Friday, April 5, 2024

The Watchtower Study, «Article 4, Week 1 to April 7, 2024, Jehovah is very affectionate and loves us very much, Answers.

The Watchtower Study, "Article 4", April 1-7, 2024, Jehovah is very affectionate and loves us very much, Answers.

“The Lord is very loving” (JAMES 5:11).

1. How do you imagine Jehovah?

The Bible offers us a variety of descriptions that help us imagine Jehovah and understand his greatness and power. In Psalm chapter 84 verse 11, he appears to us as the sun and shield providing light and protection to our lives. In Hebrews chapter 12 verse 29 he is described as a raging fire, suggesting his holiness and his ability to purify. 

The vision of Ezekiel that we read in Ezekiel chapter 1 verses 26 to 28, shows us Jehovah as a radiant and majestic Sapphire stone with the radiance of a rainbow, which evokes his beauty and his pact with humanity, these images remind us They invite us to reflect on the greatness and glory of Jehovah, inspiring us with awe and respect. Therefore, remembering these descriptions when we pray can help us connect more deeply with him, recognizing his majesty and his love for us. 

2. Why is it difficult for some to approach God?

For many, approaching God can be difficult for several reasons: The lack of a loving father figure can influence the perception of God as a being who does not love us. Furthermore, God's invisibility can generate doubts about his existence and his love for us. However, the Bible assures us that Jehovah understands our struggles and emotions.

Through his words he reveals details about his loving character, giving us comfort and Hope. Recognizing and reflecting on these details can help us overcome our doubts and fears, allowing us to approach God with confidence and security in his unconditional love.

3. Why will we talk in detail about Jehovah and his love?

Speaking in detail about Jehovah and his love is essential, because his love is the very essence of his being. The Bible teaches us in 1 John chapter 4 verse 8, that God is love, which means that everything he does is infused with love.  

On the other hand, in Matthew chapter 5 verses 44 and 45, we see how his love reaches even those who do not love him, by exploring and better understanding the nature and actions of Jehovah, we can experience his love in a more profound and significant in our lives, knowing his loving attributes helps us cultivate a more intimate relationship with him and inspires us to love him. 


4. How do you feel when you think that Jehovah is loving? (See also the image).

In the image in the article we see a tender mother taking care of her son. This image reflects the love and care that Jehovah gives to all of us, imagining him placing us on his knees speaking to us in a sweet and soft voice, evokes a feeling of closeness and personal care, knowing that he is always ready to comfort and reassure us in times of distress. or sadness is comforting.

In Psalm chapter 94 verse 19, we see that when worries overwhelm us, Jehovah comforts and reassures us. This image of Jehovah as a loving and compassionate father is a source of Peace in the midst of life's difficulties.


A mother lovingly holds her baby against her chest. “As a mother comforts her child, so I will be comforting you.” (See paragraph 4).

5. What does Jehovah's loyal love mean to you?

For me, Jehovah's loyal love is an unbreakable and unconditional bond that unites us to him. Unlike human relationships that can be marked by disappointment and abandonment, as we see in Psalm chapter 103 verse 8, Jehovah's love is constant and faithful despite our failures and errors.

In Acts chapter 3 verse 19, we see that Jehovah never stops loving us, his loyalty is manifested in his willingness to forgive us again and again, no matter how great our faults, this loyalty is reflected in his constant desire to restore our relationship. with him, as he did with the Israelites in the past.

Even in our darkest moments we can trust that His Loyal love will sustain us and give us hope. His promise of forgiveness and restoration brings us comfort and allows us to truly experience times of relief. 

6. What does Zechariah 2:8 teach us about Jehovah?

This text teaches us that Jehovah considers us as the apple of his eye, the comparison with the pupil of the eye illustrates the extreme sensitivity and care that Jehovah has towards us. As the pupil is a delicate and essential part of the eye, Jehovah shows us that our safety and well-being are of utmost importance to him, when we suffer he also suffers, because his love for us is deep and sincere.

This image reveals to us Jehovah's closeness and commitment to us, as well as his desire to protect us from any harm or danger. Therefore, we can trust that Jehovah is always attentive to our needs and ready to care for us as the apple of his eye, just as the Psalmist expressed in Psalm chapter 17 verse 8.

7. Why should we convince ourselves that Jehovah loves us?

We must convince ourselves that Jehovah loves us, because his love is fundamental to our faith and our relationship with him. Although life's difficulties may sow doubts in our hearts, it is crucial to remember and understand Jehovah's unwavering love for us. By analyzing how Jehovah demonstrates his love for Jesus, the Anointed Ones, and all humanity, we can find evidence of his love in action.

From the sacrifice of his beloved son to the blessings and protection he provides us daily, Jehovah constantly shows us his love in all areas of our lives. By recognizing and appreciating these manifestations of love we can strengthen our faith and trust in Him, knowing that we are loved unconditionally and eternally. Therefore we can face any challenge with the assurance that Jehovah is with us. 

8. Why was Jesus so convinced that his Father loved him?

Jesus was so convinced of his father's love for him, because of the deep relationship they shared since time immemorial, this unique connection between Jehovah and his beloved son has endured throughout the centuries, being the oldest relationship in the universe. .

In Matthew chapter 17 verse 5, Jehovah openly confirmed his love for Jesus by declaring This is my beloved son, thus revealing his deep pride and affection towards him, as we see in John chapter 10 verse 17, Jesus not only believed in the love of his father for him, but repeatedly affirmed it in his teachings and prayers.

9. What word describes Jehovah's love for those anointed? (Romans 5:5).

In the text we have just read, we see that the word that describes the love that Jehovah has for the Anointed Ones is: “Poured out.” This word evokes the image of a river flowing over us, conveying the idea of ​​abundant and generous love from Jehovah toward the Anointed.

According to 1 John chapter 3 verse 1, the Anointed understand and experience this deep love by recognizing that they are loved by God and are considered children of God. However, it is important to note that Jehovah does not limit his love only to the Anointed Ones as will be evident later.

10. What is the greatest proof that Jehovah loves you?

In John chapter 3 verse 16 and Romans chapter 5 verse 8, we see that the greatest proof of Jehovah's love for us is the ransom. This act demonstrates his incomparable love for each individual. It is clearly established that Jehovah gave his beloved son to die for all humanity, thus providing forgiveness of sins and the opportunity to be friends of God. 

As we reflect on the immense sacrifice made by Jehovah and Jesus, we can more fully understand the depth of their love for each of us. In Galatians chapter 2 verse 20, we see that this act was not a simple legal transaction, but was a testimony of Jehovah's pure and selfless Love for humanity. 

11. What do we learn in Jeremiah 31:3?

In the text we have read we learn that Jehovah loves us, with an eternal and constant love. This verse reveals that God has loved us with an unwavering and faithful love since ancient times, this truth gives us security and comfort, knowing that our creator has chosen us and continues to love us despite our imperfections. 

Additionally, Romans chapter 8 verses 38 and 39 assure us that nothing in this world can separate us from the love of God, which strengthens our confidence in his unwavering love and gives us peace and protection.


12. How would you summarize Psalm 23?

Psalm 23, written by King David, is a poem that expresses trust and confidence in Jehovah's provision and loving care. David compares Jehovah to a shepherd who guides and cares for his flock ensuring that they will lack nothing. David feels protected and comforted by Jehovah's constant presence in his life, even in the midst of the darkest and most difficult times. He fully trusts in the goodness and eternal love of Jehovah knowing that his mercy will accompany him all the days of his life.

Psalm 23 is a hymn of trust and comfort that highlights the personal and close relationship between the servant and his God, and serves as a source of spiritual strength and hope in times of adversity. 

13. Why did David know that Jehovah cared for him?

David knew that Jehovah cared for him because he had personally experienced his faithfulness and constant provision from his youth as a shepherd to his reign as King of Israel. David had witnessed the goodness of Jehovah in his life, he recognized that Jehovah had always provided for all his needs and had been his constant friend throughout the years.

David felt secure in Jehovah's friendship and approval, which gave him an inner peace and satisfaction that transcended any earthly concerns.

14. How does Jehovah show love to us?

Jehovah demonstrates his love and care in various ways, especially during difficult times. An example is the case of Claire, who despite facing a series of challenges, including her father's health problems, family conflicts and financial difficulties.

Claire has witnessed how Jehovah has lovingly cared for her family in the midst of adversity. Jehovah has provided abundantly for her daily needs, exceeding even Claire's expectations, these moments of Divine love and care are a source of inspiration and motivation for her to keep going, even in the midst of the most difficult trials. 

15. How did David regain his strength? (See also the image).

David regained his strength as he experienced the love and tenderness of Jehovah. Despite the difficulties and anguish he faced, David found comfort in contemplating God's care and goodness. He felt renewed as he was led by Jehovah to places of rest and tranquility, compared to grassy meadows and places where water abounds.

God's love and tenderness acted as a balm for David's soul, strengthening him in the midst of his struggles, and giving him the strength necessary to persevere in his service to Jehovah. 


David praises Jehovah as he and some of his men drink from a river. When David felt distressed, seeing Jehovah's love and tenderness helped renew his strength. (See paragraph 15).

16. How have you felt that Jehovah has renewed your strength?

Rachel, the sister of experience, felt that Jehovah renewed her strength in several ways, especially when she faced difficulties as mentioned in Lamentations chapter 3 verse 22, this sister recognizes that it is thanks to Jehovah's loyal love that she has been able to overcome difficult times. 

Rachel faced the emotional devastation of being abandoned during the covid-19 pandemic, she herself said in my own experience I have felt the loving care of Jehovah through the presence and support of friends and spiritual brothers, they have been a reflection of God's love and goodness in providing companionship, encouragement and practical help in times of need.

Given this experience, each of us has the words of encouragement and the promises of the scriptures, since they are sources of spiritual strength for us, let us always remember that Jehovah is with us and that he will never abandon us.

17. Why could David say, “I will fear no evil”?

David was able to say I will fear no evil, because he fully trusted in Jehovah's presence and constant care despite facing enemies and dangerous situations. David found security in the love of God that made him feel protected and strengthened. 

The closeness of Jehovah gave him a sense of calm and confidence, allowing him to face challenges with courage and determination. Although the dangers were real and the threats were constant, Jehovah's love was for David a source of strength and insecurity that surpassed any fear.

18. When we face frightening situations, how does it help us to know that Jehovah loves us?

The sister of the experience, Susi, remembers how the knowledge of God's love helped her and her husband feel cared for and protected even in the midst of a personal tragedy as heartbreaking as the loss of a child. This Divine love is manifested tangibly in our lives as Rachel experienced, on a night of deep sadness and fear when she felt the comforting presence of Jehovah who calmed and comforted her as a mother would do with her baby. 

Even in extreme circumstances such as being in prison, Jehovah's love can sustain and strengthen us, as described by an elder named Thasos. He experienced how Jehovah cared for him, providing him with everything he needed and even instilling in him a spirit of joy that encouraged him to be a regular pioneer in the prison. 


19. a) What will our prayers be like if we know that Jehovah loves us? 

If we know that Jehovah loves us, our prayers will be full of trust, gratitude and dedication. We will turn to him with the assurance that his love surrounds us and sustains us at all times. Instead of praying with fear or doubt, we will take into account what we read in Psalm chapter 145 verses 18 and 19, and we will approach him with the certainty that he listens to us, understands us, and cares for us with affection. 

Furthermore, our prayers will be a moment of openness and sincerity where we can share our concerns, needs and joys with the assurance that Jehovah understands us and wants to help us at all times. 

19. b) What texts about Jehovah's love touch your heart most? (See the box “Verses that help us feel the love of Jehovah.”)

The texts about Jehovah's love that touch the heart most may vary according to each person's experiences and emotions. However, some verses that usually impact deeply due to his message of love and care are: 

Psalm chapter 136 verse 26, which says: "Praise the God of heaven for his love endures forever."

Jeremiah chapter 31 verse 3 that says: «I have loved you with eternal Love, so I follow you faithfully.

1 John chapter 4 verses 9 and 10, which says: In this was manifested the love of God in us, that God sent his only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through him, in this is love, not in what we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his son to be offered as a sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins.

James 5:11: “The Lord is very loving.”

Verses that help us feel the love of Jehovah

Psalm 32:10: “He who trusts in Jehovah is surrounded by loyal love.”

Jeremiah 31:3: “I have loved you with an everlasting love. That is why I drew you to me with loyal love.”

John 16:27: “The Father Himself loves you.”

James 5:11: “The Lord is very loving.”

20. Why does Jehovah's love bring us closer to him?

Jehovah's love brings us closer to him, because it is comforting and powerful like the warmth of a campfire on a cold night, it gives us security and comfort in the midst of difficulties, making us want to always be close to him. Although his love is incredibly powerful, it is also tender and compassionate, which fills us with happiness and gratitude, as we read in Psalm chapter 116 verse 1, feeling the love of Jehovah makes us long to be in his presence and drives us to express our love for him. with words of adoration and gratitude like the psalmist who exclaims I love Jehovah.


How would you describe Jehovah's love?

Jehovah's love can be described as deep, constant, compassionate and close, it is expressed through his concern for each individual, his unwavering faithfulness and his willingness to help us in all circumstances. Jehovah surrounds us with his loyal love, giving us security and comfort in the midst of difficulties.

How can you be sure that Jehovah loves you very much?

Throughout the scriptures we see examples of how Jehovah cares, protects, and comforts his servants in times of difficulty. From Psalm 23, where Jehovah is compared to a loving shepherd who provides and guides his sheep. Furthermore, Jesus' sacrifice in the rescue is the greatest proof of Jehovah's love for humanity.

How does Jehovah's love make you feel?

Jehovah's love makes us feel cared for, protected, comforted and strengthened. This teaches us how Jehovah's love not only affects us emotionally, but also strengthens us spiritually, giving us the confidence and determination to move forward.

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