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Let us examine the scriptures every day 2024
Sunday April 28, 2024
I will cause enmity between you and the woman (Gen. 3:15).
“The woman” could not be Eve. The prophecy says that the woman's offspring would crush the head of the serpent. The serpent is a spiritual being, Satan. Therefore, it is impossible for an imperfect human being, a descendant of Eve, to destroy Satan. So something more is needed. The last book of the Bible tells us who the woman in Genesis 3:15 is (Rev. 12:1, 2, 5, 10). She is not a woman of flesh and blood. She has the moon under her feet and on her head she wears a crown of 12 stars. Furthermore, she gives birth to a very special son, the Kingdom of God. Since the Kingdom is heavenly, women have to be too. She represents the heavenly part of Jehovah's organization, which is made up of faithful spiritual beings (Gal. 4:26). Thanks to the Word of God, we can also identify the main part of the woman's offspring. This offspring would come through Abraham (Gen. 22:15-18). w22.07 15, 16 paras. 6-8.
Who else is part of the woman's offspring, and when do they become so? and what will we see next?
Now, the woman's offspring would have a secondary part. The apostle Paul identified this part of the offspring when he wrote to anointed Christians, Jews and other nations: “If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to the promise” (Gal. 3:28, 29). . When Jehovah anoints a Christian with holy spirit, that person becomes part of the woman's offspring. Therefore, the descendants are made up of Jesus Christ and the 144,000 who will reign with him (Rev. 14:1). They all try to think and act like their Father, Jehovah.
We have already identified the characters of Genesis 3:15. Now we will briefly review what Jehovah has been doing to fulfill his words, and then we will see how this prophecy helps us today.
How was “the heel” of the woman’s offspring wounded?
Genesis 3:15 says that the serpent would bruise “the heel” of the woman's offspring. This was fulfilled when Satan incited the Jews and Romans to kill the Son of God (Luke 23:13, 20-24). A heel injury can leave someone unable to walk for some time. Similarly, Jesus' death temporarily sidelined him, and he was dead in the tomb for nearly three days (Matt. 16:21).
When and how will the snake's head be crushed?
For Genesis 3:15 to be fulfilled, Jesus could not remain in the tomb because, according to prophecy, the woman's offspring would crush the serpent's head. Therefore, the wound on Jesus' heel had to heal. And he was completely healed! On the third day after his death, Jesus was resurrected as an immortal spiritual being. And, when the time set by God arrives, he will crush Satan, put an end to him (Heb. 2:14). Those who rule with Christ will help him cleanse the Earth of all the enemies of God, the offspring of the serpent (Rev. 17:14; 20:4, 10).d
How does the fulfillment of this prophecy help us?
If you are a dedicated servant of God, the fulfillment of this prophecy is already influencing your life for good. Jesus came to Earth as a man and perfectly reflected the personality of his Father (John 14:9). Through his example, he has helped us to know and love Jehovah. Jesus has also helped us with his teachings and his way of leading today's Christian congregation. He has taught us to live a life that makes Jehovah happy. And even the wound on Jesus' heel—his death—can benefit us all. When he was resurrected, he offered the value of his blood as a perfect sacrifice that “cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
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