Watchtower Study, Jehovah will help you in bad times, Week 25 to March 30, 2024, Comments and Answers.

Watchtower Study, Jehovah will help you in bad times, March 25-31, 2024, Comments and Responses.

“He is the stability of your times” (IS. 33:6).

1, 2. What problems can we as servants of Jehovah face?

Servants of Jehovah may face a variety of problems in life, such as opposition from school or work colleagues, family conflicts, serious illnesses, financial difficulties, among others. Despite these challenges, Jehovah promises to be present to comfort, sustain, and help his servants at all times.


Paragraph 1 of the text mentions examples of difficult situations that Jehovah's servants may face, such as news of a terminal illness, discovering a double life in a loved one, or facing the destruction of their home due to a natural disaster. These examples illustrate how life can change suddenly and how Jehovah’s servants also face challenges and adversities.

The paragraph tells the experience of some who, due to unexpected tragedies, had their lives take such a big turn that they changed forever. Thus, we, the servants of Jehovah, like everyone else, also suffer and bad things also happen to us, and many of us have We also have to face persecution and opposition from those who hate us, but the difference is that we know well that what Isaiah 41:10 says, that no matter what happens, Jehovah will always help us and will not let us become distressed because rather he will give us the guide to making good decisions and remaining loyal in the toughest situations.

Maybe where we are living there is a natural disaster and one day we could have all our belongings so we too can face this in the future.

And all of us face different problems but there is a phrase here that I really like when it says that with him referring to Jehovah at our side we can maintain joy, make good decisions and remain loyal Even in the worst situations if we do so for sure Jehovah He will be with us and our problems will be smoothed out.


3. What might it cost us to do if we are going through a serious problem?

When we are going through a very difficult situation, it can be difficult for us to think clearly and make decisions. Pain, anguish, and worries can invade our hearts, cloud our minds, and hinder our ability to know what to do in the midst of adversity.


Well, if we are going through a serious problem, it may be difficult for us to think and make good decisions.

And this is normal because it says that pain may invade our entire heart, anguish and worries cloud our minds and then we do not know what to do, which is why it is good to always turn to Jehovah.

The sister Mónika who is mentioned in the paragraph says that it was difficult for her to be able to say in her own words how she felt then if she could not even express how she felt, we have to imagine how difficult it would be to make a clear decision, a correct decision. at such a difficult time for her.

And as the paragraph says, we were even in such a complicated situation because perhaps it would be difficult for us to be able to do normal day-to-day activities, which is why we need Jehovah.

4. What does Jehovah promise us at Philippians 4:6, 7?

In Philippians 4:6, 7, Jehovah promises to give us “the peace of God,” which is an inner calm and tranquility that we experience through our relationship with him. This peace goes beyond what we can understand or imagine, and protects our hearts and minds, allowing us to feel safe and at peace even in the midst of difficulties.


And it is also a peace beyond what they call the peace of God, beyond what we can often understand, it is a peace that we feel internally thanks to the relationship we have with Jehovah and that is what in those moments when it seems that everything surpasses us and that people say they don't understand how it can continue because we can continue because Jehovah is giving us that calm and that tranquility to be able to endure that moment.

What the paragraph says has happened to all of us. It asks a very nice question if we have ever made a very intense prayer to Jehovah and when we finished that prayer we felt very calm, we have all experienced that peace that only Jehovah can give us.

5. How does “the peace of God” protect our minds and hearts?

“The peace of God” protects our minds and hearts by giving us security and tranquility, allowing us to feel at peace even in the midst of adverse circumstances. This peace acts as a protection that helps us stay calm, think clearly and make wise decisions, despite the difficulties we face in life.

The word will protect comes from its military expression that was used by the soldiers who guarded the city so that it would not be attacked and as a result its inhabitants felt safe and calm in the same way we do when the peace of God protects our hearts and our minds and We feel just as safe and calm as those soldiers.

6. What can we do to feel the peace of God? (See also images).

To feel God's peace, we can pray intensely to Jehovah and seek his protection. Just as the inhabitants of a city could ask soldiers to protect them, we can also ask Jehovah to protect us. Constantly praying and seeking that connection with God will help us experience that inner calm and tranquility that is "the peace of God." We have to pray constantly as First Thessalonians 5:17 says, above all, constantly ask Jehovah for his peace, his strength, his wisdom to be able to face complicated situations, if we are going through a difficult situation we should not stop praying at any time and in this way we will be able to see and experience how Jehovah gives us his peace and will protect our hearts and our minds.


If I like the paragraph that says let's pray to him until we feel the peace of God, I mean sometimes it's not going to be a one-time thing, maybe we need to insist, but Jesus himself already made us do it when in Luke 11:9 he told them to continue. Asking, keep searching and keep knocking on the door and it will open to you because Jehovah in the end is going to give us that Peace.

I really like the text of Romans 12:12 because it says that if we read it from the end to the beginning it gives us a very good key and that is that if we persevere in prayer we will endure all the difficulties and thanks to that we will be able to rejoice. Because of the hope we have, that is very beautiful and Jehovah is the only one who can provide us through prayer with that strength and capacity that he can only give us.


In the image we see these soldiers who were at the door, they were watching that no one entered and that they could attack the city and next to them we see a brother who seems to be sick or perhaps going through a bad situation and this brother well at the same time Just like the soldiers could have bad thoughts that could attack their mind or perhaps negative thoughts because perhaps they are seeing that they are not cured or anything, but if they have that peace of mind and now they will have their mind protected as we see with the soldiers and not You are going to let those negative thoughts attack you.

That is why The Watchtower rightly says that this peace comes to us from God, even if things do not improve immediately because the problem may persist, but we will have that Peace, that calm and that tranquility to be able to make good decisions and think. correctly.

Psalm 4:8 Well, there it is saying, I will lie down and sleep in peace because only you, O Jehovah, make me live safely. Maybe the situation we are going through will not be solved immediately, but we always have to have that trust placed in Jehovah because He has done it with other of his servants and with us he is not going to do less, what we have to be grateful to him for the provisions that he has provided for us through the Bible, we will always have to trust him in everything.

In the paragraph a very nice example appears in first Samuel 1, which is that of Ana, in the background when Eli tells her go in peace and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked for, she is still in the same condition, then in what sense she left in peace because she says that the sadness disappeared from her face because when we tell Jehovah what worries us how we feel what we trust that we understand is now in his hands and the peace of mind of knowing that Jehovah manages our life our matter gives us peace. 

A sister holds the hand of her husband, who is sick in bed, while he prays. There are little bottles of medicine on the nightstand. In one featured image there are two soldiers guarding a city gate. Pray until he feels that “the peace of God” protects your heart and his mind. (See paragraphs 4 to 6).


7. How might we feel if we are going through a very difficult situation?

If we are going through a very difficult situation, we may find it difficult to maintain emotional balance and our reactions may not be normal. We may feel overwhelmed by agitated emotions, as if we were being hit by waves in the middle of a storm. It is normal to experience feelings of emptiness, sadness, anger, loneliness or frustration in times of adversity. At such times, it is important to remember that Jehovah promises us stability and can help us stay afloat despite difficult circumstances.


Well, it may be difficult for us to maintain calm and balance, we may not be able to think or react as we normally would, and as the paragraph says, we may even feel lost in a sea of ​​agitated emotions.

And that is described very well by Luis's wife. She says that when he died, sometimes she felt empty, sometimes she felt sorry, sometimes she was angry and sometimes frustrated, so she felt that same thing like a wave hitting a ship.

If we are going through a very difficult situation, it may be difficult for us to maintain balance, no, no, and no, we do not think clearly, which is why we have to pray constantly to Jehovah to help us make good decisions.

8. What has Jehovah promised us in Isaiah 33:6?

In Isaiah 33:6, Jehovah has promised us that he will give us stability. This promise gives us the assurance that, despite the storms and difficulties we face in life, God will sustain us and help us remain firm and balanced.

Well, as has been well read in Jehovah, he promises to give us stability. To do this, he gives us the example of a ship that, when it is in a storm, may move from side to side, but what boats have is that they have stabilizers that make that the boat goes more smoothly, so the passengers feel safe, but of course the important thing is that it says that these stabilizers work better if the boat is moving, this is not taught that if we are going through serious problems or difficult to handle and we want May Jehovah give us the stability we need because we also have to move forward to be able to continue serving Jehovah faithfully and not stop.

9. How do the tools that Jehovah's organization gives us stabilize us? (See also images).

The tools provided by Jehovah's organization, such as publications, videos, and applications, help us maintain a good spiritual routine and find emotional stability in the midst of life's storms. These tools allow us to study, meditate, and find comfort in the Scriptures, strengthening our faith and our connection with God. By using these tools, we can feel support and guidance from Jehovah, helping us maintain emotional and spiritual balance in times of difficulty.


The paragraph mentions that we have to have a good spiritual routine and it is true that perhaps in those circumstances we do not give to Jehovah as much as on other occasions but Jehovah is very reasonable as mentioned in the story in Luke 21, the widow who gives everything What she could, she had no more, there were others who gave what was left, but she gave everything she could, so we have to take time to study, meditate and use all the tools that the organization provides us to acquire that help.

And in the image we can see the sister who perhaps suffered betrayal within the family, who before studying, perhaps she has anxiety, she does not find peace of mind and now by reading those articles, doing that research, she can find calm, find a balance and that those emotions So they allow her to continue in her day to day life.

And continuing with the example of the boat, perhaps the boat can no longer go as fast as before, it has to go a little slower. The important thing is that it continues forward and the tools are within our reach and are very easy to use. We are expected to do great things but it has a lot of effect.

In Psalm 119 he talks about Jehovah's reminders that give us understanding to stay alive, sometimes there is a problem that drowns us but these tools that we were talking about, including the songs that sometimes help us fill our minds with positive thoughts and how Jehovah sees things and completely changes our mood.

And sometimes we may know how we feel, as the sister said that when the storm clouds of an emotional crisis were approaching, our minds were dull. A publication, a tool that I really like, is biblical texts for the Christian life, where specific questions are cited. with which one can say yes, I feel that way and below the biblical texts appear to be able to alleviate that pain.

This sister says that when she saw a dark cloud or saw that a difficult moment was coming, she anticipated and looked for this information. There will be moments in life that we may not have time for because it is something unforeseen, but if we are seeing that a difficult moment is approaching, then Being able to search for this information and strengthen our mind and prepare ourselves for it will help us deal with it much better.


One sister does her personal study using the JW Library app and meditates on what she reads. In one featured image there is a ship in the middle of a storm with outriggers extending below the water. Our publications can help you not lose stability. (See paragraphs 8 and 9).


10. How might we feel when we suffer misfortune?

When we suffer misfortune, we may feel physically and emotionally weak. We may experience a feeling of vulnerability and weakness, similar to that of an injured athlete who can no longer perform the same activities with the same ease as before. We may find it difficult to carry out everyday tasks or participate in activities we used to enjoy. At such times, it is important to remember that Jehovah promises to sustain us and help us overcome our weaknesses.


Well, we can feel weak in various aspects, as mentioned here, in an emotional and physical sense, sometimes one does not feel like doing anything, tasks that were common before are now done like an uphill climb and the only thing one wants is to be as good as they want. It also happened to Elijah lying down but we see how it is shown in the story that the Angel provided him help not once but several times so we will see later how Jehovah also does it.

Yes, the word very is added to the paragraph, that is, we can become very weak, that is, we can reach the limit, and that's when we start to feel very bad, we can even get frustrated and angry, saying, "I don't know why I feel bad." I am feeling like this and the accumulation of all these circumstances makes us feel very weak.

11. What else does Jehovah do to help us? (Psalm 94:18).

In addition to promising to sustain us, Jehovah also comforts us in times of fear and distress. In Psalm 94:18 it is mentioned that God comforts us and calms us, giving us peace and security in the midst of adversity. Just as a father calms his child during a storm, God surrounds us with his love and gives us the strength to face our fears.


Yes, as we have read in the psalm, sometimes our mind can be filled with thoughts that worry us, but that is when the love of Jehovah sustains us and calms us and how can we do this with two-way communication, having a dialogue with Jehovah through reading the Bible daily and pray but with the conviction that Jehovah will always be by our side.

Yes, when I was already reading the words of this psalm that we have just read, when my feet slip, if we try to walk on ice, you really cannot walk on ice if you are not holding onto something, because living in such an extreme situation, such an acute problem. That makes it impossible to continue with our old life, it's like walking on ice, but we can hold on. In fact, they hold on to us. It's not that we hold on. It's Jehovah who holds on to us. That way we can walk on that ice.

Yes, this image of Jehovah who is holding our right hand conveys the idea of ​​constant and firm support like that of a father.

12. If we feel very bad, who can Jehovah use to help us?

When we feel very bad, Jehovah can use other people, such as our family, friends, or elders in the congregation, to provide us with support and comfort. God often motivates these people to reach out to us and offer help in times of need.

Just as Jonathan strengthened and encouraged David in his discouragement, and Elisha assisted Elijah in his moment of weakness, our close relationships can be instruments of comfort and support in difficult times. Accepting help from those around us can be a way for Jehovah to sustain us and bring us comfort in the midst of our afflictions.

Well, we have examples from past times like David when he was very discouraged because Jehovah used his friend Jonathan to visit him and to help him in the case of Elijah, Elisha also offered him practical help and today we have friends to help him. our family and the elderly to help us.

Yes, in David's case it was very beautiful, very emotional, how Jonatan helped him because he tells him not to be afraid, and it was also his own father who was doing him that harm because he was not going to find him, but he also tells him that he helped him strengthen your trust in Jehovah, that is the most important thing a friend can do, which is to help you in that field.

And it is true that sometimes when we go through such difficult situations, it is normal and understandable that we want to be alone with our feelings, that is not always bad, but it is also true that if we completely isolate ourselves from the congregation of our family from our friends, then we are cutting off one of the helps that Jehovah uses to give us a hand.

Yes, here we are mentioned the case of Elijah when he felt so weak because how Jehovah helped him get moving because he gave him instructions to go and anoint Jehu as King of Israel and also anoint Elisha as a prophet to occupy to his place, so Elijah got going and then he saw how his life could move forward and he did not sink into discouragement.

13. What must we do to benefit from Jehovah's help? (See also images).

To benefit from the help that Jehovah provides us through others, such as our family, friends, or elders in the congregation, it is important to fight the urge to isolate ourselves. Sometimes, when we feel bad, we tend to withdraw from others and focus too much on our problems, which can lead us to make poor decisions.


Accepting help and support from those around us, even when we prefer to be alone, allows us to receive the comfort and strength that God offers us through them. By remaining open to the help of others, we can allow Jehovah to sustain and comfort us in times of difficulty.

Not to isolate ourselves, but it is true that it is something we have to fight for because instinctively what we tend to do when we feel emotionally bad is that we want to be alone, but as the proverb tells us, it is the one who is isolated who pursues his desires. selfish and rejects practical wisdom, so even though it costs us and we must make an effort, we think that it is the way that Jehovah is using to sustain us.

Yes, as we saw in paragraph 12, one of the means that Jehovah uses is the elders, friends or family to try to encourage us and as has already been mentioned, if we isolate ourselves what we can do is self-destruct, then we are closing the door to those means. that Jehovah is providing for us and we are pretending not to demonstrate what the text of Proverbs says that in the end friends are there when they really have to be.


And when you isolate yourself you tend to focus too much on your own problems, and you see in the image that this old man knows that maybe this is what is happening to the young man, he had a fall but now he needs to focus on something else to continue moving forward, He takes him or invites him to visit other brothers who perhaps also have problems. When you focus on the fact that you are not the only one who suffers, then things take on a different perspective and it is easier to move on.

And I love the Illustration, the photography, the gesture of the elderly, they also understand Isaiah 32 that we have to be a refuge and the image on the side is very beautiful with the knee or some bone perhaps dislocated when someone happens something like that to us we go to the doctor we don't think In our bones we think that it won't hurt me and how good it is that the elderly have that gesture, they are going to help them without harming them, being a refuge and a relief for them.

Two elderly people visit a couple in their home. In one featured image, a doctor is seen bandaging a man's ankle. He accepts help from his family, friends and elders. (See paragraphs 11 to 13).


14. What can scare us?

Opposition from classmates or coworkers, family members, and government officials.


In life, there are situations that can cause us fear and trepidation. We may feel scared by other people's opposition, serious problems, illnesses, among other challenges.

In the Bible, experiences are recounted of faithful servants of God who admitted to being afraid of their enemies or difficult circumstances. It is natural that at certain times we feel as vulnerable as a small child. However, in the midst of our fears, Jehovah promises to comfort and reassure us, providing us with the security and support we need to overcome our worries.

We are given the example of whether we are facing the possibility of dying due to serious illness or any other reason and it is not that it can only happen to us, it is that the psalmist in Psalm 18:4 was talking about the ropes of Death surrounded him and that a sudden flood of despicable men terrified him, I mean we have biblical examples of people who have been afraid in difficult situations and it can also happen to us and we can also face them.

Well, to an illustration that is like this to a child who, as it says here, when he is little, he is defenseless and then he gets scared and it is true that the same thing can happen to us. There are sometimes situations in life that make us tremble with fear because we do not We find the way out but as the subtheme says, Jehovah is the one who can comfort us. 

15. According to Psalm 94:19, what does Jehovah promise to do?

According to Psalm 94:19, Jehovah promises to comfort and reassure us. This verse shows us that, like a loving father who puts his arms around his frightened child during a storm, God is willing to give us comfort and peace in the midst of our fear and anxiety. By trusting in Jehovah and allowing him to surround us with his love and protection, we can find the calm and security we need to face our fears.


In Psalm 94:19 he assures us that even if we are worried about being overwhelmed, Jehovah will always comfort and reassure us no matter how big the storm is.

And the paragraph puts a very nice illustration so that we can see ourselves in the place and it is when a little girl is afraid of a storm because how does she feel when her father goes and hugs her, the storm is still there but the girl feels calmer because she is with his dad.

Yes, in the same way, well, Jehovah, when we are in a worry, a problem, a difficulty is going to continue the same, he is not going to remove the problem, we do not leave it, but as he is indicating here as an example of just like the girl, he helps us, he surrounds us, he gives us peace. of God that we need to see the problem in a different way and be faithful. 

16. If we want Jehovah to comfort us, what must we do? (See also images).

If we wish to receive comfort from Jehovah, it is important to establish a close relationship with him through prayer and reading his Word. By sincerely praying and meditating on God's Word, we can experience His comfort and strength in the midst of our difficulties. It is essential to trust that, even in the most difficult times, Jehovah will always be present to help and comfort us.

Prayer and personal study are essential to get through difficult circumstances. When we pray, we are not only asking Jehovah for help but we are strengthening our relationship with him and he can respond to us precisely based on that study, not only giving us peace as we already have. Since he gives us prayer through his spirit, we can also find examples of faithful servants from ancient times in the Bible about how they endured. This could be a response from Jehovah to give us strength.


I think what she is thinking is when she was little she had problems so now she is older she has problems and like her father's hug now in this case it will be the hug of Jehovah when he comforts her and thinks that he is going to help her just as when he helped his father who was afraid.

Also, in my opinion, you may think that well, not only is that difficult moment what you are going through at that moment, but perhaps you think over the course of your life how Jehovah has helped you, how you have learned many lessons from many extraordinary brothers that you have known and perhaps Also, thinking about what the future may be like, the future that remains or the future that Jehovah promises for everyone, then all of that is an accumulation of things that when you think about it and meditate on it, it strengthens you.

Friend, that image of the sister thinking also makes me meditate on the words of Psalm 119 that are cited in the paragraph in the second part where, after pouring out his heart, the psalmist saying that he could not sleep says, give me strength according to your promise, possibly the sister You are also meditating on the promises of Jehovah and that is giving you strength to face whatever you have to face.

A sister meditates on what she reads in the Bible. In one featured image, a dad is seen hugging his little daughter during a thunder storm at night. May his heavenly Father comfort him with the Scriptures. (See paragraphs 15 and 16).

17. What should we keep in mind?

Words from Psalm 23:4 that says I will fear no evil because you are with me and Jehovah will always be ready to help us and will never leave us alone.


It is important to remember that even in the most difficult times in our lives, Jehovah will always be there to help us. He will never leave us alone, as he has promised to protect us, give us stability, sustain us and comfort us. By fully trusting God and taking advantage of all the help he gives us through his Word, prayer and the support of others, we can find the strength necessary to overcome the challenges and adversities we face.

I really liked that throughout the Watchtower you can see teamwork, what does Jehovah do, but what do I do, then Jehovah is not going to leave me alone, I'm sure of that, but I have to do something, so now I have to do my part by following and maintaining that friendship with Jehovah.

And how beautiful are the words of Psalm 94:14 that say because Jehovah will not leave his people nor abandon his inheritance, we are Jehovah's inheritance, a special property, a property that he will never sell, that is, he will always take care of us. He has done so much for us that he will not allow us to be alone at any time.

Yes we have seen sometimes There may be situations in which there is something we can do because we can ask Jehovah for wisdom if there is nothing we can do we can ask for his peace of mind but in any situation even if we are very afraid we have to remember that we have this A very powerful secret weapon is prayer and if we tell Jehovah everything we feel we can be sure that he will protect us, give us stability, sustain us and comfort us.


When might we need Jehovah’s help more than ever?

We may need Jehovah's help more than ever in times of deep affliction, pain, fear, or despair. When we face extremely difficult situations, such as opposition from others, serious problems, serious illnesses, or the possibility of losing our lives, that is when we most need the comfort, strength, and protection that only God can provide.

Well, when we face circumstances that are more difficult than normal, they are extreme. Before we mentioned the case of a sister whose husband had cheated on her, or a husband who had been told that he was going to die soon, or a sister who was hit by a hurricane. These are extreme things, perhaps we don't have to go that far, but we can also feel in a deep hole due to our feelings due to circumstances that happen to all of us where we are going to need Jehovah's help more than ever, more than on other occasions. 

In what four ways does Jehovah help us when we go through difficult times?

One of them I think I love is Isaiah 33:6 where it says that he gives you stability in these times.


Jehovah helps us in four ways when we go through difficult times: He comforts and reassures us by promising to comfort us and bring us peace in the midst of our afflictions, like a loving father who puts his arms around his frightened child during a storm. He also sustains us, just as an injured athlete needs help to move, Jehovah sustains us and strengthens us to move forward, assuring us that we need not fear, as he will be at our side to help us.

Jehovah also promised that he will protect us and how he will protect us by giving us his peace of mind that will protect our minds and our hearts so that we can think clearly.

And he also gives us help through other people, Jehovah can use our family, friends or elders to motivate them to help us in times of need.

He also gives us help through other people: Jehovah can use our family, friends or elders to motivate them to help us in times of need, demonstrating his care through congregation and mutual support. He offers us stability and protection: Jehovah is the stability of our times, promising to protect us, give us stability and comfort us in the midst of adversity, giving us the strength necessary to face life's challenges.

What Jehovah promises us in Psalm 94:19 where he says that he will comfort us and calm us down. 

What should we do to benefit from the help that Jehovah offers us?

To benefit from the help that Jehovah offers us in difficult times, we must maintain a close relationship with God through prayer and reading his Word, accept the support of other brothers, and trust in God's promises. These actions will allow us to find comfort, strength and hope in the midst of adversity.


Proverbs 181 says that he who isolates himself is selfish and rejects all practical wisdom. Therefore, if we want to benefit from Jehovah's help, we must avoid isolating ourselves and spending too much time alone, since he could be using our relatives, brothers or the elderly to give us that encouragement. and strength that we need so much.

In addition to the help of others we have also seen praying not just once but constantly maintaining our spiritual routine with study and meditating reading his word to feel the embrace of Jehovah. 
