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Congregation Bible study (30 mins.) bt chap. 8 paras. 22-24 and box on page. 67.
22. What is the best way to take advantage of periods of peace?
We must take advantage of the periods of peace and religious freedom that we enjoy in some countries to strengthen our relationship with Jehovah and edify the congregation. In Matthew chapter 13 verse 22 we are warned about the trap of focusing only on material things while neglecting spiritual ones. It is essential to remember that Satan seeks to distract us from our spiritual purpose and divert us from the path to God
In moments of relative peace we must be alert and aware of the valuable opportunity that is presented to us to grow spiritually and contribute to the advancement of the Kingdom of God. This involves dedicating time to prayer, studying the word and serving others by following Him. example of love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
By taking advantage of these periods of tranquility we not only strengthen our faith but we are also a light for those around us, inspiring them to seek a deeper relationship with God. We also prepare to face the challenges that may arise in the future remembering that our lives can change suddenly therefore it is crucial that we take advantage of every opportunity to give a complete testimony about the kingdom of God both in words and actions to glorify his name and do his will on earth.
The best way to take advantage of periods of peace is to dedicate ourselves to strengthening our spiritual relationship and contributing to the well-being of the congregation. Instead of focusing solely on material matters, it is crucial to prioritize personal development, as well as work on building a stronger faith so as not to fall into Satan's traps.
We must also take advantage of periods of peace, which means using the time wisely to strengthen different aspects of life, including the spiritual. If one enjoys religious freedom, it is important not to neglect the spiritual life in favor of the material aspects since Satan wants us to fall into that trap to catch us off guard.
Another way is to make good use of time, which means spending time in prayer, meditation, scripture study, and preaching service. Additionally, it is essential to stay alert and prepared for changes that may arise at any time. For example, we could think about what situations could change and how we are going to react.
Furthermore, we must keep in mind that current stability does not guarantee permanence, things can change overnight so it is crucial to always be prepared and rooted in spiritual truths.
23, 24. a) What two things does the story of Tabitha teach us?
First of all, it reminds us of the transience of life and the importance of living it fully, leaving an honorable legacy before God.
Secondly, it gives us hope in the resurrection. Jehovah recognized Tabitha’s kindness and rewarded her, ensuring that we will also be rewarded for our efforts.
Tabita's story teaches us the importance of living a life full of good works and generosity to those in need. It shows us that our actions can earn us a good name and that even after we die, we can be remembered for our acts of kindness. Furthermore, he offers us comfort by demonstrating that the resurrection is a real and tangible promise for those who trust in God and his justice.
The story of Tabitha teaches us two important things, first we must always take into account the brevity of life, and as we see in Ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 1, we must value the importance of taking advantage of our life to do good and earn a good name before Jehovah. Tabita was renowned for her generosity and dedication to helping those in need, which made her loved and respected by the Joppa Christian community.
The second thing we learn is the firm hope in the resurrection. Tabitha died, but as we see in Acts chapter 9 verses 36 to 42. Peter, through the power of God, resurrected her, which strengthened the faith of believers and led many to believe in the Lord. This reminds us that just as Jehovah rewarded Tabitha for her kindness, she will also take into account our efforts and will resurrect us if we die before Armageddon.
23, 24. b) What firm decision should we make?
The decisive choice we must make is to never cease giving a complete testimony about Christ, whether we are going through difficult times or enjoying a period of calm. This entails committing ourselves to sharing our faith and living in accordance with Jehovah's principles, regardless of the circumstances that arise.
A firm decision we must make is to commit to living according to the principles of Christ, regardless of the circumstances we face. Whether in difficult times or times of peace, our priority must be to fully bear witness to his love and teachings.
Tabitha, also called Dorcas, was a believer who lived in the port of Joppa. She was known and valued by the members of the congregation thanks to her altruistic actions and her commitment to helping the less fortunate.
Tabitha was a Christian who lived in Joppa and was known for doing many good works and helping those in need a lot.
Tabita fell ill unexpectedly and died. According to the customs of the time, she was prepared for her burial and placed in a room on the upper floor of a house. The Christians of Joppa, upon learning that Peter was near her, sent two men to beg him to come as soon as possible, as there was enough time for him to arrive before the funeral.
Many Jews had one name in the local language and another in Greek or Latin. In the case of Tabitha, her name in Aramaic was Tabitha, while in Greek it was Dorcas. Both names mean "Gazelle."
Tabita became ill and died, which surprised the community at the time.
What the Christians of Joppa did when Tavita died was to send two men to preach to Peter, who was in Lydda, to come as soon as possible.
By sending emissaries in pairs in early Judaism, it was evident that it is a common practice that helps validate the testimony of the other.
When he arrived at Tabita's house, Pedro found all the widows crying and the reaction he had was to show them the clothes that Tabita had made when she was alive.
Tabitha used to make tunics and cloaks for the brothers in the congregation. The congregation had great affection for Tabitha because he used to make clothing for the brothers, such as tunics and cloaks. These garments were of great use to those in need, which made her highly esteemed among them.
Tabitha was very loved in the congregation, because she helped those in need a lot and did good works.
Jesus had given his disciples the power to raise the dead.
When Pedro entered the room where Tabita was, he observed the widows crying and showing the clothes that Tabita had made while she was alive. He was saddened to witness that scene. Pedro asked everyone to leave the room and, after fervent prayer, Tabitha was revived and she sat up. The congregation was filled with joy as they witnessed this prodigy.
The widows and disciples, seeing that Tabitha was alive, reacted with great joy to see their beloved sister alive again.
Tabita was noted for her selfless attention to those in need in her congregation. We can follow this example by offering our support and help to those who need it with generosity and compassion.
Tabita used her skills to make clothing for others. We can emulate this behavior by using our own talents and abilities to benefit others and contribute positively to the lives of our siblings.
Tabita proved to be generous by dedicating her time and resources to assist those in need. We can follow her example by sharing what we have with those who need it, such as our voluntary donations that can be of great help to our brothers who are suffering elsewhere due to natural disasters.
Tabita expressed her faith through her loving actions and her service to others. We can emulate this example by actively living our faith, showing love and compassion toward the needy people around us, which can spark their interest in the God we serve.
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