Thursday, March 7, 2024

The Watchtower Study, «Article 1, Week 4 to March 10, 2024, Trust in Jehovah and you will overcome fear, Answers.

The Watchtower Study, "Article 1", 4-10-March-2024, Trust in Jehovah and you will overcome fear, Answers.

TEXT OF THE YEAR 2024: “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you” (PSA. 56:3).

1. Why can we feel afraid from time to time?

Fear is a natural emotion that we all experience in certain situations, in Luke chapter 21 verse 11, we see that we can feel fear due to difficult circumstances we face in life such as conflicts, illnesses and personal challenges.

On the other hand, in Isaiah chapter 41 verse 10, we understand that instead of allowing fear to paralyze us, we can find strength in faith and trust that Jehovah is with us at all times. Therefore, by trusting God and his promises we can face our fears with courage and hope.

2. What happened when David arrived in Gath?

In 1 Samuel chapter 21 verses 10 to 12, we see that when David arrived at Gath, he was afraid when he realized that his identity as the warrior who had Defeated many Philistines could put him in danger before King Akish, but we will see that for overcoming his fears David acted shrewdly, and although he was afraid he demonstrated trust in Jehovah.

3. According to Psalm 56:1-3, 11, what helped David overcome his fears?

According to the texts we just read, what helped David overcome his fears was his trust in Jehovah. 

David recognized that God was on his side and promised to trust him in the midst of difficulties, knowing that God was on his side. David was able to face his fears with courage and determination as we see in First Samuel chapter 21 verse 13 to chapter 22 verse 1.

This trust in Jehovah allowed him to develop an ingenious plan to escape his dangerous situation in Gath, where he pretended to be crazy to prevent King Akis from seeing him as a threat, thus faith and trust in Jehovah were fundamental for David to overcome his fears and find a way out.

4. How can we strengthen our trust in Jehovah? Give an example.

We can strengthen our trust in Jehovah by reflecting on his past actions, how he cares for us today, and his promises for the future. For example, when faced with a bad medical diagnosis, we trust a good doctor who has treated many patients successfully. Likewise, we trust that Jehovah listens to us carefully and understands our concerns. 

In Isaiah chapter 41 verse 10, we read: Do not be afraid, for I am with you; do not be distressed, for I am your God. I will give you strength, yes I will help you with my right hand of justice I will truly support you. By reflecting on these words, we can strengthen our trust in Jehovah and face our fears with hope and courage, just as David did in Psalm 56. 


5. What did David meditate on to overcome his fear? (Psalm 56:12, 13).

According to the texts we have read, David, to overcome his fear, meditated on the good things that Jehovah had done in the past, remembering the powerful and loving actions of God in past history, gave David comfort and strength. 

For example, in Psalm chapter 65 verses 6 to 9, we see how David meditated on Jehovah's creation, which reminded him of the Power and love of God towards humanity. He also reflected on the blessings that Jehovah had given to many others.

In Psalm chapter 22 verses 9 and 10 we read that David spent time remembering what Jehovah had done for him, personally from his childhood to the present moment. Therefore, Jehovah strengthened David's trust in Jehovah and helped him face his fears with courage.


Images of David reflecting on the ways in which Jehovah had helped him and was helping him. 1. As a young man, David uses a stick to fight a bear that is attacking him. 2. He stretches out his hands so that Ahimelech gives him Goliath's sword. 3. They anoint him with oil. David strengthened his trust in Jehovah by focusing on what he had done, what he was doing, and what he would do. (See paragraphs 5, 8 and 12).

6. In the face of fear, what will help us trust in Jehovah?

When faced with fear, trusting in Jehovah will help us find comfort and strength. To cultivate this trust, we can remember what Jehovah has done in the past. First by observing his creation, such as the birds and flowers, we recognize his loving care which assures us that he will also care for us as we see in Matthew chapter 6 verses 25 to 32. 

On the other hand, it is also important to remember what we see in 1 John chapter 5 verse 14, where we are reminded how Jehovah has guided us and answered our prayers in the past, demonstrating his love and personal care towards us. 

Furthermore, by meditating on Jesus' sacrifice and his daily benefits for us, we find a solid foundation to trust in Jehovah.


Images of a brother in prison reflecting on the ways in which Jehovah has helped him and will continue to help him. 1. Study the Bible with a brother. On the table there is an ashtray and some cigarettes. 2. Read a letter in his cell. 3. In Paradise, he teaches a resurrected Israelite about Jehovah. We strengthen our trust in Jehovah by focusing on what he has done, what he is doing, and what he will do. (See paragraphs 6, 9, 10, 13 and 14).

7. How did the experience of the prophet Daniel help Vanessa?

Faced with an intimidating situation, Vanessa took practical steps to protect herself and seek help from authorities, but she also turned to her faith in Jehovah. Daniel's prophet experience helped Vanessa overcome her fear as she remembered how Jehovah had protected his servants in the past.

In Daniel chapter 6 verses 12 to 22, we see how although Daniel was thrown into a den of lions for obeying God, Jehovah rescued him and protected him from all danger. 

When remembering Daniel's story, Vanessa recognized that just as Jehovah had cared for his servants in the past, he would also be present to protect her in her current situation. Remembering this gave her comfort and strength, allowing her to overcome her fear and trust in Divine protection. .


8. What was David convinced of? (Psalm 56:8).

As we see in the text we just read, David was convinced that Jehovah was guiding and protecting him in the midst of adversity despite the danger he faced. David did not give in to panic, instead he focused on the active presence of God in his life. life. 

Furthermore, as we see in several passages in 1 Samuel, David also found comfort in the help and encouragement provided by loyal friends like Jonathan and the high priest. Therefore, although King Saul was seeking to kill him, David managed to escape unharmed, reinforcing his conviction that Jehovah was aware of his circumstances and protecting him. This example illustrates how trust in God's active presence in our lives lives, can give us strength and security in difficult times.

9. What is Jehovah aware of with each of us?

Jehovah is aware of every aspect of our lives, including our feelings and emotions in times of difficulty. When we face difficult situations and feel scared, we can find comfort in knowing that God not only knows our circumstances, but also our most intimate emotions. In Exodus chapter 3 verse 7, we see how during the time when God's servants were slaves in Egypt, Jehovah was aware of their pain and suffering. 

On the other hand, in Psalm chapter 31 verse 7, we see how David in a song expressed that Jehovah had seen his suffering and deep anguish. Today, we take comfort in knowing that in our moments of fear and anxiety, God fully understands us, and he is willing to help us overcome our fears.

10. What convinces you that Jehovah cares about you and will always be there for you?

What convinces us that Jehovah cares about us and will always be there to help us is the evidence of his care and love in our daily lives. It would be great to reflect on the ways in which God has strengthened us through inspiring speeches, uplifting comments in meetings, motivational posts, videos and songs, which have encouraged us in times of need.

Therefore according to the words we see in Mark chapter 10 verses 29 and 30, these valuable gifts are evidence of Jehovah's personal care and love for us. As we remember these manifestations of his love, our trust in Jehovah is strengthened and we know that we can depend completely on him at all times.

11. What helped Aida overcome her fears?

Little by little she strengthened her relationship with Jehovah through prayer, and she saw how he responded to her requests. So she came to trust Jehovah completely and find comfort in prayer, allowing her to leave her fears behind and face the future with confidence and peace. 

Aida, a sister from Senegal, faced fear and anxiety when she decided to become a pioneer, earning very little money. This sparked disapproval and criticism from her family, especially her, because they expected her to earn enough to support them.

Aida was overwhelmed by the fear of not being able to help her parents and the fear of rejection from others, even blaming Jehovah for allowing things to get so complicated. However, her perspective changed when she heard a talk that reminded her that Jehovah knows the wounds in her heart and that he loves her deeply. In addition to her, the support of her elders and other siblings helped her understand Jehovah's love and kindness toward her.


12. According to Psalm 56:9, what was David sure of?

According to the text we have read, David was sure that Jehovah would rescue him at the right time as we see in first Samuel chapter 16 verses 1 and 13. This certainty in God's faithfulness and power allowed David to face his fears with courage. and confidence by trusting in the word of Jehovah. 

David was sure that God would act on his behalf at the right time, this trust in God's promises teaches us the importance of placing our trust in him and trusting that he will fulfill what he has promised.

13. What do we know Jehovah will do in the future?

We know that Jehovah promises a better future for us, even though we currently face difficulties in this system of things. In Isaiah chapter 25 verses 7 to 9, God assures us that in the new world he will eliminate all our problems. 

Therefore, although we are not without problems in this life, we can trust in God's promises for the future, this gives us hope and strength to face current challenges with confidence that one day we will experience peace and complete happiness in the new world that God has promised us.

14. What can we reflect on?

We can reflect on the hope that Jehovah offers us for the future, when we face fear we can imagine what life will be like when Satan is no longer present, when evil people disappear and only good people remain, and when imperfection begins to fade. gradually. Given this, let us continue to strengthen our hope and confidence in Jehovah's promises.

A demonstration presented at the 2014 Regional Assembly gives us an example of how we can visualize our hope in paradise based on what we see in 2 Timothy chapter 3 verses 1 to 5, where we are told the qualities by which they will be governed people who live in paradise, qualities such as love of neighbor, appreciation for spiritual treasures, modesty, humility, obedience to God and parents, gratitude and family loyalty, willingness to reach agreements, kindness, self-control, meekness, love of what is good and sincerity in devotion to God, this reflection invites us to imagine what life will be like in the new world.

15. What helped Tanja overcome her fears?

Tanja, a sister from North Macedonia, faced great fears when her parents reacted angrily to her Bible study and interest in becoming a Jehovah's Witness, including her mother physically abusing her and threatening her with death. Her parents kicked her out of the house, but instead of being afraid, Tanja found strength by meditating on Jehovah's promises. 

He focused on the idea that by being faithful to God he would enjoy eternal happiness in the new world. Today she is married to a Leal brother and they both happily serve God full time. Tanja's story illustrates how faith in Jehovah's promises can provide comfort and strength to overcome even the greatest fears and adversities. 


16. What will help us to be brave when what Luke 21:26-28 says is fulfilled?

After reading the texts, we see that what will help us be brave during the great tribulation is our trust in Jehovah. While most people will faint from fear, we servants of God will remain brave and steadfast. Why? Because we are accustomed to trusting in Jehovah, as Tania expresses it, our past experiences of trusting in God prepare us to face difficult situations.

We have learned that there is no situation in which Jehovah cannot help and bless us, we know that no matter what happens, Jehovah is in control and that any difficult trial will eventually come to an end. This confidence in Jehovah's sovereignty and power gives us courage and helps us stand firm in the midst of adversity.

17. How is the text for the year 2024 going to help us? (See cover photo).

The text of the year 2024 will remind us that despite the many things that can cause us fear in this world, we can trust in Jehovah as David did. Keeping this text in mind will help us especially in times of distress.

In Psalm chapter 56 verse 4, we read: I put my trust in God and I am not afraid. This text, together with the thematic text of the year, will give us the necessary strength to face challenges with confidence and faith in Jehovah.


A sister standing next to a house that was destroyed by a disaster holds a Bible and shows confidence. A sister who has suffered a disaster meditates on the text of the year. (See paragraph 17).


What Jehovah did in the past.

Remembering God's powerful and loving actions in past history gave David comfort and strength. Today we can meditate on Jesus' sacrifice and his daily benefits to us, so we find a solid foundation for trusting in Jehovah.

What Jehovah is doing now.

Jehovah is aware of every aspect of our lives, including our feelings and emotions in times of difficulty. When we face difficult situations and feel scared, let us remember that Jehovah not only knows our circumstances, but also our most intimate emotions.

What Jehovah will do in the future.

Jehovah promises a better future for us, he assures us that in the new world he will eliminate all our problems, this gives us hope and strength, to face the current challenges with confidence that one day we will experience peace and complete happiness in the new world that God has promised us.

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