The Watchtower Study, «Article 2, Week 11 to 17 of March 2024, Are you ready for the most important day of the year?, Answers.

The Watchtower Study, "Article 2", March 11-17, 2024, Are you ready for the most important day of the year?, Answers.

“Continue to do this in remembrance of me” (LUK. 22:19).

1. Why is the Memorial the most important day of the year? (Luke 22:19, 20).

From the texts we have just read we see that the commemoration of the death of Christ is vital for Jehovah's Witnesses, for several reasons: firstly, it is a command from Jesus to which we must obey. Jesus himself was the one who instituted this commemorative act during the Last Supper. 

Furthermore, this occasion allows us to reflect deeply on the sacrifice of Christ, renewing our appreciation for his unconditional love and his role as our savior. Therefore, the commemoration is a sacred moment that connects us with the very essence of our faith and inspires us to follow the example of Christ in our lives.

2. What are some reasons we are looking forward to the Memorial?

We wish for the day of Memorial to arrive for several reasons, first of all, as we read in second Corinthians chapter 5 verses 14 and 15, it gives us the opportunity to meditate on the value of Christ's ransom, remembering, just as his sacrifice offers us the hope of eternal life, secondly as we read in Romans Chapter 1 verse 12.

Attending the commemoration also strengthens our union with our brothers, creating an environment of support and encouragement for all. The commemoration also attracts many inactive people, some of whom can find in it the way back to Jehovah. 

Furthermore, those attending for the first time may be encouraged to begin their own Bible study; all of these aspects make the commemoration a deeply special event for us.

3. How does the Memorial allow us to see the unity that exists among Jehovah's people? (See also the image).

The commemoration allows us to visualize the unity that exists in Jehovah's people in a tangible way. As the sun sets in different parts of the world, Jehovah's Witnesses gather to celebrate this event, we all follow the same program, listen to the same speech, sing the same songs and participate in the same symbols of bread and wine, thus uniting us in an act of collective worship. 

Attending this event is a powerful testimony to the unity and shared devotion that characterize Jehovah's people. And without a doubt a source of joy for Jehovah and Jesus to see his servants honoring them in a united way throughout the world.


Images of brothers and sisters on Memorial Day around the world, preparing for and celebrating this very special occasion. 1. In Puerto Rico, a family watches special morning worship. 2. In Italy, a couple who are preaching give an invitation to a man. 3. In Kenya, two brothers read a Bible text to a man. 4. In Georgia, a sister and her little daughter make bread following the instructions in the video “How to Make Memorial Bread.” 5. In India, several brothers and sisters clean the Kingdom Hall and prepare the table with bread and wine. 6. In Thailand, a brother welcomes a man to the Kingdom Hall. 7. In Japan, a brother passes unleavened bread to a sister during the Memorial. In the Memorial we see the unity that exists in Jehovah's people. (See paragraph 3). 

4. What will we see in this article?

In this article we will look at how to prepare our hearts for the commemoration, we will also look at how to help others benefit from it, and finally we will reflect on how we can facilitate the participation of those who are inactive, and how we can encourage them to return to Jehovah. 

If we follow these three tips we can be fully prepared to celebrate the commemoration in a meaningful and enriching way.


5. a) Why should we meditate on the value of the ransom? (Psalm 49:7, 8). 

According to the texts we have just read, we must meditate on the value of the rescue, because it shows us the depth of God's love for us, and the magnitude of the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made to save us.

It also reminds us that our salvation is costly and that no man can redeem another, this reminds us of our dependence on the ransom provided by Jehovah through his son Jesus Christ.

5. b) Mention what you learned from the video Why did Jesus die?

In the video we learn about the fundamental reason behind Christ's sacrifice. His death was necessary to redeem us from sin and death, thus showing Jehovah's unconditional love for humanity, as we see in Romans chapter 6 verse 23.

The death of Jesus was not an accidental event, but a planned and loving act intended to offer us the opportunity for eternal life, through reconciliation with God. 

6. What did the rescue entail?

By sinning, Adam lost the possibility of living eternally, also depriving his descendants of that privilege. Jesus Christ, by offering his perfect life as a sacrifice, acted as the necessary ransom to recover what Adam had lost. Read first Peter chapter 2 verse 22, It gives us to understand that through his sinless death, Jesus, restored the possibility of eternal life for humanity.

In First Timothy chapter 2 verse 6, we see that Jesus' obedience and voluntary sacrifice offered a way out of sin and death for humanity, providing a hope of reconciliation with Jehovah for all who exercise faith in him.

7. Name some trials that Jesus faced.

Jesus faced various tests during his life on earth, demonstrating his faithfulness and obedience to his father. In Luke chapter 2 verse 51, we see that in his childhood Jesus had to accept the authority of his earthly parents despite his perfection, thus showing his humility and his mission during his adolescence. 

He likely faced external pressure to deviate from God's will, but he remained faithful and committed to Jehovah.

In Matthew chapter 4 verses 1 to 11, we see that already in his adult life, Jesus faced the direct temptation of Satan in the desert, where he firmly resisted his deceptions by demonstrating his unwavering loyalty to God and his determination to fulfill his purpose. In this way Jesus established an example of integrity and trust in God.

8. What other trials did Jesus endure?

In Luke chapter 4 verses 28 and 29, we see that in addition to the evidence we have already seen, Jesus was persecuted and threatened with death by his enemies on several occasions. In Mark chapter 9 verses 33 and 34, we see that he also had to deal with the imperfections and misunderstandings of his own disciples.

In Hebrews chapter 12 verses 1 to 3 we see that during his trial and subsequent death, Jesus suffered physical torture, mockery and humiliation being executed as a criminal, and in Matthew chapter 27 verse 46, we see that at the most critical moment, he even experienced the momentary abandonment on the part of Jehovah, these tests show us the importance of his sacrifice and his firmness in fulfilling God's will until the end. 

9. How do we feel when we think about Jesus' sacrifice? (1 Peter 1:8).

When we understand the immense price that Jesus paid for our salvation, we are deeply moved, it makes us aware of the incomparable love he has for us, to the point of giving his life for us, understanding this inspires us to love more deeply and commit ourselves even more to achieving his teachings and example.

In 1 Peter chapter 1 verse 8 it stands out how the thought of Jesus provokes in us a love and a deep emotional connection with him, recognizing his sacrifice as the greatest act of love in history.

10. What was Jehovah willing to sacrifice to rescue us?

Jehovah was willing to sacrifice the suffering of seeing his son Jesus Christ go through numerous trials and sufferings on earth to carry out the rescue plan as we see. 

In Proverbs Chapter 8 verse 30, Jehovah has a deep and intimate relationship with his son and witnessing Jesus' suffering surely caused him great pain. However, because of his love for humanity and his desire to provide a path of redemption, Jehovah allowed his son to pay the ransom by enduring suffering so that we could be saved.

11. What example helps us understand how Jehovah must have felt when Jesus was executed?

The example of those who have lost a child helps us understand the deep pain that Jehovah must have experienced when Jesus was executed. 

We can imagine the anguish and suffering that Jehovah experienced as he watched his beloved son face torment and death. This example allows us to understand more deeply the love of Jehovah and the magnitude of the sacrifice he made for humanity by allowing his son to suffer for our sins. 

12. How can we take advantage of the time until the Memorial?

To take advantage of the time remaining until the commemoration, we can deepen our study of the rescue individually or as a family, using the study guide for Jehovah's Witnesses or other publications that delve into this topic, as well as following the Bible reading for the commemoration that Found in the activity guide for the Christian life and ministry meeting, it will help us prepare. We must not forget to participate in the special morning worship for the day of remembrance. In Ezra chapter 7 verse 10 we see that by preparing our hearts to help others benefit from this very special occasion.


In the box titled ideas to study we see that we could look for the answer to questions such as: Why was the rescue necessary? Why didn't Jehovah simply forgive Adam and Eve? Why was Jesus the ideal person to come to Earth and save us? What blessings do we have now Thanks to the rescue? What blessings will we have in the future thanks to the rescue?


13. What is the first thing to do to help others benefit from the Memorial?

The first thing to do to help others benefit from the commemoration is to invite them. We can start by making a list of people we would like to invite, then we can distribute invitations in the sermon. 

And if we run out of paper copies, we can send links to the digital version of the invitations based on the words we see in Ecclesiastes chapter 11, verse 6, inviting others to the commemoration is the best way to share the importance of this event and offer the opportunity to others to participate and benefit from it.

14. What experience shows what we can achieve when we personally invite someone?

This sister's experience demonstrates the positive impact that a personalized invitation can have. She had invited her husband on multiple occasions without success, but when he received a personal invitation from an elder, it changed his perspective and motivated him to attend the commemoration. . This story reminds us that we should never underestimate the power of a personalized invitation to inspire others to participate and benefit from the commemoration.

15. What should we remember when we invite someone to the Memorial?

When inviting someone to the commemoration it is important to remember that questions may arise especially if they have never attended our meetings so it is useful to anticipate any possible questions they may have and how we would respond to them. In Colossians chapter 4 verse 6, we see that it is essential to be prepared to answer these questions clearly and kindly.

We can also use resources such as the videos: "Let's remember the death of Jesus" and What are our meetings like? to help clarify any questions. Lesson 28 of the book “Enjoy Life” also provides useful ideas with which we can help people feel more comfortable and prepared to attend the memorial.

16. What other questions might arise for someone attending the Memorial?

After the commemoration, it is natural that more questions will arise in the mind of someone new, although the commemoration speech addresses many of the issues that may be raised, it is understandable that the person may need a more detailed explanation.

To address these questions, we can use the article, Why Do Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate the Lord's Supper Differently from Other Religions? It is important to be available to provide additional clarification and support to those who are interested in learning more about our beliefs. 

As we see in Acts chapter 13 verse 48 we want to do everything we can before, during and after the commemoration, to help those who have a receptive heart to benefit from this very special occasion.


17. How can the elderly help the inactive? (Ezekiel 34:12, 16).

As we have read, the elderly can help the inactive by showing them interest and affection. Before the commemoration it is important for the elders to contact as many inactive people as possible, expressing their concern and their sincere desire to help them.

Inviting them personally to the commemoration and receiving them with love is a way of showing them that they are valued and welcome in the congregation, as we see in 1 Peter chapter 2 verse 25, after the commemoration, the elders must continue to maintain contact with these dear brothers, offering them the spiritual support they need to return to Jehovah.

18. How can we all help the inactive? (Romans 12:10).

According to the text we just read, we can all help the inactive brothers who attend the commemoration, showing them love, kindness and respect. It's important to remember that some of them may find it difficult to return to a meeting after some downtime. Therefore we should avoid asking uncomfortable questions or saying things that could make them feel bad. 

In first Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 11 we read: So continue to encourage one another and build each other up, as you are already doing. 

Furthermore, in Psalm chapter 119 verse 176 and Acts chapter 20 verse 35, we see that showing understanding, support, and affection toward these brothers can make a big difference in their experience and help them feel welcome and valued in the congregation again.


Series of images: 1. An inactive brother carrying an old Bible and songbook in his hand approaches a Kingdom Hall, but for the moment he does not dare to enter and stares from afar at the brothers who arrive to celebrate the Commemoration. 2. Later, the inactive brother is inside the Kingdom Hall conversing animatedly with another brother.

 How did the congregation react?

“I was ashamed to return to the Kingdom Hall. I was worried about how they would react to seeing me. But one of the older sisters, who she hadn't seen in 30 years, said to me: 'Welcome home, son!' She touched my heart. I really felt like she had come home” (JAVIER).

“I went to the Kingdom Hall and sat in the back row to go unnoticed. However, many recognized me from when I attended as a child. They welcomed me and hugged me with so much love that I felt enormous peace. It was like I had come home” (MARCO).

19. What are the benefits of commemorating the death of Jesus?

Commemorating the death of Jesus provides us with many benefits, it helps us strengthen our love for Jehovah and Jesus Christ. As we remember the sacrifice they made for us, it also gives us the opportunity to express our gratitude and appreciation for the rescue that offers us the hope of eternal life. By participating in the commemoration, we strengthen our union with our brothers in faith, and we feel part of a much larger community. Additionally, it allows us to share the good news and help others understand how to benefit from the blessings that Jesus' ransom brings.


How can we prepare our hearts for the Memorial?

We can deepen our study of the rescue personally or as a family by preparing our hearts. This way we will be equipped to help others benefit from this very special occasion. 

What can we do to help others benefit from the Memorial?

The first thing we have to do is invite them. This is the best way to share the importance of this event and offer others the opportunity to participate and benefit from it. 

In what ways can we help the inactive?

The elders can personally invite the inactive and receive them with love, this is a way to show them that they are valued and welcome in the congregation. After the commemoration, the elders should continue to maintain contact with these dear brothers, offering them the spiritual support they need. to return to Jehovah. 
