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“As long as his Naziriteship lasts, he is holy to Jehovah” (NUM. 6:8).
1. What good attitude have Jehovah's servants demonstrated throughout history?
Throughout history, Jehovah’s servants have shown remarkable loyalty and love toward him. This commitment is reflected in their willingness to make sacrifices and dedicate their lives to serving Him.
In today's article we will see an example of this attitude found in the Nazarites of Ancient Israel. This example challenges us to reflect on our own relationship with Jehovah and to value friendship with him as a priceless treasure.
2. a) Who were the Nazirites? (Numbers 6:1, 2).
The Nazarites were Israelite men or women who voluntarily committed to live in a special way for Jehovah for a certain period of time. The word Nazarite comes from a Hebrew term that means singularized separate or dedicated. This special commitment distinguished them and separated them from the rest of the community.
2. b) What drove some Israelites to become Nazirites?
Some Israelites became Nazarites out of their deep love for Jehovah and their sincere gratitude for the blessings they had received from him. When they became Nazarites, they expressed their desire to dedicate themselves completely to Jehovah for a certain time as a way of honoring and giving thanks for his goodness and provision in their lives.
Nazarites appointed by Jehovah
Some Israelites did not take the vow to be Nazirites, but were appointed directly by Jehovah, and they were Nazirites all their lives. Only three Nazarites named by Jehovah are mentioned in the Bible:
However, this article focuses on those who voluntarily became Nazirites (Num. 6:2-7).
3. How are we like the Nazarites?
We are like the Nazarites in our desire to serve Jehovah with all our being, thus applying what we read in Mark chapter 12 verse 30. Although the Mosaic law is no longer in force, our dedication to God is similar to that of the Nazarites who did special vows of service to Jehovah as mentioned in numbers chapter 6 verses 1 and 2.
Just like them, we want to offer our heart, soul, mind and strength to Jehovah. This dedication is reflected in our vow to Jehovah where we promise to dedicate our lives to his service.
To fulfill this vow we must follow Jehovah's will and be willing to make sacrifices as mentioned in Matthew chapter 16 verse 24. The example of the Nazarites inspires us to serve God with integrity.
4. According to Numbers 6:3, 4, what sacrifice did the Nazirites have to make?
According to the text we just read, the Nazarites had to abstain from consuming any product of life including wine and grapes.
In Psalm chapter 104 verses 14 and 15 we see that although these foods were not evil and in fact were considered a gift from God that gladdened the heart of man. The Nazarites voluntarily renounced them as part of their special vow of dedication to Jehovah. This renunciation symbolized his commitment to separate himself from the world and to fulfill his vow of exclusive service to God.
A Nazarite is offered wine during a meal, but he rejects it. Like the Nazirites, are we willing to make sacrifices? (See paragraphs 4 to 6).
5. What sacrifices did Midian and Marcela decide to make, and why?
Marian and Marcela, a couple from Colombia, made the decision to make sacrifices in their lives in order to serve Jehovah more fully. Despite having a comfortable life with Midian earning a good salary and living in a nice house they felt the desire to do more for God. Therefore they decided to make significant changes to their lifestyle.
Although these changes involved giving up material comforts, Marian and Marcela are very happy and satisfied with their decision knowing that they are prioritizing their relationship with Jehovah and their service to him over earthly possessions. His example inspires others to consider how they can make similar sacrifices to more closely follow Jehovah’s way.
6. Why do Christians make sacrifices today? (See also the image).
Christians today make sacrifices to devote more time to spiritual activities and serve Jehovah more fully. These sacrifices are not required by Jehovah, and the things they give up are not evil. Some siblings give up material possessions like a house or a good job while others decide to remain single for a while or postpone the idea of having children.
There are also those who choose to move away from their family and friends to serve where help is needed to preach. These sacrifices large or small reflect the desire to give the best to Jehovah and prioritize his relationship with him over earthly comforts.
In Hebrews chapter 6 verse 10, we see that although they are not required, Jehovah greatly values these sacrifices, recognizing the love and dedication that Christians show when making them.
7. Why might it be difficult for a Nazarite to fulfill his vow? (Numbers 6:5; see also image).
According to the text we have read, the Nazirites could not cut their hair as part of their vow. This practice symbolized their total submission and respect for Jehovah's authority. However, for a Nazarite, especially if his vow was for a prolonged period, maintaining long hair could be difficult and attract the attention of those around him.
If he received the support and respect of his community this was not a problem. However, in times of spiritual deviation within Israel such as in the time of the prophet Amos the Nazarites could face challenges.
For example, the apostate Israelites attempted to induce the Nazarites to break their vow by offering them wine. This social pressure, and lack of support, made being different a real challenge that required courage and determination.
A Nazirite is walking with long hair and carrying a sheep by his side. Nearby there are several Israelites looking at him and mocking him. The Nazarites had to have courage to be different. (See paragraph 7).
8. What did you like about Benjamin's experience?
Despite his natural shyness, Benjamín decided not to participate in a nationalist ceremony at his school, opting to stay at a distance when a teacher called him to join the group. Benjamin showed courage by explaining that he was neutral and did not participate in political celebrations because he was a Jehovah's Witness.
Although his classmates questioned him and made him feel uncomfortable, Benjamin persevered in his position by sharing his convictions with them again despite social pressure and his nervousness. Benjamin remained firm and later recognized that it was Jehovah's help that allowed him defend your faith in that situation.
9. How can we gladden Jehovah's heart?
We can gladden Jehovah's heart by demonstrating courage and obedience to his commandments, even when we face opposition or difficulty. In today's world, identifying ourselves as Jehovah's Witnesses in our work or school environment requires courage.
How we see in Second Timothy chapter 1 verse 8 and chapter 3 verse 13, despite external pressures, our determination to live according to the principles of the Bible and preach the Good News of the Kingdom, can highlight our difference with those who do not serve God, this commitment to our faith can be a powerful testimony, not only to those around us, but also to Jehovah who is pleased when we choose to follow his way.
10. Why was it not easy for the Nazirites to obey the command in Numbers 6:6, 7?
The command of numbers chapter 6 verse 6 and 7 prohibited the Nazarites from approaching a dead person, which might initially seem like a minor sacrifice, however, for the Nazarites this restriction became a significant challenge, especially if the deceased was a close relative, since as we see in John chapter 19 verses 39 and 40, at that time following funeral customs implied being close to the body, which was difficult for the Nazarites to fulfill their vow.
Despite painful and delicate circumstances, the Nazarites demonstrated their solid faith by maintaining their vow and abstaining from these practices. Their ability to maintain their commitment, even in difficult times, not only showed their devotion, but also the strength of their faith.
Furthermore, they were certain that Jehovah provided them with the necessary strength to fulfill their vow, providing them with support in times of weakness and difficulty.
11. What should we be determined to do when dealing with family matters? (See also the image).
The command of numbers chapter 6 verse 6 and 7 prohibited the Nazarites from approaching a dead person, which might initially seem like a minor sacrifice, however, for the Nazarites this restriction became a significant challenge, especially if the deceased was a close relative, since as we see in John chapter 19 verses 39 and 40, at that time following funeral customs implied being close to the body, which was difficult for the Nazarites to fulfill their vow.
Despite painful and delicate circumstances, the Nazarites demonstrated their solid faith by maintaining their vow and abstaining from these practices. Their ability to maintain their commitment, even in difficult times, not only showed their devotion, but also the strength of their faith.
Furthermore, they were certain that Jehovah provided them with the necessary strength to fulfill their vow, providing them with support in times of weakness and difficulty.
Are we willing to put Jehovah first, even in the most difficult times? (See paragraph 11).
12. When presented with a difficult family situation, what did Alexandru do, and what did he not do?
When dealing with family matters, we must be determined to prioritize Jehovah's will above the expectations or desires of our family members. Although we strive to attend to our family responsibilities to the best of our ability, we must never allow our family's desires to take precedence over what God requires of us.
As we see in Matthew chapter 10 verses 35 to 37, sometimes we may have to sacrifice peace or family harmony to obey Jehovah and maintain our dedication to him. This reflects the serious commitment that Christians have to their vow of dedication and their desire to follow biblical principles, even in difficult situations within the family.
When Alexander faced a difficult family situation, he decided to maintain his commitment to Jehovah and continue studying the Bible despite his wife Dorina's opposition. Although Dorina wanted them both to stop studying, Alexandru calmly and tactfully explained his desire to continue his Bible study. although the criticism and unpleasant treatment should have made him feel discouraged.
At times Alexandru continued to show love and respect towards her by keeping Jehovah first in his life. His firmness and loving attitude influenced Dorina to reconsider her position and return to Bible study, which ultimately led her to accept the truth. .
13. How can we show that we love Jehovah and our family?
To demonstrate our love for both Jehovah and our family, we must balance our service to God with care and respect for our loved ones. Jehovah values the sacrifices we make to serve him, but he also urges us to care for our families as we see in Ephesians chapter 3 verses 14 and 15, this involves treating our family members with love, patience and respect following the biblical principles of brotherly love and mutual consideration. .
By prioritizing our relationship with Jehovah and at the same time demonstrating love and dedication to our family, we contribute to harmony and happiness in the home, thus fulfilling the divine purposes for the family institution.
14. Who should we encourage above all?
We should especially encourage those who are making sacrifices out of love for Jehovah. Making these sacrifices can often be challenging, so it is important to provide support and encouragement to those who are taking difficult steps in their service to God.
We can express our appreciation and recognition to those who are simplifying their lives to devote more time to spiritual pursuits, to young people who show courage in being different from their classmates, and to brothers or Bible students who face opposition from their peers. families for their loyalty to Jehovah.
In Job chapter 16 verse 5 we see that by showing them our support and recognition we remind them that they are not alone in their sacrifices and that their dedication to Jehovah is valued and appreciated by others in the congregation.
15. What have some brothers done to help those in full-time service?
Some brothers have taken the initiative to offer practical help to those who are dedicated to full-time service. A poignant example comes from an older sister residing in Sri Lanka. After receiving an increase in her pension, she decided to use part of those funds to assist two young sisters who were facing financial difficulties to continue pioneering.
As we see in Proverbs chapter 19 verse 17, his example highlights the importance of providing practical help to those who dedicate their lives to the service of God, thus demonstrating our solidarity and love towards our brothers in faith.
16. What does the example of the Nazirites teach us?
The example of the Nazarites teaches us several important lessons, firstly it shows us the importance of keeping our vows and commitments to Jehovah, even when this requires sacrifice and giving up things that might seem insignificant to others.
It also reveals to us that obedience to divine commandments can require courage and determination, especially when it goes against cultural norms or social expectations.
Furthermore, the example of the Nazarites reminds us that Jehovah values and recognizes the sacrifices we make for him, and that these acts of devotion and dedication do not go unnoticed before his eyes.
How did the Nazirites demonstrate that they were willing to make sacrifices and that they were brave?
Although these foods were not bad, the Nazarites renounced them, as part of their special dedication to Jehovah. Furthermore, the vow of the Nazarites included the prohibition of cutting their hair, as a sign of their total respect for Jehovah's authority, which led them to bravely face challenges in an environment where their difference was despised.
How can we encourage each other to be like the Nazarites?
We can encourage each other through our words and actions, we can offer material help to those who are in full-time service, these gestures exemplify generosity and mutual support within the congregation, as Jehovah recognizes and values the sacrifices we make for him.
What do we learn about Jehovah from the vote of the Nazarites?
The vows of the Nazarites not only required willpower, but also a solid faith in Jehovah to maintain the commitment, trusting that God would give them the necessary strength to fulfill their vow. Therefore we learn that Jehovah is always supporting and guiding us.
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