The Watchtower Study, «Article 3, Week 25 to 30 March 2024, Jehovah will help you in bad times, Answers.

The Watchtower Study, "Article 3", March 25-31, 2024, Jehovah will help you in bad times, Answers.

“He is the stability of your times” (IS. 33:6).

1, 2. What problems can we as servants of Jehovah face?

As servants of Jehovah, we face various problems, from illnesses to difficult situations, such as persecution. However, we trust in Jehovah's promise described in Isaiah chapter 41 verse 10, where he assures us that he will be with us in times of adversity. Despite difficulties we can maintain joy and make wise decisions while maintaining our loyalty to God.

The article highlights four ways in which Jehovah helps us face life's challenges, and we are encouraged to take advantage of that help. It is important to remember that even when we face trials, our faith and trust in Jehovah strengthen us to overcome any obstacle. 


3. What might it cost us to do if we are going through a serious problem?

When we face serious problems, we may experience difficulties thinking clearly and making decisions due to the pain and anguish that invades our hearts, this state of mind can make us feel overwhelmed and lost as Olivia and Mónika expressed in their experiences. 

However, Jehovah has promised us that he will help us in times of despair. His word assures us that he will strengthen us and sustain us in our trials, allowing us to find comfort and direction, even when we feel unable to cope on our own. With his help and our faith in him we can trust that we will find the strength necessary to overcome any adversity that comes our way.

4. What does Jehovah promise us at Philippians 4:6, 7?

In these texts Jehovah promises us that through prayer, we can present our requests before him. The promise is that the peace of God that surpasses all human understanding will guard our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. This Peace is a sense of calm and inner tranquility that we experience by maintaining a close relationship with Jehovah.

It is a peace that goes beyond what we can understand or imagine, and that sustains us Even in the most difficult moments. Have we ever experienced this Peace after intense prayer? If we have experienced it, it is a sign that Jehovah is fulfilling his promise to give us his Peace in the midst of our worries and difficulties.

5. How does “the peace of God” protect our minds and hearts?

God's peace protects our minds and hearts in a similar way to soldiers guarding a city to prevent attacks. This military metaphor teaches us that when experiencing the peace of Jehovah our minds and hearts are protected and safe like the inhabitants of a city protected by soldiers, although external circumstances may be difficult as we see in Psalm chapter 4 verse 8, this peace gives us a feeling of tranquility and security allowing us to remain calm even in the midst of trials.

The same thing happened with Anna, who, as we read in first Samuel chapter 1, verses 16 to 18, found comfort and serenity despite her problems. Seeing this, we understand that the peace of God enables us to think clearly and make wise decisions. in times of adversity.

6. What can we do to feel the peace of God? (See also images).

To experience the peace of God we must follow the example of Luis and Ana who sought the comfort and guidance of Jehovah through prayer in the midst of their difficulties. As we see in Luke chapter 11 verse 9, all of us, like this couple, can communicate with God in prayer, asking Him to give us peace of mind, protection for our hearts and wisdom to make wise decisions in times of adversity.

In First Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 17, we read pray constantly, therefore it is crucial to persevere in prayer, continually seeking the presence and support of Jehovah as Luis and Anna did, who found comfort and strength in their relationship with God.

Constant and fervent prayer brings us closer to God and allows us to experience his peace that surpasses all human understanding. Let's apply what we see in Romans chapter 12 verse 12, because in difficult times, prayer is a powerful tool that connects us with divine power, and provides us with the peace and strength necessary to face any situation.


A sister holds the hand of her husband, who is sick in bed, while he prays. There are little bottles of medicine on the nightstand. In one featured image there are two soldiers guarding a city gate. Pray until he feels that “the peace of God” protects your heart and his mind. (See paragraphs 4 to 6).


7. How might we feel if we are going through a very difficult situation?

When we go through difficult situations, our emotions can overflow, we can feel overwhelmed by sadness, anger, loneliness and frustration, as Luis's wife experienced after his death. This mix of emotions can make us feel like we are lost in the middle of a storm on the high seas, struggling to stay afloat. However Jehovah offers his help in these turbulent times, he gives us comfort and strength to face our overwhelming emotions. 

The Bible assures us in Samo chapter 34 verse 18 that Jehovah is close to the brokenhearted, and will hold us up with his loving hand. We can also find comfort in prayer and in the company of our loved ones and brothers in faith, who can offer us support and understanding in times of difficulty.

8. What has Jehovah promised us in Isaiah 33:6?

In this text, Jehovah promises us stability in times of adversity. This stability is comparable to the stabilizers of a ship that counteract the swaying during a storm, providing safety and comfort to the passengers. Likewise, when we face serious problems, the stability that Jehovah offers us helps us remain firm and calm. However, this promise of stability requires that we continue to advance in our service to God, just as a ship's stabilization systems work best when the ship is in motion, our spiritual stability is strengthened when we continue to faithfully serve Jehovah.

This involves persevering in our faith and maintaining a close relationship with God through prayer and meditation on his word, as well as continuing to obey his commandments by remaining in spiritual movement, we can experience the stability that Jehovah promises us. 

9. How do the tools that Jehovah's organization gives us stabilize us? (See also images).

The tools that Jehovah's organization gives us are like stabilizers, helping us maintain emotional balance during the storms of life. If we find ourselves in the middle of an emotional crisis, it is crucial to maintain a good spiritual routine, even though it may be more limited than before 

In Luke chapter 21 verses 1 to 4, we see how Jehovah understands our circumstances and reasonably expects from us what we can do. It is essential to set aside time for personal study and meditation, and to take advantage of the tools that the organization provides, such as the JW library application, the index of Watchtower publications, and the study guide for Jehovah's Witnesses. 

Monica, for example, used these organizational tools, when she was faced with difficult moments, she searched for keywords related to her emotions and read the relevant information until she felt better, she experienced a notable change in her emotional state, feeling the comfort and support of Jehovah. As she read this way, Jehovah provides us with emotional stability by helping us stay balanced until the turbulent waters of life calm down. 


One sister does her personal study using the JW Library app and meditates on what she reads. In one featured image there is a boat in the middle of a storm with outriggers extending below the water. Our publications can help you not lose stability. (See paragraphs 8 and 9).


10. How might we feel when we suffer misfortune?

When we face misfortune, it is natural to feel physically and emotionally weak. We, like injured athletes, may experience difficulty performing tasks that were previously simple, and we may lose interest in activities we used to enjoy. This state of mind can be similar. that of Elijah, who, as we see in 1 Kings chapter 19 verses 5 to 7, was so overwhelmed that he only wanted to sleep. However, just as he did with Elijah, Jehovah promises to strengthen us in our weakness and suffering.

11. What else does Jehovah do to help us? (Psalm 94:18).

According to the text we just read, Jehovah promises to sustain us in times of difficulty, just as an injured athlete needs support to move, we too may require help to continue actively serving Jehovah.

In Isaiah chapter 41 verse 13 he assures us: "I, Jehovah your God, hold your right hand, I am the one who tells you, 'Do not be afraid, I will help you.'" This image of Jehovah grabbing our right hand conveys the idea of ​​constant and firm support like a father guiding his son. When David faced trials and enemies, he noticed the presence of Jehovah at his side, giving him the necessary strength to move forward. which led him to exclaim, what we read in Psalm chapter 18 verse 35 and which says thus your right hand upholds me, the way in which Jehovah upholds us can manifest itself in various ways, but his constant and comforting support is always available to those who they need it.

12. If we feel very bad, who can Jehovah use to help us?

When we feel very bad, Jehovah can use other people to help us, as we see in 1 Samuel chapter 23 verses 16 and 17. David was strengthened by his friend Jonathan when he was discouraged.

In 2 Kings chapter 2 verse 2, we see that Jehovah supported Elijah through Elisha. In our situation, it is possible that Jehovah uses our family, friends or elders to support us. However, it is natural that in moments of deep pain, we want to be alone, yet we must ask ourselves what we should do to take advantage of the help that Jehovah offers.

13. What must we do to benefit from Jehovah's help? (See also images).

To benefit from the help that Jehovah gives us, we must resist the urge to isolate ourselves, as we see in Proverbs chapter 18 verse 1, when we withdraw from others we focus too much on our problems, which can lead us to make wrong decisions. 

Although we all need moments of Solitude especially in times of tragedy, rejecting the help of others could mean ignoring the support that Jehovah sends us through them. It is important to accept the help of our family, friends and elders, recognizing them as Jehovah's instruments to sustain us. 


Two elderly people visit a couple in their home. In one featured image, a doctor is seen bandaging a man's ankle. He accepts help from his family, friends and elders. (See paragraphs 11 to 13).


14. What can scare us?

In Psalm chapter 55 verse 1 and 5 we see that in times of fear and anxiety, it is natural to feel vulnerable and afraid as if we were helpless in the face of the adverse circumstances we face. 

The Bible recounts experiences of faithful servants of God who admitted to trembling with fear due to persecution by their enemies or other difficulties. We can also face similar situations, whether it is opposition from people in our environment, family conflicts or facing serious illnesses that threaten our life, in these moments we can feel like an unprotected and vulnerable small child. However, Jehovah offers help and comfort in such circumstances.

15. According to Psalm 94:19, what does Jehovah promise to do?

According to the text, Jehovah promises to comfort and reassure us in times of fear and anxiety. The image presented in the article is that of a loving father comforting his frightened daughter during a storm. In the same way when we face fears we need to feel the support and security of our heavenly father, to receive comfort from Jehovah it is important to approach him in prayer and trust in his love and protection, allowing his presence to give us peace and tranquility in the midst of our concerns.

16. If we want Jehovah to comfort us, what must we do? (See also images).

To receive comfort from Jehovah, it is essential to establish an intimate connection with him through prayer and study of his word. By spending time with God in this way we develop a close relationship that allows us to turn to him in times of distress and fear. As we sincerely pray and share our concerns with Jehovah, we find comfort in his fatherly love and care.

Furthermore, by reading the Bible, especially edifying passages such as the books of Job, Psalms and Proverbs, as well as the teachings of Jesus, we receive spiritual strength and comfort in the midst of difficulties. Jehovah speaks to us through his word, giving us comfort and hope to face the trials of life.


A sister meditates on what she reads in the Bible. In one featured image, a dad is seen hugging his little daughter during a thunder storm at night. May his heavenly Father comfort him with the Scriptures. (See paragraphs 15 and 16).

17. What should we keep in mind?

Psalm chapter 94 verse 14 reminds us that it is essential to keep in mind that even in the most difficult moments, Jehovah will always be present to help us, his promise of protection, stability, support and comfort, is firm and secure as Isaiah expressed those who fully trust in him. Jehovah you will find constant peace. Therefore, it is crucial to trust in Jehovah and take advantage of all the help he offers us, in doing so we will find the strength necessary to overcome life's toughest challenges. 


When might we need Jehovah’s help more than ever?

When we face serious problems, we may experience difficulty thinking clearly and making decisions due to the pain and anguish that invades our hearts. However, Jehovah has promised us that he will help us in times of despair, his word assures us that he will strengthen us and sustain us.

In what four ways does Jehovah help us when we go through difficult times?

The four ways in which Jehovah helps us are as follows: Jehovah will protect us, give us stability, sustain us, and finally Jehovah will comfort us.

What should we do to benefit from the help that Jehovah offers us?

The tools that Jehovah's organization provides us, such as the JW Library, the index of publications and the study guide for Jehovah's Witnesses, are instruments that act as stabilizers, helping us maintain emotional balance during the storms of life. life. 
