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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
Psa 22:22. In what two ways can we imitate the psalmist? (w06 11/1 29 par. 7; w03 9/1 20 par. 1).
The first way is when we are present when singing the songs of the Kingdom, many of these musical compositions are prayers, so they must be sung with a reverent attitude. For this reason, we should aim to be seated before the meeting president announces the song, and then sing, concentrating on the meaning of the lyrics. It is important to remember that singing praises to Jehovah is a good reason to arrive early to meetings and stay until the end.
The second way is when we offer feedback in our meetings. So we should not underestimate the good results that this produces, for example we can explain how we have overcome or avoided problems, this strengthens the determination of our brothers to follow the biblical principles, if we include the biblical texts cited, but not copied or we provide the As a result of personal research, we will encourage others to cultivate better study habits.
One way to imitate the Psalmist is by actively participating in congregation meetings, especially during Kingdom songs. Like the psalmist, we can show respect for our meetings by being present when singing songs of Praise to Jehovah. It is important to sing these musical compositions that are like prayers with a reverent attitude, concentrating on the meaning of the lyrics and with the same spirit of the psalmist when praising Jehovah in the intimate group of the righteous and in the assembly.
Another way to imitate the Psalmist is to include cited biblical texts or provide the fruit of our personal research in our comments, which will encourage others to cultivate better study habits and deepen biblical knowledge within the congregation, following the example. of the Psalmist.
Furthermore, what we can do is concentrate on the meaning of the lyrics of the songs. That way we can be prepared to participate in our meetings. Since each song is related to our Meeting.
By singing these songs at the beginning of meetings, congregation members have the opportunity to prepare mentally and spiritually to receive the teachings that will be presented during the meeting. Additionally, it creates an atmosphere of reverence and unity among attendees, helping them focus on the goal of praising Jehovah.
Another way is that when we are in meetings our comments are also a way of worshiping Jehovah because they show how much we prepare and how much we appreciate the food that Jehovah gives us.
That is why before attending we must prepare multiple comments, for example we can talk about how the article we are studying has helped us, or we can comment on a biblical text and how it has helped us to follow a biblical principle, all these comments strengthen our brothers. and encourage us to improve our study habits.
In this verse the Psalmist expresses his commitment to praise and proclaim the name of God among the community of believers. It is an act of worship and testimony to the greatness and faithfulness of God, even in the midst of difficulties and afflictions. This verse encourages us today to be witnesses and bearers of the truth and greatness of God in daily reality and in the community.
It challenges us not only to live our faith privately, but also to openly share Jehovah's name and praise him with other brothers. It also reminds us that worship and praise are a fundamental part of our relationship with God and our identity as Jehovah's Witnesses.
We can expand this answer with information from The Watchtower of November 1, 2006 page 29 paragraph 7, which talks about proclaiming the name of God and praising Him in the midst of the congregation. The paragraph highlights the importance of showing respect for the meetings especially during the song, it is urged to arrive early, be present and have a reverent attitude remembering the words of Jesus cited by the apostle Paul in Hebrews 2:12, when he says: "I will proclaim to them your name to my brothers I will praise you with songs in the midst of the congregation.
Another Watchtower that refers to this situation is that of September 1, 2003 page 20 paragraph 1, which highlights how David expressed his commitment to proclaim the name of God and praise Him in the congregation, it shows that David considered it a privilege and a responsibility. share the good news of justice in the congregation, thus applying Psalm chapter 22 verse 22, focusing on the importance of congregational worship and the proclamation of God's name in community.
What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?
Psalm 22:1, 2. In these texts we can see that David knew from his own experience the effects that extreme distress can have on a faithful servant of God. This makes us see that even faithful servants of God can suffer serious difficulties that break our hearts. But we must remember that Jehovah is a loving father who comforts us and is close to his servants who cry out to him for help, as he longs to comfort and heal our broken hearts. God can give us the wisdom and strength necessary to face any adversity.
Psalms 22:9,10. Jehovah does not remember the close bond of a mother with a child, which was designed by him. King David in these verses thanks God for taking him out of the womb and for making him feel safe in his mother's arms, he recognizes that Jehovah had taken care of him since he was born, so if Jehovah created this complex system for a mother to be aware of her baby and take care of it with affection. It is logical to think that he is interested in each one of us, who are his children.
Psalms 22:24. It shows us how Jehovah takes our brothers into account and they struggle with those feelings of sadness and discouragement. Many of them feel that being overwhelmed with problems and perhaps seeing their brothers who seem to enjoy happiness, even seem carefree, finally There in the note it says that they may come to think that they do not have Jehovah's approval, but this verse 24 confirms that Jehovah does not despise or hate the suffering of the oppressed when they cry out for help, he hears each one. So these words show that Jehovah is attentive to the situation of each of his servants and that he also rewards them.
Psalms 22:28. He says that the real authority is from Jehovah, and this statement gives us confidence that very soon Jehovah will put an end to the governments around us and will establish a just Kingdom in which we can enjoy an endless life.
Psalms 22:7-8. David predicted that Jesus would be insulted, then we see that the people along with the religious clerics, the scribes, the elders, they said that if he saved others because he does not save himself. So Jesus Christ is a good example for us today that people do not love us, they insult us, and we have to imitate Jesus Christ, that is, we must be passive and leave these people who despise us in the hands of Jehovah.
Psalms 22:18. It teaches us that seeing how prophecies are fulfilled in such detail strengthens our faith and trust in Jehovah and also in the Bible.
Psalms 22:14. He mentions: “My heart has become like wax” and it melts deep inside me. And when was this prophecy fulfilled? In Matthew 26:38 it was mentioned that Jesus speaking to his disciples told them that he was so distraught that he felt like he was dying for them to stay awake with him.
Psalms 22:5. The text says that if we trust in Jehovah and follow his day, we will never be disappointed, because our hope will come true. Because our hope is going to come true, And this is so because we make all our paths roll on Jehovah and then we obtain abundant blessings not only now, but also in the future.
Psalms 22:1. It seems that the psalmist cannot believe that the bond with Jehovah has been completely broken, that is why in verse 24 he says that because he has not despised or hated the suffering of the oppressed, and continuing with this verse at the end he says when he asked him for help He heard shouts, so it is not a desperate cry with no way out, it is a plea that travels a tormented path, but in the end if we have confidence in Jehovah, Divine victory comes.
Psalms 22:11. David asks Jehovah to be I don't know how far away from him because difficulties are approaching and he has no one else to help him. Well, this tells us that Jehovah is always close to us when we ask for help in any difficulty, which is why we always have to Pray to Jehovah to be on our side.
Psalms 22:27. There marks the time when the families of the earth will join the people of Jehovah to praise him, but today we are enjoying this Union, because we all form a great international multitude that worship Jehovah together with the rest of the Anointed brothers, so We must so adhere to this kingdom that is divinely organized.
Psalms 22:15. Jesus in his agony says my tongue is sticking to my gums, this was fulfilled according to John 19, when Jesus addressed those who had his feet, he told them I am thirsty. The Watchtower said that Jesus did not think that expressing how he felt was a sign of weakness, which for us it should not be either. So we may sometimes feel uncomfortable telling others about our needs, but we have to remember that if brothers They want to help us, no, they are not going to read our minds, we are the ones who will have to express with frankness of expression, our need just as Jesus did.
Psalm 22:28. This verse proclaims God's sovereignty over all nations, and his role as supreme ruler. In today's world, this verse reminds us that God's dominion extends over all nations and that His will will ultimately prevail. It challenges us to recognize God's authority over our lives and to live according to his principles of justice and love in a very diverse world.
Psalm 22:1. This verse marks the beginning of Psalm 22, where the psalmist expresses anguish and feelings of abandonment toward God. It is a cry of despair and pain that reflects the human experience of feeling alienated from Divine presence and comfort. In our day, this verse resonates with those going through times of friction, pain, or spiritual crisis. It reminds us that it is normal to experience moments of doubt and despair in our relationship with God, but it also encourages us to honestly express our emotions before Him, and to seek His comfort and help in difficult times.
Psalm 22:19. Here the psalmist cries out to God, so that he does not distance himself from him and asks for quick and decisive help. It is a recognition of the need for the presence and power of God in the midst of adversity. In today's society, this verse reminds us that we can rely on Jehovah as our strength and help in times of need. It challenges us to seek God in times of difficulty, and to trust in His prompt response and help in our lives.
Psalms 22:14. It highlights the vulnerability of human beings when they face difficulties and suffering. The psalmist describes his condition as weakened and torn, comparable to spilled water and bones out of joint. In these moments of weakness and despair, the psalmist seeks strength in Jehovah. So instead of relying solely on our own strength or human solutions, we must turn to Jehovah as our source of strength and comfort.
Psalms 22:11. From this same text we can learn that when we face challenges and difficulties, it can be tempting to turn away from God. However, the Psalm reminds us that it is precisely in those moments of distress that we most need the comfort and strength that comes from our relationship with God, and the help of his Holy Spirit to remain loyal.
Psalms 22:7. This teaching highlights that like David he experienced mockery and ridicule from his enemies while he was going through difficulties. We too can face criticism and ridicule when we face trials in our lives, and those who do not share our faith use this to discourage us and discourage us from continuing to serve Jehovah, making it seem that our efforts are useless and in vain.
Psalms 22:11. This text highlights the importance of staying close to Jehovah and from the congregation, especially when we face difficulties and trials in our lives in moments of anguish and suffering, it is essential to hold on to our faith and seek the support of our brothers in faith. By sharing our burdens and worries with our fellow believers, we can find comfort, wisdom, and counsel that will help us endure trials with strength and hope.
Psalms 22:4. This verse highlights the importance of trusting God based on past examples. Just as David and other believers were confident that Jehovah would save him because of God's past actions on behalf of his people. We too can strengthen our faith and trust in God by studying and reflecting on those same examples from the past.
Psalm 22:22. It makes us think about what ways we can praise Jehovah in the midst of the Congregation, for example we can give good comments, but not the only way, another very effective way is through our good example when speaking and treating elders, the opposite sex, minors, and in our way of dressing and grooming ourselves.
Psalm 22:18. The words of this psalm were literally fulfilled, while he was fixed on the tree, Jesus could do nothing to determine what would be done with his clothing. He could not influence the Roman soldiers to cast lots for them, but that is what they did, exactly as Bible prophecy had predicted.
Psalm 22:10. In this same text we can see that spiritual education should not fall only on the mother, the father must also be involved, it is part of the series of responsibilities that should be considered before having a child, the good example of both parents will significantly help the children. to be good people.
Psalm 22:10. Parents do well to teach their children about Jehovah; this should begin as early as possible, from childhood. For this reason, true effort is needed to help them understand that obedience to God is the best way to live; we have tools provided by the organization to help children.
Psalm 22:7. It makes us think about what our reaction is when we see others, are we happy to see them? There are those who when seeing others feel different reactions, the Psalm mentions that when they saw it there were those who laughed and mocked, without a doubt, this has been very common in educational centers, but we do not want to mock anyone when they see it.
Psalm 22:6. This psalm is related to The Prophecy of 53 I love you that The Messiah would be despised By the people, King David was also despised by many who believed in him, but Jehovah had confidence in him, and also in his beloved son. This motivates us, although others do not have confidence that we will achieve our spiritual goals, the important thing is to lean on Jehovah and wait for his perfect timing.
Psalm 22:1. It teaches us that trials are part of our path in this system. Jesus knew that by dying on the Wood he was doing the will of Jehovah. Shortly after quoting them, he exclaimed: They have been fulfilled. Jehovah had to remove his protection for a moment so that he could fulfill all that he had come to do on earth. This also made it possible for all the things written about him to be fulfilled. the law of Moses, in the prophets and in the saints.
Psalm 22:3. Praise played an important role in the worship that the people of Israel offered to Jehovah. Being the almighty constant object of expressions of praise, the psalmist could say of him: "You dwell in the praises of Israel.
Psalm 22:1. Jesus quoted these words to us because he was disappointed or because for a moment he had lost faith. He understood perfectly why he had to die and he was willing to do it. He also knew that Jehovah would have to remove any protective fence around him at the time of his death. Jehovah allowed Jesus to prove beyond a doubt that he would remain faithful no matter how hard his death was.
Psalm 22:1,24. David had not lost faith, since after asking that question he said that he trusted that God can save his servants, and Jehovah continued to bless. Similarly, the fact that Jesus, David's son, was suffering on the Wood did not mean that Jehovah had withdrawn his approval.
Psalms 22:28-31. These verses declare that Jehovah has royal authority and that his righteousness will be announced to future generations, which teaches me about the eternity of God and the importance of passing on our faith and the works of Jehovah to future generations.
Psalms 22:26,27. These verses speak of the satisfaction of the humble and the worship that Jehovah will receive from all the ends of the Earth, which teaches me about God's justice and sovereignty over all nations. This is very important because it reaffirms my conviction about the promises of the Kingdom.
Psalms 22:19-21. Here, David does not turn away from him and helps him in his desperate situation, which shows us the importance of seeking God and asking for help from him in times of danger.
Psalms 22:22. These verses show that despite his situation, David promises to proclaim God's name and praise Him in the congregation, teaching us about gratitude and commitment to sharing our faith in others and keeping our vows.
Psalms 22:16-19. These verses describe a situation of attack and dispossession, which can teach us about the reality of suffering and how people can fall victim to evil. So it teaches me that like David, we can open our hearts to Jehovah and tell him how we feel and he will find the best way to give us the comfort and help we need.
Psalms 22:14. This psalm shows that David was under so much pressure from his enemies that his heart had become like wax and had melted deep inside his bowels, because like Jesus when he was on the Wood long later, it is possible that he thought that Jehovah I had abandoned him. However, verses 16 through 21 clearly show that David had not lost faith in Jehovah.
Psalms 22:14-15. These verses describe the physical and emotional suffering that David is going through. Which teaches me that even in the depth of pain I must turn to Jehovah for comfort and strength.
Psalms 22:12,13. These verses show the presence of David's enemies and his feeling of being surrounded. From this I learn that facing opposition can make us feel overwhelmed, but they also teach me the importance of maintaining faith in Jehovah in the midst of adversity.
Psalms 22:11. This verse teaches me the need to be close to Jehovah always, but especially in times of difficulty. Since here it is highlighted that there will be situations or challenges where only Jehovah can help us, no one else.
Psalms 22:6-8. In these verses the psalmist compares himself to a worm, expressing his humility and the ridicule he faces. This teaches me that although we sometimes suffer humiliation and contempt from others, our faith in Jehovah must remain firm, as well as our confidence that he will act in due time to bring us justice.
Psalms 22:9,10. These verses show Jehovah's care from our birth, and show us Christian parents that we must teach our children from a very young age to cultivate a special relationship with Jehovah, since he is present and caring for us from the beginning of our lives. .
Psalms 22:1, 2. These verses express David's sense of abandonment and his persistence in prayer. This teaches me the importance of persevering, even when it seems that there is no answer from Jehovah or that he is far from me.
Psalms 22:3-5. These verses speak of the holiness of Jehovah and the trust that past generations placed in him and how they were not disappointed. These verses encourage me to remember how Jehovah helped his people in the past and that encourages me to trust in Jehovah's promises based on his faithfulness, which is very important considering the times we live in and what awaits us. in the near future.
Psalms 22:19. Despite adverse circumstances, the psalmist affirms: "You are my strength." This statement reflects a deep confidence in God's power to provide strength in times of weakness. It teaches us that even when we feel weak or hopeless, we can rely on the strength that only God can provide.
Psalms 22:22. The essence of duration in this verse is to highlight and praise Jehovah. By focusing our worship on him, we recognize his greatness, faithfulness, and sovereignty over our lives.
Psalms 22:24. This verse reminds us that Jehovah does not despise or hate the suffering of the oppressed. He teaches us that God is compassionate AND he is close to those who are going through difficult times. This gives us comfort and confidence in the midst of our trials, knowing that we are not alone and that Jehovah understands our pain better than anyone.
Psalms 22:18. This verse is a prophecy fulfilled in the death of Jesus. In the gospel of Matthew 27 35 and Mark 15 24, it is recounted how the Roman soldiers divided Jesus' garments and cast lots for his tunic. This shows how the scriptures in Psalm 22 pointed to specific events in the life of Jesus. Without a doubt, biblical prophecies are always fulfilled, this helps us to continue trusting in Jehovah.
Psalms 22:10. It speaks of an intimate relationship between the psalmist and God from the moment of his birth. This statement highlights the belief that God is present and cares for us from the beginning of our lives. By declaring that from his mother's womb, Jehovah has been his God, the psalmist recognizes God's sovereignty and control over his life. This reminds us that our lives are in Jehovah's hands from the beginning, and that we can trust in his direction and care.
Psalms 22:6. The psalmist identifies himself with suffering by comparing himself to a worm, an insignificant and despised being. This image reflects the deep emotional pain and hopelessness that a person can feel in the midst of grief. He teaches us to recognize and express our struggles and pain before God, knowing that he understands and cares for us.
Psalms 22:4. He shows how the psalmist recognizes that his parents also put their trust in God. This tells us that faith is a spiritual inheritance, transmitted from generation to generation. The lesson here is the importance of instilling spiritual values and beliefs in the family.
Psalms 22:3. The text mentions, referring to Jehovah, that he is "Holy." Which reminds us that holiness is one of Jehovah's fundamental qualities and that he is completely separate and apart from all sin and evil. This teaching calls us to recognize and respect Jehovah's purity and perfection in our lives.
Psalm 22:3. Here we can see that Jehovah is Holy, that is, he is separated from all sin, and that fills us with confidence, since we live in a world where purity is rare. In one way or another, everything in this world away from God is contaminated by sin and imperfection. For this reason we all have to fight against our tendency to sin. However, if we are not careful, we are in danger of falling into sin. But that doesn't happen to Jehovah. He does not run that risk, because he is completely separated from sin. This confirms to us that he is the best father and that we can totally trust him.
Psalm 22:4,5. These two verses make us see the importance of trusting in Jehovah, since the end of this system is getting closer. Therefore, today more than ever we have to trust in Jehovah's way of doing things. If we trust the instructions we receive now and obey them immediately, we will probably do the same during the great tribulation.
Psalm 22:6,7. We see that sometimes there are situations that can make us feel devastated, but we must remember that Jehovah is a God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation and can help us all, no matter how terrible a situation is, our heavenly father can comfort us
Psalm 22:9,10. In the text, Jehovah reminds us of the close bond that unites a mother with her child, which was designed by our loving creator, Jehovah. King David thanked God for taking him from the womb and making him feel safe in the arms of his mother. He recognized that Jehovah had taken care of him from the moment of his birth. If God created such a complex system so that the mother is aware of the baby and cares for it with affection, it is logical to think that God is also interested in each of us, who are his children.
Psalm 22:11-15. These texts teach us that when we are going through distressing situations, we must turn to Jehovah for help, just as David felt as if Jehovah had abandoned him, his faith remained firm. Like David, we must never forget the magnificent things that Jehovah God has done for us.
Psalm 22:19-21. These verses teach us that Jehovah can help us in difficult situations. That is why he encourages us to express ourselves through prayer. He sees how we feel and assures us that we can pray to Him at any time and He will not be heard. For him, listening to his servant is a pleasure. So we can vent to him, and tell him what worries us and how we feel. We can also ask him to help us see what we need to do.
Psalm 22:22. This verse shows us that we can praise Jehovah in the congregation through our edifying comments, we can also resolve to speak at least once per meeting. Comment as soon as possible. Sit in a convenient place and learn to answer in one's own words. If we do it this way we will praise our great God Jehovah and we will also be a source of encouragement for our brothers.
Psalm 22:24. This text makes us think about how loving our great God Jehovah is, since he is aware when we suffer and gives us his unconditional support when we ask it with all our heart and he can give us a way out of any difficulty.
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