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“Praise him, servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord” (PSA. 113:1).
1, 2. What example helps us understand how the lies that have been told about him make Jehovah feel?
The example that helps us understand how Jehovah feels about the lies told about him is that of a person who suffers when someone he cares about says something terrible and false about him and others believe it and spread that lie, thus damaging his reputation. .
Well, just as when they tell a lie about us and spread it everywhere that can stain our reputation and make us feel bad, Jehovah feels the same way when they lie about him.
Furthermore, it hurts us even if it is someone from our own family, but in Jehovah's case it was one of his own spiritual children who began to tarnish his reputation.
The proverb says that it is better to have a good reputation than to have gold, silver, so it is something very personal and very wonderful that Jehovah warns us that we have to behave to have a reputation.
And evidently because of all this that they have caused against the name of Jehovah he could feel bitter or he could feel resentful but on the contrary the apostle Paul says in the first letter Timothy chapter 1 verse 11 that Jehovah is a happy God.
The lie that is uttered does not stay there, I don't know how short it is, but rather it spreads because there are those who believe in it and that brings disastrous results, as in fact happened in the case of Eva, who believed the lie and we are even aware of the consequences. all of us suffering.
3. What privilege do we have?
We have the privilege of helping to vindicate or defend Jehovah's name. This is done by obeying the command of Psalm 113, to praise the name of Jehovah, which involves speaking of him and his holy name.
That is very clear what we should do because Psalm 113:1 says praise the name of the Lord.
To praise the name of Jehovah on all occasions we have to want to praise the name of Jehovah on all occasions, they are different nuances because if we start to think about what we love from Jehovah, logically we praise him for everything he gives us, but now it is about To defend the name of Jehovah means wanting to praise him on every occasion, so we are going to see three reasons that will help us achieve this.
4. Explain with an example why Jehovah feels happy when we praise him (see also the image).
We have the example of the image, the girl gives her father a drawing made with effort and love. The father feels happy, not because of the drawing, but because that gesture represents the love and gratitude of his daughter. Similarly, when we praise Jehovah we are showing him our love and gratitude, which pleases him, not because he needs our praise, but because he sees that his children value him, love him, and desire a personal relationship with him.
Well, it is true that Jehovah does not need our praise to feel better, in the same way that a father does not need it from his children because the love of parents is totally unconditional, but when a child shows affection to the father and tells him that he is the best dad or the best mom in the world how we feel, if we are as happy as we can be, because in the same way Jehovah does not feel insecure or needs us to reinforce him, he is simply delighted that we show him his affection.
The father says that he knows that these qualities are going to make him happier as he grows, in the case of Jehovah it is the same because he knows that our faith is going to strengthen as time goes by, so in a similar way Jehovah In this case it is our father, the best father there is, he feels very happy when we praise him.
The image we have for this paragraph we see that girl thanking her father for everything, he has drawn her a drawing and she hopes with that smile that her father likes that he is happy with her because that is how Jehovah feels when in Psalm 119:108 he said the psalmist to please gladly receive his voluntary offerings, that is, we do what we do because we love Jehovah and we eagerly wait for him to receive it.
The image conveys such a beautiful thing, the closeness of the father with the girl, it teaches us how close Jehovah is to us, that he is not far away, he is present the moment we tell him how loving and how good he is and that we are happy. Having him as a father he also feels happy.
With a smile, a little girl gives her father a drawing she made for her. Just as a father feels happy when a child expresses his affection and gratitude, Jehovah feels happy when we praise his name. (See paragraph 4).
5. What do we demonstrate when we praise Jehovah?
When we praise Jehovah we demonstrate that Satan is wrong in his claim that no human being will be loyal and defend God's name when put to the test. Our worship and praise of Jehovah is a living testimony that it is possible to be upright and loyal, even in the most difficult circumstances, and that it is a privilege to defend his name.
Well, when we praise Jehovah we demonstrate that Satan is a liar, he affirms that when we are put to the test we will all turn our backs on Jehovah, but we will be as faithful as Job was and we will demonstrate that Satan is a liar and what he does not know is that For us it is a privilege to defend the name of Jehovah and be faithful and so it says that we will make him happy as Proverbs 27:11 says.
And as we know, Job did not go through easy trials or perhaps small trials, he went through very hard trials, he suffered the death of his children, he lost everything he had, his house, everything, he had a horrible illness, many brothers. Nowadays, perhaps they are going through similar situations, they are going through very serious illnesses. difficult losses of family members and still praise Jehovah and know that the best way to go through that grief or that moment is to be close to Jehovah and praise him and this is what we do to show that Satan always lies.
And thinking about this with the image we had before made me think that the girl does not love her father just because he provides her with something but because of a feeling because she knows her father and that he is a good father and the same thing happens with us, we don't want to Jehovah because he gives us, it is true that we appreciate what he gives us, but we wash it because we know Jehovah, we know that he is the best God that exists.
And according to proverb 27:11, praising the name of Jehovah and being upright by doing this we fulfill two very important purposes: we rejoice the heart of Jehovah and we contribute to proving that what Satan said was a lie.
6. How can we imitate King David and the Levites? (Nehemiah 9:5).
Like David, we can strive to praise Jehovah's name, recognizing and speaking of his beautiful qualities, his wonderful works, and his holy reputation. Also, we can imitate the Levites by humbly recognizing that words fall short of expressing the praise that Jehovah's holy name deserves, thus showing our deep respect and gratitude toward him.
I really like what Psalm 103:1 says when David says that everything that is inside me because so far we have talked about words give praise to the Lord by words but this implies much more everything that is inside me is something to meditate and reflect on.
They took the initiative not because they were an obligation but because they wanted to, how we feel when lies are spoken, someone we want is that we are willing to say that, that is not the case, the reasons involved, well, that is what David and the Levites did to him not only did see with the name of Jehovah and tell people that the true God was called Jehovah but now what qualities does he have, how he behaves and we are wishing for him. It is not an obligation, it is because we want to.
And as we saw in Nehemiah there are no words to explain how holy Jehovah is, how kind he is, how much he loves us, but even so, both the psalmist and the Levites did not hesitate to say it, they used all the words they could have, the form they They could express that love for Jehovah and without a doubt Jehovah valued it very much and loved them for that.
Praising the name of Jehovah is involved with his reputation with what that name means, it was mentioned at the beginning of the study of the watchtower that how important reputation is, whoever knows Jehovah knows that he is a loving God, he is a just God, a wise God. and when we defend those qualities of our God Jehovah through his name, we defend or praise Jehovah.
7. How can we praise Jehovah in our preaching and daily activities?
We can praise Jehovah in preaching and in daily activities, speaking of him with affection and gratitude and showing others his beautiful qualities such as his love, justice, wisdom, and power. We can also praise Jehovah by imitating him as best we can. So that people notice that we are different and ask why? This can create opportunities to explain the reasons, thereby perhaps attracting good-hearted people to Jehovah, and this will gladden his heart.
Speaking of him with affection and gratitude, our goal when we preach is that people feel drawn to Jehovah and thus do what James 4:8 says to draw close to God and purify their hearts.
Ephesians 5:1 says therefore they emit God as a son called so when the Bible encourages us to invite Jehovah it is as if Jehovah did not personally say come imitate me because yes you can within your imperfection I know that you can imitate me and I know it because you can strive to a certain degree to a certain degree we can fulfill showing love showing gratitude exerting effort in preaching.
And if we are aware of all these opportunities that we have in our daily lives to explain to people why we are a certain way or why we react in a certain way, then the result, as has been said, will not only make people feel attracted to Jehovah and want to know him but we are also going to praise and rejoice Jehovah's heart because as you say first Timothy, he wants all kinds of people to be saved so it is a double objective.
Yes, there is a text cited in Matthew 5 from 14 to 16 where it says that we are the light of the world and verse 16 is very interesting because it says so that people can see his good works and not praise us because they say, look what a good person this is. because now they are going to identify us, so one way to give praise is for the way we behave.
When we are preaching, especially when we make return visits, we do Bible courses and we are reading from the Bible. How good it is that in those moments we highlight the qualities behind those principles, that is, that people learn to love Jehovah for what those principles clearly demonstrate. he.
Well, a goal that I also want to set is to try to talk to people with the Bible about those qualities of Jehovah, at least if you can read a text about wisdom or love or justice because people could already know about Jehovah and it would be a way to praise him.
Another thing that I really like is knowing texts to show people how it reflects what the name of Jehovah is to which glory is given and on the other hand also knowing how to explain how from the second century onwards it was deformed and hidden. the name of Jehovah but that the name of Jehovah was there and that faithful servants wanted to surpass it with all their strength.
And in those daily opportunities that maybe someone tells us, oh, I'm surprised that you never use bad words or how you dress or what a sweet way you have of treating people, then take advantage of those opportunities and tell them Why Because Jehovah has taught us a phrase that we have read in the Bible relate it to Jehovah.
8. Why is Jesus the best example of someone who praised Jehovah's name?
Jesus is considered the best example of someone who praised the name of Jehovah, because he more than anyone else in the universe praised and honored the name of Jehovah, following his teachings and fulfilling his will. Furthermore, Jesus highlighted this fact in his ministry and especially the night. before he died, when in his prayer he declared what is recorded in John 17:26 I have made your name known, indicating that he dedicated his life and work to revealing and exalting his father's name.
Because he dedicated all the time of his ministry to making his father's name known and everything that that name implied and as John 14:31 also says, he demonstrated it by always doing everything that his father had commanded him.
Yes, and one of the most significant moments that highlights Jesus' dedication to praising the name of Jehovah was his prayer the night before his death, in this prayer described here in John 17:26 he summarized his entire ministry by saying I have made known your name.
And as it says at the beginning of the paragraph, no one knows the father as well as the son. According to the gospel of Matthew 11:27, he repeats it there, no one really knows the father except the son.
9. What parable did Jesus use to make clear what Jehovah is like?
Jesus used the parable of the prodigal son so that the truth recorded in Exodus 34:5-7 will come to life, and thus it will become clear what Jehovah is like. In this parable Jesus illustrated Jehovah's mercy and compassion through the story of the father who forgives his prodigal son, embraces him, and receives him back with love, despite his past mistakes. This teaching helped the people understand Jehovah's nature as a merciful and compassionate God.
The thing is that when the father saw him from afar he ran to meet him, hugged him and forgave him, he did not wait for his son to come and ask for forgiveness although it is true that the son had thought about it but the father did not know it, so he took the initiative, this shows us to what degree Jehovah is merciful and compassionate since the Hebrew scriptures already said that Jehovah is like this but without a doubt this illustration helps us understand to what degree Jehovah is like this.
And the Jews already knew the name of Jehovah from the moment they were born, they practically knew what God was called, but that was not the objective of Jesus, the objective of Jesus is that of us today that they approach that name to the personality. behind him and he got it perfectly right.
Jesus could have simply said that Jehovah God is merciful and compassionate and the people who would have understood that would not have understood it, or would have known it, would have understood it. That's the story, he helped understand the qualities of his father.
10. a) Why do we know that Jesus used his Father's name and wanted others to do so too? (Mark 5:19; see also image).
We know that Jesus used his father's name and wanted others to do so too because despite the religious traditions of the time that advised them to pronounce God's name. Jesus instructed the man cured of demonic possession in the region of the Gerasenes to tell the people what Jehovah had done for him, as reported in Mark 5:19, this shows that Jesus not only used Jehovah's name, but who also encouraged others to do so by highlighting the importance of making God's name known.
When Jesus healed this demon-possessed man, the people were very scared, but what Jesus did is that he told that man that when he left, what he had to do was tell that it was Jehovah who had performed the miracle that had taken place. and he specifically said that to teach that it was Jehovah who had made it, not Jesus, and it was because at that time the religious leaders did not use the name of Jehovah, they considered it so sacred that they did not want to offend him, so they did not use it, which is why Jesus emphasized it.
10. b) What does Jesus want us to do?
Jesus wants us to teach the name of Jehovah to the whole world, as indicated in Matthew chapter 24 verse 14 and Matthew chapter 28 verses 19 and 20, in doing so we follow his example and fulfill the task of spreading knowledge about God and his name, which is a way to honor and rejoice Jesus.
Well, he wants us to do the same, now we are the ones who follow all the people around the world, who is God, what is his name, and everything he does for us.
Well, not only is the painting so beautiful, but we see Jesus telling him to praise Jehovah, not to praise him because what he has done is not his merit but rather it is the merit of his father who sent him to do it. these things so that people believe and that is why he tells him to go and tell the people that it was Jehovah, it was the son of God but the one who did it is Jehovah.
Another way in which we also invite Jesus is to give him the merit of everything we do, no matter what we do, no matter what we have, any merit always comes from Jehovah.
The paragraph mentions that the Geracens wanted Jesus to leave, the reason being that the demons that we see are so cruel that they sent that herd of pigs and it says that there were 2000 pigs that fell off the cliff, so we don't know the reasons but they were probably also economic, they said go away. to Jesus that you are ruining our business here, but he did want them to know that it was part of Jehovah.
Jesus leaves the region of the Gerasenes riding a boat. While he gradually moves away, he talks to the man who was possessed and who is still on the shore. Jesus told the demon-possessed man whom he had cured to tell the people what Jehovah had done for him. (See paragraph 10).
11. What did Jesus tell his followers to include in their prayers? And, according to Ezekiel 36:23, why is it so important?
Jesus instructed his followers to include in their prayers, "The petition, our father in heaven, that your name be hallowed." This reflects the importance of sanctifying Jehovah's name, that is, cleansing it of all the lies that have stained it and treating it with the utmost respect and reverence. And according to Ezekiel chapter 36 verse 23, this is of utmost importance, because in the entire universe there is nothing more important than the sanctification of God's name, which involves vindicating his sovereignty and showing his true nature before all creations.
And in Ezekiel 36:23 we see the importance because the beginning of the verse Jehovah himself says that he will sanctify his great name so we understand that that is his purpose, so it is very important that we also pray in relation to that purpose.
12. What did Jesus do to sanctify his Father's name in the best way possible?
To sanctify the name of his father Jesus was willing to endure torture, insults and false accusations, he also did so by demonstrating total obedience and remaining faithful and loyal to Jehovah, even in the midst of the harshest trials. On the other hand, despite Satan's attacks, he remained upright and proved beyond a doubt that Satan is a liar, while Jehovah has servants who remain loyal under all circumstances.
Jesus came to face really tough trials and he was willing to endure torture, insults, false accusations that brought his father's name and all kinds of more humiliation from his enemies. He even had to face temptations from the devil on several occasions. .
Satan's objective was for Jesus to stop being faithful to Jehovah, but he did not achieve it, so he totally failed, and thus Jesus demonstrated that Satan is a liar and that there really are servants who are loyal even in the hardest tests since he He went to the point of death being obediently loyal to his father.
And the paragraph highlights that Jesus identified Satan as the one who was attacking him, which is why in Luke 23:34 he asked his father to forgive these people.
13. What should we do to make our King happy?
Continue praising the name of Jehovah.
To bring joy to our King Jesus Christ, we must continue to praise Jehovah's name and help others truly understand who he is. We must also follow in his footsteps to prove that his enemy Satan is a despicable liar.
In this way we also help others to understand Who Jehovah really is. And if we follow in the footsteps of Jesus we show that Jehovah feels happy and that Satan is a liar.
And we have to be realistic before reading the text of Hebrews 12:2 we saw that Jesus had to allow himself to be humiliated, he had to allow himself to go through a lot of suffering but he also had to be clear about who his suffering came from, we may have to go through for all these things but it will help us to see Jehovah being happy with our example and also Jesus Christ our King who is going to say that they are following my example and are pleasing Jehovah.
14, 15. What extraordinary things happen when we teach people the truth about Jehovah?
As people learn the truth about Jehovah, they are freed from the satanic lies that have blinded them and begin to see our father, as we see him, which is why many are impressed when considering his awesome power, they feel safe knowing His perfect justice, they marvel at discovering his profound wisdom and experience great comfort as they learn that he is love in person.
For thousands of years Satan has been telling lies about Jehovah and that has caused people to have the wrong idea of what Jehovah is like, they believe that he is a cruel God and many more things. So when we teach the truths about Jehovah, people can get to know him and know and realize that everything they had heard was not true and that Jehovah is totally different. For example, one of the things they can learn is what Deuteronomy 3:24 says when it talks about the justice of Jehovah as Jehovah. He is just and upright, therefore it is impossible for him to be responsible for the things that Satan accuses him of and that is how they realize that he is a liar.
Yes also when they realize the great lie that exists right now in many places that God does not exist when they know that God does exist and as Isaiah 40:26 says they see all the power that he has because they are impressed and that too What it does is that it helps them have a much more pleasant life by having a creator.
And the truth is that thinking about what our preaching achieves, the teaching that we can help other people is very beautiful that it is considered an extraordinary thing because what would we think of someone who has the power like Jesus to give sight to a blind man? extraordinary thing, but that is precisely what happens in a spiritual sense with what has already been mentioned when people know Jehovah they know the lies that have been told about him what they are going to do what they don't like what they do You like it when they meet him, their eyes open, it's an extraordinary thing.
And also with respect to the hope of living forever, we tell people that this is the hope that God offers, but of course it is the hope of someone whom they do not know, they do not know how he is, because it is hardly credible to them, but when we present it to him to the person of Jehovah with all his qualities that makes them feel convinced and that they want to be part of his family.
Furthermore, many people have been taught that God is a cruel God who is a God who punishes for bad things even eternally, but when they learn about Jehovah from the Bible they feel relieved, they feel great comfort in learning that Jehovah is a God of love. What is love.
And the text that we have at the end of Corinthians helps us understand that indeed what Jehovah wanted in the beginning was for everyone to know his name, that later Jesus made his name known many times and that good Apostles too because what it does is that we want to be also like them collaborators in making the name of Jehovah known and when we do it that makes us love him more and that is why we serve Jehovah not because of what he is going to give us but because we know him we know what his name means and now that What we want, then, is to make it very clear that Jehovah is a personal God with a specific name.
16. What effect can learning God's name have? Give some example.
Learning the name of God can have a significant effect on people's lives and bring about important and very beneficial changes. For example, Alía, who grew up in a family of a non-Christian religion, experienced a radical change when she discovered the name of God. She began to see him as a friend of hers, which gave her a lot of peace and made her feel privileged.
Yes, we see that knowing the name of Jehovah can change a person's life. Here he mentions a young woman named Alía who had grown up in a religion that was not Christian and she did not like the beliefs that her parents had taught her. parents, she saw God as someone very far away and the one who began to study the Bible with the Witnesses because he helped her a lot when she met Jehovah who had a name like the qualities she had and she felt closer and saw him as a friend .
17. Why do you want to continue praising Jehovah's name? (See also the image).
I want to continue praising Jehovah's name because by doing so I will help others to know what kind of person Jehovah is, which in turn will save their lives. I also wish to do so to follow the example of our King Jesus Christ and above all to rejoice our loving father Jehovah.
Because by doing so we will be helping many people to know the name of Jehovah and thus they too, like us, will be able to be saved and most importantly we are imitating the example of Jesus who is our king and also claiming the heart of Jehovah who is our father.
And the image is very significant, it looks like one of our little sisters is teaching another elderly person, surely in our Bible, in the book they are considering, they have seen what the name of Jehovah is or the name of God, which is Jehovah, and that person that we see that deep down has many images, a believer in the good sense, but when the sister asks you, you probably have your Bible at home and that older lady has done it, well, yes, take it out, she has taken it out and taken it to the text perhaps from the Psalm and it has shown him that the name of God is Jehovah and that person is very surprised when in his own Bible he has been able to see what the name of God is.
This does close a beautiful circle of reasons in our article because it is not only that we rejoice Jehovah, it is not only that we rejoice Jesus, we rejoice the lives of the people we are saving and this is one of the best feelings we can have so we makes us happy too, it seems impossible that we do not want to praise Jehovah on every occasion with all these good reasons that we have seen.
A sister gives Bible classes to an older woman, who has a cross on the wall and a picture on the table. The woman is impressed to see God's name in her own Bible. We praise Jehovah’s name when we teach it to people and show them what he is like. (See paragraph 17).
Why do we make Jehovah happy when we praise his name?
When we praise Jehovah's name we rejoice his heart, recognizing and exalting his greatness, his love, his justice, and his wonderful qualities. In this act of praise we express our gratitude, love, devotion towards him, thus expressing our deep respect and adoration.
Because as we have seen, there are a multitude of lies that are taught throughout the world, so when we praise the name of Jehovah despite difficulties and are loyal, we are showing that Satan is a liar, therefore we show that we love him, what we want more people to know. your name and that is why we are going to know it so that more people can also be your friends.
And we saw the example of how that little girl gave a drawing and told her father that she loved him very much and that made him very happy because Jehovah is very happy every time we wash him and show that we love him.
And we have also seen that praising his name means talking about his reputation, his qualities and all his good works and this pleases him very much.
Why do we make Jesus happy when we praise God's name?
We make Jesus happy when we praise God's name, because Jesus himself has given us the example of how to praise and glorify Jehovah. Jesus is the son who knows his father intimately and perfectly and praises his name with deep devotion and love. By following his example and speaking and praising God's name, we are following his teachings and demonstrating our faith and faithfulness to him.
Because the objective of Jesus when he was on earth was to sanctify his father's name, he demonstrated it and he also told us that we should do the same even when he performed healings, we see that he gave glory to Jehovah that really the one who had done it, then he He wants us to do the same and teach the name of Jehovah to all people and that is why when we do it we also rejoice his heart.
Why do we help save lives when we praise God's name?
When we praise the name of God we contribute to saving lives. By teaching the truth about Jehovah, people can be freed from the lies that kept them blinded, and understand that they have the opportunity to live eternally as children of God.
Well, when we praise the name of Jehovah, it counteracts the lies of Satan that has blinded people's minds and also when we preach the truth about Jehovah, we also make people release those false teachings of him and begin to see Jehovah as he really is. is.
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