Watchtower Study, Week 11-17 March 2024, Are you ready for the most important day of the year?, Underlined Answers.

Watchtower Study, March 11-17, 2024, Are you ready for the most important day of the year?, Underlined Answers.

Yellow: Direct Response.

Dark Yellow: Additional Response.

Light Blue: Additional Points.

“Continue to do this in remembrance of me” (LUK. 22:19).

1. Why is the Memorial the most important day of the year? (Luke 22:19, 20).

FOR Jehovah's servants, the Memorial of Christ's death is the most important day of the year. It is the only ceremony that Jesus commanded to be performed (read Luke 22:19, 20). We are looking forward to that special day! Because? Let's look at some reasons.

2. What are some reasons we are looking forward to the Memorial?

2 The Memorial helps us meditate on the value of the ransom. It reminds us of some of the ways we can show our appreciation for Jesus' sacrifice (2 Cor. 5:14, 15). It also allows us to be with our brothers and encourage one another (Rom. 1:12). Every year, many inactive people attend the Memorial, and some of them are encouraged to return to Jehovah because of the love shown to them by the brothers there. Furthermore, many people are impressed by what they see and hear, and decide to start studying the Bible. Without a doubt, all of this makes the Memorial a very special occasion for us.

3. How does the Memorial allow us to see the unity that exists among Jehovah's people? (See also the image).

3 We also look forward to that day because it is an opportunity to see the unity that exists in Jehovah's people. All over the world, Jehovah's Witnesses gather as the sun sets in each location. We all listen to a speech highlighting the importance of the rescue, sing two songs, pass the bread and wine, and heartily say “amen” to four prayers. In a matter of about 24 hours, all congregations will have done the same. Can we imagine how happy Jehovah and Jesus must feel to see us honoring them around the entire planet?


Images of brothers and sisters on Memorial Day around the world, preparing for and celebrating this very special occasion. 1. In Puerto Rico, a family watches special morning worship. 2. In Italy, a couple who are preaching give an invitation to a man. 3. In Kenya, two brothers read a Bible text to a man. 4. In Georgia, a sister and her little daughter make bread following the instructions in the video “How to Make Memorial Bread.” 5. In India, several brothers and sisters clean the Kingdom Hall and prepare the table with bread and wine. 6. In Thailand, a brother welcomes a man to the Kingdom Hall. 7. In Japan, a brother passes unleavened bread to a sister during the Memorial. In the Memorial we see the unity that exists in Jehovah's people. (See paragraph 3). 

4. What will we see in this article?

4 In this article we will answer the following questions: how can we prepare our hearts for the Memorial? How can we help others benefit from it? And how can we help the inactive? Analyzing these ideas will allow us to be ready for that important occasion.


5. a) Why should we meditate on the value of the ransom? (Psalm 49:7, 8). b) Mention what you learned from the video Why did Jesus die?

5 One of the most important ways to prepare our hearts for the Memorial is to meditate on the value of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. a). We alone could never have freed ourselves from sin and death (read Psalm 49:7, 8; also see the video Why Did Jesus Die?). So Jehovah decided that his dear Son would give his life for us, and they both paid a very high price (Rom. 6:23). The more we meditate on what Jehovah and Jesus sacrificed for us, the more we will value the ransom. Next, let's look at some of the things that Jehovah and Jesus were willing to do for us. But first, let's talk about what the rescue entailed.

b). In the video we learn about the fundamental reason behind Christ's sacrifice. His death was necessary to redeem us from sin and death, thus showing Jehovah's unconditional love for humanity, as we see in Romans chapter 6 verse 23.

6. What did the rescue entail?

6 A ransom is the price paid to buy back or recover something. The first man, Adam , was perfect when he was created. But, when he sinned , he lost the chance to live forever and he also took that chance away from all of his children. To buy back what Adam had lost, Jesus offered his perfect life as a sacrifice. During all his time on Earth, Jesus “committed no sin, nor was there deceit in his mouth” (1 Pet. 2:22). When he died he was perfect, so his life had the same value as the life Adam had lost (1 Cor. 15:45; 1 Tim. 2:6).

7. Name some trials that Jesus faced.

7 While on Earth, Jesus obeyed his heavenly Father in everything even though he faced many trials . As a child, he had to accept the authority of his imperfect human parents even though he was perfect (Luke 2:51). As a teenager , he may have had to resist pressure from others who wanted him to disobey his parents or stop being faithful to Jehovah. And as an adult, he had to confront Satan, who tempted him and even tested his loyalty to Jehovah directly. (Matt. 4:1-11) Satan was determined to make Jesus sin so that he could not pay the ransom.

8. What other trials did Jesus endure?

8 During his ministry, Jesus endured other trials . For example, his enemies pursued him and threatened to kill him (Luke 4:28, 29; 13:31). He had to deal with the imperfections of his disciples (Mark 9:33, 34). At the trial in which he was sentenced to death, he was tortured and mocked. Then they executed him as if he were a criminal and he suffered greatly (Heb. 12:1-3). And, when he was about to die , Jehovah withdrew his protection from him, so he had to endure the final part of the trial alone (Matt. 27:46).

9. How do we feel when we think about Jesus' sacrifice? (1 Peter 1:8).

9 It is clear that Jesus paid a very high price to rescue us. When we think of all the sacrifices Jesus was willing to make for us, our hearts fill with love for him (read 1 Peter 1:8).

10. What was Jehovah willing to sacrifice to rescue us?

10 What was Jehovah willing to sacrifice so that Jesus could pay the ransom ? As we know, there is no closer relationship than that which Jehovah has with his Son (Prov. 8:30). So let's think about how Jehovah must have felt seeing Jesus going through so many trials here on Earth. It surely hurt him a lot to see that his son was mistreated, despised and made to suffer so much.

11. What example helps us understand how Jehovah must have felt when Jesus was executed?

11 Those who have lost a child know the indescribable pain that is felt when going through that experience. Although we have great faith in the resurrection, that does not erase the pain we feel when someone we love dies. This example helps us understand how Jehovah must have felt on that day in the year 33, when he saw his beloved Son suffer and die (Matt. 3:17).

12. How can we take advantage of the time until the Memorial?

12 Why not use the time until the Memorial to study more about the rescue in your personal study or in family worship? Use the Study Guide for Jehovah's Witnesses or other publications to discover more details on this topic. Also, follow the Memorial Bible reading in the Christian Life and Ministry Meeting Activity Guide. And don't forget to watch the special morning worship for Memorial Day. If we prepare our hearts for this occasion, we can help others benefit from it (Ezra 7:10).

Ideas to study

To deepen our study of rescue, we could seek the answer to questions like these:

Why was the rescue necessary? Why didn't Jehovah simply forgive Adam and Eve?

Why was Jesus the ideal person to come to Earth and save us?

What blessings do we have now thanks to the rescue?

What blessings will we have in the future thanks to the rescue?


13. What is the first thing to do to help others benefit from the Memorial?

13 How can we help others benefit from the Memorial? To start, you have to invite them . In addition to distributing invitations in the service, perhaps we can make a list of people we would like to invite , such as our family members, coworkers, schoolmates, and other acquaintances. If we run out of paper invitations, we can send a link to the digital version. Who knows how many decide to attend! (Eccl. 11:6).

14. What experience shows what we can achieve when we personally invite someone?

14 Let us never underestimate what can be achieved with an invitation. One day, a sister was surprised when her husband , who is not a Witness, told her that he was going with her to her Memorial. Why was she so surprised? Because she had asked him many times for her to attend, but she had never done so. Why did she change her mind ? He explained to her that an old man she knew had given her an invitation personally. The husband went that year and many more.

15. What should we remember when we invite someone to the Memorial?

15 Let us remember that when we invite someone to the Memorial, they may have some questions, especially if they have never attended our meetings. That is why it is good for us to think about the doubts he may have and how we would respond (Col. 4:6). For example, you may wonder: “What do they do there? How long does the meeting last? How should you be dressed? Do I have to pay something to enter? Are money collections made?” So we could ask our guest if he has any questions and explain what he wants to know. We can also use the videos Let's remember the death of Jesus and What are our meetings like? In addition, lesson 28 of the book Enjoy Life contains some ideas that we can discuss with the person.

16. What other questions might arise for someone attending the Memorial?

16 After attending the Memorial, a person may have more questions. You may wonder why no one (or almost no one) partook of the bread and wine. You may also be wondering how often we celebrate the Memorial. And you might want to know if all our meetings do the same thing. Although many of these things are discussed in the Memorial talk, the person may need a more detailed explanation. To answer some of his questions we can use the article “Why do Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate the Lord's Supper differently from other religions?” We want to do everything we can before, during, and after the Memorial to help those with “the right attitude” benefit from this special occasion.​—Acts 13:48.


17. How can the elderly help the inactive? (Ezekiel 34:12, 16).

17 How can elders help the inactive during the Memorial season? Showing them interest and affection (read Ezekiel 34:12, 16). Elders, before the Memorial, contact as many as possible. Tell them that you care about them and want to do everything you can to help them. Invite them to the Memorial and, if they attend, receive them with love. After the Memorial, keep in touch with these dear brothers and give them the spiritual help they need to return to Jehovah.​—1 Pet. 2:25.

18. How can we all help the inactive? (Romans 12:10).

18 All the brothers in the congregation can help the inactive ones who attend the Memorial. How? Treating them with love, kindness, and respect (read Romans 12:10). Let us remember that those dear sheep of Jehovah may have found it difficult to return to a meeting. They may have been worried about how the brothers would receive them. Therefore, let's not ask them questions that make them uncomfortable or say anything that might make them feel bad (1 Thes. 5:11). They remain our dear brothers, and we are glad to return to worshiping Jehovah with them.​—Ps. 119:176; Acts 20:35.


Series of images: 1. An inactive brother carrying an old Bible and songbook in his hand approaches a Kingdom Hall, but for the moment he does not dare to enter and stares from afar at the brothers who arrive to celebrate the Commemoration. 2. Later, the inactive brother is inside the Kingdom Hall conversing animatedly with another brother.

How did the congregation react?

“I was ashamed to return to the Kingdom Hall. I was worried about how they would react to seeing me. But one of the older sisters, who she hadn't seen in 30 years, said to me: 'Welcome home, son!' She touched my heart. I really felt like she had come home” (JAVIER).

“I went to the Kingdom Hall and sat in the back row to go unnoticed. However, many recognized me from when I attended as a child. They welcomed me and hugged me with so much love that I felt enormous peace. It was like I had come home” (MARCO).

19. What are the benefits of commemorating the death of Jesus?

19 In view of everything we have analyzed, we are not surprised that Jesus commanded us to commemorate his death every year. Doing so benefits us and others in many ways (Isa. 48:17, 18). It helps us love Jehovah and Jesus more. It gives us the opportunity to show how grateful we are for what they have done for us. It brings us closer to our brothers and allows us to help others know what they need to do to enjoy the blessings that the rescue makes possible. Therefore, let us strive to be ready for the Memorial, the most important day of the year.


How can we prepare our hearts for the Memorial?

Studying, meditating more on Jesus and the rescue, and preparing the heart. 

The study guide and the Bible reading for the commemoration can help us.

Striving to be at peace with our neighbors, and listening to the morning worship of the day of remembrance.

What can we do to help others benefit from the Memorial?

You have to invite them. In addition to distributing invitations in the service, perhaps we can make a list of people we would not like to invite, such as our family members, coworkers, schoolmates, and other acquaintances.

If we run out of paper invitations, we can send a link to the digital version.

In what ways can we help the inactive?

Elders are reminded to contact them with kindness and respect, inviting them to the commemoration. 

Not judging them, avoid ignoring us or looking at us badly.

If we see them on the street, we can greet them, since some feel that they are treated as expelled. In the commemoration, greeting each other with affection and respect, avoiding impertinent or sarcastic comments, also avoiding accusatory or contemptuous looks, instead giving them a welcome quality.
