DAILY TEXT, From today Wednesday, April 24, 2024, May the spirit fill you with fervor. Be slaves of Jehovah (Rom. 12:11).

DAILY TEXT, From today Wednesday, April 24, 2024, May the spirit fill you with fervor. Be slaves of Jehovah (Rom. 12:11).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2024

Wednesday April 24, 2024

May the spirit fill you with fervor. Be slaves of Jehovah (Rom. 12:11).

We cannot control everything that happens in our lives. So it is important to remember that what makes us valuable to Jehovah is not the assignments we have received. It is also of no use for us to focus on the assignments that some have and we do not (Gal. 6:4). Therefore, the best thing we can do is to continue looking for ways to serve Jehovah and help others. If we live a simple life and avoid unnecessary debt, we can make ourselves available to receive more responsibilities. Let's now set goals that will help us achieve other greater long-term goals. For example, if you want to be a regular pioneer, could you serve as an auxiliary pioneer for a time? Or, if you want to be a ministerial servant, could you spend more time preaching? All the experience you gain now can open the door to more assignments in the future. Whatever the case, resolve to do your best in your service to Jehovah. w22.04 26, 27 paras. 16, 17.

Why do we have to be flexible when we set goals?

We must be flexible when setting goals. Because? Because we cannot control everything that happens around us. For example, the apostle Paul had helped form the Thessalonica congregation, and probably had the goal of staying there for a time to support those new Christians. But his enemies forced him to flee from the city (Acts 17:1-5, 10). If he had stayed, he would have endangered the congregation. But Paul did not give up. Rather, he adapted to the circumstances and later sent Timothy there to strengthen the brothers' faith (1 Thes. 3:1-3). How happy the Thessalonians must have felt to see that Timothy was willing to go wherever it was necessary.

Explain with an example what can happen to our goals if circumstances change.

We can learn from Paul's example and what happened to him in Thessalonica. We may have set a goal in our service to Jehovah, but suddenly circumstances change and it is no longer possible for us to achieve it.​—Eccl. 9:11. What will we do? Let's think about another goal that is within our reach. That's what Ted and Hiedi did. A health problem forced them to leave Bethel. But because they loved Jehovah very much, they quickly looked for other ways to serve him. First they were regular pioneers, then they were appointed special pioneers, and Ted was trained to be a substitute circuit overseer. But then the age limit for circuit overseers changed, and Ted and Hiedi realized they could no longer have that assignment. Although they were a little discouraged at first, they knew that they could serve Jehovah in other ways. Ted says, “We have learned not to focus on just one way to do more for Jehovah.”

What does Beverley's example teach us? (See also the image).

We are never too old to set goals and achieve them. The example of a 75-year-old sister named Beverley is proof of this. Due to a health problem, she was not walking well. But she really wanted to participate in the Memorial campaign. What she did? She set specific goals, and when she achieved them she felt very happy. Her efforts motivated others to do more in the ministry. It is clear that Jehovah highly values ​​everything that older brothers do despite their limitations.​—Ps. 71:17, 18.

What are some spiritual goals we can set for ourselves?

Let's set goals that we can achieve. Let us develop qualities that please Jehovah. Let us acquire skills so that God and his organization can use us more. Let us find ways to do more for our brothers.d If we do all this, Jehovah will bless us and, like Timothy, our progress will be clearly seen by others. (1 Tim. 4:15)

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