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“He has said, 'I will never leave you and I will never forsake you'” (HEB. 13:5b).
1. When will all the anointed be in heaven?
All the Anointed Ones will be in heaven before Armageddon breaks out.
It was previously thought that some Anointed Ones could survive Armageddon and be in paradise for a time, but in 2013 it was clarified that all Anointed Ones left on earth will be taken to heaven before Armageddon arrives.
Matthew 24:31 we use logic there we are being told that he will send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet they will gather his chosen ones from the four winds and obviously if we know that the 144,000 together with Christ have to fight on our behalf then Obviously it has to be before Armageddon begins.
Well, I really like these words that say that he is going to rescue them from the four winds of the earth, which is very beautiful because he already knows where all his anointed ones are and he is not going to abandon them to the other sheep either.
2. What question may arise? And what are we going to analyze in this article?
The question that may arise is: What will happen during the great tribulation to the other sheep of Christ who are serving Jehovah on earth. This article will examine two stories that might lead some to fear, feel lost or abandoned when the Anointed brothers are no longer on earth, but will also show that there are enough reasons not to worry.
3, 4. What may some be wondering, and why?
What some may wonder is, will the other sheep turn away from the truth when the members of the governing body are no longer on earth to guide them. This question arises because of stories like that of Jehoiada and Jehoash. Since after the death of the high priest Jehoiada, Jehoash turned away from Jehovah by allowing himself to be advised by evil princes. There is also the account of the Christians of the second century, who were greatly infected by the apostasy that had spread after the death of John, the last apostle to die.
Jehovah's people who remain here on earth move away from the truth when the members of the governing body are here to guide us. Why, because there are a couple of stories that can lead us to think that.
And another example that we have of other sheep who walked away from Jehovah was the Christians of the second century. They had been loyal and faithful while the apostle John continued to strengthen him, and he had already warned them in his letters of what was happening, not when he told them. that there was the presence of many antichrists, however when he died the apostasy spread and in a few decades the Christian congregation was completely infected.
Yes it was in the time of the high priest Jehoiada and then later the apostle John.
Precisely when the high priest Jehoiada and his wife Jehosabeat took care of Jehoas and helped him become a faithful king, but while Jehoiada was alive Jehovah remained faithful to Jehovah but the moment Jehoiada died Jehovah began to do other bad things and why, because precisely because he allowed himself to be advised by princes who had nothing to do with Jehovah, as shown in 2 chronicles 24 from 15 to 19, 17 is saying that after the death of Jehoiada the princes of Judah came and bowed before the king and the king he listened to them, therefore he allowed himself to be influenced by advice that was not appropriate.
Well, the second example refers to when the Christians of the second century, the apostle John was the last apostle to die, he had been a good influence on the Christians, he had helped them become loyal to Jehovah just as the other faithful apostles of Jesus had fought with him. against those against apostasy.
Therefore we realize that we have reasons to wonder what will happen when the anointed remains disappear because the anointed remains are taken to heaven. Same thing when the loyal high priest disappeared, same as when it happened with the last apostle of Jesus, then there are reasons to ask ourselves this question. and that is what is going to be resolved now.
And as we have seen, both the figure of Jehoiada Jehosabead and Juan have been figures of containment, retaining walls, and the governing body, since it is also that figure, protects us, they give us valid information and perhaps we will think when we do not have that retaining wall, what will happen, We will see it below.
5. What conclusions should we not draw from these two stories?
Well, the other sheep will be well cared for and will continue to faithfully serve Jehovah and we will be fine.
We should not conclude that Christ's other sheep will follow Jehovah's path in turning away from Jehovah, nor that they will fall into the same apostasy as many second century Christians, for despite the absence of the Anointed Ones on earth, we trust that the other sheep will continue to serve Jehovah faithfully and will receive the necessary care.
Yes, we can be sure because in our days we have had this covid epidemic and Jehovah has not left us helpless, we have been able to meet with our brothers but we have been able to see them through zoom, so when that moment comes we It may be very hard for us Christians when we are alone, that is when Jehovah will make us feel calm and not expect anything bad to happen to us.
6. What three time periods are we going to analyze?
The three time periods that we are going to analyze are: The time of Ancient Israel, the period after the death of the apostles and the times of restoration, that is, our days.
Well the Bible tells us that the time in which we are living now is very different from what happened in the time of the Israelites and also to the Christians of the second century.
7. Why should faithful Israelites not be discouraged when the nation of Israel and its kings did bad things?
Faithful Israelites were not to be discouraged when the nation of Israel and its Kings did bad things, For according to Isaiah 55:10,11, the fulfillment of Jehovah's words served as a confirmation of His purpose and promises. This meant that, despite disobedience and negative consequences, God's faithfulness and ability to keep his word remained constant, offering hope and strength to those who remained loyal to his commands.
This confirms to the Israelites that they were faithful what Isaiah 55:10 and 11 says that when Jehovah says something it always comes true.
Since Jehovah knows the imperfect inclination of our hearts, he warned Israel through Moses what would happen if they deviated. Deuteronomy 28:35 speaks in very clear words about how they would go into exile to serve other gods, so they were well warned of what would happen already. I had no excuses.
Also, because seeing the fulfillment of Moses' warnings and the consequences of disobedience were a reason for encouragement and a reminder that Jehovah kept his words and that those who remained faithful would be rewarded.
Jehovah had already warned them of the consequences that disobedience and rebellion would bring and so it happened, Jehovah punished and did not allow there to be more Israelite Kings.
That sense is like us the question would be why we should not be discouraged by all things to the strange complicated horrible situations that are happening today, precisely for that reason because in the same way that Jehovah through Moses already warned them that these things would happen to us We are also warned that these things have to happen.
Because that is where he says that the word of Jehovah does not return to him without result that everything he has spoken is fulfilled at that time it really was like that but also in our days just as it strengthens our faith to see the fulfillment of prophecies.
And the text of Isaiah 55:10 and 11 The truth that must have encouraged those Israelites and also encourages us today because it is shown there makes a comparison just as the rain falls and comes back again and there is a cycle, the word of When Jehovah says that it comes out of his mouth, it does not return without being fulfilled and above all, he says that it is fulfilled successfully, so this must have encouraged us a lot just as it should encourage us today.
8. Why should we not be surprised that the second century Christian congregation became corrupt?
We should not be surprised, because Jesus had predicted that there would be a great apostasy. On the other hand, the apostles Paul, Peter and John confirmed that the apostasy had already begun in the first century. So it was to be expected that corruption and apostasy would spread in the Christian congregation after the death of the Apostles and that these apostates would become part of Babylon the great, the world Empire of false religion, to fulfill what was had predicted.
Then later the apostles also confirmed that this apostasy had already begun during the time they were still alive and then with the death of John to true Christianity it practically disappeared.
Well, it should not surprise us because Jesus had already predicted it in a parable example that while good seed would be sown wheat but an enemy would come that Jesus said verses later was the devil would sow weeds and the weeds would grow with the wheat until the conclusion of the system, well that period the apostles had already warned that this great apostasy was coming that lasted a long time but well, as we will see now it is different.
If in Matthew 7:21 to 23 it clearly says that not everything that they say to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but those who do the will of their father, there are many religions that claim to be doing the will of Jehovah but their actions are totally different from what Jehovah teaches us.
Well, we see that Paul, for example, tells the Thessalonians, he told them that that day will not come before the apostasy arrives, so that is to say, they are already confirming what Jesus had said before dying that when they die a great era would begin. of apostasy that would take the Christian congregation.
As already mentioned, it was the apostles, including Peter, who confirmed that the apostasy had indeed already begun. For example, Second Peter 2:1 says that there would be false teachers among you and that they would secretly form destructive sects and it is true that that happened then. And what is happening now is also the case with those false teachers, we know that they are apostates who are not content with abandoning the organization but also try to drag along the disciples who they see are weaker in the faith.
Yes, and the apostle Peter in Second Peter 2:1 mentions that just as in ancient times there were false prophets, false prophets would also be introduced into the Christian congregation and he says that in fact there would be sects, that is, many branches with people who were They would deviate from the truth and even go against Christ himself.
When something happens gradually and a result arrives, it does not surprise us, not like Jesus and Peter prophesied, ambitious names began to be introduced into the congregation, therefore, when in the time of John they began to see Greek philosophies, it should not surprise the congregation. .
9. How is our era different from the two we have seen in the previous paragraphs?
Our time differs from that of Ancient Israel and the second century, in that we live in the times of the restoration of all things. This period began in 1914 and is characterized first by the restoration of important aspects such as the beginning of Jesus' reign in heaven, now Jehovah once again has a ruler who represents him. And secondly, by the beginning of the reestablishment of pure duration. This epoch will extend until humanity reaches perfection and the earth becomes a low paradise in the messianic kingdom.
Unlike also the fact that the entire earth will be restored, then it will be clean and it will be governed by Jesus.
Yes, and another important fact is that Jehovah finally has a ruler Jesus Christ since 1914, in those times of the restoration Jehovah already has a worthy reigning successor to David, something that the other two periods Jesus was in a waiting position.
And another of the things that would take place in that period of time and that restoration of all things would have to do with true worship, in fact, for example, prophecies such as Isaiah chapter 2 verses 2 to 4 are showing how true worship would be. exalted above all nations we would receive the teaching of Jehovah himself that would make us live in peace among all of us, so what had been prophesied regarding this period is not that there would be an apostasy or that Jehovah's people would cease to exist. but quite the opposite, there would be spiritual progress.
And how beautiful is the approach given to it, if we see it from the point of view of this evil world, it is clear that the last days are going to disappear, but if we look at it from the point of view of the people who worship Jehovah We see that it is the time of restoration of all those good things that Jehovah had foreseen so that we could enjoy from the beginning and that very soon we will be able to continue enjoying.
Ezekiel 11:17 to 20 shows us how Jehovah unified the congregation in that it was cleansed of all the practices that perhaps had been dirtying it from other religions and so we can all now have a clean and pure prayer.
And it is a secure confidence because if he is already talking about a restoration, he knows that we are in the conditions we are in and then he is already clear that he is going to restore us, then it is a complete confidence that we only have to get better.
And it is very interesting because in that second speech that the apostle Peter gave, those people who were baptized, more than 5,000 people, had just received the holy spirit. They were waiting for something that today we preach with longing and enthusiasm, not to be restored. all things and well the fact is that now housing in this time is something that motivates us enormously and when we see that from 1914 onwards Jehovah once again gave the crown to a king who represents him well man that is something that fills us with strength of faith and enthusiasm to preach.
I also wanted to say that in this period is when pure worship has been restored, so once restored, Jehovah will not allow it to be corrupted again, which is why it also gives us confidence.
We are experiencing part of that unification of heart today, although we are different social positions, different races, we all receive the same teaching and do the same thing, so there we see the unity as well.
10. a) What does the Bible predict about pure worship today? (Isaiah 54:17).
The Bible predicts in Isaiah 54:17, that no weapon made against us will have any result. That is, No weapon forged against the faithful will succeed, which is interpreted as a guarantee of divine protection for those who practice pure Worship.
In Isaiah it says that no weapon they make, no matter how strong it may be, will be able to work against Jehovah and we can see how this is fulfilled today since although in many countries they try to make our religion disappear, we know that they will never succeed.
Not even Satan has been able to stop the preaching and the teaching course that Jehovah is having with his people, many people thought that the pandemic would stop the preaching, it would stop the enthusiasm of Jehovah's Witnesses to meet and we saw that it was not like that, Jehovah He organized in such a way through his faithful slave that everyone moved forward, so Jehovah, as we have seen, has already restored his value, so he will no longer be contaminated, he will continue forward and no matter how much he mentions that no weapon that is formed against Jehovah his organization will be successful.
So these promises from Isaiah 54:53 give us a sense of security because on the one hand we are promised that Jehovah will ensure that nothing done against us is successful and that he will always be helping us spiritually, but we are also eyewitnesses that both things are happening now and that many things are being formed against Jehovah's Witnesses in many places but they are not successful and we move on, and we are also all witnesses that Jehovah is teaching us and educating us continually in abundantly with the meetings with the publications with all the information and that cannot stop it either, so I repeat we are eyewitnesses that this is being fulfilled.
10. b) Why are we encouraged by what is predicted in Isaiah?
Isaiah's words can be of great encouragement because they promise peace and security for Jehovah's faithful children, and this can be interpreted as a promise of stability and protection from fear and terror, which is comforting to us all.
There we see how Jehovah takes care of us and protects us and warns us of what is going to happen to us, therefore we are safe and can trust that everything he tells us will be for our good.
What Isaiah 5417 predicts encourages us because it shows that pure duration has been restored and will not be defiled. Furthermore, it is emphasized that no weapon made against Jehovah's people will be successful, providing security and confidence in divine protection. Not even Satan, the God of this system, will be able to stop the work carried out by Jehovah's people. So there is no reason to feel afraid or terrified.
We are talking about what will happen when the anointed ones go to heaven, what will happen with the duration of Jehovah and we are seeing it today but this encourages us because it gives us the perspective that in the future even if these anointed ones are missing here on earth True worship will never again be defiled is a promise that Jehovah has made to us, so we can be sure that we will be well taken care of and that spiritual food will continue to come.
Yes, it also encourages us because this prophecy shows the divine protection that we will have in these very difficult times in pure duration and ensuring that it will remain intact and unaffected by adversities.
We make the difference between the previous prophecies that we saw in other times, there was a prophecy that said that pure worship would be contaminated but in this case it is just the opposite, it is prophesied that in these days, well, no, it is not going to be like that, that gives us a lot of peace of mind. .
11. Why are we sure that the great crowd will not be abandoned when all the anointed are in heaven?
Because our King is going to neglect his responsibility to take care of us.
We are safe because Jesus, our pastor and head of the Christian congregation, will never neglect his responsibility to care for us. Furthermore, in Matthew 23:10, he himself says: "His leader is one, the Christ," which assures us that Under his leadership, Christians on earth will have nothing to fear. And although we do not know exactly what Christ will do at that time, we can trust that he will lead and care for Jehovah's people.
Yes, because Jesus is our pastor, he is the head of the congregation and he already demonstrated it when he was on earth that he cared about spiritually caring for people, he never neglected them no matter how tired he was, so we are in the best hands and we can be completely quiet.
And as the paragraph says, although we do not know how Jesus is going to do it, we can have complete confidence that he is going to abandon us.
If on one occasion he already said I will be with you until the conclusion of the system of things, therefore we are sure that he will not fail us but that when the anointed ones leave the earth he will be attentive to the other sheep, however how he will do it is not We know exactly but we will see some examples that may give us some clues.
Jesus Christ was willing to give his life in favor of the congregation, so if he was willing to do that, all the more reason he will be willing to help us in these difficult times.
And Matthew 23:10 himself affirms this fact when he says his leader is one, the Christ, and this is a very great security for all of us because we know that under his leadership nothing and no one will be able to stop the work of Jehovah.
12. a) How did Jehovah care for his people after the death of Moses?
After the death of Moses, Jehovah cared for his people by appointing Joshua as the next leader of the nation, a man whom Moses had trained for many years. Additionally, there were experienced men leading the nation, such as the heads of 1000, heads of 100, heads of 50, and heads of 10, which ensured that God's people were well taken care of.
Apart from Moses and Joshua, there were also other men of experience who led the nation. There were leaders of 1,000, 500, 50, and even 10, so you can see that the people were well organized and even if Moses was missing, there were other men who led the nation. the nation.
It shows how Joshua was very well prepared because it says that he was a man who was full of spirit and wisdom because Moses had put their hands on him, that is, Moses had taken great care of training him.
Yes, he also tells us that after Moses the leader became Joshua because he was full of wisdom since Moses had laid his hands on him and at that moment what the Israelites did was listen to what they were being told and then they did exactly the same that Moses had told him to make them serve Jehovah and so they did.
Also, as Exodus 33:11 shows, it is no coincidence that Joshua was in charge; it shows that he was always with Moses and was preparing. So as we trust that Jesus can make a good leader and help us, we would also trust as the Israelites did with him. Joshua when he was getting ready.
12. b) How did he do it after Elijah went to serve somewhere else? (See also the drawing).
After Elijah left to serve Judah. Jehovah cared for his people through the prophet Elisha whom Elijah had trained for years. In addition, the people had the help of the children of the prophets, who seemed to be organized into schools. Thus, there were always many faithful men who helped lead God's people, demonstrating that Jehovah continued to fulfill his purpose and care for his loyal servants.
First, the people were not left to chance so that anyone could take care of them in both cases, we see how Jehovah was concerned that when one was missing, in the case of Moses, in the case of Elijah, there would always be someone, as the story in Deuteronomy says. says prudent and experienced wise men to lead Jehovah's people then Jehovah has never left to chance or abandoned when the person entrusted by him to help the people in our case the same.
In the image on the left you see Moses training Joshua to continue with the mission of caring for the Israelites and leading us to the Promised Land. In the first image on the right, Elijah is seen training Elisha to continue the mission of caring for Jehovah's servants of the ten tribes of the kingdom of Israel. As we see, Jehovah has always trained someone to care for his people. We have never been without guidance or protection. He did it in ancient times, he does it in the present and he will also do it in the future.
And in the engraving on the left is the case of Moses who is next to Joshua, whom he had trained for a long time and in fact the people accepted him because they later came to listen to him and follow him.
Series of images: 1. Moses names Joshua leader in front of a group of Israelites. 2. Elijah is about to hit the Jordan River with his garment. Elisha watches from close up and other prophets watch from a distance. Both Moses (left drawing) and Elijah (right drawing) trained someone to take their place. (See paragraph 12).
13. What does Hebrews 13:5b assure us? (See also images).
Hebrews 13:5, part B, assures us that Jehovah will never abandon his servants and will always provide them with comfort and security in his constant care.
Another reason to be sure that Jehovah will continue to care for his people when the Anointed Ones are no longer on earth is that the governing body has been training other brothers for years. They have prepared men from the other sheep to lead the work and have created schools to train elders, circuit overseers, branch committee members, Bethel overseers, among others.
Additionally, they have been personally training brothers to serve as helpers on their committees, who are already assuming responsibilities and are well prepared to care for Christ's sheep.
Yes, in addition, this text gives us a very nice guarantee, not because Jehovah is giving us a promise on a personal level, he is telling us that I will never leave you, I will never abandon you, that is to say that he is going to make sure on a personal level that we are all well taken care of even if there are no Anointed Christians on earth and as we have seen, they have not been preparing this for many years because there are many schools that have been training brothers who take the lead in taking care of us. When the time comes, Jehovah could fulfill his promise to take care of us through these helpers, not the group. ruler who are brothers who love Jehovah very much and love their sheep very much.
You can see that Jehovah God has not abandoned us because he is really creating schools he is training elders circuit overseers and Bethel branches, so we can really see that Jehovah God his work has really not abandoned us because he is really preparing us because of these brothers who are qualified to teach us.
Yes, it also says that the members of the governing body have personally prepared the brothers to serve as assistants on the committees and in fact they are already helping as we see in broadcasting.
Throughout the history of Christians there have been the forms that existed then, there have been later and those that exist now, so in one form or another we will always be supplied with the teaching and the things that Jehovah wants us to do, then time happens and everything is in its place because he is the one who directs.
And the images we see different types of teaching schools that the governing body is teaching all over the world from branch committees schools of evangelizers and contrary to the training that is done perhaps in a company in this world that perhaps simply seeks efficiency and seeks for the company to function at an economic level, these schools are different, they are prepared to take care of people and the basis of these schools is always love, keeping people well cared for, who then receive affection from those people who are being formed and above all so that Jehovah's food always arrives, that is what makes it different from any other type of school that exists in this world, that is why Jehovah is making sure through the governing body that when they are no longer all Let us also always be well cared for on the basis of the love that Jehovah has for us.
The governing body, as seen in the three images, has put a lot of effort into training its helpers by organizing different schools around the world, in order to train elders, circuit overseers, branch committee members, Bethel superintendents and missionaries. This shows that Jehovah and Jesus, as head of the congregation, are already working to be prepared for when the Anointed Ones are no longer on earth. In this way, Jehovah's promise in Isaiah 54:17 to never abandon his faithful people will be fulfilled. As we see, Jehovah has everything under control, so there is nothing to fear.
Well, as the words below the photo say, he has put a lot of effort into training his assistants, organizing schools all over the world and not only to train elders, but also circuit overseers, committee members, Bethel superintendents and missionaries.
In different videos, they themselves have explained that they supervise different committees but these committees work very closely and, as the sister has already commented, we see this in the broadcasting or in the videos, that is, their faces are familiar, that is, practically, it is very clear that these helpers and are now carrying a lot of weight supervised in person by the governing body, in the future they continue to be supervised from heaven because Jehovah really has the purpose of guiding us until we reach the goal which is a relationship of perfection as there was before sinning.
Series of images: 1. A member of the Governing Body teaching a group of brothers and sisters in a classroom. 2. Several brothers and sisters taking notes in a classroom. 3. A Bible school teacher and a student discuss Hebrews chapters 8 and 9 together in front of the class. Behind them is an illustration of the tabernacle and in front of them is a model of the tabernacle. The Governing Body has put great effort into training its helpers and organizing schools throughout the world to train elders, circuit overseers, Branch Committee members, Bethel overseers, and missionaries. (See paragraph 13).
14. What important conclusion did we reach?
We come to the important conclusion that when the Anointed Ones are taken to heaven towards the end of The Great Tribulation, God's people will continue to worship Him faithfully on earth under the leadership of Jesus Christ.
Despite the attacks of hostile Nations or as the Bible calls them, Gog of Magog, God's people will not retreat and will continue to worship Jehovah. These attacks will be temporary and will fail, as they will not stop pure worship. Furthermore, the vision of the apostle John shows that the great multitude of Christ's other sheep will emerge from The Great Tribulation, confirming that they will be safe under the protection of Jehovah.
And why can we say that, because there is fulfilled what Revelation says that there would be a great crowd praising Jehovah then we see that there the prophecy is fulfilled that the worship of Jehovah will be forever.
And although we know that as a people, Jehovah's people are going to be attacked, as Ezekiel says, gog de Magog wants to take charge of annihilating Jehovah's people, but he is going to fail because Jehovah is never going to leave us, he is going to rescue us, so we have that security that even if we are persecuted, Jehovah will take care of us.
And we know that this is going to be so we are going to be safe with the help of our leader because in a vision the apostle John says that he saw a great crowd, as the Revelation tells us, coming out of the great tribulation, so that shows us that There are going to be many people in your town because they are going to be able to go through Armageddon to be able to live a life that truly is.
15, 16. According to Revelation 17:14, what will the anointed Christians do during the battle of Armageddon, and why is it encouraging to know this?
During the battle of Armageddon, the Anointed Ones will participate in the final fight alongside the Lamb, Jesus Christ, against Jehovah's enemies, and will help him achieve victory. This encourages us because it shows that the Anointed Ones were an active part in the Kingdom of God. They will become Immortal and powerful spiritual beings who will fight alongside the Warrior King Jesus Christ, and after the war of Armageddon, they will help humanity achieve perfection. There is no doubt, they will do more for their beloved brothers from heaven than they could achieve as imperfect humans on earth.
Well, as we just read in Revelation, they are going to fight alongside the lamb but the lamb is going to defeat them, but they are going to have the help to achieve that victory from those who are called faithful chosen ones who are the anointed ones already resurrected, so we see that a One of the first assignments they will have when they are in heaven is to fight.
Now they are very old and many need help, not care, but what a feeling they must feel that when they are in heaven they will be able to do more things for their loved ones than what they can do now.
And also the contrast that exists now is shown because some, as the paragraph says, liked to fight, they were even part of the army but they had to develop peaceful qualities as shown in the Bible but nevertheless now when they are in heaven they will be able to defend others. Those of us who are here on earth and are going to participate in that war, so when you think about it, you must be super happy.
We can be very calm because on earth we will have the helpers they have trained to guide us in heaven fighting for us and after the war of Armageddon they will be helping us so that we become more and more perfect.
I also add that in the last paragraph it says that not only will they have to fight but after the fight they will have to help those of us here on earth to achieve perfection.
A very beautiful reflection, the anointed will do more from heaven than they could or can do from earth, a very positive thought.
17. How do we know that all of God's servants will be safe during the war of Armageddon?
We will trust first in Jehovah, which is the most important thing, and then we will follow his instructions, and that may include obeying what Isaiah 26:20 is telling us, where he tells us, enter your inner rooms and close the doors behind you, hide for a brief moment. Until the fury has passed, if we heed these words we know that Jehovah will protect us.
We know this because the Bible assures us in Isaiah 26:20 that Jehovah will tell his faithful people to take refuge in a safe place until his fury passes. Furthermore, the love of God will never abandon them, as the apostle Paul confirms in Romans 8: 38-39, ensuring that nothing will be able to separate God's servants from his love. On the other hand, what Jehovah asks of his servants to protect them is not difficult to do at all, just trust him and faithfully obey his instructions.
Knowing that during Armageddon all of Jehovah's servants in heaven and on earth will be safe is very reassuring. Therefore, like the apostle Paul, we are convinced that neither governments, nor present things, nor future things, will be able to separate us from the love of God. And we will never forget that Jehovah loves us and will never abandon us.
And because Jehovah has always loved us from the beginning, that is why he sent Jesus Christ to earth to give his life, then when what is involved is Jehovah's love for us, we are very sure that he will never abandon us.
Text that is quoted in Romans, there the apostle Paul said because I am convinced, then we also have to be convinced that if until now Jehovah has protected all his servants in what is going to come, which is going to be very serious, he is not yet going to harm us. protect much more.
We are also convinced by the fact that since Jehovah has neither beginning nor end, he can say that he will never abandon us because obviously he will never die, he will always be watching over us and they will always take care of us, so why do we have We have to be convinced to stay strong and not be the ones who are going to leave him.
And we know that Jehovah loves us very much and that he will never abandon us. We feel like the apostle Paul, convinced that there will be nothing and no one who can separate us from Jehovah's love.
Isaiah 26:20 and still so far into the time of the end but it will surely be the congregations and what we are being told is that obedience will be vital and there will be things that we may not understand well but that is what will save us by being obedient .
In the book of Revelation the apostle John says that he saw a great crowd that the number could not even be counted, therefore if he wrote that prophecy we can have complete confidence that Jehovah already has his purpose specified and then he will not abandon us Therefore, we never have Jesus there and the 144,000 who are the ones who are going to help us move into that new world of things.
What is not going to happen when all the anointed are already in heaven?
Well, what is not going to happen is that the other sheep abandon pure worship because we will be led by Jesus Christ.
When all the anointed are in heaven, according to the study article, we need not fear that we will be abandoned. The promise of Hebrews 13:5b assures us that Jehovah will never leave us or forsake us, which means that God's remaining servants on Earth will not be abandoned or forsaken. This divine promise brings us comfort and security, reminding us that God is always present and cares for his faithful servants, even in the midst of challenging circumstances.
Yes, we have seen why that is not going to happen, and that is that currently the faithful and prudent slave is helping and training brothers from other sheep so that they can fulfill the role that they are performing right now here on earth. .
Why are we sure that pure worship will not be defiled?
We are sure that pure worship will not be contaminated because the Bible assures us that no weapon made against us will work. Furthermore, we are told that pure worship has been restored and will not be defiled again. This divine promise gives us the certainty that the work of biblical education carried out by Jehovah's people will continue without being stopped, despite attempts at opposition. Confidence in God's protection and support assures us that pure worship will remain intact and that no earthly power can corrupt it.
Because we have been living in the time of restoration since 1914. So the fact that Jehovah is pending to restore and heal his people indicates to us that they will no longer be contaminated.
Text where it said that no weapon raised against us will be successful even as I was told The Watchtower mentioned the god of this system of things Satan has the power to stop the work of biblical education that is being carried out today, so with all these reasons in no way because we know that neither Jehovah nor Jesus will allow pure worship to be contaminated and its purpose to be fulfilled.
So we are in a time in which Jesus is ruling as king that is a guarantee we are also seeing a time in which Jehovah promised that precisely pure worship will not be corrupted further until humanity reaches perfection, so that It is more than a guarantee that this will happen this way.
Why do we know that Jehovah will take care of his people?
Well, because Jehovah already made it happen, as we saw in paragraph 12, he took care of his people through Moses and Elijah and when they had to leave their assignment or die, he did it through Joshua and Elisha and he does the same today with the governing body and When they are no longer there, he will do it with the helpers and those who have to carry the load.
We know that Jehovah will take care of his people because the Bible assures us that God will never abandon us or forsake us. This promise of divine protection and care gives us the assurance that, even in the midst of challenges and adversity, God will be with us, watching over our well-being and safety.
Jehovah's unwavering faithfulness and love for his people are a guarantee that we will always be under his care and protection, strengthening us to face any situation with confidence and hope in his saving power.
The text we saw says that he will never abandon us and that is what he is going to do even when Mago's voice attack comes. In the story we have seen that he is going to get up and act on our behalf.
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