Saturday, April 6, 2024

Watchtower Study, Jehovah is very loving and loves us very much, Week 1 to April 7, 2024, Comments and Responses.

Watchtower Study, Jehovah is very loving and loves us very much, April 1-7, 2024, Comments and Responses.

“The Lord is very loving” (JAMES 5:11).

1. How do you imagine Jehovah?

For many, the perception of what Jehovah is like may vary depending on the situation in which we find ourselves. For example, we can imagine ourselves as a shield when we need protection. And in my case, when I read the advice, I always imagine Jehovah as a loving father taking care of his children.


I have never imagined Jehovah in any type of material form because I know that he is a spirit that I cannot see but he has always seen me so he knows me better than anyone and that is why my relationship with Jehovah is the most Important for me.

Also in the Bible it is described as a sun and a shield, a voracious fire, so they are powerful and strong things or terms and it could be that, like Ezekiel, we fall, so to speak, face to the ground, amazed by that force.

2. Why is it difficult for some to approach God?

Not being able to see God tangibly, some people may find it difficult to believe in his existence or his love. So the absence of physical evidence can be an obstacle for many to approach God.


Past experiences may be another factor such as a lack of love or care from earthly father figures, which may influence a father figure's perception of God. If someone has suffered emotional trauma or been hurt by people in their life, it can be difficult to reach out to a loving God.

It is good that we understand that Jehovah does love us and that he also understands what has affected us in this life, but he says that to help us understand it better and in more detail is the Bible and his beautiful personality in his word.

3. Why will we talk in detail about Jehovah and his love?

Well, we are going to talk in detail about Jehovah and his love because it is one of the fundamental qualities that Defines, in this case his divine nature, and by understanding and deepening the love of God, we can develop a closer relationship with him.


And he is going to have a love so great as Matthew 5:44-45 says, he makes his sun rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the just and the unjust, so his love is so great that it extends to both the good and the good. like the bad guys who don't love him yet.

Yes, we could talk in detail about Jehovah and his love because as it says in first John 4:8, God is love.

One could ask oneself if the most imposing being in the universe loves us, how could I reciprocate so that at least I also felt that affection that he has towards me, what could I do to return that show of love.


4. How do you feel when you think that Jehovah is loving? (See also the image).

When we think of Jehovah as a loving being, we can experience a variety of positive emotions and feelings. For example, like a mother caring for her children, knowing that Jehovah is near and tenderly caring for his children can provide us with a sense of inner peace and comfort in times of distress and sadness. 


When we feel or see Jehovah's affection and love, it gives us a feeling of security and protection, knowing that he is always present to care for us and guide us in all aspects of life.

Psalm 94:19 says that how many worries overwhelm me, you comforted me and reassured me, so Jehovah loves us as children and the relationship he has is the same that we can have with our children.

That also makes us feel safe if we are next to Jehovah because just as we see in the Illustration of a child that when he is in his mother's arms that is when he feels best when he transmits that security to him and they feel good because we do the same. This way we know that when we need help and in our worst moments we will always have Jehovah on our side.

And how nice that it is similar so that we can understand how loving Jehovah is and what he wants us to do with this image of a mother with a child, because we see that there are no stronger ties then to think that Jehovah is like a mother but even much more, because that gives us peace of mind and makes us see what a good and loving father we have.

And Psalm 94:19 talks about how when worries overwhelmed me, how Jehovah cares for us, but it makes me think that throughout history not only in the time of the psalmist but that Jehovah was transmitting this idea through the Apostles, the apostle John of course, but James and all the apostles were transmitting the idea of ​​how Jehovah keeps in mind to his servants how he wants us to lean on him and well, these words always make us see him as a mother as a father. loving person who always wants to take care of us.

It is curious when the paragraph says that when the baby cries or something hurts she runs to give him the mother runs to give him what he needs and that is the most normal thing, but nevertheless we with Jehovah have the great advantage that before We ask for it, he is already seeing everything we need and we know that he will never abandon us and that he will always give us what we need.


A mother lovingly holds her baby against her chest. “As a mother comforts her child, so I will be comforting you.” (See paragraph 4).

5. What does Jehovah's loyal love mean to you?

Yes, for me it is an authentic love that does not expire and that does not change over time despite my multiple mistakes, as Isaiah 55:7 says, he always forgives me.


Well for me, Jehovah's loyal love is a constant and faithful unbreakable love towards his creations, especially for example towards us as a person, it is a love that lasts despite our imperfection and mistakes. Jehovah shows us his Loyal love by continuing to love us even when We failed to give ourselves the opportunity to repent and return to Him.

And for me it is something very reassuring because I am sure I am going to make a mistake because we all make mistakes, but knowing that Jehovah has this loyal love that regardless of our mistakes he will always be there by our side to help us makes us feel safe.

If loyal love is a love that is motivated by a sense of commitment, that is, it is not inconstant, it is not like the love that we perhaps see in the world that, depending on the circumstances, comes and goes, but rather it is integral and characterized by a strong attachment. , so we should never doubt the great loyal love that Jehovah has for us.

In fact, as we have already mentioned, Jehovah's love is similar to that of a mother with her children. When their children make mistakes, they often do not do things right, but parents always forgive them because they love them, because in the same way Jehovah does not stop loving us because we make mistakes, time after time the Israelites disappointed Jehovah greatly but when they repented Jehovah showed them the love that he still had for them.

6. What does Zechariah 2:8 teach us about Jehovah?

In Zechariah 2:8, Jehovah compares his people to the apple of his eye, showing us how much he values ​​and loves us. He reveals to us that we are extremely important and appreciated by him. And for example, any damage we suffer will also affect him himself. So this image reflects the personal care that Jehovah has with his people and his willingness to protect and defend us from any danger or threat.


There Jehovah compares us to his pupil who we know is a very sensitive part of the body and with this comparison he tells us that he loves us very much that what we feel affects him, he wants to protect us and that when we suffer he also suffers.

The text also shows us that Jehovah shares our emotions to the point of feeling our pain as his own; if we suffer, his love for us is so great that he also suffers.

And that also makes us see that Jehovah wants to end our suffering, because as has been said, when we suffer he suffers and no one likes to suffer, so he can give us this peace of mind by saying that soon everything we suffer will end.

Yes, in Psalm 17:8 the psalmist said protect me like the apple of your eye, so he knew perfectly well that he could turn to Jehovah for help, we have that refuge. Jehovah is there to help us in any circumstance.

And if thinking about this text when we tell Jehovah to protect us like the apple of his eye, well that's how I feel when I talk to Jehovah I feel like that when you're sad when you're happy that I talk to him well I feel who holds my hand and caresses me so we feel that because we know the immense love he has and well I feel that way personally.

7. Why should we convince ourselves that Jehovah loves us?

We must convince ourselves because he wants us to know that he loves us and although perhaps some things that happen to us can make us doubt it, something that can help us is to analyze how Jehovah demonstrated his love for Jesus, the anointed ones or even for us.


It is important to convince ourselves that Jehovah loves us, because in the midst of the problems and sufferings we experience in life, it will be natural for doubts to arise about his love for us. However, by understanding and accepting His love we can find comfort, strength and direction in the midst of our struggles.

And we have to convince ourselves because it is also a tactic of Satan, he wants us to think that he does not love us, so we distance ourselves from him, we become discouraged, now we have problems, we have some difficulty, we become impatient because Jehovah does not seem to answer us, but we are convinced that he loves us. love is patient, so it will help us endure.

Yes, if we are not convinced that Jehovah loves us, then we are going to feel helpless, we are not going to have the strength to face the bad things that happen to us and are going to happen to us, so what Jehovah wants us to know is, as has already been mentioned, no. We are alone that he will always be by our side.

8. Why was Jesus so convinced that his Father loved him?

Well Jesus was firmly convinced of Jehovah's love for him, due to his intimate relationship with his heavenly father. Furthermore, for example, the public declaration of Jehovah's love for Jesus demonstrated to people the deep relationship between them and confirmed God's unconditional love for his son.


Not only did he say that if his beloved son or that he had his approval, no, we see in the text how he says first of all my beloved son and then he has an approval, I mean it was such a special intimate relationship that father and son had, he recognized it and was willing. To indicate it, in fact he said it on many more occasions that his father loved him and he said it time after time.

Apart from loving him, he also felt proud of him in view of the sacrifice he was going to make by giving his life for humanity.

The texts that appear are very beautiful where Jehovah expresses to Jesus how much he loves him and Jesus repeats that the father loves him. Sometimes we said in the second paragraph that some of us may find it difficult to express those feelings, perhaps some men because of their upbringing, what they have experienced, and someone I could say, well, my father didn't treat me like that, but the reality is that Jehovah could tell us which father you are referring to because I have always treated you like that.

9. What word describes Jehovah's love for those anointed? (Romans 5:5).

The word that describes the love that Jehovah has for the Anointed Ones is “Poured Out” as mentioned in Romans 5:5, this term will convey to us the idea of ​​an abundant flow like a river coming upon us. This is a striking image that illustrates how much Jehovah loves the Anointed and the Anointed, for they know that they are loved by God.


The verse that we have read mentions that the love of Jehovah had been poured out in their hearts. It is explained to us in the paragraph that this idea of ​​pouring out is as if a river were coming towards us. We can imagine how that river floods our entire being. It surrounds us and that is how it is, in fact the anointed ones feel that way because the apostle John was able to say, look how great the love the Father has for us who calls us children of God, so they are also sure of that love.

Judas also writing that idea well when he tells James, he says that those called who are loved by God, he says that he calls all the Anointed Ones beloved, that is, he makes it very clear to them that they are loved by Jehovah, there is no doubt.

And we know that this love is not solely and exclusively for the Anointed because we have the great privilege that Jehovah loves everyone and in that all of us are all. 

10. What is the greatest proof that Jehovah loves you?

The greatest test is the rescue, it is the greatest proof of Jehovah's love towards us, since it shows his willingness to sacrifice the most precious thing that his own son had to offer us the opportunity to be forgiven and reconciled with him, and have a life eternal. So this act of incomparable love shows us Jehovah's unconditional love for each of us.


The fact of giving his son, who is the most valuable thing he had, letting him suffer and die for us so that we could be his friends and obtain forgiveness for our sins, that is the greatest proof that Jehovah loves us more than anyone. .

In first John 4:10 he shows us the great love that Jehovah has for us as he gave us his beloved son who we have seen loved him very much and yet he gave him for us so that we can have such a close relationship and also be children loved by him.

When we meditate on the fact that Jehovah did not give up his son just to fulfill a law or a promise but did so for the love he shows to each of us, then that forces us, as the text of Galatians 2:20 says, to show that same love towards Jehovah and towards Jesus Christ and that wonderful example.

And Galatians also reminds us that Jesus also loved us, Jesus did not make this forced sacrifice but he also showed us his love.

Losing a loved one is one of the hardest things that can be measured, especially if it is someone very close because Jehovah had no need for us to go through this and that is why it is a great test of love because he was able to go through a situation. like that for us. 

11. What do we learn in Jeremiah 31:3?

In Jeremiah 31:3, we learn that Jehovah has loved us with eternal Love despite our faults and weaknesses, for Jehovah loves us with a love that endures over time and never fails.


Well, we learn many things, among them how Jehovah not only limits himself to feeling that feeling of love towards us but also expresses it and communicates it so that we have that certainty and also as Jeremiah 31:3 indicates, that love has been manifested because it is he who He has brought us to Him so that we can serve Him and worship Him.

And how beautiful it is also that the text of Romans 8:38 and 39 appears because unlike the love of human beings that can change or disappear, the love that Jehovah feels for us is eternal because it says that not even death can separate us from him. .

Yes, these texts, both Jeremiah and Romans, teach us that no matter what we are going through or where we are, the love of Jehovah always finds us because nothing can separate us from the loyal love of Jehovah.

Deuteronomy 7 from 7 to 8 where it says that Jehovah brought him out to this people, a humble people, a people oppressed by a promise that Abraham had made, for example, and we can be sure that although now most of us are ordinary or normal people, but Jehovah tells us He has immense affection, as we are seeing. 


12. How would you summarize Psalm 23?

We can say that Psalm 23 is a poem that expresses the trust and close relationship between King David and God, whom he refers to as his shepherd. David describes how God cares for him, protects him, and guides him as a shepherd would his sheep. And through the pastoral metaphors that the Psalmist uses, the Psalms transmit a message of trust, protection and Divine Love that accompanies the individual throughout life.


David expressed his confidence that Jehovah loved him and cared for him. David felt secure because he knew that Jehovah guided him and relied on him completely.

He compared him to a shepherd who, like a shepherd, always takes care of his sheep and worries about them and the friendship he had with Jehovah, and he also highlights the love he had for Jehovah and that he was sure, totally convinced that that love would to accompany you every day of your life.

If we have ever had the opportunity to see a shepherd or the mental image is very powerful he feeds his sheep he takes care of them he protects them so it is a wonderful summary Jehovah is my shepherd.

It is striking that David, who was a shepherd, compared Jehovah to a shepherd, without a doubt he as a shepherd, he knew exactly what he had to do for his flock, it was also his own flock, it was the family's flock and he had to face many times into many dangers to save those sheep from those dangers, so he knew exactly what Jehovah was going to do for him in any time of difficulty or even to meet his needs. 

13. Why did David know that Jehovah cared for him?

David knew that Jehovah cared for him because he had experienced his constant provision in all areas of his life. He had received everything he needed in an abundant and timely manner. Furthermore, David felt the closeness and friendship of Jehovah, which gave him security and tranquility.


David knew that Jehovah cared for him because he had always been by his side and had given him everything he needed. In addition, he also knew that he had his friendship and approval, which is why he had full confidence that Jehovah's affection was greater than all. your concerns.

Yes, Psalm 16:11 that is quoted at the end is very beautiful and above all I liked the idea that in the presence of Jehovah there is great joy and with him we have happiness forever despite all the problems because we have reasons to show joy because we have Jehovah on our side.

14. How does Jehovah show love to us?

Jehovah shows us his love, taking care of us especially in difficult times. We have the example of Claire, who experienced his love and care through constant provision for her family when they went through difficult times, because Jehovah knew that these difficulties affected Claire, that is why he took care of her and her family.


Well, Jehovah always shows us love, when bad things happen there we still see it much more clearly, here the experiences of sisters who went through very strong things are related and we can also say that each of us when we have gone through bad experiences we have seen how Jehovah gives us his love in many ways.

And I also really like what Claire says at the end, she says that she keeps in her heart the moments in which Jehovah has shown his love, and that also helps me think about not being forgetful but remembering how many times Jehovah has helped me even in the small details that, as she says, will help me move forward when things go wrong.

Well, she says that she made sure that her family had everything they needed every day and even gave them more than they could have imagined. As we see at the beginning, this sister served in Bethel and perhaps perhaps she was more limited in what she could do. could do to help her family and that surely made her feel even worse because those negative feelings in the end surely affected her a lot, however, meditating on how Jehovah helped her family in those moments so that they did not lack anything is which she now treasures and helps her move forward when faced with negative circumstances.

15. How did David regain his strength? (See also the image).

David regained his strength despite the difficulties he faced, because God gave him the necessary strength to continue forward. David compared, for example, this experience to being taken to Green Meadows and places of rest, where he was able to restore his energies, because Jehovah not only strengthened him spiritually, but as we see in the image, took care of him in a physical sense.


In Psalm 18, the 4th of the 6th of life expresses the snares of death that threatened me in my anguish. I called upon Jehovah and he says my cries for help reached his ears, so it was seeing the love and tenderness of Jehovah that helped David. to remember the energies when going through difficulties.

Yes, many times when we want to rest from this week of work and problems we say that we need to escape to a quiet place because perhaps some town where we can breathe clean air or rest sitting on the grass with a beautiful view, this is the same way it felt. David when, even though he was going through a time of so many difficulties that distressed and terrified him, he felt how Jehovah was listening to him at that moment and the idea of ​​that break that he needed to be able to rest and, as the story says, when he felt his love. and his tenderness managed to renew his strength.

From this paragraph I have learned a lesson, that in difficult moments we can feel how David felt, but when we see the love of Jehovah in action through the elders of the congregation of the organization of our dear brothers, there is no word for it. express it. 


Well the paragraph quotes from Psalm 18 and the heading of this chapter talks about when David was able to rest from his enemies or even from Saul who was pursuing him and what you see is precisely this: they are standing resting drinking, although it is true that they have the weapons of war was close due to the context but Jehovah gave them that peace that we need tranquility and renew their strength.

In the image we also see David praising Jehovah, we know that the communication he had with him was one of those things that gave him peace and that praying and praising him could renew his strength. 

David praises Jehovah as he and some of his men drink from a river. When David felt distressed, seeing Jehovah's love and tenderness helped renew his strength. (See paragraph 15).

16. How have you felt that Jehovah has renewed your strength?

Just as Rachel has felt that Jehovah has renewed her strength through the manifestation of the love and support of her brothers, during difficult times in her life. For we too experience Jehovah's loving care through the brothers in the congregation. These acts of kindness and encouragement constantly remind us that Jehovah is caring for all of us as his servants.


Well, many times when you are alone and attacked, if it weren't for what is around you and the meetings, the information there is and the people who are by your side and tell you to keep going, then it wouldn't be easy because this world provides a lot of facilities for everything, however. You have the probability that the pills are not going to alleviate your pain almost and it is not worth going in this system because we know that there is a better one and we have to wait for Jehovah.

Also, as Raquel explains, many of us have been through it. Jehovah uses brothers to renew our strength and she also talks about many friends who spend time with her, who have sometimes brought her food, who send you a nice message because we have all experienced that. It is something that is an injection of energy and affection from Jehovah and also makes us think about whether we can be used by Jehovah.

17. Why could David say, “I will fear no evil”?

David I can say that he did not fear any evil, because he experienced the safety and protection of Jehovah despite facing numerous dangers and enemies. Although his life was constantly at risk. God's love provided David with a sense of security and confidence; he felt the constant presence of Jehovah at his side, allowing him to face his fears and concerns with courage.

That despite having gone through many problems in his life and also feeling many times that his life was threatened, he felt that he had the love of Jehovah and felt protected by him.

18. When we face frightening situations, how does it help us to know that Jehovah loves us?

Knowing that Jehovah loves us gives us comfort and security in the midst of terrifying situations. When we face difficult times, such as the loss of a loved one, emotional problems, or challenging circumstances, Jehovah's love provides us with a feeling of protection and care, helping us to feel sustained and strengthened, even in the lowest moments.


This Divine Love, for example, can manifest itself in various ways, such as the comfort that Susy and her husband experienced in the midst of tragedy, the sense of peace and security that Rachel experienced when praying in times of distress, and the strength and contentment that Thasos found during his time in prison. So these testimonies illustrate how Jehovah's love sustains and strengthens us. allowing us to face our difficulties with hope and confidence.

Well, because in a situation like this we can feel, as Sister Susi says, perhaps scared, helpless, helpless, but knowing that Jehovah is by our side, that he will always listen to us, that he will always give us his spirit to calm us down, because, as she said, we can feel cared for. and protected instead of alone and defenseless.

Perhaps the most intimate way to feel Jehovah's affection is through the privilege of prayer, he himself always listens to us and gives us the peace we need, we simply have to take the step of talking to him.

And something of which we are completely sure and of course it is a reality that we have heard many experiences is that Jehovah is always at the side of his servants when they suffer. The apostle Paul indicated it very well in Philippians 4:7 when he said that his peace was a peace that human beings could not understand and that is the peace of God, when there is suffering when one is having a bad time a test of Jehovah's love how he cares for us how he protects us is that even the most difficult circumstances the most complicated Jehovah through His spirit sustains his servants.


19. a) What will our prayers be like if we know that Jehovah loves us? 

If we know that Jehovah loves us our prayers will be sincere and full of confidence. We approach him with humility and openness sharing our concerns, fears and needs, we know that we can tell him everything, because we trust in his love and understanding. In our prayers we will seek guidance, comfort and help from him knowing that he wants the best for us, and he is always ready to listen to us and provide us with his loving support.

They will be sincere prayers in which we can tell him anything that worries us, just as we would do with a good friend when we tell him our problems and we are sure that he will understand us and that he wants to help us. Psalm 145:18-19 tells us that Jehovah hears our cries for help and rescues us and that all those who call him must call him sincerely.

19. b) What texts about Jehovah's love touch your heart most? (See the box “Verses that help us feel the love of Jehovah.”)

One of the texts that most touch my heart is Psalm 32:10 where we read that he who trusts in Jehovah is surrounded by his loyal love and this text teaches me to put my trust in Jehovah when facing problems and worries. that I can be sure that you will reward me with your loyal love.


I really like Jeremiah 31 because there Jehovah does not directly say that he calls us with eternal love and furthermore if we are here it is because he wants us to be and why he loves us then it is a beautiful text.

I like John 16:27 where it says that Jehovah himself loves you and we have really seen that it is like a close relationship between a mother and a child, when we have problems or difficulties they calm us down, they give us peace, we feel at ease because anyway It's like that.

Although it is not in the box, a text that touches my heart is Psalm 103:11. Here Jehovah gives us a visual image to try to help us understand how much he loves us. He tells us how high the sky is above the earth, that's how immense my love is. loyal for you and it's like when we open our arms wide and tell a child I love you that much, well here it's as if Jehovah was telling us how the universe is infinite, this is how I love you infinite.

I really like the first one in John 4:10, which says that love consists in this, not that we have loved God first but that it is he who has loved us first, even though we were sinners and without yet knowing each other personally. because in our case there was not concretely he had not known us yet but, nevertheless, Jehovah already showed his love with us.

20. Why does Jehovah's love bring us closer to him?

Well, Jehovah's love brings us closer to him, because we experience his closeness and constant care. His love is as powerful as it is tender, filling us with joy and gratitude, and we feel happy and grateful that Jehovah loves us so much. So this will drive us to always want to be close to him.

Well, the love of what you are doing is as pleasant as the heat of a bonfire on a cold night. We also want to always be close to Jehovah because apart from the fact that it is very powerful, it is also very tender.


How would you describe Jehovah's love?

Jehovah's love can be described as the tender, constant care similar to maternal love that a mother gives to her children, his close presence and care generating a sense of peace and comfort in difficult times. Feeling Jehovah's love also gives us security and protection since we know that he is always present to care for us and guide us in all areas of our lives.


We have seen that Jehovah loves us with a love as unconditional as that of a mother and that he suffers for everything when he sees us suffer and he is affected by everything that affects us and his desire is always to protect us.

And we also saw that it is a loyal love, a love that remains despite our mistakes, sometimes even with serious sins, he is willing to continue manifesting that love if we repent.

Furthermore, we have also been given the example that he compares us to the pupil of his eye as something very delicate and that anything that affects us hurts him a lot.

How can you be sure that Jehovah loves you very much?

I am sure that Jehovah loves me very much, because of the sacrifice of his own son Jesus Christ as a ransom for our sins. It is the greatest proof of love for us, and this act demonstrates his willingness to give the most precious thing he had, to offer us the opportunity to be forgiven and reconciled with him, and have eternal life. So the rescue of Jesus Christ is an unconditional act that shows the depth of God's love for each of us.


Well, the greatest proof of his love is the rescue. He loved us so much that he sacrificed the most valuable thing he had to his son, letting him suffer and die for us so that our sins would be forgiven and we could approach him and be his friends.

We can say that Jehovah not only tells us that he loves us, he has also told us it in many ways, but he has also demonstrated it in many ways, the main ones being the rescue but also the way he has behaved with his servants and He has left it reflected in the Bible.

How does Jehovah's love make you feel?

Well, Jehovah's love makes me feel loved, protected and cared for. When I experienced his love I feel a deep inner peace and a security that he will always be with me, guiding me and supporting me, every step of the way. His love also fills me with gratitude and gives me strength to face life's challenges with courage and confidence. Furthermore, Jehovah's love motivates me to love others and follow his teachings, always seeking to please Him in everything I do. And in short, Jehovah's love is a constant source of comfort, strength and hope in my life.


Personally, it makes me feel very safe because I know that perhaps, because I am imperfect, my environment can change and my love for him can change, but from the beginning he shows me his greatest expression of love and at a maximum level.

It also surely makes us feel calm and confident, regardless of how complicated things get in the future, knowing that we have the help of Jehovah who will protect us and who loves us makes us face the future with faith and courage.

And I also feel happy because I know that despite the difficulties that exist in this world, Jehovah, thanks to his love, has provided us with a wonderful future.

Yes, I feel privileged and satisfied to know that I am not alone that I have Jehovah constantly with me and like David who says that he not only knew that Jehovah loved him but that he felt it because I feel it too. 

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