Friday, March 8, 2024

Watchtower Study, Trust in Jehovah and you will overcome fear, Week 4 to March 10, 2024, Comments and Responses.

Watchtower Study, Trust in Jehovah and you will overcome fear, March 4-10, 2024, Comments and Responses.

TEXT OF THE YEAR 2024: “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you” (PSA. 56:3).

1. Why can we feel afraid from time to time?

We may feel fear from time to time due to various reasons, such as the frightening scenes we witness in the world, such as wars, crimes and diseases, which can lead to insecurity and fear.


The Bible urges us not to be afraid of all this that is happening. In addition, fear can arise from personal situations, how to face difficult trials, worries about the future, or fears related to people who may oppose our faith.

Despite the circumstances around us, it is important to remember that trusting in Jehovah can help us overcome those fears and remain calm.

And we may also perhaps be afraid of perhaps not being able to withstand some trial that we are going through now or that we will go through in the future.

That is why, as we have seen, it is normal that many of us are afraid of all those situations that have been discussed and with good reason the text that is quoted from Luke 21:11 and when it talks about frightening scenes it says that this expression is derived from a Greek verb. which means to fear and is only used on this occasion in the Christian Greek writings only on this occasion and from what is seen he says that they should be terrifying events as we all have seen for example with the last pandemic with the wars that are going on. happening right now we are seeing frightening scenes and that is why it is normal for us to be afraid.

2. What happened when David arrived in Gath?

When David arrived in Gath, he was recognized as a powerful Warrior who had killed many Philistines, which made him very afraid. To escape, David pretended to be crazy and managed to get out of that situation. 


Fleeing to Gath, David was identified as a skilled fighter who had defeated numerous Philistines, which made him afraid that this would lead to his life when King Akis found out.

And it is understandable that he will be afraid because he was in Goliath's town and he himself had killed his hero, so it is normal that he would feel panic.

We begin to meditate on David, such a brave man who demonstrated during his life, even as a young man, the courage he had as he trusted in Jehovah and it has even been said that he killed Goliath and on many occasions he felt afraid, because how can we not feel afraid? in some moments of our life due to health problems, etc., then well, at the end of the paragraph it tells us what David did to overcome those fears that he had, because the Watchtower is going to help us because the moment we are afraid, we can put these tips in practice.

3. According to Psalm 56:1-3, 11, what helped David overcome his fears?

In these verses, David expresses his trust in God and recognizes that he places his trust in him and will not fear what man can do to him. This trust in Jehovah gave David the strength necessary to overcome his fears and face the dangerous situations in which he found himself.


Well, although David was afraid, as we just read in Psalm, he trusted in Jehovah and he says that having done that, trusting in Jehovah went very well for him. He says that he came up with a plan that was to pretend to be crazy and that helped him being able to escape because it went from being a simple threat to being just a simple annoyance.

For example, David expresses his security in Jehovah and affirms that he places his trust in him. Therefore, he will not fear what man can do to him. This faith in God gave David the strength required to overcome his fears and face the dangerous situations he faced.

Yes, in the story 1 Samuel 21 from 13 to 2:2 there it mentions how David pretended to be crazy and he did it very well, he started scribbling on the doors, it made him drool, he played that role of being crazy extremely well, When they took him before the king he said why are you bringing this man to me if he is fatal, what is he going to do against me, so with Jehovah's blessing he was freed from that.

It seemed very curious to me that all the fear that David felt was not because something had already materialized, but rather paragraph two said that it was just thinking about what the king could do to him, but what did he do? I trust in Jehovah, this makes me think that Perhaps we do not have a material physical fear yet at our side but simply our thoughts, but we must do the same as David, trust in Jehovah and he will always help us.

And this Psalm 56:11 says that it can make me a simple human being, the point is that it is because he had a much broader vision than an ordinary man, he knew that even if a man could kill him, he knew that Jehovah was there to help him and to resurrect to have confidence in him, Maybe we cannot see how the people of the world simply but realize that we have to see things in a general and global way as Jehovah wants us to see them.

4. How can we strengthen our trust in Jehovah? Give an example.

The example that can help us understand how we can strengthen our trust in Jehovah is when we are sure that a doctor is competent, since he demonstrates it with his experience and reliability that he has demonstrated in the past. Likewise, we can strengthen our trust in Jehovah by remembering and meditating on God's past actions, what he is doing in the present, and what he promises to do in the future, just as David did in Psalm 56.


What is also mentioned is that when you are explaining your situation to the doctor in this illustration, because the doctor is attentive, he is listening very carefully and he is putting himself in your own shoes, he is understanding what is happening, that is, apart from the knowledge and The skills you may have as a doctor and the experience are also the interest and that is also something that we can see in the case of Jehovah as we will see in its application.

Yes, something that can help us is to meditate, trust in what he has done, Jehovah has done in the past in what he is doing and what he can also do for us, not as he also did with David.


5. What did David meditate on to overcome his fear? (Psalm 56:12, 13).

David meditated on the good things that Jehovah had done in the past to overcome his fear, for example, he meditated on creation, on what God had done for others, and he also meditated on what God had done for him. So meditating on all this helped David to trust in Jehovah wholeheartedly. 


For example, he spent time observing creation and how God had treated other servants and how he had protected them. Also something that helped him overcome his fear was that he experienced the care that Jehovah himself had given him when his life was in danger.

What Jehovah had done in the past, the creation that could meditate what he had done for other servants of old and what he would do for him. 


Images of David reflecting on the ways in which Jehovah had helped him and was helping him. 1. As a young man, David uses a stick to fight a bear that is attacking him. 2. He stretches out his hands so that Ahimelech gives him Goliath's sword. 3. They anoint him with oil. David strengthened his trust in Jehovah by focusing on what he had done, what he was doing, and what he would do. (See paragraphs 5, 8 and 12).

6. In the face of fear, what will help us trust in Jehovah?

In the face of fear, it will help us to trust in Jehovah by remembering what he has done in the past, both in creation and in the lives of his servants. By reflecting on how Jehovah cares for his creations, such as birds and flowers, we can strengthen our faith that he will also care for us, his children. 


Furthermore, by analyzing the examples of faith of Biblical figures and the experiences of contemporary servants, we can find inspiration to trust in Jehovah in the midst of our own struggles and fears.

And another thing that is recommended to us is to analyze the example of faith of some ancient character or the experience of some servant of Jehovah and there in the asterisk we are given some advice that is to find information we can go to the page and put in the lupita examples of faith or experiences and there we will find some action with which we can feel identified.

We are encouraged to think about how Jehovah has cared for us until now, for example the question is asked how he has answered our prayers and other times we have been encouraged to take note of those answers and if so we have a kind of list of those times that Jehovah helped us. He has been answering things that worried us because it is a way of remembering how he has taken care of us.

Yes, at the end of the paragraph it is mentioned Well, something that we have very much in mind now is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and how that benefits us we also have to meditate on it.


Images of a brother in prison reflecting on the ways in which Jehovah has helped him and will continue to help him. 1. Study the Bible with a brother. On the table there is an ashtray and some cigarettes. 2. Read a letter in his cell. 3. In Paradise, he teaches a resurrected Israelite about Jehovah. We strengthen our trust in Jehovah by focusing on what he has done, what he is doing, and what he will do. (See paragraphs 6, 9, 10, 13 and 14). and

7. How did the experience of the prophet Daniel help Vanessa?

The experience of the Prophet Daniel helped Vanessa overcome her fear as she remembered how Jehovah rescued Daniel from the lions' den, despite having done nothing wrong. This gave her confidence that Jehovah would also protect her in her difficult situation.


Well, for her, meditating on how Daniel was thrown into a den of lions without having done anything for the mere fact of being faithful to Jehovah and not wanting to stop praying for 30 days and seeing how Jehovah made sure that he did not have a single scratch strengthened her. And what she says is very nice, not because it was a very unfair situation that she was suffering, but she says that she poured out her heart to Jehovah, told him that he had already done everything in his power to protect himself and now what he was doing was to put her trust in him and after that she stopped being afraid.

And this experience of Daniel made Vanessa think that, just like Daniel, who was in a difficult situation, Jehovah protected him. If she did everything in her power to remain loyal to Jehovah he would act to protect her from her.

And she also took an action apart from praying to Jehovah because what was on her side was also to put into practice the suggestions she took because it was to talk to the elders and because they would give her practical advice as well if even what she said was to approach the authorities. That is, within what she could humanly do, because logically she put it into practice, apart from praying to Jehovah, because what was in her part, she also put it into practice.


8. What was David convinced of? (Psalm 56:8).

David was convinced that Jehovah was caring for and protecting him, and he also knew that Jehovah knew his feelings. Knowing that he was not alone helped him to be confident and calm despite the difficult situation he was facing.


The same thing happens with us today. Jehovah knows why we shed our tears and knows everything we suffer, especially when we try to be faithful and loyal to him, and he remembers all this with great affection and he also values ​​it very much.

Despite the threatening circumstances David found himself in when he was in Gath, he trusted that God was present in his life, providing direction and protection at all times. This conviction in Jehovah's presence and care allowed David to remain calm and confident in the midst of adversity.

We do also see that it was very beneficial for him to find help and encouragement because they gave him friends like Jonathan and also the high priest Ahimelech, because it says that Jonathan told David to leave in peace because the two had sworn in the name of Jehovah and that Jehovah would always be his witness between him and between the two, so it was a very great confidence that he would not be alone.

9. What is Jehovah aware of with each of us?

Jehovah is aware not only of the circumstances we face, but also of our feelings and emotions in the midst of those situations. Just as in the past God showed understanding and care towards his servants in times of suffering and anguish, so today he is aware of our struggles and afflictions. 


The knowledge that Jehovah knows our difficulties and cares about us can give us comfort and strength to face our fears and challenges with confidence in his love and care.

Jehovah not only knows what we are going through but he also knows better than anyone how we feel. An example of this is what we have in Isaiah 63:9 in which we read that Jehovah came to the point of feeling anguished by the consequences of the bad decisions he made. His town.

The paragraph makes a good summary when it says that it is comforting for us to know that Jehovah understands us perfectly and knows perfectly how we feel because we are sure that he will help us.

10. What convinces you that Jehovah cares about you and will always be there for you?

What convinces me that Jehovah cares about us is that we have experienced his help and guidance in our lives. For example, he has answered our prayers, he has given us comfort when we are in difficult times and we also see that he uses the brothers to encourage us, because he knows what our feelings are when we are going through difficulties.


Well, the question in this paragraph is interesting because perhaps sometimes we are going through such a difficult situation or an illness that we do not see that help. Maybe we only ask Jehovah to help us, but we are not knowing how to see that help that Yes, perhaps it is reaching us, so it is interesting that it says that we ask Jehovah to help us to see how he helps us, perhaps because of a speech that has been given, something that we have read that is encouraging us and also because of the help that he has given us. The brothers in the congregation say that sometimes when we are so bad we can overlook it.

And we have an example in the Bible in Second Kings 6 from 15 to 17 how Elisha asked Jehovah to open the eyes of his servant and he could see all the angels that were there, it does not mean that Jehovah placed them at that moment but that They were there but he helped his servant see that they were there, it opened his eyes.

Furthermore, by recognizing the positive impact of the scriptures, meetings, and support of our brothers on our spiritual lives, we can affirm the conviction that Jehovah cares for each of us personally and is always available to provide us with help and comfort. .

Many of us who have been in the truth for years have seen the hand of Jehovah on many occasions and this has helped us to endure or overcome difficulties, so when perhaps we are preaching or are with brothers who have been in the truth for less time, tell him about our experience, tell him How Jehovah helped us and strengthened us in difficult situations, because this will undoubtedly also strengthen the brothers and they will see that within the congregation they also find support and encouragement from all the brothers in the congregation to be able to move forward and cope. also the difficulties.

11. What helped Aida overcome her fears?

What helped the sister is knowing that Jehovah knows very well the situation we are going through, and also knows our feelings. Something else that helped her is always having the confidence to pray and seeing how he answered prayers made her this trust was complete toward Jehovah. Thus she was able to overcome his fears that arose due to the opposition of her family.


Aida, a sister from Senegal, was able to overcome her fears by focusing on how Jehovah was helping her in the midst of her difficult situation. Despite the pressure from her family and the criticism she received for her decision to simplify her life in order to pioneer her, Aida found comfort in observing the help and support she received. of God. Her trust in Jehovah was strengthened by her recognition that, despite her challenging circumstances, she could count on divine love and guidance in her life.

Furthermore, praying with confidence and observing how Jehovah responded to his needs gave him inner peace and the ability to overcome his fears.

She went through a very complicated situation, but little by little she began to trust even more in Jehovah. She says that she listened to the things they told her and that she began to pray to Jehovah and that made her have inner peace and then the same paragraph comes to us. saying that over time he found another type of job, but it was nothing immediate, that is, the situation remained the same for a while and praying to Jehovah and trusting him was what really gave him the peace and tranquility to be able to overcome his fears. .

And the phrase that this sister comes from a speech is very beautiful, that Jehovah knows very well all the wounds that we carry in our hearts, it is that we are seeing what Jehovah is doing for us now, at the beginning we saw the example of that doctor who listens to us and understands us because Jehovah also listens to us, understands us, knows what we are going through, understands, even feels the things that we are feeling in his heart, so feeling Jehovah in this way so close makes him see as this close friend to the that we can tell her things and for that we have prayer as has been mentioned and without a doubt this was a help for the sister and can be for us.


12. According to Psalm 56:9, what was David sure of?

According to Psalm 56:9, David was sure that God would rescue him at the right time. David was sure that God would rescue him at the right time. In the midst of a life or death situation, David trusted God's promise to intervene on his behalf and protect him.


This certainty in Jehovah's faithfulness and power allowed David to face his fears with courage and confidence that God would keep his word.

As verse 9 ends by saying, he was sure that Jehovah was on his side and that Jehovah had already anointed him as the future King of Israel. So he was totally convinced that Jehovah would protect him so that he could fulfill his promise.

13. What do we know Jehovah will do in the future?

We know that Jehovah will eliminate all problems in the new world, as mentioned in Isaiah 25:7-9. In that new world, Jehovah will raise the dead, take care of us and eliminate all our enemies, thus demonstrating his power and love for his servants. This hope for a future free of problems and full of blessings gives us comfort and strength to face current challenges with confidence in the Divine promise. 


We have the wonderful promise that Jehovah has made to us in the future, that even though today we have problems and difficulties in the new world, all these problems will be eliminated and we will receive blessings, such as seeing our loved ones again. They have died, there will be no diseases, and enemies will also no longer exist.

Of course Jehovah has promised us that now we will live in a life without problems we all have to face problems in one way or another, but if he has promised us that in the new world he will eliminate all problems when we say all are all as can be the Death will raise the dead and we will not have enemies, it will cure us of diseases, so it is a great privilege that all of us will be able to have if we trust now and continue trusting in Jehovah.

The analysis made in the book Let's Draw Close to Jehovah, which is cited in the note of this paragraph, is interesting. It helps us to have a balanced point of view because, as mentioned, Jehovah does not promise us a life without problems, if this were So if Jehovah always took away our problems, then the one who would be right would be Satan who told Jehovah that we serve him out of interest, but in this publication we are given a very balanced point of view of how Jehovah is helping us in this moment how it is going to help us in the future, so reading this portion would be very interesting so that we have that balanced point of view.

14. What can we reflect on?

We can reflect on the hope and promises that Jehovah offers us for the future, by meditating on what life will be like in the new world free of evil and suffering, we can find comfort and strength to face present challenges with confidence in Divine intervention. 


For by envisioning a world where Satan is no longer, where bad people disappear and only good people exist, and where imperfection is gradually eliminated, we can strengthen our faith and trust in God's plan to restore perfection to the earth. This reflection helps us keep hope alive, and confront current fears and concerns, with the certainty of a better future under Jehovah's loving government. 

We can reflect on what life will be like in the future, when Jehovah fulfills his purpose and in the paragraph it is mentioned how a brother spends time talking to his family about the changes that will take place in the new world, we can do the same and visualize What will the new world be like when Satan and evil people no longer exist and all the problems of imperfection are eliminated.

We know that the text says in 2 Timothy what the times are like now, however the brother in the assembly makes an analysis in reverse, that is, in the new world there will be kind people, tractable people willing to make agreements, that is, he changes the text completely instead of negative into positive.

We can do the same, we can visualize what the new world will be like when Satan and bad people no longer exist and all problems and imperfection are eliminated.

15. What helped Tanja overcome her fears?

Well, this sister who lived in North Macedonia, managed to overcome her fears by meditating on the promises of Jehovah despite facing the fury and threats of her parents to study the Bible. The sister clung to the conviction of being faithful to Jehovah, this would bring her eternal happiness in the new world, this confidence in the divine promise, as it allowed her to overcome present difficulties, maintain hope in the future that under the government of God everything would improve.


When she also experienced strong opposition from her parents to the point of being beaten when she returned from meetings or threatened, it helped her to keep her eyes fixed on the blessings she would receive from Jehovah if she remained loyal.

That's why she defeated them by meditating on the promises that Jehovah has left for the future because she says that they even kicked her out of the house and yet she only thought that if she was faithful to Jehovah she would be able to be happy for eternity and she says that she She told herself that even though she had nothing in this system right now, she would lose everything she had, but she knew that Jehovah was going to make all those bad memories be forgotten.


16. What will help us to be brave when what Luke 21:26-28 says is fulfilled?

To be brave when what Luke 21:26 to 28 says is fulfilled, it is essential to trust in the promise and its protective power during the great tribulation. When the majority of people are filled with fear, the servants of God will be able to remain firm and courageous because they will be accustomed to trusting in Divine help.


Well, as we have seen in the text, during the great tribulation, it is the greatest tribulation that humanity has ever gone through, it says that the majority of people will faint from fear, but nevertheless the servants of God will be brave and remain firm, it does not tell us that It will take away our fear but we will remain firm. Why, because if we follow the guidelines that we are considering in the watchtower in this article, it says that we will be accustomed to trusting in Jehovah just as the faithful were in the past.

And it is also very interesting what the sister says that she has learned that there are no situations that Jehovah cannot help us and overcome, but rather thinking that sometimes man is going to be able to overcome us is wrong because Jehovah only allows them a certain control then the test will sooner or later end.

17. How is the text for the year 2024 going to help us? (See cover photo).

The text of the year 2024, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you,” will help us maintain our trust in Jehovah, in the midst of distressing situations, and not let fear paralyze us. By remembering these words of David and meditating on God's protection and faithfulness in the past, present, and future, we can strengthen our faith and trust in Jehovah. This text will remind us that like David, we can place our trust in God and not fear, trusting in his power to save and protect us.


Well, it will help us because even if we suffer in this system what we are suffering from disasters, diseases or whatever, we can have confidence that we will not be afraid because Jehovah will be with us, so now what we have to do is dedicate time to meditate. in the things that Jehovah has done both in the past what he is doing now in the present and what is going to come to us in the future.

It will help us, since we are living in a world full of difficulties, but keep in mind that if we trust in Jehovah and meditate on his dealings with his servants in the past, there will be nothing that will make us tremble.

And it will help us, as the biblical reference work on this text says, that what David meant with these words was the confidence he had in that the only one who could save us because he could keep us standing is Jehovah instead of feeding those fears and obsessing us. So leave everything in Jehovah's hands and he will always solve it whether now or in the future.

Continuing with Vanessa's comment, how important it is that we do this, that we trust in Jehovah, and as that biblical work that refers to Psalm 56 says, if we have a problem that we are not constantly thinking about it, that we are not feeding precisely those fears that may come. to be normal in this world in which we live, in which there are so many pressures, there are so many difficulties, that is why we do not want to do that. What we precisely want is for fear not to paralyze us, not to leave us so afraid that we stop serving Jehovah, that is why it is so important that we trust him.

And that is why we want to do as seen in the photo, we see a sister who may have lost everything in a natural disaster but is already there with her Bible, surely thinking about the text of the year, she totally trusts in Jehovah.

It is also good that we meditate on what David said that Jehovah keeps our tears in his wineskin meaning that the suffering we are going through Jehovah does not forget it, he keeps it in mind, he knows how we feel and that is what he is going to do is that in the end So let us trust more in Jehovah and see the future with more confidence.


A sister standing next to a house that was destroyed by a disaster holds a Bible and shows confidence. A sister who has suffered a disaster meditates on the text of the year. (See paragraph 17).


What Jehovah did in the past.

Meditating on what Jehovah did in the past helps us overcome fear. When remembering his intervention and fidelity towards his servants. As we reflect on how God has protected, guided, and blessed his people throughout history, it strengthens our confidence in his power and unwavering love.

Well, he cared about his animal and vegetable creation, so if we look at how he took care of them, then with even more reason will he take care of us, we can also look at how he took care of his servants in the past and in particular also in what concerns to us what Jehovah did for us in the past.

What Jehovah is doing now.

Reflecting on what Jehovah is doing now helps us overcome fear by remembering his active presence in our lives and in the world. By reflecting on the blessings, protection, and guidance we experience daily as a result of divine intervention, we strengthen our confidence in His constant care.

Well, we have to be aware of everything that Jehovah does and the speeches that give us words of encouragement from some brother. Seeing all those little things that are valuable gifts from Jehovah will help us see that he is already helping us and that in the future future we don't have to be afraid of anything.

Before the paragraph in which it was said that we must ask Jehovah to help us see these proofs of how he is helping us because sometimes when we are under difficulties or under our fears or problems we do not realize that and the text of Elisha with his servant and how Jehovah made him see these things.

What Jehovah will do in the future.

Meditating on what Jehovah will do in the future helps us overcome fear by remembering that he has the power to resolve all difficult situations and eliminate all problems in the new world.

Jehovah promises a future of happiness where people will be loving and show sincere devotion to Jehovah.

And if we think about that it calms us because we know that every problem we have today has an end and we will not remember it in the future. 

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