Watchtower Study, Week 25 to March 31, 2024, Jehovah will help you in bad times, Underlined Answers.

Watchtower Study, March 25-31, 2024, Jehovah will help you in bad times, Underlined Answers.

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“He is the stability of your times” (IS. 33:6).

1, 2. What problems can we as servants of Jehovah face?

OVERNIGHT, a tragedy can change our lives forever. Let's look at some examples. One day, a doctor told a faithful brother named Luis that he had a very rare type of cancer and that he only had a few months to live. Monika was very active in serving Jehovah along with her elderly husband . But one day she found out that he had been leading a double life for years. Olivia, who is single, had to flee her home because a large hurricane was approaching. When she returned, she found that her house was completely destroyed. In an instant, their lives were turned upside down. Has something similar happened to you?

2 Like everyone else , Jehovah 's servants suffer problems and get sick. Furthermore, we have to endure opposition or persecution from those who hate God's people. Of course, Jehovah does not prevent bad things from happening to us, but he has promised that he will help us (Isa. 41:10). With Him by our side, we can remain joyful, make good decisions, and remain loyal even in the worst situations. In this article we will look at four things that Jehovah does to help us deal with life's blows. We will also talk about what we should do to benefit from the help he offers us.


3. What might it cost us to do if we are going through a serious problem?

3 If we are going through a very difficult situation, it may be difficult for us to think clearly and make decisions . Because? Because pain may invade our hearts, and anguish and worries cloud our minds and we do not know what to do. This was how the two sisters mentioned in the first paragraph felt. Olivia says: “When the hurricane took my house, I was completely overwhelmed and lost.” Speaking about her husband's infidelity, Monika explains: “To say she was disappointed is an understatement. I felt like a dagger had been stabbed in my heart. She was not even able to do normal day to day activities. “I never thought something like this could happen to me.” How has Jehovah promised that he will help us when we feel that a situation is beyond us?

4. What does Jehovah promise us at Philippians 4:6, 7?

4 What Jehovah does. He promises to give us what the Bible calls “the peace of God” (read Philippians 4:6, 7). This peace is the calm and tranquility that we feel within ourselves thanks to having a valuable friendship with Jehovah. It is so wonderful “that it is beyond what any human being can understand” or imagine. Has he ever prayed very intensely to Jehovah and then been surprised to realize that he felt very calm? Well, that feeling is “the peace of God.”

5. How does “the peace of God” protect our minds and hearts?

5 Speaking about “the peace of God,” Philippians 4:7 also says that it will “protect their hearts and minds.” The original word translated “ will protect” was a military expression used to refer to soldiers who guarded a city so that it would not be attacked. Its inhabitants could sleep peacefully knowing that the soldiers were at the gates protecting the city. Similarly, when “the peace of God” protects our hearts and minds, we feel secure and at peace (Ps. 4:8). Even if the situation does not improve immediately, we can regain calm, at least to some extent, just as Hannah did (1 Sam. 1:16-18). And, then, it will surely become easier for us to think clearly and make good decisions.

6. What can we do to feel the peace of God? (See also images).

6 What we have to do. Just as the inhabitants of a city could ask a soldier to protect them, we too can ask Jehovah to protect us. Let us pray to him until we feel “the peace of God” (Luke 11:9; 1 Thes. 5:17). That's what Luis and his wife, Ana, did when they were told the bad news that he only had a few months to live. He explained: “You wouldn't imagine how difficult it is to make decisions about healthcare and other matters at a time like this. But prayer has been essential to preserve peace throughout this process.” They both said they prayed to Jehovah over and over again with great intensity, asking him to give them peace of mind, protection for their hearts, and wisdom to make good decisions. And they felt that Jehovah gave them to them. If you are in a complicated situation, do not stop praying. You will see how Jehovah gives you his peace and protects your heart and mind (Rom. 12:12).


A sister holds the hand of her husband, who is sick in bed, while he prays. There are little bottles of medicine on the nightstand. In one featured image there are two soldiers guarding a city gate. Pray until he feels that “the peace of God” protects your heart and his mind. (See paragraphs 4 to 6).


7. How might we feel if we are going through a very difficult situation?

7 If we are going through a very difficult situation, we may find it difficult to maintain balance and we may not think or react as we normally would. We may feel lost in a sea of ​​turbulent emotions , which are like waves hitting a ship , one after another . That 's what happened to Luis's wife when he died. She said: “Sometimes I felt an immense emptiness and I felt sorry for myself. But at other times I felt angry because Luis was no longer with me.” She also says that there were days when she felt alone and frustrated for having to make decisions about matters that Luis previously took care of very well. For her, it was like being in a storm in the middle of the sea. How does Jehovah help us when emotions drown us and we have trouble staying afloat?

8. What has Jehovah promised us in Isaiah 33:6?

8 What Jehovah does. He has promised that he will give us stability (read Isaiah 33:6). When a ship encounters a storm, it may begin to move abruptly from side to side. To counteract this, many boats have stabilizers on each side that extend below the water. Thus the sway of the boat becomes smoother and the passengers feel safer and more comfortable. Now, many stabilization systems work better if the boat is moving. In the same way, if we want Jehovah to give us stability when we go through serious problems, we must continue moving forward, that is, continue serving him faithfully.

9. How do the tools that Jehovah's organization gives us stabilize us? (See also images).

9 What we have to do. If we are in the middle of a storm of emotions, let's do our best to maintain a good spiritual routine. Of course, we may not be able to do as much as before, but let us remember that Jehovah is reasonable (compare Luke 21:1-4). Don't forget to make time for personal study and meditation. Through his organization, Jehovah has provided us with wonderful articles and videos that can help us maintain emotional balance. To find the ones he needs, he can use tools such as the JW Library® app, the Watch Tower Publications Index, and the Study Guide for Jehovah's Witnesses. Monika, mentioned before, explained that she used these tools when she saw the dark clouds of an emotional crisis coming. For example, she would sometimes look up the words anger, betrayal, or loyalty, and read information until she felt better. She says: “I would start typing with an anguished heart and at a thousand miles an hour, and I would end calmly, as if Jehovah had given me a hug. As she read, she realized that Jehovah understood well what I was feeling, and he was helping me.” Jehovah can also give you stability so that you can maintain your balance until the waters calm down. (Ps. 119:143, 144)


One sister does her personal study using the JW Library app and meditates on what she reads. In one featured image there is a boat in the middle of a storm with outriggers extending below the water. Our publications can help you not lose stability. (See paragraphs 8 and 9).


10. How might we feel when we suffer misfortune?

10 When we suffer misfortune, there will be days when we may feel very weak physically and emotionally. We may see ourselves as an injured athlete who used to run fast but now limps. Tasks that we previously did easily may become difficult for us or we may not feel like participating in activities that we previously liked. Like Elijah, we may just want to stay in bed and sleep (1 Kings 19:5-7). What does Jehovah promise to do when we feel weak?

11. What else does Jehovah do to help us? (Psalm 94:18).

11 What Jehovah does. He promises to sustain us (read Psalm 94:18). Just as an injured athlete needs help moving, we may need help to remain active in serving Jehovah. In those moments, he assures us: “I, Jehovah your God, hold your right hand; I am the one who tells you: 'Do not be afraid. I will help you'” (Is. 41:13). When King David faced various trials and enemies, he noticed that Jehovah was at his side, and that is why he said to him: “Your right hand upholds me” (Ps. 18:35). But how does Jehovah sustain us?

12. If we feel very bad, who can Jehovah use to help us?

12 Jehovah often supports us by motivating other people to help us. For example, David was once very discouraged, but his friend Jonathan came to visit him to strengthen and encourage him (1 Sam. 23:16, 17). And in the case of Elijah, Jehovah chose Elisha to offer him practical help.​—1 Kings 19:16, 21; 2 Kings 2:2. In our case, Jehovah can use our family, friends, or elders to support us. But it is true that, when we feel very bad, perhaps all we want is to be alone. And that is understandable. Now, what must we do to benefit from Jehovah's help?

13. What must we do to benefit from Jehovah's help? (See also images).

13 What we have to do. Let's fight the impulse to isolate ourselves. When we isolate ourselves from others, we tend to focus too much on ourselves and our problems. And that can lead us to make bad decisions (Prov. 18:1). Of course, we all need moments to be alone from time to time, especially when we suffer a tragedy. But if we seek to be alone for too long, we could be rejecting the very means that Jehovah is using to sustain us. So, even if it is difficult at that time, let us accept the help of our family, our friends and the elderly. Let us see them for what they are: the help that Jehovah is sending us to sustain us (Prov. 17:17; Is. 32:1, 2).


Two elderly people visit a couple in their home. In one featured image, a doctor is seen bandaging a man's ankle. He accepts help from his family, friends and elders. (See paragraphs 11 to 13).


14. What can scare us?

14 There may be times when we feel very scared. In the Bible, there are accounts of faithful servants of God who admitted that they were trembling with fear because of their enemies or other serious problems. (Ps. 18:4; 55:1, 5.) What about us? Are we suffering opposition from school or work colleagues, family members or government officials ? Are we facing the possibility of dying from a serious illness ? At times like this, we can feel as helpless as a small child. What is Jehovah doing to help us?

15. According to Psalm 94:19, what does Jehovah promise to do?

15 What Jehovah does. He comforts and reassures us (read Psalm 94:19). Let's think about a little girl who is scared and can't sleep because of a storm with lightning and thunder. Then her dad comes to her, puts his arms around her and calms her until she falls asleep. The storm is still raging , but she feels safe in the arms of her father. Similarly, when we are shaking with fear, we may need, so to speak, our heavenly Father to put his arms around us until we feel better. What must we do so that Jehovah can comfort us?

16. If we want Jehovah to comfort us, what must we do? (See also images).

16 What we have to do. It is important that we have the habit of spending time with Jehovah praying to him and reading his Word (Ps. 77: 1, 12-14). Thus, when we are in a tense situation, probably the first thing we think about is going to our heavenly Father . Let us talk to Jehovah about what worries and frightens us, and let him answer us and comfort us with the Scriptures (Ps. 119:28). There are parts of the Bible that can be especially encouraging at these times, such as the books of Job, Psalms, and Proverbs, and the words of Jesus in chapter 6 of Matthew. If you pray to Jehovah and read his Word, you will see how he comforts you.


A sister meditates on what she reads in the Bible. In one featured image, a dad is seen hugging his little daughter during a thunder storm at night. May his heavenly Father comfort him with the Scriptures. (See paragraphs 15 and 16).

17. What should we keep in mind?

17 Let us always keep this in mind: even in the worst moments of our lives, Jehovah will always be there to help us. He will never leave us alone (Ps. 23:4; 94:14). Let us remember that he has promised to protect us, give us stability, sustain us and comfort us. Isaiah told Jehovah: “You will protect those who rely completely on you, you will give them constant peace, for it is in you that they trust” (Isa. 26:3). So trust in Jehovah and take advantage of all the help he gives you. If he does it, he will have the strength to endure even the worst blows in life.


When might we need Jehovah’s help more than ever?

We may have a hard time thinking clearly and making decisions.

In a tragedy that can change our lives forever.

When pain invades our heart, and anguish and worries cloud our minds and we don't know what to do.

In what four ways does Jehovah help us when we go through difficult times?

He promises to give us peace of mind, protection, wisdom to make good decisions and through his organization, Jehovah has provided us with wonderful articles and videos that can help us maintain emotional balance.

What should we do to benefit from the help that Jehovah offers us?

It is important that we make a habit of spending time with Jehovah praying to him and reading his Word (Ps. 77:1, 12-14). 
