DAILY TEXT, From today Friday, April 19, 2024, I will listen to them (Jer. 29:12).

DAILY TEXT, From today Friday, April 19, 2024, I will listen to them (Jer. 29:12).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2024

Friday April 19, 2024

I will listen to them (Jer. 29:12).

As we read about how Jehovah cared for his loyal servants in the past, our hope grows ever stronger. All things in God's Word “were written for our instruction, so that through endurance and the comfort of the Scriptures we might have hope” (Rom. 15:4). Let us reflect on how Jehovah has fulfilled his promises. Let's think about what he did for Abraham and Sarah. Because of their age, they could no longer have children, but God promised them that they would have one (Gen. 18:10). How did Abraham react? The Bible answers: “He had faith that he would be the father of many nations” (Rom. 4:18). To a human being, it might seem hopeless, but Abraham was sure that Jehovah would fulfill his promise. This faithful servant of God was not disappointed (Rom. 4:19-21). Stories like this teach us that we can always trust Jehovah to be faithful to his word. w22.10 27 paras. 13, 14.

Why should we reflect on what God has already done for us?

Let us think about what Jehovah has done for us. Have we stopped to think about how some promises of the Word of God have already been fulfilled in our case? For example, Jesus promised that his Father would give us what we needed to live (Matt. 6:32, 33). Jesus also said that Jehovah will give us holy spirit if we ask him (Luke 11:13). Jehovah has fulfilled these promises. And most likely, other promises that He has fulfilled in our case will come to mind, such as forgiving us, comforting us, and giving us spiritual nourishment (Matt. 6:14; 24:45; 2 Cor. 1 :3). If we meditate on what God has already done for us, our hope for what he will do in the future will be strengthened.

Why is hope a valuable gift?

The hope of eternal life is a valuable gift from God. We are looking forward to that wonderful future and we have no doubt that it will be so. Hope is like an anchor because it helps us cope with trials, persecution, and even death. It is also like a helmet because it protects our mind and helps us reject what is bad and hold on to what is good. The hope that the Bible gives us brings us closer to God and is proof of the deep love he has for us. Keeping our hope strong and bright does us a lot of good.

Why do we rejoice in our hope?

In the letter that the apostle Paul wrote to the Christians in Rome, he told them: “Rejoice in hope” (Rom. 12:12). Paul could rejoice because he was sure that he would have eternal life in heaven if he remained faithful to Jehovah. We too can rejoice in hope because we are sure that Jehovah will fulfill his promises. As one psalmist said: “Blessed is he who […] puts his hope in Jehovah his God, […] who is always faithful” (Ps. 146:5, 6).

According to Hebrews 11:1, 6, what is the relationship between hope and faith?

Our hope will remain strong if we are close to Jehovah because he is the one who guarantees that it will come true. In fact, the Bible connects hope with faith that Jehovah exists and that he “rewards those who earnestly seek him.”​—Read Hebrews 11:1, 6. The more real Jehovah is to us, the more we will trust him to fulfill all of his promises. Let's see what we can do to deepen our friendship with him and thus keep our hope strong.

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