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1. What good attitude have Jehovah's servants demonstrated throughout history?
Jehovah's servants have demonstrated an exemplary attitude throughout history, deeply valuing their friendship with God. They have been willing to make sacrifices to maintain that special relationship.
Well, we have shown that we value or greatly appreciate the friendship that we can have with Jehovah.
And since we greatly value the friendship we have with Jehovah, we are willing to make great sacrifices for him and today we are going to see the example of the Nazarites.
2. a) Who were the Nazirites? (Numbers 6:1, 2).
The Nazarites were people who voluntarily committed themselves to living in a special way dedicated to Jehovah. The word “Nazarite” comes from a Hebrew term that means “singularized,” “separated,” or “dedicated.” These faithful Israelites made sacrifices to serve Jehovah in a unique way.
Also when someone took the vow of Nazarite, they agreed to live under certain special rules that other Israelites did not have to follow. This included abstaining from certain things, such as drinking wine and contact with the dead, as a sign of his dedication to God.
They were faithful Israelites who could make a special vow to serve Jehovah and live as Nazarites for a time, precisely the text mentions that they could do it especially and also the note mentioned that sometimes Jehovah told them or asked them to do it but it could also be volunteer.
It says that when someone made this vow they had to obey certain rules that other Israelites did not have to follow and that surely their deep love for Jehovah and their sincere gratitude motivated them to make these changes.
2. b) What drove some Israelites to become Nazirites?
What motivated some Israelites to become Nazirites was their deep love for Jehovah and their sincere gratitude for all the blessings they had received from him. This special commitment was an expression of devotion and gratitude to God, and reflected his desire to dedicate a specific period of time to serving Him in a more close and committed way.
Surely the deep love for Jehovah and the gratitude they felt for him, Deuteronomy 6:5 says that if they loved Jehovah with all their heart with all their soul, that prompted them to make that special vow.
Yes, Deuteronomy 16:17 also says that the gift each person brings should be in proportion to the blessing they have received from Jehovah. Without a doubt, those who decided to be Nazarites were because they had received so many blessings from Jehovah and their gratitude led them to do that. vote to Jehovah.
3. How are we like the Nazarites?
We find similarities in our dedication to Jehovah. Like the Nazarites, we too long to serve God with all our being, just as Jesus taught. By committing ourselves to Jehovah and dedicating our lives to him, we promise to serve him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Also like the Nazarenes we strive to fulfill Jehovah's will and are willing to make sacrifices, to maintain our total dedication to God and follow his commandments even when we face challenges.
If these three examples mentioned in the Bible are different from those who made this vow on their own, Jehovah chose them three and this note makes it clear to us because, as the end says, this article focuses on those who voluntarily became Nazarites. .
Yes, we also have the desire to serve Jehovah with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and we do this by promising him in a vow that we dedicate our lives to him and in this way we have to live according to that vow living in his will and also making sacrifice.
We are similar to the Nazarites because it is fully understood with the two questions that are asked of us that what we are going to do is a dedication, a vow to Jehovah to do his will and thus dedicate ourselves completely, wholeheartedly and with all our strength to Jehovah.
4. According to Numbers 6:3, 4, what sacrifice did the Nazirites have to make?
They had to give up certain products such as those that come from grapes, raisins, and alcohol.
According to Numbers 6:3, 4, the Nazarites were to abstain from drinking alcohol and consuming any products derived from the vine, such as grapes and raisins. Although the Bible recognizes that wine is a gift from God that can gladden the heart of man, the Nazarites chose to abstain from these products as part of their dedication to God.
We might think it was simple but the truth is that at that time it was very common to drink wine even to eat, so in this case this was the special vow, they were already obedient to the law of God but they wanted more, they wanted to show a little. more of a sacrifice that's why they voluntarily gave up this.
If vine products were very common in biblical times and surely many meals were made with these products, then the Nazarene had to abstain from many things that he surely liked in order to fulfill his vow.
5. What sacrifices did Midian and Marcela decide to make, and why?
Midian and Marcela, a couple from Colombia, made the decision to make sacrifices in their lives so they could serve Jehovah more fully. Despite having a comfortable life, with Midian earning a lot of money and living in a nice house, they felt the desire to do more for Jehovah. To achieve this purpose, they decided to make significant changes to their lifestyle. They cut back on expenses, moved to a smaller apartment and sold their car.
They had a comfortable life, for example in the case of the brother he earned a lot of money and this allowed them to live in a very nice house, however they decided to make changes to be able to simplify their life and dedicate more time to Jehovah, one of those changes was that They moved to a smaller apartment and sold their car, and something interesting is that although they were not obliged to make those changes, they did so to be able to have more time for preaching, and without a doubt that made them feel very happy and satisfied because, well, although They did not need to make all those changes, they lived comfortably, they did so to serve Jehovah more.
You can be happy with the material things that you have or have accumulated, but you can be happier and even happier to make sacrifices for others, especially putting Jehovah and those who need to hear the word of Jehovah first.
6. Why do Christians make sacrifices today? (See also the image).
Christians make sacrifices to dedicate more time to spiritual activities, although Jehovah does not require it of us and we do it of our own free will. We give up things like houses, good jobs, pets, and even close family relationships, in order to better serve God. These sacrifices reflect our desire to offer the best to Jehovah, and we know that he greatly values our efforts.
Yes, there are several things they have done to increase their service to Jehovah, for example, some brothers give up a house for a good job or even having a pet, others decide to remain single for a time or not have children when they get married.
Yes, in the experience of the brothers who conducted my studies, they were happy because they always saw serving Jehovah as the most important thing in their lives, so in some way they were happy and that is what also transmits happiness to one, yes it is It is true that what Jehovah tells us is that there is more happiness in giving than in receiving and they saw it as satisfying that they could help many people.
And as we learned, the Nazarenes had many blessings and we too, Jehovah continues to bless us a lot, that is why we also have to be willing to make sacrifices because Jehovah has given us everything we have.
Well, in Hebrews 6:10 it speaks precisely that a sacrifice demonstrates the love we have for Jehovah and without a doubt Jehovah is just and does not forget what each of us does.
Yes we are seeing how our service compares with the Nazarites in the past, we are equal to them in the sense that Jehovah does not demand anything from us Jehovah, he accepts our sacrifice, we take the initiative in dedicating our lives to Jehovah and making that vow of eternal dedication, the Enlightenment makes us see how in the past they had to refuse things like grapes and everything derived from the vine, including wine, which caused great pleasure and which we also saw here in the study that causes great pleasure. rejoice, however they were willing to do it and that is how we also give up many comforts that Jehovah does not require of us but that we do to serve him better.
7. Why might it be difficult for a Nazarite to fulfill his vow? (Numbers 6:5; see also image).
In certain periods of Israel's history, the Nazarites were not valued or respected by society. The apostate Israelites were trying to induce the Nazarites to break their vow by offering them wine, so being different and staying true to their commitment to Jehovah was a real challenge that required courage and determination, especially when faced with pressure from a society that did not appreciate their spiritual dedication. .
Sometimes it was his vow, it was for a long time, so their hair really grew quite a bit and obviously he was going to attract attention, which is why in the Illustration you can see that everyone is turning to look at him and he passes by happily because he is doing the will of Jehovah. , but the paragraph says that there was also a time when many Israelites did not value or respect the Nazarites, so much so that the book says that even the apostates gave them wine to drink so that they could break their vow, like this It must have been a very difficult time for them to be able to fulfill that promise they had made to Jehovah.
They had a deep love for Jehovah so that is why it is seen that they were actually making a sacrifice by not tasting any of the grapes or wine or raisins, I mean, none of that, it did represent a great sacrifice.
They had to have a lot of courage because they were different.
8. What did you like about Benjamin's experience?
What Benjamin valued about his experience was the courage that allowed him to remain true to his convictions, despite social pressure. Although he was naturally shy, he had the courage to express his neutral position in a situation that challenged his beliefs. Despite facing discomfort and nervousness, he stood by his decision not to participate in a nationalist ceremony at school.
Benjamin's case is quite particular since in the school where he was a ceremony was held in support of the war that is happening in Ukraine, the children of that school had to sing a song dressed in the colors of the flag of Ukraine, this young boy Benjamin mentions that he decided to stay at a certain distance so as not to participate, however he mentions the experience how the teacher saw him and told him come here with us quickly we are waiting for you, then this young boy Benjamin answered his teacher I am neutral He did not participate in political celebrations. In fact, many Jehovah's Witnesses are in prison for not going to war. Without a doubt, this way of responding to the teacher was a very brave way and we can also learn from this.
I liked the courage he had despite being so small, how Jehovah helped him because later his friends asked him the same question again and he comments there that he felt like crying but Jehovah gave him that courage that he used and He answered the same thing to his companions.
It did catch my attention that the explanation he gave to the teacher told her that many Jehovah's Witnesses were in prison for not participating in the war. So he also being aware of that was what helped him to know that he was not alone and That just as Jehovah helps other brothers, he was also going to help him defend his faith and that is how he told his parents, he knew that he had obtained that value thanks to Jehovah.
9. How can we gladden Jehovah's heart?
We can gladden Jehovah’s heart by obeying him and showing courage to identify ourselves as his witnesses, especially in environments where this can be challenging, such as work or school. In a world where attitudes and behaviors are increasingly distant from biblical principles, demonstrating fidelity to God and preaching the good news of the Kingdom can be difficult, but Jehovah will be glad that we side with him.
Let us remember that one way to make Jehovah happy is if we make our hearts happy when we have the courage to be different from people who do not serve him.
Then we see how someone begins to obey Jehovah by making sacrifices to obey his commands, the people and family around us begin to realize that we begin to change our behavior to be different, so to do that it is obviously necessary courage to identify ourselves as faithful servants of Jehovah both at work and at school and wherever he wants us to be.
2 Timothy 3:13 says that the wicked and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived, that is, evil people will always see our behavior as servants of Jehovah, so we must strive to be better and better servants of Jehovah because we want stay on good terms with Jehovah because the proverb 27:11 says that we want to rejoice Jehovah's heart, so the most important thing is the value we give to biblical principles as servants of Jehovah.
10. Why was it not easy for the Nazarites to obey the command in Numbers 6:6, 7?
The custom was to be close to the deceased relative.
The Bible also mentions that they made fragrant myrrh herbs as an ointment to anoint the body, and whoever did it was done by their relatives at that time because it was obviously very difficult for the Nazarites.
For the Nazarites, obeying the command in Numbers 6:6, 7 not to approach the dead was difficult because they could not follow the funeral customs of the time, which included being near the body of the deceased. This posed an especially great challenge if the deceased was a close relative. Although keeping their vow under these circumstances demonstrated strong faith, they could trust that Jehovah would give them the strength necessary to fulfill their commitment.
If, for example, in the texts that you quote there from John 19:39 and 40 it is explained that when they took the body of Jesus it says they wrapped it in linen cloth with aromatic spices, and then the other mentions the tabita de dorcas and says They washed the body, so they had a custom related to that which, as already mentioned, was mainly the relatives who had to do that and I started to think about a family that perhaps only had that one son who was a Nazarite.
11. What should we be determined to do when dealing with family matters?
When dealing with family matters, we must be determined to always put what Jehovah wants first before what our family members want. This means that, although we attend to our family responsibilities to the best of our ability, we should never compromise our spiritual principles and values to please others.
Although we love our family, even if they are not Christians, we will never put their tastes or traditions above the knowledge that we have of the things that please Jehovah, in the case of which we are talking about a funeral or The death of someone we love could be that our relatives have customs regarding a funeral or doing or saying things. We would not fall into that, even if it hurts us. In that situation, we would not fall into following their traditions. In the case of the Nazarites, they abstained. to go to that funeral to be there because they had a vow with Jehovah, we have the same a vow that makes us firm to the rules that Jehovah has in this way although we will demonstrate our love to our family we will always keep in mind Jehovah's rules to do not fail.
Yes, it is precisely highlighted here what was being considered in the paragraph where the one who dedicated himself as a Nazarite to serving Jehovah did not have the opportunity due to the norms that Jehovah established for him to be able to accompany his loved one to the funeral by the orders of Jehovah because he was dedicated to him.
Sometimes we may have to sacrifice peace with our families to some extent in order to please Jehovah.
12. When presented with a difficult family situation, what did Alexandru do, and what did he not do?
When a difficult family situation arose, Alexandru decided to continue studying the Bible even though his wife, Dorina, wanted to stop. Alexandru calmly and tactfully explained his desire to continue with the study. Even though Dorina reacted negatively and tried to force him to leave the Bible course, Alexandru remained firm with him and did not give in to the pressure. Although it was difficult, Alexandru tried to understand his wife and continued to put Jehovah first in his life.
Despite Dorina's criticism and mistreatment, Alexandru continued to treat her with love and respect, maintaining his integrity and fidelity to God. Over time, her example and her patient love prompted Dorina to return to studying the Bible and accepting the truth.
Yes, we saw in the video how they began to study together, but she decided at one point to leave her study, but she told him to leave it too, however he explained that he wanted to continue and although he did not like that To her, she did many things to make him stop studying, for example, there we saw that when she saw that he was going to go to the bathroom, she told him I need you to do this and this and this, so she thought that he was going to get upset and she would to treat her badly even when he was going to go to meetings, the same thing she told him do this and says that he asked her for a lot of tasks, however she explains later that he never got upset or treated her badly and she liked that because she She saw that he was very patient and even though she treated him badly he showed her his affection, but also here something very important is that the brother said that sometimes he wanted to throw in the towel when he saw that attitude, however he continued to put Jehovah First of all, he treated his wife with respect and affection and that served as a good example for her to later resume her study.
13. How can we show that we love Jehovah and our family?
We can show that we love Jehovah and our family by following his principles and teachings. This means taking care of our family members and treating them with love and respect, following the example of Jesus Christ.
Additionally, we must be willing to make sacrifices to serve Jehovah while fulfilling our family responsibilities. Jehovah values these sacrifices and recognizes our efforts to maintain a balance between our service to him and our care for our family.
We want to be truly happy, we have to do things as Jehovah says he sees and values the sacrifices we make to serve him while taking care of our family and treating them with love and respect.
Something that caught my attention was that in the previous paragraph the husband explained calmly and tactfully to his wife that he wanted to continue demonstrating to himself that he had respect first for Jehovah and then for his wife. This type of behavior reflects that love that we feel for Jehovah and the fact that we want to continue serving him and obviously infect others with that same attitude.
We have to make sacrifices, that is, not so much that it is so comfortable for us, but rather that it is really difficult for us to do what we are doing for Jehovah. In the case of the brother, he mentioned that on one occasion it was even midnight and his wife kept asking him for things that do and he finishes and still tells him something else is offered to you that was a sacrifice but he did it with a purpose so it is with us that it costs us work and that we must do it with joy for Jehovah.
14. Who should we encourage above all?
We should especially encourage those who are making sacrifices for Jehovah, whether it is simplifying their lives to have more time for spiritual activities, showing courage in their daily lives to remain faithful to their beliefs, or facing opposition from their families for being loyal to Jehovah. Jehovah.
If we know someone in our congregation who is making these sacrifices, we should take every opportunity to encourage them and express our appreciation for their bravery and dedication to God.
To everyone but above all to the congregation, to the young people, to our colleagues, to the brothers, to the students and to the family.
We must take the initiative to get to know each other to stimulate us to love and excellent works, but for this we must be able to take a brother individually, talk to him and take the initiative if he is truly suffering from some need, not simply asking him to see. How we can help and contribute to that, that is precisely what it must be for love to rejoice the heart of Jehovah.
15. What have some brothers done to help those in full-time service?
Some brothers have offered practical help to those who are in full-time service. For example, an older sister living in Sri Lanka decided to help two young sisters who were facing financial difficulties to continue pioneering. Upon receiving an increase in her pension, she decided to set aside an amount of money each month to help pay her phone bills. This generous and selfless gesture from the eldest sister demonstrated her love and support for her sisters in full-time service.
Here we are shown an example of an older sister who, since her pension was raised, decided to help two sisters who, by continuing to be pioneers, paid for the telephone costs and things like that.
We have heard of cases, for example, of brothers who are in full-time service as superintendents or Bethelites who have aging and sick parents but the same family, their brothers, help them and support them so that they can continue in their full-time service.
16. What does the example of the Nazirites teach us?
Jehovah pays attention to the sacrifices we make to serve him and values them greatly.
The example of the Nazirites teaches us that Jehovah values and recognizes the sacrifices we make for him. Just as the Nazarites were completely dedicated to Jehovah, we too have dedicated ourselves to him and desire to please him with all our hearts. Jehovah knows that we are willing to make sacrifices to fulfill our vow of dedication, and he honors us by giving us the opportunity to demonstrate our love and devotion to Him.
How did the Nazirites demonstrate that they were willing to make sacrifices and that they were brave?
The Nazarites demonstrated their willingness to make sacrifices and their courage by remaining faithful to their commitment to Jehovah, despite the pressure and disapproval of the Israelite society of their time. They also put their loyalty to Jehovah first before fulfilling his wishes, such as staying away from a deceased loved one to continue fulfilling his vow.
The example that these Nazarites left us are people who were willing to make sacrifices and had great courage because they always put Jehovah first despite the opposition they had with the apostates or false brothers, but they still sacrificed for example of not being able to get close to their beloved family member, but they always put Jehovah first and showed him that they greatly value everything that Jehovah does for them, a great example that we can follow.
How can we encourage each other to be like the Nazarites?
We can encourage each other to be like the Nazarites by recognizing and valuing the spiritual commitment and dedication of our brothers and sisters in the faith. It is important to express appreciation for those who show courage and determination to remain faithful to Jehovah, especially when faced with external challenges and pressures.
Additionally, we can offer our support and encouragement to one another, reminding each other of the importance of remaining steadfast in our vows of dedication to God and in our commitment to live godly lives separate from the world.
We learned that we must take advantage of any opportunity to encourage those brothers who are achieving a goal and also if we are able to help them financially we can also do so.
What do we learn about Jehovah from the vote of the Nazarites?
Through the Nazarite vow, we learn about the importance that Jehovah places on the personal dedication and commitment of his servants. Jehovah deeply values the devotion and faithfulness of those who commit to serving him in a special way, as the Nazarites did. This special commitment reflects the sincere desire of God's servants to honor and glorify Him in their lives.
Furthermore, we learn that Jehovah recognizes and rewards the sacrifices his servants are willing to make in his service. Through the vote of the Nazarites, we see how Jehovah observes with pleasure the effort and dedication of his servants, and grants them his blessing and protection.
That Jehovah values all the sacrifices we make such as coming to meetings, going out to serve and preaching from house to house and also informally.
That with courage and sacrifice helps us worship Jehovah.
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