DAILY TEXT, From today, Sunday, April 21, 2024, What sign will there be of the conclusion of the system? (Matt. 24:3).

DAILY TEXT, From today, Sunday, April 21, 2024, What sign will there be of the conclusion of the system? (Matt. 24:3).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2024

Sunday April 21, 2024

What sign will there be of the system's conclusion? (Matt. 24:3).

Speaking of when the end of the Jewish system and “the conclusion of the system” in which we live would come, Jesus said: “No one knows the day or the hour, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son; only the Father.” Then he gave these advice to his disciples: “Keep awake” and “Always be vigilant” (Mark 13:32-37). The Jewish Christians of the first century had to be always vigilant. His life depended on them being. Jesus said to his followers: “When you see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies, then know that its devastation is at hand.” And at that time they had to flee to the mountains, just as he told them (Luke 21:20, 21). Those who followed Jesus' instructions fled before the Romans destroyed Jerusalem, and were saved. We are living in the time of the end of this evil system. Therefore, like the first Christians, it is necessary for us to maintain our good judgment and be vigilant. w23.02 14 paras. 1-3.

Why should we care about world events?

We have good reason to be interested in how world events are fulfilling the prophecies of the Bible. For example, Jesus mentioned several events that help us know that the end of Satan's system is near (Matt. 24:3-14). The apostle Peter also encouraged us to pay attention to the fulfillment of Bible prophecies so that our faith remains strong (2 Pet. 1:19-21). And the last book of the Bible begins with these words: “A revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to show his slaves the things that must shortly take place” (Rev. 1:1). So it is normal that we are interested in knowing what is happening in the world and how this fulfills the prophecies of the Bible. And we may even like to talk about these topics with our brothers.

What should we be careful about when we talk about Bible prophecies, and what should we do? (See also images).

When we are talking about the fulfillment of biblical prophecies, we must be careful. Because? Because we do not want to say personal ideas that could divide the congregation. For example, we may hear world leaders talking about what they are going to do to resolve a conflict and bring peace and security. Instead of thinking about whether this fulfills the prophecy of 1 Thessalonians 5:3, we should keep up to date with the latest releases. If everything we say is based on what Jehovah’s organization has explained, we will help keep the congregation united “in the same mind” (1 Cor. 1:10; 4:6).

What do we learn from 2 Peter 3:11-13?

(Read 2 Peter 3:11-13). The apostle Peter helps us maintain a balanced view when analyzing Bible prophecies. He encourages us to be “very attentive to the presence of the day of the Lord.” Because? It is not because we want to discover “the day and hour” when Jehovah will bring Armageddon, but rather because we want to use the remaining time to “perform holy acts of conduct and deeds of devotion to God” (Matt. 24:36; Luke 12:40). That is, we want to behave in the best way and ensure that everything we do for Jehovah is motivated by the deep love we feel for him. To achieve this, we must monitor ourselves.

What do we have to do to monitor ourselves? (Luke 21:34).

Jesus told his disciples to keep an eye not only on world events, but also on themselves. This was made clear in the warning found in Luke 21:34 (read it). Let's look at what Jesus said: “Watch yourselves.” What does it mean to monitor ourselves? Be attentive to all things that could damage our friendship with Jehovah and do everything possible to avoid them. In this way, we will remain in the love of God (Prov. 22:3; Jude 20, 21).

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