brothers in the congregation, we make the spiritual paradise more beautiful. We remember that Jehovah brought all those in the spiritual paradise to pure worship (John 6:44). Imagine how happy he must feel when he sees that we are striving to strengthen the peace and unity among his servants, who are very valuable to him (Is. 26: 3; Haggai 2: 7).
What should we meditate on frequently, and why?
What can we do to make the most of the blessings that Jehovah gives his servants? Let us think carefully about what we learn in God's Word and in our publications. If we study and meditate, we will develop Christian qualities that will compel us to show “brotherly love” and “tender affection” in the congregation (Rom. 12:10). As we meditate on the blessings we have now, our friendship with Jehovah is strengthened. And as we meditate on the blessings that Jehovah will give us in the future, the hope of serving him forever will remain very alive in our hearts. All this will make us serve Jehovah with more joy.
According to Isaiah 30:18, what can we be sure of? And what will help us endure with joy?
Jehovah “will arise” to act on our behalf when he puts an end to this evil world (Isa. 30:18). Since he is “a God of justice,” we are sure that he will not allow Satan's world to exist a single day longer than justice demands (Isa. 25:9). Both Jehovah and we wait patiently for the day of our deliverance. In the meantime, we are determined to cherish the honor of praying to him, to study his Word and put it into practice, and to meditate on our blessings. If we continue doing all this, Jehovah will help us serve him with endurance and joy.
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