Monday, April 1, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week 1 to April 7, 2024, Make disciples: (Enjoy life forever! lesson 14 point 4). (Making disciples: a labor of love, Lesson 11 point 3)Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: April 1-7, 2024, Make disciples: (Enjoy life forever! lesson 14 point 4). (Making disciples: a labor of love, Lesson 11 point 3)Assignment Prepared.

Make disciples (5 mins.) lff lesson 14 point 4 (lmd lesson 11 point 3).

Publisher: Now we will analyze point number 4. It is wrong for us to use images in our worship because you think people like to have an image to praise God.

Helper: Well, I think that since God is invisible, they need to have a physical representation of him, to know that he is listening to them.

Publisher: Thank you for giving me your opinion. Now we are going to answer the question: How do we know that God does not like that? And for this we are going to watch a video. Does God want us to use images to worship Him?

Assistant: Okay.

Publisher: Given what we have observed, we can now answer the following question: What happened in Bible times when some of God's people worshiped Jehovah using an idol?

Helper: I remember that the act of using a calf to worship Jehovah ended up alienating them from him.

Publisher: And since we know that was the reason, remember that it happened later.

Helper: Yes, he says that he inspired his servants to write that Jehovah is a God who does not share his glory with images.

Publisher: Some people feel closer to God if they use images to worship Him. But won't they be pushing him aside by doing that? Now let's read what Exodus 20:4-6 says and then you can read what Psalm 106:35, 36 says.

Helper: Okay.

Publisher: The question we will answer is: What religious objects or images have you seen people use?

Helper: People use many things from places believed to be holy to figurines and images.

Publisher: The other question is what does Jehovah think about using images?

Helper: He doesn't like them because, as we mentioned before, the Bible wrote in his word that he would not worship sculpted images. But what if people do it with good intentions?

Publisher: Let's reread what Exodus 20 says but only verse 6.

Assistant: Okay, he says.

Publisher: What does Jehovah really love about people?

Helper: It says there that we obey his commandments. That really matters.

Publisher: Very good answer. The last question is: What do you think about using images?

Helper: Well, as we have studied, what we really want is for our worship to please Jehovah, so we must do it as he asks and not as we believe is best.

Publisher: Now let's move on to paragraph 5.

Assistant: Okay.

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