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Congregation Bible study (30 mins.) bt chap. 8 paras. 13-21.
13, 14. If you are studying the Bible but have not yet been baptized, what do you learn from Saul's example?
Saul's example teaches us the importance of acting quickly on what we learn from the Bible. Seeing Christ's miracle and experiencing his mercy personally, Saul did not hesitate to respond. Acts chapter 9 verse 20 tells how after his encounter with Christ on the road to Damascus, Saul was baptized and began to preach about Jesus in the synagogues, this act of immediate obedience highlights the need for a quick and decisive response to the truth that we have acquaintance.
Saul's case contrasts with others who witnessed miracles, but did not respond in the same way. In Mark chapter 3 verses 1 to 6, we see how the Pharisees saw Jesus heal a man with a paralyzed hand, but their reaction was apathy and even hostility Saul. However, he allowed his encounter with Christ to transform his life completely.
As we read in Philippians chapter 3 verse 8. Saul's example challenges us to overcome any human obstacle or fear and to prioritize our relationship with Jehovah above all other things, if we follow Saul's example, we will be willing to preach the message of Christ and prepare ourselves. for baptism, without allowing anything to stop us.
15, 16. What did Saul start doing in the synagogues, and in what ways did the Jews of Damascus react?
Saul began to preach about Jesus in the synagogues of Damascus, this action must have undoubtedly surprised, confused and even enraged the Jews who knew him as a fierce persecutor of the Followers of Jesus, his message challenged deep-rooted beliefs and traditions. religious of the Jewish community. In Acts chapter 9 verse 21, we see how the Jews asked themselves in disbelief. Is this not the man who fiercely attacked those who called on this name in Jerusalem?
As we see in Acts chapter 9 verse 22, Saul explained his change of beliefs using logic and reasonedly demonstrated that Jesus was the Christ. However, logic cannot always open hearts and minds closed by deep-rooted traditions or human pride. Despite Saul's efforts, three years later the Jews of Damascus were still against him.
As we see in Acts chapter 9 verse 23, the Jews went so far as to plan their deaths. Faced with this imminent danger, Saul was forced to flee the city discreetly aided by those who had become his disciples, this suggests that some of those who heard his message in the synagogues of Damascus accepted the truth. about Jesus.
17. a) In what ways do people react to biblical truths?
People's reaction to biblical truths can vary widely; some may accept them immediately while others may show skepticism, resistance, or even hostility.
Some may be receptive to logic and scriptural reasoning, while others may be so entrenched in their traditions or pride that they reject any attempt at persuasion.
Each individual's experience may be unique and their response may depend on a variety of factors such as cultural background, prior beliefs, or personal disposition.
17. b) What should we continue doing, and why?
Despite the various reactions that we may encounter when preaching biblical truths, it is important to maintain exemplary behavior and persevere in the effort in preaching.
Although some may reject our words. Our godly conduct and loving approach can influence them positively in the long term.
Furthermore, we must continue to perfect our methods of reasoning with others, using the scriptures as we are exhorted in Acts chapter 17 verse 2, where we see that through patience, perseverance, and trust in God's guidance, we can remain steadfast in our mission of share biblical truths.
18, 19. a) What happened because Barnabas stood up for Saul?
As we see in Acts chapter 9 verses 26 and 28, thanks to Barnabas standing up for Saul, the apostles in Jerusalem received Saul with open arms and accepted him as one of their own. This show of support and support was essential for Saulo's integration into the community.
Furthermore, Saul had the courage to boldly preach the gospel in Jerusalem, despite the risk of persecution from those who knew him as a persecutor of Jesus' disciples. However, when the situation became dangerous, the congregation helped him escape by cesarean section and then sent him to Tarsus for his safety.
18, 19. b) How can we imitate Barnabas and Saul?
We can imitate both Barnabas and Saul in various ways. Like Barnabas, we can take the initiative to support and help those new to their spiritual walk, this may involve preaching with them, teaching them, encouraging them, and helping them develop their preaching skills. By doing so, we can cultivate strong friendships and strengthen the relationship. unity within the congregation.
We can imitate Saul, accepting help and advice from those who are more experienced in the faith, recognizing our need for support, helps us grow spiritually and develop greater skill in preaching and ministry. By collaborating with other brothers and learning from his experience we can strengthen our faith and contribute more effectively to the advancement of the work.
“Many believed in the Lord” (Acts 9:31-43)
20, 21. How have God's servants of the past and present taken advantage of periods of peace?
The servants of God of the past and present have known how to take advantage of periods of peace to strengthen their faith, edify the congregation and advance in preaching.
As we see in Acts chapter 9 verse 31, after Saul became a disciple and escaped from Jerusalem, the congregation entered a period of peace in Judea, Galilee and Samaria. During this time the Apostles and other responsible leaders dedicated themselves to strengthening the faith of the disciples and directing the work well.
Peter, for example, encouraged the brothers in the city of Lydda, which resulted in the conversion of many inhabitants of the region.
In more recent times, Jehovah's Witnesses experienced a period of peace in many countries. At the end of the 20th century, the sudden disappearance of oppressive regimes and the removal of prohibitions against preaching work gave Jehovah's Witnesses the opportunity to preach openly, thousands and thousands of brothers took advantage of this opportunity and the results were spectacular with an increase significant in preaching and the growth of the congregation.
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