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“He has said, 'I will never leave you and I will never forsake you'” (HEB. 13:5b).
1. When will all the anointed be in heaven?
In The Watchtower of July 2013 we saw that all the Anointed Ones will be taken to heaven before Armageddon. This statement is based on Matthew chapter 24 verse 31, where Jesus speaks about the time when he will send his angels to gather his elect from the four winds from one end of the heavens to the other, this interpretation implies that all the anointed They will be in heaven before the end.
2. What question may arise? And what are we going to analyze in this article?
When reading Matthew chapter 24 verse 21 and John chapter 10 verse 16, a question that may arise is, What will happen during the great tribulation with the other sheep of Christ who are still serving Jehovah on earth?
In this article we will analyze two stories that may have led some to worry that they will feel lost or abandoned when the Anointed brothers are no longer on Earth. However, we will examine the reasons not to worry, based on biblical teachings and Jehovah's promise to care for and protect his people during difficult times.
3, 4. What may some be wondering, and why?
Some may wonder if the other sheep will stray from the truth when members of the governing body are no longer on earth to guide them. This question may arise due to biblical examples such as the high priest's positive influence fading after the death of the spiritual leader.
Likewise, the history of Christians in the second century shows how apostasy spread after the death of John the last apostle.
These stories could raise concern about the spiritual stability of the other sheep, in the absence of clear direction. However, through close analysis of the scriptures and trust in God's promises, comfort and security can be found in his continued care for his people.
5. What conclusions should we not draw from these two stories?
We must be careful in jumping to conclusions from these two accounts. We should not automatically assume that the other sheep will follow the same pattern as Jehovah or the second century Christians. Although these examples illustrate the possibility of deviating from the truth after departure, they do not guarantee that all other sheep will follow the same path.
It is important to remember that each individual has free will and the ability to maintain their faith and loyalty despite the circumstances. We cannot say with certainty what will happen to the other sheep when the Anointed Ones are taken to heaven. However, we trust in the promise that Jehovah will faithfully care for his people. This trust is based on faith in the scriptures and the assurance that Jehovah has always provided the necessary guidance and care for his people regardless of the circumstances. external.
6. What three time periods are we going to analyze?
Let's look at three time periods to understand why we are confident that pure worship will not be contaminated despite the difficult times ahead. These periods are: The time of Ancient Israel, The period after the death of the Apostles, The times of the restoration of all things, that is, our days as mentioned in Acts chapter three verse 21.
These three periods will allow us to compare and contrast the historical and spiritual circumstances that worshipers of God faced in each era, which will help us understand why pure worship will not be contaminated in our day despite the challenges that may arise.
7. Why should faithful Israelites not be discouraged when the nation of Israel and its kings did bad things?
The faithful Israelites were not to be discouraged despite the sinful actions of the nation of Israel and its Kings, because they understood the warnings and prophecies given by Moses, before his death.
Moses had warned them about their tendency to stray from the Way that God had commanded, and had warned them about the consequences of sin, such as banishment. This prophecy was fulfilled throughout the centuries, as many Kings and the people in general disobeyed Jehovah, resulting in punishments. However, the faithful Israelites did not lose hope or become discouraged, as they saw how Moses' prophecies were fulfilled and how Jehovah punished the disobedient.
8. Why should we not be surprised that the second century Christian congregation became corrupt?
In the period after the death of the Apostles we should not be surprised that the Christian congregation of the second century became corrupt, because as we read in several chapters of the Book of Matthew, Jesus had predicted that there would be a great apostasy, already in the first century. Apostles Paul Peter and John confirmed that the apostasy predicted by Jesus had begun shortly after the death of the last apostle.
The apostate Christians became part of Babylon the Great, the World Empire of false religion. And again what had been predicted was fulfilled, thank you very much.
9. How is our era different from the two we have seen in the previous paragraphs?
Our era known as the last days of this evil system is totally different from the two eras mentioned above. While in Ancient Israel and in the second century apostasy took hold of the congregation, in our day we are living in the times of the restoration of all things, this period began in 1914 and will culminate when humanity achieves perfection and earth becomes a paradise Under the messianic Kingdom.
In 1914 Jesus began to reign in heaven, thus restoring Divine authority. And soon after pure worship began to be restored, but although these events marked an important advance in spiritual restoration, the question arises: Will pure worship be contaminated again in our days?
10. a) What does the Bible predict about pure worship today? (Isaiah 54:17).
In Isaiah chapter 54 verse 17, we see what the Bible predicts about pure worship in our day: thus no weapon formed against you will prosper. This prophecy is fulfilled in our days. demonstrating divine protection over those who worship Jehovah purely.
10. b) Why are we encouraged by what is predicted in Isaiah?
What is predicted in Isaiah encourages us because it shows that despite any adversity or attack against the worshipers of God, he is with us and will protect us. The prophecy also indicates that God's children will be taught by Jehovah and experience abundant peace. This strengthens confidence that pure worship has been restored and will never again be defiled, since no power, not even Satan, can stop the work of Bible education carried out by Jehovah's people. The assurance that no weapon formed against us will prosper gives us courage and confidence.
11. Why are we sure that the great crowd will not be abandoned when all the anointed are in heaven?
We are sure that the great multitude will not be abandoned when all the Anointed Ones are in heaven, because Jesus as our shepherd and the head of the Christian congregation will never neglect his responsibility to care for us.
Jesus himself stated: Their leader is one the Christ, which underlines his role as our king and protector. With him in charge, the Christians who remain on earth will have nothing to fear, although we do not know exactly how to act towards Christ at that moment, we can trust that his care and protection will always be present.
12. a) How did Jehovah care for his people after the death of Moses?
After the death of Moses, Jehovah continued to care for his people in various ways. Before his death, Jehovah appointed Joshua as the next leader of Israel whom Moses had been training for years.
Furthermore as we see in Deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 15 there were experienced leaders at the local level such as the heads of 1000 of 100 of 50 and of 10, these men along with divine direction, ensured that God's people were well cared for and guided even after the departure of Moses.
12. b) How did he do it after Elijah went to serve somewhere else? (See also the drawing).
After Elijah left to serve elsewhere, Jehovah continued to care for his people. Although Elijah was no longer physically present, he had been training Elisha for years preparing him to assume spiritual leadership.
Additionally the sons of the Prophets were also present to provide spiritual guidance and leadership to the people. Through these figures, Jehovah ensured that his people would not be abandoned by demonstrating once again his constant care and provision for his faithful servants.
Series of images: 1. Moses names Joshua leader in front of a group of Israelites. 2. Elijah is about to hit the Jordan River with his garment. Elisha watches from close up and other prophets watch from a distance. Both Moses (left drawing) and Elijah (right drawing) trained someone to take their place. (See paragraph 12).
13. What does Hebrews 13:5b assure us? (See also images).
This verse assures us that Jehovah will never abandon us or forsake us. Therefore, we can conclude that Jehovah's servants who remain on earth when all the Anointed Ones are taken to heaven will also receive Jehovah's constant care and protection.
Like Moses and Elijah, the small group of Anointed Christians who lead Jehovah's people have been training others to take on responsibilities in the work, establishing schools, and personally preparing brothers to lead and serve in various capacities. Training and preparation efforts ensure that Christ's sheep are well cared for and directed even in the physical absence of the Anointed.
The Bible guarantees us that Jehovah will always be present to guide and protect his people, demonstrating his faithfulness and constant love towards those who serve him faithfully.
Series of images: 1. A member of the Governing Body teaching a group of brothers and sisters in a classroom. 2. Several brothers and sisters taking notes in a classroom. 3. A Bible school teacher and a student discuss Hebrews chapters 8 and 9 together in front of the class. Behind them is an illustration of the tabernacle and in front of them is a model of the tabernacle. The Governing Body has put great effort into training its helpers and organizing schools throughout the world to train elders, circuit overseers, Branch Committee members, Bethel overseers, and missionaries. (See paragraph 13).
14. What important conclusion did we reach?
The important conclusion we reach is that when the Anointed Ones are taken to heaven at the end of the Great Tribulation, God's people will continue to worship faithfully on earth with Jesus Christ as their leader. The servants of God will not retreat or turn away from their worship, although they will face attacks from hostile Nations, these attacks will be temporary and will fail in their attempt to make God's people stop worshiping Him. Jehovah will undoubtedly rescue them and keep them safe.
The vision of the apostle John described in Revelation chapter 7 verses 9 and 14 of the great multitude of the other sheep of Christ emerging from the great tribulation confirms that they will be protected and safe under Divine protection. Therefore, despite challenges and attacks, God's people will remain steadfast in their faith and worship, assured by Jehovah's promise of protection and salvation.
15, 16. According to Revelation 17:14, what will the anointed Christians do during the battle of Armageddon, and why is it encouraging to know this?
According to this text during the battle of Armageddon, the Anointed Christians will participate alongside Christ as part of his victorious forces. This perspective encourages us, because it assures us that even when all the Anointed Ones are in heaven, they will continue to be active and play a crucial role. in the fight against the enemies of God.
Although many of the Anointed Ones have renounced violence and learned to live peacefully in heaven, they will join Christ and the Angels in the final war against evil. Despite the age or physical limitations they may have on earth, they will participate in the battle as Immortal and powerful spiritual beings alongside the Warrior King Jesus Christ.
After the War of Armageddon, the Anointed Ones will help humanity achieve perfection and play a crucial role in fulfilling God's purposes for humanity from heaven. This perspective fills us with hope knowing that even after all the Anointed Ones are in heaven, they will continue to contribute significantly to the well-being and salvation of humanity under the rule of Christ.
17. How do we know that all of God's servants will be safe during the war of Armageddon?
We know that all of God's servants will be safe during the War of Armageddon, because we trust in Jehovah and follow his instructions. For the other sheep during this momentous time, our task is to trust in Jehovah and obey his commands. This may include following the instruction of Isaiah chapter 26 verse 20 where we read: “Go into your inner rooms and close the doors behind you and hide.” for a brief moment, until the fury has passed," it is comforting to know that all of God's servants, both in heaven and on earth, will be protected during that time.
What is not going to happen when all the anointed are already in heaven?
Some may have concerns about whether the other sheep will stray from the truth when members of the governing body are no longer present to guide them. But this will not happen, because even if the Anointed Ones are taken to heaven, the other sheep will remain faithful to Jehovah and will be well cared for.
Why are we sure that pure worship will not be defiled?
What we read in Isaiah chapter 54 verse 17 is a guarantee that no weapon formed against the worshipers of God will prosper. So, although Jesus and the apostles predicted the great apostasy, in our day we live in the times of the restoration of all things, marked by events such as Jesus' Reign in Heaven since 1914 and the restoration of pure worship.
Why do we know that Jehovah will take care of his people?
In part B of Hebrews chapter 13 verse 5, we are assured that Jehovah will never abandon us nor forsake us. Therefore, we can conclude that Jehovah's servants who remain on earth when all the Anointed Ones are taken to heaven will also receive Jehovah's constant care and protection.
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