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Let us examine the scriptures every day 2024
Saturday April 13, 2024
Jehovah disciplines those he loves (Heb. 12:6).
Being disciplined can be very painful. We may think it is unfair or too harsh. We may also lose sight of something very important: that discipline is a demonstration of Jehovah’s love. (Heb. 12:5, 11) So accept the discipline and make the necessary changes. On more than one occasion, Jesus rebuked Peter in front of the other apostles (Mark 8:33; Luke 22:31-34). What shame Peter must have been through! But he remained loyal to Jesus, accepted the discipline and learned from his mistakes. And as a result, Jehovah rewarded his loyalty and gave him great responsibilities in the congregation.—John 21:15-17; Acts 10:24-33; 1 Pet. 1:1. It is worth looking beyond the shame of receiving discipline, accepting the correction, and making the necessary changes. If you do this, you will be more useful to Jehovah and his brothers. w22.11 21, 22 paras. 6, 7.
How did Bernardo feel at first when he was disciplined, but what helped him correct his thinking?
Let's look at what happened to Bernardo, a brother from Mozambique. He was old, but they discharged him. How did he feel at first? He says: “He was very hurt because I didn't like the discipline I received.” He was worried that the brothers in the congregation would think badly of him. Bernardo acknowledges: “It took me several months to see things from the correct perspective and to trust in Jehovah and his organization again.” What helped him?
Bernardo corrected his way of thinking. He explains: “When he was an elder, he used Hebrews 12:7 to help the brothers see Jehovah’s discipline in a positive light. Then I asked myself: 'Who has to put this verse into practice?' “All of Jehovah’s servants, and that includes me.” Bernardo did something else to reinforce his trust in Jehovah and in his organization. He spent more time reading the Bible and deep meditation. And although he still worried about what the brothers thought of him, he went out to preach with them and participate in their meetings. In time, he became old again. If you have received discipline, like Bernard, try to look beyond the shame of the situation, accept the advice, and make the necessary changes (Prov. 8:33; 22:4).c If you take these steps, you can be sure that Jehovah will reward you for not turning away from him or his organization.
What organizational change might have tested the loyalty of some Israelites?
When there are changes in the organization, our loyalty can be tested. If we are not careful, we could even drift away from Jehovah. Let's think about an organizational change that occurred with the arrival of the Law of Moses and that affected some Israelites. Until that moment, the heads of the family were the priests of their house; They built altars and made sacrifices to Jehovah on behalf of his people (Gen. 8:20, 21; 12:7; 26:25; 35:1, 6, 7; Job 1:5). But, with the arrival of the Law, the heads of families no longer had that honor. Jehovah appointed priests from Aaron's family to offer sacrifices. From then on, if a householder who was not a descendant of Aaron served as a priest, he could be killed (Lev. 17:3-6, 8, 9).d Was this change one of the reasons why Korah , Dathan and Abiram, and 250 leaders of the people rebelled against Moses and Aaron? (Num. 16:1-3). We cannot assure it. Be that as it may, Korah and the men who supported him were disloyal to Jehovah. What can you do if a change in the organization tests your loyalty?
What lesson do we learn from the example of some Kohatite Levites?
Wholeheartedly support organizational changes. When the Israelites traveled through the desert, the Levites of Kohath's family had a very special job. Each time the camp moved, some Kohatites carried the ark of the covenant in view of all the people (Num. 3:29, 31; 10:33; Josh. 3:2-4). Tremendous honor! But when the Israelites occupied the Promised Land, things changed. It was no longer necessary to move the Ark around. So during Solomon's reign, some Kohathites were singers, others were porters, and still others kept storehouses (1 Chron. 6:31-33; 26:1, 24). The Bible does not say that the Kohatites complained or demanded more prominent jobs, since they had had very special responsibilities in the past. What is the lesson? Wholeheartedly support the changes that Jehovah's organization makes, even if it affects what you were doing up to that point. Enjoy any work assigned to you. Remember that your value as a person does not depend on the responsibilities you have in the organization. To Jehovah, your obedience is more important than any assignment (1 Sam. 15:22).
How did Zaira feel when she had to leave Bethel?
Let's look at the case of Zaira, a sister from the Middle East. She greatly valued serving at Bethel, where she spent more than 23 years. But then she was reassigned as his special pioneer. She says: “That change was a very hard blow for me. She thought that she was good for nothing and asked me what she had done wrong.” Sadly, some brothers and sisters in her congregation made her feel worse because they told her, “If you had done things better, the organization would not have let you go.” For some time, Zaira felt so down that she cried every night. But she says: “I never doubted the organization or the love of Jehovah.” What helped you maintain good judgment?
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