Tuesday, March 19, 2024

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: Week of March 18 to 24, 2024, Video: Observing creation strengthens faith, Analysis and Answers.

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: March 18-24, 2024, Video: Observing creation strengthens faith, Analysis and Answers.

Observing creation strengthens faith (15 mins.) Analysis with the audience. Play the VIDEO. Then ask:

What details of creation strengthen your faith in God?

We could mention the majesty and Immensity of the universe, as shown in the video. This undoubtedly strengthens our faith in Jehovah as we contemplate the complexity and harmony in creation, Jehovah's ability to design and maintain such a vast and detailed system from the scale of individual stars to the formation of Galactic super clusters. This leads us to recognize his greatness and infinite wisdom, and this allows faith to be strengthened much more, due to the fact that the precision and order in creation is amazing. In addition to Jehovah's ability to know each star by its name and count them, this demonstrates his individual attention to creation.


Among the details of creation that strengthen my faith, as we see in the video, creation is full of amazing aspects that can strengthen our faith in God. By observing the complexity and beauty of the universe, the diversity of life on earth, the perfection in the design of creatures, the harmony in ecosystems and the precision in natural processes, we can marvel at the greatness and wisdom of God as creator.

In the video we also saw that the stars teach us about the greatness, power and creativity of Jehovah, God. As we observe the vast universe filled with countless stars, galaxies, and planetary systems, we can marvel at the magnitude of divine creation. The stars show us the infinite wisdom of God, having designed such a vast and complex cosmos, where each star and each celestial body play a role in the balance and harmony of the universe.

Furthermore, the stars remind us of the Constancy and faithfulness of God, since throughout the centuries they have shone in the firmament as a reminder of His presence and eternal power. Contemplating the stars also invites us to reflect on our smallness compared to the Immensity of the universe, reminding us of the greatness of God and our dependence on him as created beings. 

The cycle of water circulation on our planet teaches us important lessons about the provision, care and sovereignty of God as creator. This cycle, which includes the evaporation of water from the oceans, the formation of clouds, precipitation as rain or snow, runoff into rivers and lakes, and finally returning to the sea, is an amazing example of design and balance in nature.

And speaking again about the water cycle, it also teaches us about divine provision, since water is essential for life on earth and this cycle guarantees a constant supply of fresh water for the survival of living beings. It reminds us of God's goodness in providing the resources necessary to sustain life on our planet.

Furthermore, the water cycle reflects God's care and faithfulness toward his creation. Through this process, water is purified and constantly renewed, showing God's concern for maintaining the purity and health of aquatic ecosystems. It also teaches us about the sovereignty of God, who controls the natural elements and maintains a perfect balance in creation.

The life cycle of trees, from seed to growth, flowering, fruiting and finally decay, reminds us of the concept of renewal and Rebirth. Just as trees renew their life cycle each season, we can see God's hand in the constant renewal of nature and the promise of new opportunities and life within it.

The process of decomposition of trees at the end of their cycle teaches us about the importance of death and decomposition in the natural cycle of creation. Through this process, trees contribute to enriching the soil and supporting new forms of life, displaying God's wisdom and perfect design in the interconnectedness of all living things.

Hail, with its destructive force and ability to cause damage, can be seen as a reminder of God's power over creation. In the Bible, occasions are highlighted in which he used hail as a manifestation of his power and Divine judgment, demonstrating his control over the natural elements and his sovereignty over the entire Earth.

Throughout biblical history, there are recorded cases in which God used hail selectively, protecting his people while punishing enemies or demonstrating his power to unbelievers. These stories show God's ability to protect and provide for those who trust in him, thus strengthening the faith of those who recognize his care and faithfulness.

The whale, as one of the largest and most majestic animals in creation, depends on God's Divine provision for its sustenance and survival. The way God provides food and habitat for whales reminds us of His constant care and provision for all His creatures great and small.

The existence of whales and their ability to survive in the oceans reflects the perfect design and balance in God's creation. Their adaptation to marine life, their ability to feed on large quantities of plankton and fish, and their role in the marine ecosystem are testimonies to the wisdom and power of God as creator.

The human body's ability to heal broken bones is an amazing testimony to God's wisdom and perfect design in creation. This healing process reminds us of the complexity and effectiveness of the human body, evidencing the hand of God in the restoration and renewal of our health.


Our sun is considered an average-sized star. However, the amount of energy that reaches us from it to the earth is thousands of times the total energy used by the planet.

On a dark night, we can see about 3,000 stars with the naked eye, many of them forming a diffuse band called the Milky Way. Our sun is just one of the 200 to 400 billion stars that make up the Milky Way.

Astronomers believe that this galaxy is grouped together with 100,000 other galaxies in an immense structure called a supercluster. It is estimated that there are about two billion galaxies between them that make up the known physical universe. The number of stars and the distances between them are unimaginable, and the immense energy it gives off is almost impossible to understand for us, not for Jehovah.

«He counts the number of the stars, he calls them all by name. Our Lord is great, his power is immense, According to Psalm 147: 4,5 ».

Millions of cubic meters of water constantly circulate around the planet, near the poles, the masses of colder, saltier and denser water sink and generate a current of water almost 100 times greater than that of the Amazon River, this causes a water circulation cycle that can take 1000 years to complete, an ocean conveyor belt, this enormous circulation system distributes heat, helping to stabilize the climate.

And in addition, it transports large amounts of nutrients around the world, allowing life on the planet to be abundant. Jehovah is the creator of processes like this, and he understands them perfectly.

"You control the fury of the sea, when its waves rise, you calm them" Psalm 89:9.

Trees can become very strong, and withstand large storms. Now, if they did not decompose when they died, the trees and leaves would clump together and the nutrients would be trapped inside, but they do decompose, how? Most animals cannot eat dry wood or leaves, but fungi can, they break down dead plant tissues and thus soften them, beetles and termites bore into the wood, allowing the fungi to spread inside and They soften even more, so other insects can join the feast.

Worms oxygenate the soil and in soil nutrients that will be used by other plants, decomposer organisms have been called "The Unsung Heroes of the Natural World" they recycle organic matter so that other living beings can reuse it. Through this process, Jehovah made it possible for us to enjoy the lush beauty of our planet, generation after generation.

"May the fields and everything in them be happy." Let all the trees of the Forest shout for joy at the same time” Psalms 96:12.

Although hail is made of ice, it is very different from snow. Hail is normally formed in temperate climates. When large electrical storms generate very powerful upward currents of air, these currents can lift particles of dust or ice to the top. of the clouds, there the water that surrounds them freezes, each time this happens, new layers of ice are added to the particles until they become hail balls and fall due to the weight.

Hail storms can be very destructive; on one occasion, one of these storms dropped hailstones that weighed more than a kilo. Jehovah has used hail to demonstrate his power and defend his people, as in the case of the seventh Plague of Egypt. When Joshua fought against the Amorites, Jehovah caused a great hailstorm, more Amorites died from the hail than from the battle. Hail is also mentioned among the elements that Jehovah will use in the future against those who attack his people.

«Have you seen the deposits of hail, which I have reserved for the day of battle and war?» Job 38:22, 23.

The largest animal that exists is also the largest animal that has ever existed, the blue whale. Blue whales can measure more than 30 meters long and weigh up to 180 tons, their heart alone can weigh hundreds of kilos. How does a creature of that size find enough food? The blue whale travels long distances looking for krill, which are very small crustaceans. When a whale finds a school of krill, it pounces on it by opening its gigantic mouth. It can swallow hundreds of kilos of krill in each mouthful and eat several tons a day. . Blue whales eat a lot, yet Jehovah gives them what they need and will also give us what we need.

"There is the sea, so extensive and wide, full of countless small and large living beings." Psalm 104:25.

Our bones are impressive, they support the weight of our body, protect our organs and store most of the body's calcium, a mineral that is essential for our health, although they do not weigh much, the bones are very strong, the feet of an athlete when jumping , can withstand forces several times greater than their own weight.

Bones can be compressed and have some flexibility, but sometimes they break. A fractured bone can heal well if it is set correctly. The area where the fracture is becomes inflamed, then the body sends cells to that area that generate soft tissue between the broken parts, the soft tissue is replaced by harder tissue, and little by little the tissue turns into bone until it is is completely healed. In children, fractures can heal without leaving a trace. Jehovah gave each of the bones in our body the incredible ability to heal itself. 

“I praise you because I am wonderfully, impressively made.” Psalm 139:14. 

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