APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week April 15 to 21, 2024, Make return visits: PUBLIC PREACHING. (Making disciples: a work of love, Lesson 8 point 3). Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: April 15-21, 2024, Make return visits: PUBLIC PREACHING. (Making disciples: a work of love, Lesson 8 point 3). Prepared Assignment.

Make return visits (3 mins.) PUBLIC PREACHING. Offer a Bible course to a person who did not want to study with the Witnesses in the past (lmd lesson 8 point 3).

Publisher: Good morning, my name is MarĂ­a. I see that she has been looking at our posts for a while. If you want, you can take the one you like for free. 

Helper: Hello Maria. IM light. A long time ago they offered me some classes with a yellow book. But I don't see it here. I would like to have that book. 

Publisher: Surely it was the book "What does the Bible teach?" It was our manual for Bible courses. But now we have an updated and much more complete manual. It is the book «Enjoy life forever». Would you like to receive the course? 

Assistant: No. I just want the book. I can't imagine studying with you. 

Publisher: I understand. If you allow me, I would like to show you a very short video of what our Bible courses are like and you will see how beneficial it is to study the Bible and, above all, how easy and pleasant it is. Plus it doesn't commit you to anything. It is a course that adapts to the needs, time availability and circumstances of the person and that can also be suspended when you decide. This way you will not only have the book, but also the help to fully understand it.

Helper: Okay. 

Publisher: What do you think of our Bible courses now? 

Assistant: Well, I hadn't seen the video before. Everything seems very good to me. If you want, write down my address so I can visit me and tell me more about the course and show me the book. Seem to you?.

Publisher: I think it's excellent. Important decisions must be meditated upon. And there is nothing more important than Jehovah God and the truth of him. Being friends of God and leaving the spiritual darkness of this world is the best thing that can happen to anyone. 
