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“Continue to do this in remembrance of me” (LUK. 22:19).
1. Why is the Memorial the most important day of the year? (Luke 22:19, 20).
Well, because it is the only ceremony that Jesus ordered to be done and as Luke 22:19 says, Jesus said to continue doing this in memory of me.
It is that the commemoration of the death of Christ as described in Luke 22:19 to 20, is the most important day of the year, because Jesus instituted it and this ceremony during the last supper with his disciples indicating that on that occasion it should be carried out until for him to return.
Well, because it is the only ceremony that, as we have read in Luke, Jesus ordered his disciples to celebrate and by saying continue doing this in memory of me since it included all those who would be in the future.
2. What are some reasons we are looking forward to the Memorial?
It helps us meditate on the value of the ransom and reminds us how we can be grateful for Jesus' sacrifice.
The first is that the commemoration gives us the opportunity to reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus on the Wood, and the value of the rescue he offers for humanity as mentioned in 2 Corinthians chapter 5, verses 14 and 15.
Also as Romans 1:12 says, it is an opportunity for us to encourage each other through our faith.
Another reason is to show gratitude, for example the Memorial reminds us of the importance of showing our gratitude for the sacrifice of Jesus. And of course, it offers us the opportunity to consider different ways to express that gratitude.
The other reason is that we will be in Unity with the Brothers, because the commemoration allows us to meet with our brothers in faith, thus strengthening the bonds of friendship and encouraging each other on our spiritual path, as mentioned in Romans chapter 1 verse 12 .
Finally, another reason is that the commemoration attracts many inactive people or brothers who have fallen away who may feel inspired to return to Jehovah because of the love and quality they experience from the brothers at the commemoration. So many people who are not witnesses are also impressed by what they see and hear at the commemoration, which can lead to them also wanting to start studying the Bible and exploring more about the Christian faith.
Yes, also in second Corinthians 5:14 and 15 we can see the first idea that was discussed, how it says that the love of Christ obliges us since he has given his life for us because this means that we also have to demonstrate that we no longer live. for ourselves but for him who gave his life for us as the second verse says, then that has to influence our way of thinking. Not only of thinking but above all of acting.
And perhaps many people also attend the commemoration for the first time and are impressed not only with what they see but also with what they hear and that opens their hearts and motivates them so that they can request a Bible course.
And also every year a special effort is made to invite those who are inactive who at one time served Jehovah with us but who now due to some circumstances have fallen away from the congregation and are discouraged to return to Jehovah so that they can enjoy new to be together with us, so for us it is also a very joyful occasion that they can return.
3. How does the Memorial allow us to see the unity that exists among Jehovah's people? (See also the image).
The commemoration reflects global unity, that is, throughout the world and because it shows the spiritual harmony that exists within Jehovah's people, since everyone participates in the same ceremony throughout the world. Attendees participate in the same acts of worship including, for example, the ransom-centered speech, singing the songs, partaking of the Lord's Supper and passing the bread and wine, and then gathering in prayer to Jehovah, honoring him simultaneously throughout the planet. .
All over the world, Jehovah's Witnesses meet as the sun sets in each place and if we had to attend a commemoration that was not in our place, it does not matter where on earth because we would hear the same speech where it stands out. the importance of the rescue we would sing the same two songs, the bread is passed the wine we say amen to four prayers that is to say that in 24 hours all over the planet the Jehovah's Witnesses from all the congregations in the world will have done the same.
And we also hope that this day will come because it is an opportunity to see the unity that exists in Jehovah's people and that exists and we see it every day that we come to the meetings.
We see in the image that while in one place in the world the servants of Jehovah celebrate the commemoration, other brothers and sisters who live in other places are preparing for the special occasion.
We can also imagine how happy Jehovah and Jesus feel to see us honoring them around the entire planet.
And we also see that we see the photo that we see in the part of the world that we see, whether it is Kenya, India or Japan, it is the same thing that we are going to do.
Images of brothers and sisters on Memorial Day around the world, preparing for and celebrating this very special occasion. 1. In Puerto Rico, a family watches special morning worship. 2. In Italy, a couple who are preaching give an invitation to a man. 3. In Kenya, two brothers read a Bible text to a man. 4. In Georgia, a sister and her little daughter make bread following the instructions in the video “How to Make Memorial Bread.” 5. In India, several brothers and sisters clean the Kingdom Hall and prepare the table with bread and wine. 6. In Thailand, a brother welcomes a man to the Kingdom Hall. 7. In Japan, a brother passes unleavened bread to a sister during the Memorial. In the Memorial we see the unity that exists in Jehovah's people. (See paragraph 3).
4. What will we see in this article?
We are going to answer the following questions: How we can prepare our hearts for the commemoration, how we can help others to benefit from it and How we can help the inactive, we are going to see how we answer those three questions.
5. a) Why should we meditate on the value of the ransom? (Psalm 49:7, 8). b) Mention what you learned from the video Why did Jesus die?
As we meditate on this profound act of love and sacrifice, we will develop a greater appreciation for the value of ransom. For example, we are unable to free ourselves from sin and death, and it helps us understand the depth of God's love for us, for example by sending his daughter. This motivates us to live our lives in accordance with that sacrifice, showing gratitude and dedication to God and to follow the example of Jesus Christ in our daily lives.
This helps us to prepare our hearts and to understand the value of the rescue and we will also value this act.
As we read in the text in Psalms we see that we could never have given something to Jehovah and no human could have given Jehovah that could have paid that ransom and could have benefited from what we are going to benefit from, so keeping this in mind is going to help us. help give the importance that we have to give to Jesus.
5. b) Mention what you learned from the video Why did Jesus die?
What I learned is that without the rescue, humanity would have had no hope and we would have no purpose in life, we have also seen the great love that both Jesus and Jehovah have had, to make preparations so that the situation and that humanity would regain what Adam lost.
Well, we learn that Jehovah is loving but he is also fair because it is explained that Adam lost the opportunity to live forever, affecting all his descendants, so the same thing was needed, a perfect life in this case obedient to cover the one that Adam lost and was what Jesus offered.
Just like that other businessman was not responsible for what had happened, but his love and seeing the situation in which he had left people moved him and he took action to change it. Jehovah is not responsible for the situation in which we are, the person responsible was Adam and Satan, however, for that love and compassion have been willing to pay the highest price that anyone could pay, as we will see now, so thinking about this should motivate us to appreciate not only on these dates but daily this sacrifice.
And as we have seen, Jehovah decided to send his son, as he says he could have sent any other Angel because he had myriads of Angels at his service, but nevertheless he made a supreme sacrifice and sent what he loved most, which was your firstborn son that is something of great value.
6. What did the rescue entail?
The rescue involved the recovery of what was lost through the sacrifice of the perfect life of Jesus, whose equivalent value allowed the redemption of humanity and from sin and death.
The rescue involved recovering what Adam had lost, the opportunity to live eternally in harmony with God, because he was no longer perfect. Jesus offered his perfect life, as it had the same value as the life lost by Adam, as a perfect human offered his blood as payment for sin.
Well, when Adam sinned he was perfect and with this what he did was pass on to his descendants the possibility of not being able to live forever so he took away that opportunity but to reward what Adam had done because Jesus offered his life as a perfect sacrifice and when He was on earth as First Peter 2:22 says that he committed no sin nor was there deceit in his mouth, so the perfect life of Adam was compensatory for the perfect life of Jesus Christ.
And returning to the video that we saw that mentioned the previous paragraph about why Jesus died, that businessman who left that debt to rescue the company had to be the same debt if he had left €200,000 owed to rescue the company, he had to put up €200,000 no less That is not why the life of Jesus was necessary, a perfect life had been lost, it was not worth that of any of his hands nor of thousands of human beings, a perfect life had to be the same value.
That is why, as First Timothy 2:6 shows, there was a corresponding ransom and that ransom was as the life of Jesus has been commented on, that is what the ransom involved paying a price when there is a ransom it is paid to repurchase or recover something that price and Jesus paid with his life.
7. Name some trials that Jesus faced.
Despite being perfect, Jesus had to accept the authority of his earthly parents, Joseph and Mary, during his childhood, as mentioned in Luke 2:51. This situation could have been a test for him, since his parents were imperfect humans.
Well, one of them is that as a child he had to accept the authority of parents who were imperfect although he was not as indicated in Luke 2:51 where it says and he continued subject to them.
As a teenager, Jesus probably faced external pressure to disobey his earthly parents or to abandon his faithfulness to Jehovah. Although he is not specifically mentioned in the scriptures, it is possible that he faced such challenges during his youth.
One of the most significant tests Jesus faced was temptation by Satan in the wilderness, as recorded in Matthew 411, Satan tried to persuade Jesus to sin by offering him Earthly power and glory, but Jesus resisted those temptations and remained faithful. to Jehovah.
We might think that the fact of remaining under the authority of one's parents as stated in Luke 2:51 is an unimportant test, but this is not the case because when one is a young adolescent one is easily influenced and in the case of Jesus this also indicates that He was continually obedient to his parents. There is a reference to this text that he also did it because he had to comply with the law at all times and the law says that we have to be obedient to our parents because it is the first command with a promise.
And also as an adult, he had to face very tough tests that Satan gave him and it was all because he wanted him to stop being loyal to Jehovah and so Jesus would not be able to pay the ransom, however we know that Jesus always remained loyal to Jehovah.
One of the tests that I find most interesting that Jesus had to face was that Satan offered him the kingdoms and the glory of this world in Matthew 4:8 and this had to be very difficult for him because he loved us very much and perhaps he could thinking I accept and everything is over but he had to be patient, trusting in the way Jehovah was going to do things and that he could endure those trials.
And a part of Jesus' life that we don't know much about is adolescence, but Jesus had to remain whole throughout his life and perhaps adolescence is one of those times in which it is most difficult to keep internal all the pressure of those with whom he lived for disobeying his parents, perhaps for not serving Jehovah, trying new things, the same things that teenagers face today, but he also remained upright.
8. What other trials did Jesus endure?
Jesus was persecuted and threatened with death by his enemies, he had to deal with the imperfections and lack of understanding of his disciples on several occasions.
Jesus was also subjected to physical torture, mockery and was executed as a criminal during his trial. And in the most difficult moment of his suffering on the Madero, Jesus experienced a sense of abandonment when he cried out: My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?
It must also have been difficult for Jesus to see how his disciples insistently wanted to show their imperfection because they were arguing because he wanted to be the most important and this does not happen once, it happened several times.
Hebrews 12:1-3 tells us how they executed him, it was as if he were a criminal and it says that he suffered a lot, that is, after everything that was happening above, they did not execute him in something quick that happened and that's it, but as a criminal to humiliate him. in the greatest way possible.
And not only that, as Matthew 27:46 says, when he was about to die, Jehovah withdrew his protection and he had to endure the final part, which was the hardest.
The note made me think a lot about the readers' question about why Jesus said why have you abandoned me and says that it may be that Jesus was expressing how much it hurt him that Jehovah had to withdraw his protection from him so that he could demonstrate his integrity. and it is true that Jesus had done nothing wrong but we know that he had to suffer and die to answer Satan to pay the ransom and recover what the human had lost and this would only be possible if Jehovah withdrew his protection for a moment for the first time. In his life, we see how painful he had to do for both Jesus and Jehovah.
9. How do we feel when we think about Jesus' sacrifice? (1 Peter 1:8).
Jesus' sacrifice is a testimony of the immense love that Jehovah has for his servants. It fills us with gratitude to know that Jehovah was willing to offer his son to save us from sin and death.
Jesus' willing sacrifice fills us with gratitude toward him for his willingness to go through such extreme suffering on our behalf. We recognize the sacrificial love that Jesus demonstrated by offering his life for us and as we contemplate Jesus' sacrifice, we feel a strong motivation to demonstrate loyalty to him at all times. His sacrifice inspires us to follow his teachings and serve him faithfully as a token of appreciation for the priceless gift he has given us.
If we go back to the video in paragraph 5, if any of us were in the situation of having lost a job and being able to recover it because a person has donated or has recovered that debt that that company had, we would be very grateful to that person, Jesus did much more Jesus He has given the possibility through his rescue that in the future we can enjoy a perfect life that we lost due to Adam's actions.
10. What was Jehovah willing to sacrifice to rescue us?
The most valuable thing in his son's life must have hurt Jehovah a lot to see how they mistreated, despised and made his only son suffer so much.
As mentioned in Proverbs 8:30, there is no closer relationship than the one Jehovah has with his son. However, Jehovah was willing to sacrifice this close relationship by allowing Jesus to suffer so much on earth and die on the Madero. Seeing his son go through so many trials and suffer so much surely caused great pain in Jehovah's heart.
Yes, the words of Proverbs 8:30 are wonderful, not because apart from working together with Jehovah, which is a very great satisfaction, not when we have had the opportunity to work or with our children in something like that, because we have felt as Jehovah says. He felt that his greatest joy was Jesus being with him and he was always happy with him, so we can imagine the pain that Jehovah must have felt in the face of those great feelings that he feels towards his son.
If we put ourselves in the case, for example, of us who have lived for a few years and love our children so much and it hurts us so much about the things that they may do or do to them, well, let's imagine with millions of years that Jehovah was living with him, what he would feel. .
Furthermore, we must not forget that Jesus was precisely talking about how good Jehovah was, how kind the people were, how much they would benefit if they listened to him, but now Jehovah sees that they are mistreating him, killing him, and also killing his beloved people, those who in the In the past, he rescued him from Egypt, it helped him a lot, they made him feel hurt and now this people kills him and mistreats him, but well, the view is that in the future, that was something that was going to help all of humanity and well, the pain that Jehovah must have felt. When he saw all that and put together in his mind everything that was his town, it surely made him suffer a lot.
11. What example helps us understand how Jehovah must have felt when Jesus was executed?
Those who have lost a child understand the indescribable pain experienced in this situation. The loss of a child is a devastating experience that can cause deep and lasting suffering. Although we have faith in the resurrection and the hope of eternal life, this does not eliminate the pain of losing someone we love. The pain of losing a loved one is real and deep, even for those who have faith in the promise of the resurrection.
This example helps us understand how Jehovah must have felt the day he saw his beloved son, Jesus Christ, suffer and die on the Madero. Although Jehovah was fully aware of the resurrection and the purpose of Jesus' sacrifice, the pain of witnessing the The death of His beloved son was undoubtedly profound and distressing, similar to the pain felt by those who have lost a child.
This example helps us appreciate Jehovah’s immense love for humanity and the sacrifice he made by allowing Jesus to die to provide us with salvation.
Well, when you have an experience of a child who dies or a family member who says that the pain is so great that you cannot describe it and even if you have a lot of faith in the resurrection, that pain is so great that it does not console you in those moments and that explains and it helps us understand how Jehovah must have felt in the year 33 when he saw his son suffer and die.
Yes, I really like how the book Let's Draw Close to Jehovah describes it, which says that there are no words to describe the pain that Jehovah felt when his son was going to die, but there are words to describe why he did it and that is what John 3 says: 16 which is because I love the world so much.
Reflecting a little more on this matter, for years there was no word for parents who lose a child, there is a word for someone who loses their wife, their husband or for children who lose their parents, that shows to what extent it is something tremendously traumatic and as has been mentioned in the book, let's get closer to Jehovah, it indicates it very well. I mean, Jehovah had to see from heaven how they took his son, how they mistreated him, they spat on him, they hit him, they drove nails into his hands, he was literally dying, he asked for help. It is something unimaginable and meditating on these things shows us the extent to which Jehovah has made an effort for all of us.
And a detail that the book also comments on that has caught my attention a lot is that Jehovah on this occasion had to face not having the company of his son Jesus Christ ceased to exist forever since Jehovah had been with him but Now just at that moment Jehovah had to face not having his son.
And also see the feelings that Jehovah had, he knew that he was going to resurrect him, he knew that he was going to see him again but he still felt the pain but the paragraph mentions that this does not mean that we do not have faith, so when we lose here a being loved, going through that pain is not because we do not have faith, the resurrection is normal for us to feel that someone we love very much has gone, Jehovah Jehovah himself felt that pain and knew that he would return shortly to see his son So they are normal feelings that we have to be there when a friend of ours goes through these periods and it is not a lack of faith but also thinking that Jehovah will soon resurrect him.
12. How can we take advantage of the time until the Memorial?
Yes, something we can do before the commemoration is to study more about the rescue in our personal study or in family worship and what we can do is use the study guide for Jehovah's Witnesses or any publication to discover some interesting details of This way we will be able to prepare our hearts and show more gratitude for the rescue.
We can take advantage of the time until the commemoration by spending time studying more about the topic of the ransom in our personal study or in family worship. We can use resources such as the study guide for Jehovah's Witnesses or other publications that address this topic to discover more details and deepen your understanding.
We can also follow the recommended Bible reading for the commemoration that appears in the activity guide for the Christian life and ministry meeting. This helps us prepare your heart and mind for the special occasion.
Finally we can observe the special morning duration for the day of commemoration. This additional worship can help us focus our minds and hearts on the significance of this crucial event in the Christian faith.
The biblical text of Ezra 7:10 where he says he had prepared his heart to consult the law of Jehovah, put it into practice and teach his norms and his judicial decisions in Israel, so this really tells us that we have to prepare our hearts for this occasion and So we can help others to also benefit from it. How can we do it by preparing ourselves by meditating more and also delving deeper into the commemoration and this sacrifice.
And in relation to that detail that was just mentioned, we have to think that, especially for new people in a meeting like this or even in the commemoration, there are many details that will not have the answer, doubts or questions will arise with In relation to this that we have to know and it has been mentioned before, the help is that we now have the guide booklet there we are going to answer questions such as why it was necessary for Jesus to die or if he was the ideal person for him to die because God wanted him to die. Rather, he forgave what benefit we are going to have from this fact not only in the future but right now, so all those details need to be studied.
Ideas to study
To deepen our study of rescue, we could seek the answer to questions like these:
Why was the rescue necessary? Why didn't Jehovah simply forgive Adam and Eve?
Why was Jesus the ideal person to come to Earth and save us?
What blessings do we have now thanks to the rescue?
What blessings will we have in the future thanks to the rescue?
13. What is the first thing to do to help others benefit from the Memorial?
Invitation is the first step in helping others benefit from the commemoration. This involves distributing invitations in the service and making a list of people we would like to invite, such as family, friends, co-workers, schoolmates, and other acquaintances.
Once we've made a list, we can send them a paper invitation if available, or share a link to the digital version of the invitation. This gesture can open the door for many people to decide to attend and benefit from the commemoration.
Well, as Ecclesiastes mentions, we must sow our seed and not let our hands rest, so we must be diligent and invite as many as we can, the better. It is interesting what it tells us to make a list so that no one is left out, we want to invite both colleagues work family neighbors and if we also run out of invitations we give them the link in digital version.
It is said in the text that we do not know which one will give good results, so that is why we have to do everything possible to invite all the people, even if, for example, they are family members or co-workers who we think may not be interested, but we do not have to take it for granted but imitate everyone we can.
14. What experience shows what we can achieve when we personally invite someone?
One sister was pleasantly surprised when her husband, who was not a witness, decided to attend the commemoration after receiving an invitation personally from an elderly acquaintance. Although the sister had invited her husband numerous times in the past, she had never accepted the invitation. However, when she received a personal invitation from someone she knew, she changed her mind and decided to attend.
This experience highlights the importance and impact of a personalized invitation. Sometimes a direct and personal invitation can make a difference and motivate someone to participate in a spiritually significant event such as the memorial. We should never underestimate the power of a personal invitation and how it can influence the decisions of others regarding faith and spirituality.
She mentions the experience of a sister who had invited her husband several times to the commemoration and he never went and one day she was surprised because he decided to go and says that the fact that he went was because an old man she knew gave him an invitation. and that it was once and every time many more.
Perhaps many relatives of Witnesses do not want to hear or do not want to accept an invitation from their relatives, but we do because we have a good relationship with them, so do not waste that opportunity.
Yes, we should never underestimate the spirit of Jehovah because we do not know in what hearts he moves and has the opportunity to join us and benefit.
As she says at the beginning, we should never underestimate what an invitation can achieve. Perhaps this sister was inviting her husband verbally, but perhaps if she had given him a personal invitation she would have said, "Take this, this is your personal invitation so that you may attend the commemoration." He had achieved something else that the old man had achieved.
15. What should we remember when we invite someone to the Memorial?
What we must remember is that the person invited will likely have many questions, especially if they have never attended our meetings. Therefore, it is helpful to think about possible questions she may have and how we would respond to them, following the advice of Colossians 4:6.
And some common questions might include: What is done at the commemoration? How long does the meeting last? What is the type of clothing worn? Is there an entry fee? Are money collections carried out? It is important to be prepared to answer some of these questions clearly and concisely that may arise.
We have to keep in mind that if it is your first time you will most likely have some questions, so it is good that we prepare some answers to doubts that we think may arise.
And those answers that we can give do not have to be very complicated, in fact we can use the tools that we already have such as the videos, remember the death of Jesus and what our meetings are like or the enjoyment of life to get simple and clear answers taking into account the possibility of the questions they ask us.
16. What other questions might arise for someone attending the Memorial?
Some questions that may come to someone's mind after attending the memorial could be: Why didn't many people participate in the bread and wine? How often do we celebrate the commemoration? Is the same thing done in all our meetings?
17. How can the elderly help the inactive? (Ezekiel 34:12, 16).
Giving him love and affection.
It is important for elders to show genuine interest and affection toward the inactive, as mentioned in Ezekiel 34:12,16. This may mean going the extra mile to contact them and express your concern and love.
If the inactive decide to attend the commemoration, the elderly can welcome them with love and warmth. This may include providing emotional support, being available to listen to their concerns, and making them feel welcome and accepted in the congregation.
After the commemoration, the elders can continue to contact the inactive and offer them the spiritual help they need to return to Jehovah. This may include offering spiritual guidance, providing helpful Bible study resources, and being available to answer questions and provide support on your spiritual path.
And so that those inactive people can see that love and affection from the elderly, what they can do is get in touch with them so that they can see that they really care about them and that they want to do everything possible to help them and thus take advantage of the invite them to the commemoration and if they attend, welcome them with a lot of love.
They are Jehovah's sheep and in fact he in verse 12 refers to them as my sheep.
18. How can we all help the inactive? (Romans 12:10).
We can all help the inactive by treating them with love, kindness, and respect, following the advice of 1 Thessalonians 5:11. This means avoiding making comments or questions that make them uncomfortable or saying something that might make them feel bad. It is important to remember that, despite being inactive, they continue to be our dear brothers in faith.
As has already been said, we have to treat them with love, kindness and respect. It is very likely that for many it will be very difficult to return to the congregation and it will cost them a lot of work. We are not going to bombard them with indiscreet questions. We are simply going to show them our affection by remembering that they continue. being our brothers.
Well, first we see the brother. Looking at the door of the living room with doubt, with fear, perhaps shame, fear, we don't know the insecurity he may feel, but when he decides to enter, two brothers are talking to him, they are with smiles. Well, telling him what this time has been like, perhaps encouraging him to come back because he is very happy to see you and this makes him feel much calmer and more comfortable.
Series of images: 1. An inactive brother carrying an old Bible and songbook in his hand approaches a Kingdom Hall, but for the moment he does not dare to enter and stares from afar at the brothers who arrive to celebrate the Commemoration. 2. Later, the inactive brother is inside the Kingdom Hall conversing animatedly with another brother.
How did the congregation react?
“I was ashamed to return to the Kingdom Hall. I was worried about how they would react to seeing me. But one of the older sisters, who she hadn't seen in 30 years, said to me: 'Welcome home, son!' She touched my heart. I really felt like she had come home” (JAVIER).
“I went to the Kingdom Hall and sat in the back row to go unnoticed. However, many recognized me from when I attended as a child. They welcomed me and hugged me with so much love that I felt enormous peace. It was like I had come home” (MARCO).
19. What are the benefits of commemorating the death of Jesus?
The commemoration gives us an opportunity to express our gratitude for what Jehovah and Jesus have done for us, sacrificing themselves for our salvation. And by participating in the commemoration together with our fellow believers, we become more closely united as a congregation.
And as we commemorate the death of Jesus, we also have the opportunity to share the message with others, helping them understand how they can benefit from Jesus' sacrifice and receive the blessings that the ransom offers.
Well, one of the benefits we have is that when we meditate on everything that Jehovah and Jesus have done for us, the love we have for them grows much more.
He also says that it is a good opportunity to take advantage and strengthen the ties we have with our brothers.
How can we prepare our hearts for the Memorial?
We can prepare our hearts for the commemoration by reflecting on the immense love that Jehovah demonstrated by giving his son for the salvation of humanity. This helps us appreciate the depth of Jesus' sacrifice and the love that Jehovah has for each of us. And for this we can use the resources it provides us such as the daily reading and the morning duration that is presented.
Well, one of the most important ways that we have seen is that we must meditate on the value of Jesus' sacrifice as we have done in this article if we meditate on all the trials that Jesus went through as well as what both he and his family had to suffer. father and we also use the ideas to continue deepening our study on the rescue because we will have prepared our hearts for the commemoration of the death of Jesus.
We can also follow the special reading we have before the memorial and watch the special morning worship for the day of the memorial.
What can we do to help others benefit from the Memorial?
We can invite friends, family and acquaintances to participate in the commemoration, as it is an important way to help them benefit from this significant event. Letting them know that they are welcome and can join us in celebrating the death of Jesus is a gesture of love and hospitality.
For this reason, it is important to be prepared to answer any questions or concerns that the people we invite to the commemoration may have. Taking the time to listen to their concerns and provide clear, understanding answers can help them feel more comfortable and willing to participate.
Well, apart from participating in the campaign, we can leave our invitations to the territory, since it has already been mentioned, we can make a list but it would be good if we did it in time so that no one forgets neighbors, friends, family, return visits who may have attended the meeting or Let them be magazines that we can attend to and well, that way we can benefit them and us who have done the job well.
The article also mentioned the importance of being prepared to be able to answer certain questions that the person may have regarding why they are rescued, why one participates if all the meetings are like these, etc.
In what ways can we help the inactive?
Treating them with love, kindness and respect, following the advice of 1 Thessalonians 5:11.
This means avoiding asking questions that make them uncomfortable or saying something that could make us feel bad. It is important to remember that, despite being inactive, they continue to be our dear brothers in faith.
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