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“Praise him, servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord” (PSA. 113:1).
1, 2. What example helps us understand how the lies that have been told about him make Jehovah feel?
The example we have seen in the paragraph helps us understand how lies affect Jehovah. In Genesis chapter 3 verses 1 to 6, we see that when Eve believed Satan's lie in the Garden of Eden, it caused a rebellion against Jehovah, resulting in sin and death for humanity. Satan's lies have created problems such as death, wars, and suffering in the world. However, although these lies affect Jehovah, they do not make him bitter.
In 1 Timothy chapter 1 verse 11 we read that he remains the happy God, this reflects his love and patience towards humanity despite the lies that have been spread about him. It is a reminder that even when we face the consequences of sin we can rely on Jehovah's love and goodness.
3. What privilege do we have?
The privilege we have is to contribute to vindicating or defending the name of Jehovah. How can we do it? Following the command that we read in Psalm chapter 113 verse 1 and which says, "Praise the name of the Lord."
Therefore, we must speak well of the person who bears that holy name. If we feel the desire to do so, in the following paragraphs we are presented with three powerful reasons that will motivate us to praise the name of God with all our hearts.
4. Explain with an example why Jehovah feels happy when we praise him (see also the image).
Jehovah feels happy when we praise him not because he needs to validate his self-esteem, but because he rejoices in the love and sincere gratitude we express toward him. When we praise Jehovah, he rejoices not out of his own need, but because he delights in the intimate relationship. and love that we share with him, his happiness lies in our love and how it makes us happier and strengthens our connection with him.
In short, we praise Jehovah, not to satisfy his needs, but to express our love and gratitude, which in turn brings us closer to him and fills us with joy and peace.
With a smile, a little girl gives her father a drawing she made for her. Just as a father feels happy when a child expresses his affection and gratitude, Jehovah feels happy when we praise his name. (See paragraph 4).
5. What do we demonstrate when we praise Jehovah?
When we praise Jehovah we demonstrate that Satan is wrong in his claim that no human being will be Loyal or defend God's name when put to the test. In the story of Job, we see how Satan challenges Jehovah's loyalty to God, but Job remains faithful even in the midst of adversity. Similarly, when we praise Jehovah we are rejecting Satan's lie and showing our loyalty and devotion to Jehovah.
In Proverbs chapter 27 verse 11 we understand that by defending his name and praising him, we demonstrate that we are willing to be upright and stand firm in our faith, no matter the circumstances. It is a privilege for each of us to help disprove Satan's false accusations and make Jehovah happy through our sincere loyalty and devotion.
6. How can we imitate King David and the Levites? (Nehemiah 9:5).
David wrote in Psalm chapter 103 verse 1. “Praise the Lord, my soul, let all that is within me praise his holy name.” David understood that to praise Jehovah's name is to honor his reputation, his qualities, and his wonderful works. David desired to treat his father's name as holy, and express his praise with all his heart. he.
In Nehemiah chapter 9 verse 5 we see that the Levites also give us a valuable example by humbly recognizing that words are insufficient to express the praise that the holy name of Jehovah deserves, following their example we can cultivate a spirit of humility and reverence when praising to God, recognizing the greatness of his name and the magnitude of his love and goodness towards us.
7. How can we praise Jehovah in our preaching and daily activities?
We can praise Jehovah both in preaching and in our daily activities in various ways. In preaching, as we see in James chapter 4 verse 8, our main objective is to attract people to Jehovah by sharing with them the beautiful qualities that he possesses such as his love, his justice, his wisdom, and his power.
By teaching these Bible truths, we are praising Jehovah and showing our gratitude for all that he represents in our lives.
As we see in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 1, by imitating Jehovah in our daily lives, we reflect his love and kindness toward others. This can make people notice the difference in the way we live and feel interested in learning more about our lives. beliefs. Then we have the opportunity to explain to them the reasons behind our behavior, thus demonstrating how faith in Jehovah has transformed us, thus applying what we read in Matthew chapter 5 verses 14 to 16.
8. Why is Jesus the best example of someone who praised Jehovah's name?
As we see in Matthew chapter 11 verse 27, Jesus is the best example of someone who praised the name of Jehovah, because as a son of God he had an intimate and deep knowledge of the Father. In John chapter 14 verse 31, we see how he loved his father and demonstrated his love by praising his name in all his actions and teachings.
One of the most significant moments that highlights Jesus' dedication to praising the name of Jehovah was during his prayer the night before his death. In this prayer described in John chapter 17 verse 26, Jesus summarized his Earthly ministry by stating: " "I have made your name known." In addition, Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies that spoke of the coming of the messiah, which demonstrated his identity as the son of God and the special envoy of the father to carry out his plan of salvation.
9. What parable did Jesus use to make clear what Jehovah is like?
Jesus used the parable of the prodigal son to illustrate what Jehovah is like. In the parable of the prodigal son, we see how the father representing Jehovah shows compassion and forgiveness towards his rebellious son. Even though his son squandered his inheritance and fell into misfortune, his father receives him with love and runs to him when she sees him in the distance, hugs him and sincerely forgives him. This act of unconditional love reflects Jehovah's character as a compassionate and merciful father who is always ready to forgive those who repent and return to him.
So Jesus not only taught about Jehovah's name, but also helped people understand his loving and compassionate nature through concrete examples like this parable.
10. a) Why do we know that Jesus used his Father's name and wanted others to do so too? (Mark 5:19; see also image).
We know that Jesus used his father's name and wanted others to do so too, because we see it in the account of Mark chapter 5 verse 19, where Jesus heals a demon-possessed man in the region of the Gerasenes.
After the people begged him to leave, Jesus wanted everyone to know Jehovah's name. Therefore he instructed the man freed by him to tell the people what Jehovah had done for him. This shows Jesus' desire to have Jehovah's name glorified even above his own name.
10. b) What does Jesus want us to do?
Jesus wants us to continue teaching Jehovah's name to everyone, as mentioned in Matthew chapter 24 verse 14 and Matthew chapter 28 verses 19 and 20. By sharing the message of the Kingdom and making Jehovah's name known we fulfill the commission that Jesus gave us before ascending to heaven. Furthermore, by doing so we make Jesus happy by following his example of glorifying the name of Jehovah above all things.
Jesus leaves the region of the Gerasenes riding a boat. While he gradually moves away, he talks to the man who was possessed and who is still on the shore. Jesus told the demon-possessed man whom he had cured to tell the people what Jehovah had done for him. (See paragraph 10).
11. What did Jesus tell his followers to include in their prayers? And, according to Ezekiel 36:23, why is it so important?
Jesus taught his followers to include in their prayers the request that God's name be hallowed. This is recorded in Matthew chapter 6 verse 9, where we read: "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your name." Therefore, according to the text we have read, Jesus understood the supreme importance of this request, recognizing that Jehovah's purpose It is to sanctify his name, that is, to cleanse it of all the lies that have stained it, Jesus knew that nothing in the entire universe was more important than this.
Despite his crucial role in sanctifying the name of Jehovah, Jesus faced the accusation of blasphemy from his enemies, who accused him of tarnishing his father's holy name; to him there was no sin more repugnant than this. When he anticipated his arrest, he was already feeling terribly distressed because he knew that he would be charged and convicted for this alleged crime as described in Luke chapter 22 verses 41 to 44, this situation may have contributed significantly to the intensity of his agony before he was arrested. .
12. What did Jesus do to sanctify his Father's name in the best way possible?
Jesus hallowed his father's name in the best way possible by remaining faithful and obedient despite the extreme trials he faced. As we see in Luke chapter 22 verses 2 to 4 and in Luke chapter 23 verses 33 and 34, he was willing to endure torture, insults, and false accusations in order to honor the name of Jehovah.
Although Jesus faced difficult times, he understood that Satan was behind these attacks. However, he did not give in to the devil's tricks and demonstrated his total fidelity to Jehovah. His example made it clear that Satan is a liar, and that Jehovah has servants who remain loyal even in the most difficult trials. By submitting to the will of his father until his death, Jesus carried out the supreme act of sanctifying the name of Jehovah, establishing an eternal example of faithfulness and love towards God.
13. What should we do to make our King happy?
To cheer our King we must follow in the footsteps of Jesus who glorified Jehovah's name and revealed his true character. This involves praising Jehovah's name and helping others understand who he really is.
In 1 Peter chapter 2 verse 21, Jesus set the example. Therefore, by following this example we not only glorify God, but we also demonstrate that Satan is a liar, AND that Jehovah has loyal servants who honor and obey him.
Furthermore, by continuing to praise Jehovah and sharing his love and truth with others, we can bring joy to our king and contribute to the glorification of his name throughout the world.
14, 15. What extraordinary things happen when we teach people the truth about Jehovah?
When we teach the truth about Jehovah, extraordinary things happen, Satan's lies that have reached many people are debunked, and they begin to see Jehovah as he really is.
By freeing ourselves from falsehoods, we experience a spiritual awakening and recognize the power, justice, wisdom, and love of Jehovah. This knowledge gives them security, comfort, and the hope of eternal life.
As children of God by helping others draw closer to Jehovah, we are serving as God's coworkers and contributing to the salvation of lives. Therefore, preaching the truth about Jehovah not only glorifies his name, but also carries with it the incomparable honor of being instruments in the Divine plan.
16. What effect can learning God's name have? Give some example.
Learning the name of God can have a transformative impact on people's lives. For example, Aliah, raised in a family with non-Christian beliefs, experienced a significant change when she discovered that God's name was Jehovah. This revelation brought her closer to a more intimate understanding of God and provided her with a sense of peace and privilege.
On the other hand, Steve, who came from a conservative Jewish family, found comfort and friendship by learning the name of God during a Bible course led by a Jehovah's Witness. This revelation allowed him to perceive God as a real person and establish a personal connection with him for the first time in his life. These testimonies illustrate how the simple act of learning God's name can profoundly transform people's spiritual and emotional perspective, leading them to experience a more intimate and meaningful connection with our creator.
17. Why do you want to continue praising Jehovah's name? (See also the image).
When we share with others who Jehovah is and what his personality is like, we are glorifying his name and helping to save lives. Praising him in this way not only follows the model that Jesus left us, but also gives us the opportunity to fulfill the Divine will to make his name and character known.
Therefore, as we continue to help others understand Jehovah's loving and just nature, we not only fulfill our duty as servants, but we also experience the satisfaction of being in harmony with his divine purpose.
A sister gives Bible classes to an older woman, who has a cross on the wall and a picture on the table. The woman is impressed to see God's name in her own Bible. We praise Jehovah’s name when we teach it to people and show them what he is like. (See paragraph 17).
Why do we make Jehovah happy when we praise his name?
By praising Jehovah we reflect our loving relationship with him and his desire to see that we love and honor him. Furthermore, it is pointed out that by praising Jehovah we deny the lies of Satan, who claims that human beings will not be loyal to God when faced with trials.
Why do we make Jesus happy when we praise God's name?
Because by praising Jehovah we show that Satan is a liar and that Jehovah has loyal servants. As much as Satan wants to distract us, we glorify God and contribute to his sanctification by bringing joy to our king, and discrediting the lies of his enemy.
Why do we help save lives when we praise God's name?
Praising Jehovah's name counteracts Satan's lies that blind people. When we preach the truth about God people free their minds from satanic falsehoods and begin to see Jehovah as he really is.
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