Tuesday, April 2, 2024

SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week 1 to April 7, 2024, Psalm 23 to 25, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: April 1-7, 2024, Psalm 25 to 25 Answers.

Spiritual Gems (10 min.)

Psa 23:3. What are the “paths of righteousness,” and what will prevent us from straying from them? (w11 2/15 24 paras. 1-3).

This Hebrew and Greek term translated as justice conveys the idea of ​​righteousness and faithful following of biblical moral principles. So we can walk in Jehovah's paths of righteousness and let his righteous standards guide us. Therefore, if we want to please Jehovah, the first thing we must do is learn everything we can from his word in the Bible, and thus we can remain close to him, as our great friend.


The paths of justice are paths drawn in accordance with divine justice, which involve the faithful following of moral principles. Jehovah guides his servants along these paths using his word and his spirit. What will prevent us from leaving the paths is precisely staying on them. For this reason, we need to make a conscious effort, and be like Jesus, who loved righteousness. Knowing God better through his word, putting this into practice, helps us to vigorously follow his righteous standards and make decisions that reflect his justice.

They are small and narrow paths drawn in accordance with Divine justice. These symbolic paths imply the faithful following of moral principles. In order not to stray from them, we must learn about Jehovah from his inspired word in the Bible, and earnestly follow his righteous standards. The better we know God, the closer we will feel and the more we will love his justice. Thus, when we must make important decisions, we will let Him guide us through His word.

And since we are imperfect and have a tendency to deviate from the paths or paths of divine justice, in order to get back on the right path, we need to make a great effort. And what will help us achieve this is to imitate Jesus, who truly loved righteousness. Consequently, it is also necessary to continue learning more about him every day through studying the Bible. 

The paths of righteousness mentioned in the text are paths of righteousness and obedience to Jehovah's commandments. These paths represent the path of life that God wants us to follow, marked by justice, integrity and fidelity to his teachings. To understand what can keep us from straying from these paths of Justice, it is helpful to consider how God guides and strengthens us.

According to the Psalm in the previous verse, the psalmist recognizes God as his shepherd who cares, protects and guides his sheep. Thus we can understand that what keeps us on the paths of Justice is continuous divine guidance, provision and protection.

As for the Greek and Hebrew terms that are translated as justice, these convey the idea of ​​righteousness. Which clearly implies the faithful following of moral principles. This tells us that the paths of righteousness are marked out in accordance with Jehovah's justice to guide our lives with righteousness.

We must be like Jesus, who truly loved righteousness, since the better we know God, the closer we will feel him and the more we will love his justice. As a consequence, when we must make important decisions, we will let Him guide us through His word.

What will prevent us from straying from the paths of righteousness is, first of all, knowing the will of Jehovah and adjusting our minds to his standards. As we grow in knowledge of His principles and come to love, this love will act as a Barrier that will keep us within the paths of righteousness as we face decisions in life. As we value Jehovah's principles, we will be less inclined to stray from them and more motivated to follow his path of justice and righteousness.

Some ways God helps us stay on the paths of righteousness are as follows: First of all. His word: In Psalm chapter 119 verse 105, we see how God provides us with his word the Bible as a guide for our lives by studying and meditating on his teachings we better understand his will and how we should live.

In second place. His Holy Spirit: God gives us his holy spirit to guide us in truth and help us obey his commandments, the holy spirit strengthens us and enables us to live righteous and holy lives.

In third place. Our bond with him: Through prayer, we can receive direction, comfort and strength to face life's challenges and remain firm in our faith.

And finally. The organization: God's organization, is where we can receive mutual support, encouragement, counsel and loving correction when we stray from the paths of Justice.

What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?

Psalms 23:1. In that text David recognized that Jehovah is a great shepherd who helped and protected him. We can also have this same trust in Jehovah, and we do so by making Jehovah our refuge and our strength.

Psalms 23:5. It tells us about Jehovah's provision for his servants, symbolically represented as a table of spiritual food. This table includes resources such as publications, the Bible, meetings, and worship assemblies. However, it is important to note that we must also do our part in approaching this table such as making arrangements to attend and preparing beforehand. 

Psalms 23:4. It teaches us the Psalmist's confidence that Jehovah would always be at his side, even in the darkest and most difficult moments of life. This truth is a source of comfort and strength for us too, when we face difficulties or have to make important decisions, before seeking solutions on our own, it is essential to begin with prayer and seek guidance from Jehovah.

Psalms 24:3,4. It raises an important question about who can be in Jehovah's presence and in his holy place. The answer given is that of a pure heart. This teaches us that if we lead a life of hypocrisy or duplicity, our Worship would be in vain. God sees beyond our external actions and knows the state of our hearts. If our hearts are stained with sin or impure motives, our worship will not be acceptable to Him.

Psalms 23:1. He reminds us that when we are close to Jehovah, we will lack nothing. This statement leads us to reflect on the true satisfaction we find when serving God. The world often offers us promises of happiness and satisfaction through wealth, power, temporary pleasures, and human recognition. However, the Psalmist teaches us that by being close to Jehovah, we will experience a plenitude and peace that cannot be compared to the things the world offers. 

Psalms 23:4. There are times when, so to speak, we walk in the valley of deep shadow in the valley of deep shadow. For example, we may have found ourselves at death's door due to persecution or serious illness, or perhaps one of our loved ones has nearly died or actually died. During such dark times, our Shepherd accompanies us and protects us, gives us wisdom, and can put the right people on Our path.

Psalms 23:1. As we can see, David did not lack anything in a spiritual sense, he had everything he needed. His happiness did not depend on material things. He was satisfied with what Jehovah gave him. For David, the most important thing was to have the blessing and protection of his God.

Psalms 23:5. In ancient Israel, the host who offered lodging provided oil to anoint the heads of his guests. An interesting fact is that Jesus was once the guest of a Pharisee who did not anoint his head with oil or provide him with water to wash his feet. On that occasion, a sinner washed Jesus' feet with her tears and poured a special perfumed oil on her feet. Jehovah is a very hospitable host to his loyal servants, providing the oil of spiritual joy. And that is why Jehovah's people rejoice today.

Psalms 23:1. The same text teaches us that it is very important to have an adequate point of view of material things. It is true that we can enjoy the material goods we have, but we should not let them take first place in our lives.

Psalms 24:3,4. The words of this psalm make us think of ourselves as Witnesses, perhaps we think that by going to the kingdom hall we are automatically in good standing before God. The book, “The Kingdom is Now Ruling” says: We do not enter the spiritual temple by simply going to the Kingdom Hall, opening the Bible, or knocking on a door in the Ministry. Those are physical acts related to tangible things. Any person could be all of these without ever entering the temple of Jehovah. Therefore, not only can we enter the most sacred place of all, because this symbolic place is the way of worshiping Jehovah that he has established, and we can only enter by obeying all of his commands and directives that Jehovah has established in the Bible.

Psalms 24:5. Sometimes we are afraid that others will criticize us or that they won't like us, and that is dangerous, because by pleasing others we could fail God, so let's not worry excessively if everyone doesn't like us, what really counts is what Jehovah thinks of us.

Psalms 23:6. These words spring from a heart full of gratitude and faith. Now he was no longer a shepherd of sheep, now he was the king of Jehovah's chosen nation, the people of Israel, now he feels secure knowing that as long as he is close to his spiritual and heavenly shepherd, as close as if he would dwell in his house, You will always enjoy your loving protection. 

Psalms 25:1-3. These verses reinforce my trust in Jehovah. They teach me that Jehovah is like a protective shield against adversity for those who place their trust in him, so he gives us the security that we will never be disappointed.

Psalms 24:4,5. These verses show that Jehovah hates any false witness and anyone who walks in evil. However, he accepts all who show loyalty and act fairly. This teaches me that I must be that kind of person if I want to enjoy his blessings.

Psalms 24:1-3. These verses teach me that Jehovah is the creator of the earth and everything in it. So it is important to recognize Him as the one true god and the giver and sustainer of life.

Psalms 23:1. When we read this text perhaps we can ask ourselves: Why is God compared to a shepherd? Because the Middle Eastern shepherd takes great care of each of his sheep. Every day he calls them one by one by his name, he pats them affectionately and checks them for wounds. If someone is hurt, they like oil or some healing ointment. And if she is sick, you may have to force her to swallow the medicine and stay standing. Because if she stayed lying down, she could die. This tender image illustrates well the affection that God feels for those who come to him.

Psalms 23:4. This verse teaches me that Jehovah strengthens us in times of trial, and motivates me to have full confidence that when I go through difficult situations, Jehovah will give me either a way out or perhaps the strength to face my problems.

Psalms 23:6. This verse teaches me that Jehovah is loyal to his loyal servants. So as a true Christian, I must always remain in Jehovah's organization and live according to his righteous laws.

Psalms 23:5. This verse teaches me that Jehovah nourishes us spiritually. Today we know that he does this through the Bible, our Christian meetings and publications, and the assemblies. But he also teaches me that I will be nourished in that sense, as long as he has the desire to satisfy my spiritual needs.

Psalms 23:1. In this text David recognized that Jehovah is a great shepherd who helped and protected him. This teaches me that I must have this same trust in Jehovah, and consider him my refuge and strength.

Psalms 23:4. We see that despite facing the valley of deep darkness, the psalmist declares that he will fear no evil. This teaching shows us that faith in God enables us to overcome fear and anxiety. For this reason we trust that God will sustain and protect us, even in the most difficult moments.

Psalms 23:1. This text begins with the statement that "Jehovah is my shepherd." This metaphor implies an intimate and personal relationship between Jehovah and us. The lesson here is that we can trust Jehovah to guide us and provide for our needs, just as a shepherd cares for his flock.

Psalms 23:1. This verse establishes a profound statement of trust in God as the supreme caretaker of our lives. The use of the shepherd metaphor implies care, provision, guidance and protection, reminding us that we have no need for anything when we trust God to direct our lives. In the modern era where uncertainty and anxiety are common, this verse reminds us that we can trust God to meet our needs. He encourages us to depend on Him for guidance, provision, and protection in the midst of any challenges we face.

Psalms 23:4. This verse speaks of the security and comfort we find in the constant presence of God, even in the darkest and most difficult moments of life. The rod and the silence are instruments of the shepherd that symbolize his authority and protection over his flock in times of adversity, pain or difficulties. This verse assures us that God is with us, cares for us, and strengthens us. He reminds us that even when we face difficult situations, we can find comfort and courage in his constant presence and his unwavering love.

Psalms 24:8. The verse begins with the question: "Who is this glorious king?" In this text we see this question that invites us to reflect on the greatness and authority of Jehovah as king over the entire Earth. It reminds us of the importance of recognizing divine sovereignty in our lives and in the world.

Psalms 24:1. This verse establishes God's absolute sovereignty over all creation, recognizing that Jehovah is the supreme owner and ruler of all that exists, including the earth and everything in it. He as well as all the people who live there. Today in a world where we often seek security and control in our lives, this verse reminds us that everything belongs to God and is under his authority. He challenges us to recognize His sovereignty in all areas of our lives and to trust in His providence and Divine care.

Psalms 24:10. The verse leads us to recognize that God is the supreme king over the entire universe. He reminds us that he is the supreme ruler over the heavenly and earthly armies. Because of this, the reference to God as a glorious king urges us to give Him Glory and honor in our lives. He reminds us that his splendor and majesty are incomparable and deserve our respect and adoration.

Psalms 24:8. From this same text we can find another valuable Pearl, since the description of God as a glorious king evokes a sense of reverence and adoration. Which teaches us an important lesson and it reminds us that we must honor Jehovah and recognize his greatness and majesty. He invites us to give him reverence and respect, recognizing his supremacy over all things.

Psalms 23:3. This verse reminds us that in times of weakness, exhaustion, or discouragement, we can find renewal and strength from Jehovah. Instead of relying solely on our own strength, we can seek help and support from Jehovah.

Psalms 23:1. In this same text we can find another very valuable leg, since the psalmist does not simply say: Jehovah is the shepherd, but Jehovah is my shepherd. This statement highlights the importance of a personal relationship with God. The lesson is that each of us must cultivate our own relationship with Jehovah, seeking to know and trust him personally.

Psalm 23:4. This reading teaches us how Jehovah strengthens us in times of trial, and we can have full confidence that when we go through difficult situations Jehovah will give us a way out.

Psalm 23:5. This verse makes us see that Jehovah feeds us in a spiritual sense, through our meetings, publications, assemblies, so we can satisfy that desire to feed on Jehovah's table.

Psalm 23:6. This reading teaches us that Jehovah is loyal to his servants. So as a true Christian, we must always remain in Jehovah's organization and live according to his righteous laws.

Psalm 24:1-3. These verses show that Jehovah is the creator of the earth and everything in it. So it is important to recognize that Jehovah is the only true god and that through him we live on this beautiful planet called earth.

Psalm 24:4-5. This reading shows us that Jehovah hates any false witness, or so to speak, anyone who walks in evil. However, he accepts all those who show loyalty and act justly. Jehovah blesses those kinds of people, so we should strive to follow the true path.

Psalm 24:6. This text teaches us that everyone can seek Jehovah and that he is there to make friends, and that God's friends do his will and we trust that God will always be on our side.

Psalm 25:1-3. These verses read reinforce our trust in God, since he is like a shield that protects us from adversity, so we can have full confidence in him, since if we trust in him we will not be disappointed.

Psalms 25:14. The verse begins by mentioning that intimate friendship with Jehovah is for those who fear him. This fear is not a paralyzing fear, but rather a reverent respect and reverence for the greatness and holiness of God. It reminds us that our relationship with God must be based on deep respect and reverence for him.

Psalms 25:6-7. These verses show that Jehovah is merciful and that he is not concerned with our mistakes. So I learn that despite my sins, I have the opportunity to be reconciled to him, as long as I repent with all my heart.

Psalms 25:4-5. These verses show that it is important to walk in Jehovah's path and ask him to teach us so that we can make good decisions and benefit ourselves now and in the future.

Psalms 25:8. This verse teaches me that Jehovah's love for this sinful humanity is infinite. Hence, he wants to teach us the correct path to follow, so that things go well for us and we have his approval.

Psalms 25:5. The psalmist shows humility by asking Jehovah to guide him and teach him in his truth. This attitude of humility is essential to benefit from the word of God. This involves being willing to learn from and follow his standards, recognizing that his Word is eternal and applicable to all ages. For this reason we should not think that God's standards are out of date or not relevant or not relevant for our time, since his truth is timeless and guides us towards a life of righteousness and plenitude.

Psalms 25:7. The psalmist highlights a fundamental quality of Jehovah, which is that of being forgiving. This characteristic teaches us that when we sin, we must turn to God for forgiveness from Him. It is natural as human beings to fail and make mistakes, but Jehovah's mercy is infinite and he is always willing to forgive us when we sincerely repent.

Psalms 25:8. It teaches us that Jehovah does not delight in the death of sinners, which teaches us an important lesson about God's love and mercy. This teaching prompts us to have compassion for the people of the territory when we preach or when we share the word of God with others. It is essential that we do so with a heart full of love and compassion. This involves being patient, understanding if willing to offer support and guidance to those seeking to change their lives.

Psalms 25:15. This text shows how important it is to trust in Jehovah with the certainty that he will help us in any circumstance.

Psalms 25:16. This text shows that even faithful servants of Jehovah can be exposed and defenseless in the difficult situations and circumstances of this world. Therefore, it is important to go to Jehovah in prayer to ask him to give us the necessary strength to move forward, with the assurance that he will hear our pleas.

Psalms 25:14. This verse shows that we can all draw closer to Jehovah and he does not extend the invitation to be friends with him. So this is the best friendship we can have.

Psalms 25:9,10. These verses show that all of Jehovah's laws and principles are just, and those who obey them are objects of his loyal love and faithfulness. Therefore, they are considered meek and deserving of the fulfillment of his promises and blessings.

Psalms 25:14. This verse highlights the intimate and personal relationship that God has with those who fear and trust him. It reveals that God shares his thoughts and his covenant with those who seek him. With sincerity and reverence, the word intimate confidence suggests a deep level of communication and relationship. between God and his people based on fear and trust in him in our days This verse encourages us to cultivate a personal and deep relationship with God It reminds us that God will reveal his plans and purposes to us when we seek a sincere relationship with him it challenges us to go deeper in our relationship with God trusting in his day and direction in all areas of our lives.

Psalms 25:8. We see that through this verse, we learn about Jehovah's willingness to teach us. He is not only able to guide us, but He is also willing to do so. This is an expression of His love and care for us, through which we learn that Jehovah truly cares about the well-being of each of us. 

Psalms 25:4. The text shows an important lesson, which is that instead of relying on our own understanding, we should seek Jehovah's direction in our lives. This teaches us that it is wise to seek God's guidance in all areas of our lives since he knows the way better than we do.

Psalm 25:4-5. In this reading we notice that it is important to walk in God's path and ask him to teach us, so that we can make good decisions, so that he benefits us now and in the future.

Psalm 25:6-7. These verses help us see that Jehovah God is merciful and does not care about our mistakes, and that if we sin we have the opportunity to be reconciled to him again, if we repent with all our hearts.

Psalm 25:8.  This reading shows us that Jehovah gives sinners the opportunity to return to him and walk again in his path, since God's love is infinite and has no limits, it extends to all people, good or bad. .

Psalm 25:9-10. These psalms show us that Jehovah guides us in doing the right things through his word. So we can feel that love from him, towards us. It is up to us to obey him and comply with his laws so that God fills us with blessings now and in the future.

Psalm 25:14. This reading shows us that we can all get closer to God and he extends the invitation to us to be his friends. So this is the best friendship we can have.

Psalm 25:15. This text shows us how important it is to trust our father Jehovah, we must always be certain that he will help us in any circumstance, because he is a loving father who loves us.

Psalm 25:16. This text shows us that as Christians sometimes situations arise that can make us feel helpless, that is why it is important to go to Jehovah in prayer, and ask him to give us the necessary strength to move forward, and we can be sure that he will listen to our pleas. 

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