Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Study of the Congregation Book, Week March 18 to 24, 2024, Chapter 7, paragraphs 9-13 and box on page. 56, Answers.

Study of the Book of the congregation, March 18-24, 2024, Chapter 7, paragraphs 9-13 and box on page. 56, Answers.

Congregation Bible study (30 mins.) bt chap. 7 paras. 9-13 and box on p. 56.

9. Who was Simon, and what apparently caught Philip's attention?

Simon was a magician in Samaria who initially admired the power of Philip, who performed miracles such as healings and casting out demons. And when Philip performed many miracles in Samaria, such as healing people with disabilities, he saw that the power Philip used truly came from God.

10. a) What did Peter and John do in Samaria?

Peter and John were sent to Samaria by the apostles after learning that the work there was prospering. Its mission was to strengthen the faith of new believers. When they arrived, they laid their hands on the new disciples, and they received the holy spirit of God

b) What did Simon do when he saw the power that Peter and John had?

Seeing the power that Peter and John exerted in laying hands and bestowing the Holy Spirit on the new disciples, Simon was deeply impressed. His amazement led him to seek that same power for himself, believing that he could obtain it somehow. Therefore, he approached the apostles and asked them to grant him this spiritual gift, even going so far as to offer them money as if it were possible to purchase such a sacred privilege.

This situation teaches us that the spiritual cannot be bought or manipulated with earthly resources. As many people think today or by contributing large sums of money, what is important is a genuine relationship with God and doing his will.

Seeking power to satisfy personal ambitions or obtain material benefits is contrary to the true purpose of serving Jehovah

11. What did Peter respond to Simon, and how did Simon react?

Peter responded firmly to Simon, rejecting his request and rebuking him for thinking he could obtain God's gift with money. He made him see that his heart was not right in the sight of God and urged him to sincerely repent, asking him to pray to God for forgiveness of his evil intentions.

Aware of his mistake, Simon asked the apostles to intercede for him to avoid the consequences of his actions. This shows us that Simón was not bad but he did not control his impulses.

Simon, in attempting to acquire the gift of the Holy Spirit through payment, displayed a flawed understanding of the divine nature. And Peter, by rejecting his request and urging him to repent, emphasized the importance of sincerity and uprightness of heart before God when we want to serve Him.

12. What is simony, and to what extent did it spread in Christianity?

Simony is the practice of buying or selling spiritual benefits or religious positions. Its name comes from the incident with Simon in the book of Acts. Throughout Christian history, simony has been a widespread problem in religion.

Referring to simony, the Encyclopedia Britannica points out that the elections of popes throughout history have not been exempt from the stain of simony, becoming shameless and open in many cases. This shows how this corrupt practice has affected the integrity and morality within the churches.

13. How can we avoid simony?

It is important that congregation members do not attempt to influence the decisions of the leading brothers through gifts or excessive flattery. These practices can distort the judgment and corrupt the integrity of those in positions of responsibility.

We must act impartially: for example those who occupy positions of responsibility in the congregation must make decisions impartially, avoiding any form of favoritism based on the financial situation or other factors of the members. Impartiality ensures justice and equity in all decisions and actions within the congregation.

Also something that will help us is to maintain an attitude of humility since it is essential that each servant of God behave with humility, recognizing that it is the Holy Spirit who guides the appointments and decisions in the congregation. Humility helps us avoid selfishly seeking recognition or personal glory, reminding us that true greatness comes from selfless service to God and others.


The key to the Kingdom of heaven symbolizes the power and authority that Jesus gave to Peter, to lead and guide the congregation in that first century.

According to Christian tradition, Peter was considered the main leader among the disciples and was the one who stepped forward on several occasions to represent the group.

On Pentecost of the year 33, Peter preached a powerful sermon that led thousands of people to convert to Christianity, this is considered Peter's first use of the keys of the kingdom, as it opened the door for the Jews and the proselytes received the message of salvation.

We see that in the story of Acts 8 14 to 17 Peter and John laid their hands on the Samaritans so that the holy spirit could decide, this shows how Peter used the keys of the Kingdom to facilitate the reception of the Holy Spirit by those who converted. to Christianity, even among groups considered marginalized.

Peter's preaching to Cornelius marked a significant moment in the spread of Christianity, as it was the first documented encounter between an apostle and an uncircumcised Gentile, this event demonstrated that salvation was available to all people, not just Jews. . And this represents another example of Peter's use of the keys of the Kingdom to open the door of the Gospel to the Gentiles.

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