DAILY TEXT, From today Saturday April 20, 2024, You will see your Great Instructor with your own eyes (Is. 30:20).

DAILY TEXT, From today Saturday April 20, 2024, You will see your Great Instructor with your own eyes (Is. 30:20).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2024

Saturday April 20, 2024

You will see your Great Teacher with your own eyes (Is. 30:20).

These words were fulfilled when the Jews were liberated from Babylon. Jehovah demonstrated that she was his Great Teacher. Thanks to his guidance, the Jews managed to restore pure worship. Today, Jehovah is also our Great Teacher, and that makes us very happy. It is a great honor that Jehovah teaches us. Isaiah compares us to students being taught by Jehovah. He says: “You will see your Great Teacher with your own eyes.” In this comparison, the instructor is standing in front of the students. How does Jehovah teach us today? By organizing it. We greatly appreciate the clear teaching he gives us through his organization through meetings, publications, JW Broadcasting® programs, and many other ways. All this guidance helps us endure with joy in difficult times. w22.11 10 paras. 8, 9.

How do we hear God's voice behind us?

Isaiah shows the second way Jehovah teaches us by saying: “You will hear these words behind you with your own ears.” Now the prophet presents Jehovah as an instructor who walks behind his students, attentive to his steps and who guides them so that they know where they should go. How do we hear God's voice behind us today? Bible reading. In it the inspired words of God were written many years ago. So when we read it it is as if we heard the voice of Jehovah speaking to us from behind, from back in time (Is. 51:4).

What should we do to endure with joy, and why?

What do we need to do to make the most of the guidance that Jehovah gives us through his organization and his Word? Isaiah mentions two things. First he says, “This is the way,” and second, “Walk in it” (Is. 30:21). So it is not enough to know “the way”, we must also walk in it. Thanks to the Word of Jehovah and the explanations that his organization gives us, we learn what Jehovah expects of us and how to put into practice what he teaches us. We must do these two things to endure with joy in our service to Jehovah. Only then will we have the certainty that he will bless us.

According to Isaiah 30:23-26, how would Jehovah bless his people?

(Read Isaiah 30:23-26). How was this prophecy fulfilled in the past? The Jews who returned to Israel after the Babylonian exile received many blessings, both physical and spiritual. Jehovah gave them a large amount of physical food. But there was something more important. As pure worship was restored, he gave them more and more spiritual food. God's people of that time had never before enjoyed so many spiritual blessings. As verse 26 indicates, Jehovah made the spiritual light shine brightly (Isa. 60:2). Thanks to those blessings, his people had joy and strength to continue serving him. No doubt their hearts felt good (Is. 65:14).

How has the prophecy about the restoration of pure worship been fulfilled in our day?

Has the prophecy about the restoration of pure worship been fulfilled in our day? Of course. Since 1919, millions of people have freed themselves from Babylon the Great, the collection of false religions of this world. All of them have been taken to a place much better than the Promised Land: a spiritual paradise (Is. 51:3; 66:8). What is this spiritual paradise?

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