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LET'S LOOK FOR HIDDEN PEARLS: March 18-24, 2024, Psalms 19 to 21 Answers.
Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
Ps 19:7-9. How do these verses help us understand what synthetic parallelism is? (it-1 1105).
Contributes to the progression of the idea. In this way the reader understands the full meaning of concepts such as the perfect law and the reliable reminder of Jehovah, only by considering both parts of each verse. This style of parallel construction is a clear manifestation of synthetic parallelism, also known as formal parallelism. or constructive.
Before answering this question, it is first important to define what synthetic parallelism means: It is the second part of a verse that does not repeat the same idea of the first, as we read in the texts. So we observe that the second part of each verse completes the idea of the first, each verse is a synthesis, that is, the result of the union of two elements. Just the progression of the idea of each verse or a certain poetic structure, that is, a form of parallel construction, This is the reason why this writing is called formal or constructive parallelism.
Synthetic parallelism, as illustrated in Psalm 19:7-9, helps us understand how the second part of each verse not only complements the first part, but also expands it with a new idea or detail, which enriches the meaning. and provides a deeper understanding of the first statement. For example, when it is said, “The Law of Jehovah is perfect,” the second part, “It brings back the soul,” expands on this idea by explaining how the law is perfect in the sense that it has power.
This example from the Psalms helps us understand what synthetic parallelism is, since each pair of lines work together to form a complete unit of thought, where the second line provides the reason or result of the statement made in the first. line. This method of parallelism not only improves understanding of the text, but also adds beauty and rhythm, making reading more engaging and meditative.
The example of the Psalms helps us understand synthetic parallel writing as a method that facilitates memorization and reflection on verses, which is a valuable characteristic in the oral and written tradition.
The first idea is that the law of Jehovah is perfect, renews strength, is reliable and gives wisdom, then the following verses expand on that idea by saying that Jehovah's commands are just, gladden the heart, are clean and enlighten the eyes, Up to this point we see that there is no contrast, but rather, the verses reinforce and expand the initial idea of the first verse, this is called formal or constructive parallelism.
Through these verses of the Psalms, we can appreciate how synthetic parallelism in poetry allows for greater richness and depth in the expression of ideas by combining complementary elements in each verse, instead of simply repeating or contrasting the same ideas.
What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?
Psalms 19:7. There it is mentioned that Jehovah's reminders are reliable. This highlights the importance of trusting in divine promises and teachings contained in the scriptures. However, it also teaches us that trust in Jehovah and his promise can provide wisdom and guidance especially in times of uncertainty.
Psalms 19:10. This text teaches us that the words of God, contained in the Bible, are more desirable than gold. This comparison highlights the great worth and incomparable value of divine teachings about earthly riches. Recognizing the supreme value of God's words, we are reminded that our primary pursuit in life should not be focused on accumulating material wealth, but rather on seeking the knowledge and wisdom of Jehovah.
Psalms 19:10. This text also teaches us that instead of investing our lives in the pursuit of temporal riches and earthly vanities, we should focus our efforts on the study and understanding of divine teachings, which are eternal and have infinite value. In doing so, we will find true satisfaction and direction for our lives, and experience the true spiritual richness that can only come from an intimate relationship with God.
Psalms 19:7. It teaches us that Jehovah's law is perfect, as is his creation. This statement gives us confidence in the word of God, and teaches us that obedience to God's teachings and commandments not only leads us to a life of righteousness. and blessing, but also brings us closer to God and strengthens our relationship with him.
Psalms 19:3. He teaches us that creation itself acts as a silent witness to the existence of the creator. When we encounter people who do not believe in God, we can use the complexity and wonder of creation as evidence of the existence of an intelligent creator and not simply the result of chance.
Psalms 19:2. Just as David upon seeing creation felt moved to speak of the God for whom he served, we too must recognize the hand of God in all things and feel inspired to share this truth with those around us. Our very existence is proof of Jehovah's intelligent work, and we must be willing to bear witness to his love and his plan for humanity.
Psalms 19:1-2. They teach us that God's works, like heaven and earth, proclaim his glory and tell us about his greatness and power. Following this lesson, as human beings created by God, we should be motivated to use our time and energies to share the greatness and love of our creator with other people.
Psalms 19:10. We see that the laws and orders of Jehovah are so valuable that by adhering to these laws they are very pleasant, it is like eating honey, they are so desirable because they come from our God.
Psalms 19:9. This reading teaches us the importance of adhering to Jehovah's law. Since when we fulfill it we do well and our life has meaning, because Jehovah's laws protect us.
Psalms 19:1. This text teaches us that Jehovah is the creator of all things and deserves our honor and praise, because he gives us creation to delight in, this reinforces our gratitude to our creator.
Psalms 19:8. These verses show that God's word is perfect and make wise people who live by its wonderful standards. So we can fully trust the word of God and it will make us happy in life.
Psalms 19:3,4. These texts teach us that creation in a fashion gives thanks to God and praises Him. Like creation we can join our voices to glorify our great creator, the maker of heaven and earth.
Psalms 19:2. This verse shows us that when we preach we can get people with a receptive heart to the word of God, and these words can give them knowledge to be able to get closer to God, so it is important to preach with great zeal to find deserving people.
Psalms 19:8. The Bible contains the thoughts and sayings of Jehovah, the author of this book will be made. By emphasizing the vindication of God's sovereignty through His Kingdom, the Bible offers all humanity hope that better times will soon come. It also shows us the loving personality of our heavenly father, Jehovah. For this reason we must value the word of God.
Psalms 19:7. As we observe the word of Jehovah is perfect, it is a blessing that Jehovah has communicated with us in writing. Through his word, Jehovah teaches us the best way to live. When we follow these tips and share ourselves with others, we grow closer to God, the source of wisdom.
Psalms 19:1. David considered that the Stars and planets that projected their splendor through the expansion, or atmosphere, were irrefutable proof of the existence of a glorious God. This teaches us how important it is to meditate on Jehovah's creation.
Psalms 19:12. He teaches us that as less imperfect we sometimes stumble, without realizing it, David knew that he could sin without even realizing it. So he asked for forgiveness for the transgressions that he may have inadvertently committed.
Psalms 19:12. The same text teaches us another very important lesson. Since, today, many people excuse themselves by saying that this is how they are, and that they cannot change, but in reality, Jehovah shows us in his word our error so that we can correct it, not so that we can accommodate ourselves to it. This will help us have a reasonable and balanced view of ourselves, instead of accommodating ourselves to imperfection.
Psalms 19:14 . It teaches us that our words have power, it is important to take care of the words that come out of our mouths, we fight against the tendency to say bad words, or immoral jokes or jokes, comments that hurt or make others feel bad. Instead, we should use words that are pleasing to Jehovah.
Psalms 19:1-6. Seeing that the visible physical creation that cannot speak or reason with human words, glorifies Jehovah, compels us too to honor, praise and worship our creator.
Psalms 19:14. This verse also teaches us how necessary it is to pay attention, not only to what we do, but also to what we say and think.
Psalms 19:13. It speaks of committing presumptuous and arrogant acts, for example King Saul and King Uzziah, They felt that having authority made us the authority, and they skipped the direct ordinances of Jehovah, we must be very careful about abusing our authority and imposing on ourselves what which according to us is correct, in matters that Jehovah and the organization have given instructions regarding.
Psalms 19:7. Reading and studying the word of God can be comforting and are our spiritual nourishment, they give us an inner feeling of joy and make our eyes shine with clear vision and the wonderful purposes of Jehovah. All of this is very pleasant.
Psalms 19:1. It teaches us that Jehovah is the creator, just as a masterpiece of painting communicates something to us regarding the talent and skill of the artist, the stars, although without speaking, word or voice, they are telling us something, that the order and design that manifest in the stellar heavens, convey the clear message that they are the work of an intelligent and Almighty designer and creator.
Psalms 19:14. This verse teaches me that when we pray and meditate, this is pleasing to Jehovah, because it reflects our desire to have a close relationship with him, and therefore the result is that we earn his approval.
Psalms 19:11. This verse shows that God's warnings are for our benefit, and obeying them brings rewards. This teaches me that there are positive consequences to obeying Jehovah's commandments, so I should do my best to do so.
Psalms 19:12,13. These verses teach us that we must recognize our limitations and ask Jehovah for help to avoid sin. It also teaches me to be aware of my faults and to seek guidance from Jehovah to live a righteous life.
Psalms 19:10. This verse shows the comparison of God's laws to gold and honey, suggesting that they are more valuable and desirable than material wealth and pleasures that we can physically perceive. This teaches me to value the word of God above earthly possessions.
Psalms 19:1-4. These verses show that creation itself, including the heavens and the earth, communicates the glory and work of Jehovah without the need for words. This teaches me that nature is a silent but powerful testimony of the existence and power of God.
Psalms 19:7-9. These verses highlight the perfection, reliability, justice, purity, and truth of Jehovah's law. Which teaches me that God's instructions are beneficial to us, because they provide us with wisdom, joy, clarity and moral guidance.
Psalms 19:5. This verse describes the sun as a joyful bridegroom and a powerful man, indicating the joy and strength that characterize Jehovah's creation. This teaches me that there is beauty and vigor in the works of God.
Psalms 19:8. There he teaches that Jehovah's orders are based on Divine principles of righteousness and equity. He also teaches us that following Jehovah's teachings is not only a duty, but a pleasure, because they are also a source of joy. Therefore, being obedient to Jehovah's commandments brings with it deep satisfaction and joy.
Psalms 19:9. There it shows that the fear mentioned here in this verse does not refer to a paralyzing fear, but to a deep respect and reverence for Jehovah God. It is a recognition of his greatness and holiness that this fear is clean, in the sense that it is pure without contamination by selfish or malicious motives, it is a fear that arises from love and devotion not from intimidation.
Psalms 19:10. The sweetness of Jehovah's sentences is compared to honey dripping from honeycombs. This metaphor highlights the pleasure and satisfaction that comes from living according to God's will. Obedience to His commands is not only wise and just, but also rewarding and full of joy.
Psalms 19:11. He recognizes that through the scriptures Jehovah's servants receive instruction. This highlights the revelatory nature of God's words that provide direction and wisdom for life. The lesson is that obedience to Divine teachings is fundamental, the text implies that true understanding of the scriptures goes hand in hand with obedience, it is not enough to simply know the word, but true wealth comes from living according to they.
Psalms 19:12. There it teaches us that we must be humble and recognize that as human beings we are often not fully aware of all our mistakes, if we are humble that will help us for our spiritual growth.
Psalms 19:3. It shows how the psalmist recognizes his own weakness and dependence on Jehovah, asking God to restrain arrogance is an act of humility, recognizing that without divine Guidance or the Guidance of Jehovah, he is prone to making mistakes, on the other hand he teaches us that Prayer reflects the willingness to submit to God's commandments and that is what the Psalmist did by seeking to obey and follow the Divine will.
Psalms 20:4. There he teaches us that prayer must be essential in our daily lives. Through prayer we must seek Jehovah's direction in all our actions, in everything we do. Recognizing that we depend on God in our lives is essential to achieving true success.
Psalms 20:7. The main lesson in this verse is that true security and confidence come from God, not from material resources or human strength. Instead of relying exclusively on tangible things, we are encouraged to place our trust in Jehovah’s sovereignty and provisions.
Psalms 20:1. This verse teaches us that Jehovah is watching over all of us, and if we have problems we can trust him to help us.
Psalms 20:7. In a world full of uncertainties and challenges, this verse encourages us and teaches us that we must embrace faith in Jehovah in response. Instead of allowing fear and anxiety to dominate us, we can rely on the security that comes from our relationship with Jehovah.
Psalms 20:7. This reading shows us that we should never trust in material things, nor in any person, because only Jehovah is our confidence in our strength.
Psalms 20:5. This verse shows us that our preaching is very important. Because through it, people can take in the great name of God and see that Jehovah is a God of purpose, and that they can benefit from his promises just as we do.
Psalms 20:3. This reading teaches us that once dedicated to Jehovah, we have to fulfill an offering or dedication to Jehovah, which involves striving to comply with God's will to be approved by him.
Psalms 20:7. Another lesson that we can also extract from this text is that by highlighting that we call on the name of Jehovah to our God. The psalmist emphasizes the sovereignty and power of God over all things. This reminder helps and teaches us to maintain a balanced perspective and to remember that Jehovah can help us even when circumstances are challenging.
Psalms 20:1,2. These verses teach me about the importance of seeking Jehovah's help in times of distress, and trusting that he will provide protection and support from his Holy Place.
Psalms 20:7. It makes us think that there are vehicles of very reliable brands, and others that are very famous for their failures, the text makes us see that we can always trust in Jehovah, he never fails us, his word be fulfilled, it continues to be fulfilled and everything he says it's the truth.
Psalms 20:1-5. The words of this Psalm can help us in moments of anguish in our lives.
Psalms 20:3. This verse highlights the value of offerings made to God, suggesting that our service and good works are taken into account and remembered by Jehovah.
Psalms 20:4. This verse reflects the absolute truth that only Jehovah can grant us the desires of the heart and ensure the success of personal plans. Hence the importance of leading a life of integrity in every sense so that we are liked and approved by him.
Psalms 20:5. This verse highlights the joy and celebration of Jehovah's salvation, and encourages us to recognize and celebrate the blessings received from him.
Psalms 20:6. This verse affirms that salvation comes from Jehovah, and highlights the special relationship that exists between him and those who are faithful to him.
Psalms 20:7,8. These verses contrast reliance on material power with faith in God, teaching that true stability and success come from calling on the name of Jehovah.
Psalms 20:8. It shows us that those who trust in the name of Jehovah are sustained and strengthened. Trust in God is safe and reliable, since he is eternal and omnipotent. Serving Jehovah and placing our trust in him ensures a solid and stable foundation for our lives, even in the midst of trials and difficulties.
Psalms 20:7. It gives us a powerful lesson in proper trust. While some rely on material possessions or human strength to secure their lives, the psalm urges us to trust in God. This statement reminds us that putting our trust in the wealth or power of man is unsafe and can lead to disappointment. Material possessions are temporary and can disappear, and human power is limited and fallible.
Psalms 20:6. This teaching encourages us to maintain a close relationship with God and trust in his provision and care in all of life's circumstances. It shows us that we are not alone in our challenges and tribulations, but that we have a loving God who is attentive to our prayers and willing to intervene on our behalf.
Psalms 20:9. This verse expresses David's request for salvation and his confidence that Jehovah would respond to him in times of need. This teaches me that like David, I must trust Jehovah absolutely and even more so in times of difficulty.
Psalms 21:1,2. These verses show David's joy at God's saving acts, and the divine response to the petitions of his heart. This teaches me the importance of gratitude and recognition of the blessings received from Jehovah.
Psalms 21:3. This verse shows the symbolic image of the glory brought to David by his numerous victories thanks to the help of Jehovah. This teaches me that as long as we have divine approval we will be successful in life.
Psalms 21:4. This verse shows that Jehovah promised David eternal life. So in order for this promise to be fulfilled, it must be possible in the resurrection of the dead. This reaffirms my faith and hope in biblical promises.
Psalms 21:3. This verse shows us that Jehovah guarantees us that if we are loyal, we can enjoy all of his wonderful blessings.
Psalms 21:5. This verse highlights the glory and dignity that Jehovah bestows through his acts of salvation to those who are faithful to him.
Psalms 21:6. This verse shows the blessings, joys, and satisfaction that only come when we have a close relationship with Jehovah.
Psalms 21:8,9. These verses affirm that Jehovah will find and judge all his enemies. Thus illustrating divine justice and the certainty that evil will be eliminated forever.
Psalms 21:10-12. This verse declares the elimination of enemy offspring and the defeat of evil plans, underscoring the sovereignty of Jehovah and the futility of bending oneself to his will.
Psalms 21:13. This verse is a call to wash away the strength of Jehovah and an invitation to celebrate his power. Thus indicating the importance of duration and praise as appropriate responses to the greatness of our God Jehovah.
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