DAILY TEXT, Today's Friday, April 12, 2024, I feel disgusted with my life, I don't want to continue living (Job 7:16).

DAILY TEXT, Today's Friday, April 12, 2024, I feel disgusted with my life, I don't want to continue living (Job 7:16).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2024

Friday April 12, 2024

I feel disgusted with my life, I don't want to continue living (Job 7:16).

We all know that we will have problems in the last days (2 Tim. 3:1). At these times we may feel distressed and overwhelmed, especially if problems seem to come one after another or even several at once. But let us remember that Jehovah is watching over us and that with his help we can face any trial that comes our way. Let's look at the case of Job. In a very short time, this faithful man went through several terrible trials. In a single day, he learned that he had violently lost all of his livestock, his servants, and, what is worse, his beloved children (Job 1:13-19). Shortly afterward, while he was still coming to terms with his immense misfortune, he was attacked by a very painful illness that left him unrecognizable (Job 2:7). Jehovah was very aware of everything that was happening to Job. And, because he loved him, he gave him everything he needed to endure the trials and remain faithful. w22.08 11 paras. 8-10.

How does the Bible comfort us when we go through trials?

Jehovah does not communicate directly with us, as he did with Job. But he speaks to us through his Word, the Bible (Rom. 15:4). He comforts us by giving us hope for the future. Let's look at a few biblical ideas that comfort us when we have problems. In the Scriptures, Jehovah confirms that nothing—not even the most difficult trials—“will be able to separate us from the love of God.”​—Rom. 8:38, 39. He also promises us that he “is near to all who call upon him,” meaning that he hears their prayers (Ps. 145:18). Jehovah tells us that if we trust in him, we can endure any trial and even be happy when we suffer. (1 Cor. 10:13; James 1:2, 12) Furthermore, God's Word reminds us that our trials are temporary and short when compared to eternal life, the reward that Jehovah offers us (2 Cor. 4:16-18). Jehovah guarantees that he will eliminate the root of all our problems: Satan and all those like him. (Ps. 37:10) Have you memorized verses that will encourage you in the trials that may come your way?

What should we do to make the most of the help that Jehovah gives us through his Word?

To make the most of the help that Jehovah gives us through his Word, he hopes that we will make a habit of studying the Bible and reflecting on what we read. If we put into practice what we learn, our faith and our friendship with him will become stronger. And that will give us strength to endure. On the other hand, if we trust in his Word, Jehovah will give us his holy spirit. With that spirit, we will have “power beyond the ordinary” to endure any trial that comes our way (2 Cor. 4:7-10).

How does the spiritual food we receive through “the faithful and wise slave” help us endure?

With Jehovah’s support, “the faithful and wise slave” gives us many articles, videos, and songs that help us have strong faith and be spiritually vigilant. (Matt. 24:45) We have to make the most of all these spiritual gifts that arrive at the right time. Recently, a sister from the United States expressed her appreciation for all this spiritual nourishment. She said: “In the 40 years I have served Jehovah, my integrity has been tested time and time again.” This sister has gone through very difficult situations. A drunk driver killed her grandfather, her parents died from serious illnesses, and she herself has had cancer twice. What helped you endure? She explains: “Jehovah has always taken care of me. The spiritual nourishment that he gives us through the faithful and prudent slave has helped me endure. Thanks to that, I can say the same as Job: 'Until he dies, I will not give up my integrity!'” (Job 27:5).

How does Jehovah use our brothers to support us when we go through difficulties? (1 Thessalonians 4:9).

Jehovah has taught his servants to love and comfort one another in times of trouble (2 Cor. 1:3, 4; read 1 Thessalonians 4:9). Our brothers and sisters are like Elihu, wanting to help us be faithful when we go through difficulties (Acts 14:22). A sister named Diane saw it firsthand. When her husband became seriously ill, the congregation encouraged her and helped her stay spiritually strong. She says: “They were very hard months, but throughout that time we felt in the strong and loving arms of Jehovah. The congregation supported us a lot, they gave us everything we needed to get ahead: visits, calls, hugs... And, since I don't know how to drive, they organized everything so that I could go to the meetings and preach, whenever I could." Isn't it wonderful to be part of a spiritual family that treats us with so much love?

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